The night fell, and the fields were quiet.

A cold current was raging between heaven and earth.

In the small town, the lights on the four square tables of Xia's Restaurant were dim.

The old man selling candied haws in Xijian Lane was slurping the steaming hot noodles.

Opposite the old man, the restaurant's female shopkeeper, who was wearing a long ponytail and a white paper lotus on her head, squatted on a chair and exhaled smoke, frowned slightly and said,"Can you stop making the sound of a pig eating?"

"Hey, I'm used to it, I can't change it."

Old Liu gulped down half a bowl of hot soup, then wiped his mouth,"If you want to blame someone, blame your bottom for being so delicious."

""Old pervert!"

The shopkeeper spat fiercely.

Then she asked,"Did you see Him today?"

The old willow rolled his eyes and said,"Aren't you asking questions without knowing the answer? Don't you know when He came down the mountain~"

The shopkeeper took a deep puff of her pipe, exhaled a big smoke ring, and said,"That little girl with immortal blood has a huge cause and effect entangled with this world."

"Now that the immortal blood has seen the candle dragon, I wonder how many mountains of corpses will be piled up on earth."


Old Liu sighed and said,"I originally wanted to bring that little girl here so that you can take her as your apprentice."

"In this world, only the four of us can sever the karmic connection between the girl and the human world."

"What a pity! If I hadn't been delayed by that kid named Qi, I would have succeeded."

The female shopkeeper was puzzled and said,"My two uncles, and the master's six-character mantra are intact, plus the statue of the Emperor of Heaven, and four extremely powerful artifacts."

"How did he get out of the cave and down the mountain after being suppressed for such a long time?"

Old Liutou shook his head,"I don't know either."

The female shopkeeper said worriedly,"For the child of the Chen family in Wuyi Lane, he has killed tens of thousands of people and destroyed the destiny of an entire country."

"Hundreds of thousands more were killed for this immortal blood."

"By then, the dead souls will be in great rage, the way of heaven will burst, and the consequences will be very serious."

Old Liu thought for a while and whispered,"I have already passed the news that"He" can ignore the sacred objects and go down the mountain at will."

"But the master and the two uncles, including the Emperor of Heaven, are still in seclusion."

"In the space of one breath, the four of us may have lived for decades."

"We can’t wait."

The female shopkeeper said with a sad face:"So, slay the dragon again?"

"Time and time again, each time this world is torn apart."

"So many Taoists die every time, Shenmu Forest is almost full of burials"

"He is an ancient god, immortal and indestructible."

The old man smiled and said,"Junior sister, calm down."

"Senior Brother has a plan that will allow Him to curl up in the Zhoushan Cave for three thousand years."

The female shopkeeper curled her lips,"It takes us more than three thousand years to sleep."

The old willow-head grinned and said,"But after three thousand years, Master, the two uncles, and the Emperor of Heaven will come out of seclusion."

"By then, let the four of them worry about this hot potato."


The next day.

Early in the morning.

In the main house of the Chen family courtyard in Wuyi Lane, a small town. Cang Xue, who was lying on the wooden bed, suddenly opened her eyes and sat up.

The girl broke out in a cold sweat, her wet hair stuck to her temples, and her forehead was covered with

""I woke up."

A sound like the sound of a spring came into her ears.

Cang Xue looked up and saw a woman in white clothes and white hair leaning against the door frame. She was tall and graceful, with bright eyes and white teeth, very beautiful.

"Who are you?"

Cangxue's expression was full of vigilance.

The woman smiled lightly and said,"My name is Xue Niang."

Then she pointed at the girl,"Your master is my master."

Cangxue was stunned,"Master... Master?!"


As the sun rises, at the foot of Mount Buzhou,

Zhu Jiuyin sits cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, closing his eyes to rest.

The Pig King stands on the edge of the cliff, with his back to the world.

The little whirlwind stands upright like a person, looking forward to it.

