The afternoon sun was extremely bright, shining on the two girls, making them feel particularly warm.

Kneeling for a long time caused pain in her knees, so Cang Xue changed her kneeling posture to sitting cross-legged.

Seeing that Cang Xue was no longer kneeling, Zhao Xuan'er also struggled to get up, bent over and rubbed her knees.

Cang Xue took out a chopped green onion pancake from the opera box, which she had asked for from the residents of the town.

After thinking for a while, Cang Xue tore the pancake into two and handed half to Zhao Xuan'er.

""Thank you, sister."

Zhao Xuaner thanked her and took the pancake, gobbling it up.

After finishing it, Zhao Xuaner took out the water bag from her bag.

She didn't drink it herself, but handed it to Cang Xue first.

"Sister, you should drink the water from the well that the townspeople call the Dragon Locking Well first."

""Thank you, I have water."

Zhao Xuan'er retracted her hand and rolled her eyes.

A water bag and a broken gourd.

When the two girls were about to drink water, a light laugh suddenly sounded behind them.

Cang Xue and Zhao Xuan'er turned their heads at the same time. What appeared in their eyes was an old man in his seventies wearing a sheepskin coat.

The old man grinned, revealing a few crooked yellow teeth.

Cang Xue and Zhao Xuan'er both recognized the old man.

After all, the old man carried a straw target around the town every day.

""Grandpa, are you here to see Mr. Qi?"

Zhao Xuaner asked.

The old man shook his head.

He looked at Zhao Xuaner with kind eyes. He opened his mouth slightly.

""Girl, go to sleep."

Zhao Xuan'er's eyes suddenly became confused. In Cangxue's stunned eyes, the girl actually rested her head on the bag, closed her eyes, and breathed lightly and long.

She really fell asleep.

The old man cast his eyes on Cangxue.

The girl, who was holding the water hyacinth tightly with her two small hands, trembled violently, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on her exposed skin.

The old man's eyes were so scary that Cangxue felt that two sharp blades swept through her soul.

Everything she had experienced, even what she thought in her heart, seemed to be seen through by the old man.

"Little girl, calm down."

The moment the old man's words fell, the fear on Cang Xue's face disappeared immediately, and the hair that stood up like a needle became soft again, and the dense goose bumps gradually disappeared under the skin.

""Girl, come with grandpa for a while."

The old man stretched out a skinny hand.

Cang Xue held it obediently.

The old man and the child turned around and were about to leave.

Suddenly, with a snap, a slender hand as soft as jade rested on the old man's shoulder.

"Old Liu, are you tired of selling candied haws? Are you planning to switch to being a human trafficker?"

The old man turned his head and smiled at Qingyi, who looked cold.

In an instant, the three pupils of the schoolmaster suddenly shrank.

What came up was the old man's vertical palm as a knife.

In Qingyi's eyes, the old man's movements were extremely slow.

But as a land immortal, he could not even think of resisting.

He watched the old man's palm knife gently chop his shoulder.

In an instant, the sky fell.

The schoolmaster's tall figure suddenly sank, and his knees smashed the two bluestone slabs to pieces.

"Hey, Qi Xiaogui, this slap is the punishment for you scolding me last time."

"Chop me up for firewood~"

"I am not afraid of burning this world to ashes~"

He stretched out his finger and lightly touched Yu Qingyi's forehead.

The ripples spread and ripples rose and fell.

Old Liutou pulled the girl and turned around to face someone.

The first girl was sleeping soundly, and the second girl was being led by Old Liutou and didn't know where she was going.

There was also Qi Qingji, who had his knees sunken into the stone slabs, his eye sockets were full of white, and he fainted.

Zhu Jiuyin pulled off the white ribbon, stared at Old Liutou coldly with his red vertical pupils, and said expressionlessly:"Where are you taking my apprentice?!"


Half an hour later.

In the bamboo forest at the backyard of Jingchun Academy.

Qi Qingji was lying on the stone table with his back to the sky, snoring loudly.

The two girls were lying flat on the ground.

Zhu Jiuyin put his hands behind his back and looked at them carefully one by one.

