The sunshine at 3 p.m. warms my body, and the wind rustles the bamboo forest

"It's started."

Zhu Jiuyin pointed at Zhao Xuan'er in the air.

Above the girl, in the picture, the huge boulder on the top of the mountain immediately rolled down to the left as Zhu Jiuyin pointed.

There were ten adults at the foot of the left mountain.

There was only one on the right.

In the picture, on the edge of a cliff far away from the mountain, Zhao Xuan'er did not hesitate at all and gently pushed her left hand upwards.

However, the boulder that rolled down to the middle of the mountain suddenly stopped. Then it rolled up from the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain like a river flowing backwards. Then it rolled down to the right with a bang.


The shrill scream just stopped.

A person at the foot of the right side of the mountain was crushed into pieces by the rolling stone.

In the first test, Zhao Xuaner chose to save ten people and kill one person.

The key point of the test is not to save ten people or one person.

It is to save ten people or one person when the boulder will definitely roll to the left.

Assuming that the boulder is a flood, rushing down from north to south, it will definitely drown ten people living in the southern boundary.

As for the one person living in the western boundary, he will definitely be safe.

Zhao Xuaner and Cang Xue have the ability to divert the flood to the west.

Ten people who should have died.

The innocent one.

This is the key point of the test.

Zhu Jiuyin and Qi Qingji looked at each other.

"Nanzhu, if it were you, would you kill ten or one?"

"What about you?"

Zhu Jiuyin asked.

Qi Qing laughed without saying anything.

His slender fingers pointed at Cang Xue for the second time.

In the picture, the boulder could not be stopped from rolling down to the left side of the mountain.

On the edge of the cliff, the girl with a birthmark on her forehead watched ten people being crushed into a bloody mess.

"This little girl made the same choice as me."

Qi Qingji smiled and said,"I have a junior brother who traveled to Xiangang when he was young. One day, he passed by a place and encountered an evil cultivator attacking a caravan."

"Junior brother spoke up and wanted to save a dozen people from the caravan"

"The evil cultivator saw that my junior fellow apprentice was from the Jixia Academy, and although he did not dare to kill him, he had the intention to harm him."

"The evil cultivator gave my junior brother a choice"

"As long as my junior brother can catch one person and kill him in front of the evil cultivator, he will spare the lives of dozens of people in the caravan.

Zhu Jiuyin asked curiously,"What happened next?"

Qi Qingji smiled bitterly,"My junior brother actually ran to a village and caught a woman."

"In front of the evil cultivator and dozens of people from the caravan, he beat the woman to death with one palm."

"The funny thing is that the evil cultivator who started it did not make a big fuss about it. Instead, the dozen or so people in the caravan who were saved by the junior brother were eager to beat drums and gongs."

"This incident eventually caused a sensation in several countries, and people felt extremely sympathetic towards the poor innocent woman. A mountain of obscenities and extremely vicious curses almost crushed my junior brother to pieces."

"Later, the head of the Jixia Academy led a dozen great scholars and the junior fellow student to the village, apologized to the woman's husband, and accepted her son as a disciple, thus stopping the gossip."

"Afterwards, the Palace Master and dozens of great scholars took turns to persuade the junior fellow student with earnest words."

"What a pity~"

Qi Qingji sighed and said,"Junior brother's Tao heart was finally broken, his natal character was scattered, and he was tortured by his inner demons to the point of being worse off than death."

Zhu Jiuyin asked,"Did he commit suicide?"

Qi Qingji nodded.

"What my junior fellow student went through is almost exactly the same as your test."

Qi Qingji said in a deep voice:"Human nature is very complicated."

"If that day, my junior brother rejected the evil cultivator's vicious proposal, did not kill the woman, and watched the caravan die."

"If the incident gets out, people will still call my junior brother cold-blooded, heartless, and inhuman."

"If that day, my junior brother saw the evil cultivator and the caravan, he turned and ran away from the vortex."

"If the incident gets out, people will still call my junior brother a loser, a coward, and a mouse."