About a cup of tea later, two footsteps come closer from afar.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly opens his eyes.


The girl stared at Zhu Jiuyin's golden pupils as she gasped. Her scalp was numb and she stepped back subconsciously.

"Don't you recognize me?"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled and said,"I am your master."

The girl swallowed twice, knelt on her knees with a thump, and kowtowed three times and nine times to Zhu Jiuyin.

""Disciple Cangxue, kowtow to the master."

The girl was really terrified. Whether it was the unbelievably young master in front of her, the unbelievably beautiful woman beside her, the unbelievably fat man behind her, or the white-haired rat as big as a kitten wearing a tiger-head hat beside her, they were all inhuman and looked like monsters.

‘Whether it's human or demon’

‘As long as you are willing to teach me. '

Cang Xue whispered in her heart.

In order to avenge the little brat, the girl can give up everything


After three kowtows and nine bows, Cang Xue stood up.

Zhu Jiuyin smiled and said,"From now on, I am your master and you are my disciple."

"The master's surname is Zhu, his given name is Jiuyin, and his nickname is Nanzhu.

The girl hesitated for a moment and said,"My surname is Cang, my given name is Xue, and I don't have a nickname."

"From now on, I will call you Xue'er."

Zhu Jiuyin first pointed at Xue Niang and introduced her,"Her name is Xue Niang."

Then he pointed to 'Facing All Beings' on the edge of the cliff and said,"Her name is Zhu Huang."

Finally, he pointed to Xiao Xuanfeng and said,"Her name is Xiao Xuanfeng"

"The three of them are all the master's minions."

Cangxue bowed deeply to Xue Niang and said,"Hello, Sister Xue."

Then he said to 'Back to All Living Beings',"Hello, Uncle Pig King."

Finally, he said to Xiao Xuanfeng,"Hello, Brother Xuan."

Xiao Xuanfeng corrected him,"I am a female."

Cangxue:"Hello, Sister Xuan."

Xiao Xuanfeng:"Can you call me Sister Feng?"

Cangxue:"Yes, Sister Xuan."

Xiao Xuanfeng:"……"

Suddenly, the cold mechanical sound of the system rang in my mind.

【Ding, it is detected that the host has successfully accepted a disciple】

【Disciple's name: Cang Xue

Talent: Immortal Blood

Age: Seven years old

Cultivation : Mortal body】

【The"Tongyou Xian Jue" has been tailor-made for Cang Xue, please pay attention to receive it. 】

Instantly, a huge amount of information fell from the void and poured into Zhu Jiuyin's mind.

‘Immortal blood?!

Ah Fei was born with a sword in his body, and he has a unique advantage in practicing swordsmanship. If he had not died, he would definitely be the leader of the Immortal Swordsmanship in a hundred years.

What is this immortal blood?

"Xue'er, follow Xiao Xuanfeng and Xue Niang to the town to buy some daily necessities."

"From now on, I will live in the small courtyard deep in Wuyi Lane."

"That's your senior brother's home."

Senior brother~

The girl was surprised.

It turned out that the master had fooled more than just her.

"Xue'er, no matter silk or satin or gold, silver or jade jewelry, as long as you like it, you can tell Xiao Xuanfeng"

"No matter how much, even if the shop is full, your sister Feng will steal it all back for you."

Cang Xue:"……"


Watching the big and small mice go farther and farther away,

Zhu Jiuyin slowly closed his eyes and was about to study the"Tongyou Xian Jue".

Suddenly, a voice sounded in his ears.

"Little girl, Pig King is the nickname my master gave me, and I don't like it."

"So I came up with a new name for myself"

"Mo Xuan!"

"How about it? Very charming, right?"

"Girl, from now on you can call me Uncle Mo or Brother Xuan."

"Girl, why don't you say anything?"

The Pig King turned around and looked at the empty surroundings.

"Hey, where are all the people?"


Ps: Three updates tomorrow.

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