In the third year of Fuling, it was mid-winter.

The setting sun of the eleventh month shined on the girl, and she seemed to be wearing a beautiful golden dress.

The confusion in her peach blossom eyes gradually dissipated.

Cang Xue looked around.

She was surprised to find that she was sitting on a wooden block under the old locust tree at the entrance of the town.

Looking at the two opera boxes at her feet, the girl said in astonishment:"Didn't I kneel with that girl in front of Mr. Qi's school?"

"When did you get here?"

The wide bluestone street, the old locust tree with fallen leaves, the tall memorial archway, and the rows of houses are all bathed in the brilliant sunset.

The smoke from the cooking is as beautiful as a painting.

In the painting, there are old people walking unsteadily with crutches, or women walking hurriedly with baskets.

There are men returning from hunting with wild animals and happy faces, or children walking in groups of three or five with a small bundle of firewood, walking through the town's memorial archway.

Everyone is moving.

Only the girl is silent.

The painting looks particularly messy.

But whether it is the old man, the adult or the child, they all know where they are going.

Only the girl doesn't know.

Cang Xue doesn't want to Make yourself look pitiful.

So she carried a theatrical box on her back, and then picked up another one.

The girl left the old locust tree and walked under the memorial archway.

She looked up at the sky, then down at the ground. She looked forward and backward. She looked left and right.

The girl was at a loss.

The world is so big.

The world is so small.

It is so big that Cangxue doesn't know where to go.

The small girl can't even take the first step.

The dazed girl suddenly felt that she was being stared at.

So she turned her head.

What appeared in Taohua's eyes was a boy in white clothes whiter than snow.

The boy sat quietly on the wooden block where the girl had just sat.

Cangxue's heart trembled for no reason.

The sun sets, the old locust tree is silent, the white clothes are elegant and quiet, so beautiful


The red pupils under the white ribbon narrowed slightly.

Zhu Jiuyin waved at the girl.

The girl was stunned and walked to the front.

"Little girl, I am a good friend of Master Qi Qingji from Jingchun Academy."

"I want to ask you a question"

""Why do you want to take Qi Qingji as your master?"

Zhu Jiuyin asked.

The girl said without hesitation:"I have heard that Master Qi once opened the sky with a sword in the imperial city of Wei."

"I want to avenge my brother." I came here because of his reputation.

So that's it.

This is the importance of fame and traffic.

Zhu Jiuyin smiled slightly and said,"Girl, since you want revenge, why don't you become my disciple?"

The girl frowned,"Can you compare with Master Qi?"

Zhu Jiuyin pondered for a while and said,"I haven't fought, so I don't know. It should be 50-50."

The girl asked again,"Are you afraid of death?"

Zhu Jiuyin was stunned.

The girl whispered,"All the people who care about me, my mother, my adoptive father, my adoptive mother, and my brother, are all dead."

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head,"I am afraid of many things, but death is the only thing that I am not afraid of."

The cold wind blew, ruffling the girl's long and thick black hair.

The girl suddenly raised her palm to cover half of her forehead.

Feeling Zhu Jiuyin's undisguised gaze staring at the large bright red birthmark.

The girl suddenly gritted her teeth.

There was a sense of humiliation of being stripped naked and thrown into a crowd

""It's really beautiful."

Zhu Jiuyin smiled.

The girl's face, which was as pale as paper, suddenly turned blood red.

The girl, who was wearing coarse linen clothes and barefoot in the middle of winter, was sweating profusely for some reason. Her two rows of teeth were almost broken.

Looking at the girl who leaned over to pick up the opera box and was ready to flee.

Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"It's really beautiful"

"How did you embroider the sunset on your face?"

With a bang, the theater box fell to the ground.

A small, white skull rolled a long way.

The girl squatted on the ground, holding her head with both hands.

Suddenly, she burst into tears.

Zhu Jiuyin picked up the skull and put it into the theater box.

Then he squatted in front of the girl and whispered,"Come with me."

"Master will take you home"


The girl lowered her head and cried silently, while stretching out her two little hands to Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin smiled, gently embraced the girl's waist, and held her in his arms.


The sun set behind the mountain.

Night fell.

The temperature dropped sharply.

Zhu Jiuyin carried two opera boxes in one hand and the girl in the other, walking through the deserted long street.

The girl hugged Zhu Jiuyin's neck tightly, burying her little face in his neck.

Zhu Jiuyin could only feel the girl's tears were extremely hot.

‘Fellow Daoist Qi, don't blame me. Who told you to run so slowly?~’


A corner of the town.

Zhao Xuaner sat obediently at the foot of the wall, the confusion in her eyes slowly dissipated.

"Where is this...?"

In the two watery almond eyes, a cold moon was reflected.

Zhao Xuan'er was stunned.

How could it suddenly get dark?

Looking around, the girl suddenly widened her eyes and hurriedly got up.

On the edge of the Dragon Locking Well a few feet away, sat a man in a spotless green dress.

""Master... Master!"

Looking at Qing Yi's gloomy face, Zhao Xuan'er couldn't help but shudder.

""Where are you from?"

Qingyi asked expressionlessly.

Zhao Xuaner answered honestly:"Jinglong County, Liangzhou."

Qingyi continued:"As soon as I entered the town, I asked about me everywhere. My purpose was very clear!"

"You are a little girl with ulterior motives!"

The three dark pupils of Qing Yi were extremely grim.

Zhao Xuan'er shuddered with fear, and her knees softened, and she fell to the ground with a plop.

"My husband, my mother was killed."

"I... I read in the Jianghu Gazette... that you were once alone, asking the sword of Wei Du"

"That’s why…that’s why I came to see you."

The murderous aura disappeared instantly.

"So that's how it is."

Qingyi murmured.

Then he changed the subject,"Do you recognize words?"

Zhao Xuaner nodded,"Teacher, I studied in a private school for half a year, and I can barely recognize some simple ones."

Qingyi thought for a while and said,"Is that man, the murderer who killed your mother, powerful?"

Zhao Xuaner took a deep breath,"Very strong!"


Qingyi stood up, patted his butt, turned around and left


"Sir, wait for me."

"That person is not strong"

"Not strong at all!"

"Master, believe me!"

On the long bluestone street, the girl in blue was in front and behind.

He ran away and she chased him. He couldn't fly away even if he had wings.


A waning half moon and a few cold stars.

When Zhu Jiuyin arrived at the Chen family courtyard deep in Wuyi Lane, the girl in his arms was already sleeping soundly.


Pushing open the main room door, Zhu Jiuyin first placed the two opera boxes on the wooden table.

Then he gently placed the little girl on Nan Jinping's wooden bed.

Finally, he covered her with a quilt.

"Girl, see you tomorrow."

Zhu Jiuyin walked out of the room and closed the door.

It's not that he didn't want to be with the girl, but the holiday days were really short.

"Take the time to go to the peach blossom forest to see Ah Fei and Nan Jinping"

""Send Xue Niang over after we return to the mountain."

Zhu Jiuyin jumped onto the roof of the Chen family's house and tapped his toes lightly.

His tall figure in white clothes fluttered and leaped dozens of feet away.

…… ps: I wish all fellow Taoists a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance.

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