Both girls were wearing coarse linen clothes and barefoot. They were both pretty, but the one with a younger bone age had a bright red birthmark on her forehead that was really hideous.

Zhu Jiuyin said without turning his head:"Don't pretend to be dead if you wake up."

On the stone table, Qi Qingji slowly sat up and subconsciously rubbed his sore shoulders.

He said with a surprised expression:"What's wrong with me? Why am I sleeping here?"

"Fellow Daoist Nanzhu, when did you come?"

"Aren't these two girls kneeling outside? Why are they lying here?"

Zhu Jiuyin looked at Qingyi and frowned,"You really can't remember anything?"

Qi Qingji asked in confusion,"What do you remember? What happened?"

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head,"Nothing."


After an incense stick of time, the school was closed.

Dozens of children from the town flew out in a line like sparrows out of a cage.

Soon, Qi Qingji came to the bamboo forest with two cups of blue and white porcelain tea.

"Since these two kids have been pestering you for so long, why don't you accept them as disciples?"

Zhu Jiuyin took a sip of tea.

"I only want one."

Qi Qingji replied


Zhu Jiuyin was curious.

Qi Qingji pondered for a while and said,"In this life, I will only worship one master, love one person, and accept one disciple."

"Is the person you love a man or a woman?"


"Alive or dead?"




Looking at Zhu Jiuyin's slightly narrowed eyes, Qi Qingji immediately said angrily:"It's not what you think!"

""Okay, okay, I know, don't get angry out of shame."

With a crack,

Qi Qingji slapped the stone table, leaving cracks all over it,"When did I get angry out of shame?!"

"No, not at all."

Zhu Jiuyin sat upright and changed the subject:"Fellow Daoist Qi, let me take one of these two children."

Qi Qingji was stunned and asked:"Which one do you want?"

Zhu Jiuyin asked back:"What about you?"

Qingyi pointed at the girl with a birthmark on her forehead and introduced:"This girl is called Cangxue."

She pointed to another one and said:"This one is called Zhao Xuaner"

"Cang Xue is a taciturn person with too many things on his mind. Zhao Xuan'er is more lively, but she is not heartless."

"I... haven't decided which one to take."

Zhu Jiuyin whispered,"How about testing them?"

Qi Qing nodded quickly,"Okay."

"What kind of test is it?"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled and said,"Human nature!"

Putting down the teacup, in front of Qi Qingji, Zhu Jiuyin gently wiped the two girls with his palms through the air.

Two pictures jumped above Cang Xue and Zhao Xuan'er.

The content of the pictures was exactly the same.

On the top of a mountain, a huge rock as round as a full moon was shaking, as if it would roll down in the next second.

At the foot of the left side of the mountain, there were ten adults who were tied tightly with hemp ropes and firmly fixed.

At the foot of the right side of the mountain, there were also people lying, but there was only one.

On the cliff opposite the mountain, in the two pictures, Cang Xue and Zhao Xuan'er were standing respectively.

Zhu Jiuyin explained:"The two children have fallen asleep."

"In the dream, they were extremely sure and believed that they could change the direction of the boulder."

"Kill ten people, or kill one person?"

"Let's see what the two girls will choose."

Qi Qingji frowned and said,"The boulder will definitely roll down."

"No matter whether it rolls to the left or the right, someone will definitely die."

"Whether the two girls saved ten people or just one, their conscience would be condemned."

"Nanzhu, you are too abnormal!"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled calmly,"This is the first choice, it is an appetizer."

"The perverts are all behind."

"Fellow Daoist Qi, look carefully, this is a selection of apprentices."

In his heart, Zhu Jiuyin was more inclined to choose Zhao Xuan'er as his apprentice.

Because it was Cang Xue that Old Liu wanted to take away before.

If neither Cang Xue nor Zhao Xuan'er could satisfy Zhu Jiuyin in this game of conscience, he would rather not accept either of them. No matter whether human nature is good or evil. When the two girls grow up to this age, their personalities have already been determined, and it is extremely difficult to correct them later.

Zhu Jiuyin would never want to experience the tragedy of the little one for the second time.


Ps: I worked overtime and didn't get paid.

I didn't have dinner either, rtm. Only one update today.

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