"If that day, my junior brother chose to fight against the evil cultivators in order to save the lives of dozens of people in the caravan,"

"If the incident gets out, people will still scold my junior brother for trying to shake a tree with an ant, which is ridiculous and overestimating his own ability."

"I will scold my junior brother for being stubborn and showing off, and I deserve to die."

"The word"humanity" is extremely sharp. People who can withstand the torture of being cut into pieces without saying a word, however, will be heartbroken and scream miserably when facing the sword of humanity."

After a long silence,

Zhu Jiuyin waved his sleeves, and the two pictures above the two girls slowly changed.

The same mountain, the same boulder.

However, this time, the ten adults at the foot of the left side of the mountain were replaced by ten children.

And the adult at the foot of the right side of the mountain was replaced by a vicious murderer.

The boulder rumbled to the left and rolled towards the ten children who"should have died".

The two girls faced the second test.

Zhao Xuan'er still chose to change the direction of the boulder, and finally crushed the murderer to death.

Cang Xue still had a blank expression and watched from the sidelines. In the end, the ten children were crushed to death.

The third test.

This time, the ten children at the foot of the left side of the mountain were replaced by ten murderers.

At the foot of the right side of the mountain, a murderer was replaced by a child.

The boulder rolled to the left.

In both pictures, ten murderers were crushed to death.

The fourth test.

In Zhao Xuan'er's picture, there were ten children at the foot of the left side of the mountain.

At the foot of the right side of the mountain was the girl's mother.

Cang Xue's picture In the video, there are also ten children at the foot of the left side of the mountain.

On the right side is the girl's younger brother, a child of about five or six years old wearing open-crotch pants.

The boulder turned to the left.

This time, both Zhao Xuan'er and Cang Xue chose their mother and younger brother.

The people the two girls cherished the most.

The fifth test was exactly the same as the fourth.

However, the number of children at the foot of the left side of the mountain increased from ten to twenty.

The boulder turned to the left.

A total of forty children were crushed to death in the two pictures.

The sixth test.

Zhu Jiuyin directly increased the number of children from twenty to one hundred.

The boulder turned to the left.

Cang Xue still chose her younger brother.

Zhao Xuan'er, with tears streaming down her face, gently waved her hand.

The boulder pressing down on the one hundred children stopped immediately.

Then it rolled up to the top of the mountain and slammed down to the left.

The girl's mother was crushed to pieces.

Zhu Jiuyin waved his hand.

The two pictures disappeared silently.

The two girls lying on the ground got up, their eyes confused, their steps stiff, and walked out of the school as if sleepwalking.


Zhu Jiuyin picked up the teacup and moistened his throat. He glanced at Qi Qingji and said,"Have you decided which one to choose?"

Qingyi nodded."

"But what if we choose the same one?"

Zhu Jiuyin said calmly:"Simple, rock-paper-scissors."

Qi Qing laughed and said:"I agree."

Qingyi stood up and went to the lecture hall, and quickly brought two small calligraphy brushes and two pieces of rice paper.


After handing one of the pens and a piece of paper to Zhu Jiuyin, the two of them covered the paper with their palms and wrote at the same time.

""Show it~"

Qi Qingji pushed his note to the middle of the stone table.

Zhu Jiuyin followed.

The two pairs of eyes looked at each other's note carefully.

They were exactly the same.


Qi Qingji rolled his eyes,"Let's start playing rock-paper-scissors."

Both right arms were hidden behind his back.

Zhu Jiuyin frowned.

Qi Qingji looked solemn.

"Three, two, one, out!"

Looking at the white knuckles on the back of Zhu Jiuyin's fist and the clearly visible blue veins, Qi Qingji laughed out loud.

"I lost."

Zhu Jiuyin said bitterly:"There is an old saying that the loser comes first. So, Fellow Daoist Qi, I won't be polite."

The unbridled laughter stopped abruptly.

Qi Qingji only felt a flash in front of his eyes.

Zhu Jiuyin disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"I...I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Despicable, dirty, shameless, just like a dog or a pig!"

…… ps: I drank a little during the team building, but I didn't vomit. I'll update three times on Dragon Boat Festival the day after tomorrow, see you tomorrow.

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