Deep in the Zhoushan Cave.

Lying on the Red Fragrant Fruit Mountain, a stupid crane with its long neck drooped, was sleeping soundly while chewing spiritual fruits.

It burped from time to time.

Zhu Jiuyin sat cross-legged at the foot of the fruit mountain, comprehending the"Tongyou Xian Jue".》

《The"Tongyou Xian Jue" is divided into the external training chapter and the internal training chapter.

The external training chapter is further divided into the fist and foot chapter and the weapon chapter.

The fist and foot skills are"Mountain and River Fist", and the weapon skills are"Red Training Sword Skills".

As for the internal training chapter, it is"Tongyou Heart

Method". Zhu Jiuyin also saw a detailed introduction to"Immortal Blood" at the end of"Tongyou Xian Jue".

There is another ancient immortal skill called"Immortal Method·Reincarnation" to match it.

""Little girl, are you actually the reincarnation of an ancient immortal?!"

Zhu Jiuyin was slightly surprised.

Immortal blood is innate.

Either you are the reincarnation of an ancient immortal, or you are the descendant of an ancient immortal.

There is absolutely no way there can be an ancient immortal in this world, because the way of heaven does not allow it.

As for Zhaoyao Mountain, the first of the five poles in the world, the ancestors of the so-called immortals, that is, the group of ancient lost immortals, are just the descendants of ancient immortals.

"The bright red birthmark on half of the little girl's forehead is���"External manifestation."

Zhu Jiuyin murmured.

Immortal blood has two great uses. The first is an extremely long lifespan.

The second is that burning immortal blood in battle can temporarily gain strength that is several times or even dozens of times beyond one's current state.

And after the battle, except for a short period of physical weakness, there will be no sequelae.

Of course, following the law of conservation of energy, the immortal blood is less as it is burned.

Except for the ancient immortals, anyone with immortal blood cannot replenish the consumed immortal blood.

The ancient immortals are the springs. Even if a body of immortal blood is burned out, it can be replenished endlessly.

All descendants of the ancient immortals are spring water. The first generation of descendants have a large vat, and the second generation of descendants cut it in half.

After more than ten generations, there is only a small bowl left.

These descendants of the ancient immortals, their immortal blood is less than the spring water, and when they use it, they have less.

"Ninth to fourth grades are martial arts, and it is extremely difficult to activate the immortal blood."

"Only by entering the realm of inner cultivation and using the inner cultivation techniques to draw Qi into the body can the eternal Qi between heaven and earth form a self-circulating large and small Zhoutian in the body."

"Only with constant stimulation can the immortal blood be activated"

"Is the little girl the reincarnation of an ancient immortal, or the descendant of an ancient immortal who has been lost?"

Zhu Jiuyin has never been to Zhaoyao Mountain, nor has he seen the group of immortals who eat wind and drink dew, so he can't be sure whether the little girl is the reincarnation of a giant.

As for the ancient immortal skill of Immortal Law·Reincarnation, although it does not have the terrifying power of shaking mountains and collapsing the sky and sinking the earth, it can revive the dead.

Of course, the person who is resurrected cannot have died for too long, the shorter the better.

Otherwise, the three souls and seven spirits will be hooked to the underworld by the Black and White Impermanence, and the immortals will be useless in casting spells.

The body should also be kept as intact as possible, it can be missing arms and legs, but it cannot be a pool of meat mud.

"Too outrageous!"

Even though he possessed the two ancient divine skills of Shinto: The Birth of the Dead Realm and the Law of Heaven and Earth,

Zhu Jiuyin was still jealous because of the Immortal Law: Reincarnation.

"Unfortunately, no matter how terrifying the ancient magic and immortal skills are, they are all dead."

Reincarnation brings back the good and the bad.

It's like a sword, which kills both the bad and the good.

Killing good people will definitely lead to bad karma. Killing bad people may not necessarily lead to good karma.

Moreover, the Buddha did not intend to crush ants when he walked on the ground. There have always been people in this world, so where do good and bad people come from.

People who like to do good and give, like to raise dogs and eat dogs, in the eyes of beggars, he is a good person, the Lord of Heaven incarnate.

But in the eyes of dog lovers, he is a devil who is unforgivable and should be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell.

His wife suffers from a chronic disease. In order to save his wife, the husband becomes a bandit and burns, kills and robs for yellow and white things.

In the eyes of his wife, her husband's love for her is unswerving until his death. But in the eyes of the victims, the man should be torn into pieces


"Those whose bodies are severely mutilated cannot be resurrected."

"Those whose life span has ended cannot be resurrected"

"Those whose three souls and seven spirits enter the underworld cannot be resurrected."

"Those who do not have immortal blood cannot perform the spell of reincarnation."

"Too many restrictions~"

The most important point is that resurrecting the dead is against the will of heaven and will lead to the death of the heaven.

"It's like suddenly finding a mountain of gold."

"If you keep your mouth shut and don't use the gold mountain for profit, you'll be fine. If you spread the news and use the gold mountain for pleasure, you'll be thrown into jail immediately."


After noon

""Master, we are back."

Xiao Xuanfeng's voice floated in from outside and entered his ears.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly opened his eyes, stood up and walked out of the cave.

Under the bright sunshine, the little girl who was disheveled two hours ago was now wearing white clothes and white shoes, and had her hair cut. Her slightly yellowish black hair was tied into two long ponytails with two white silk ribbons.

Her face was still rough and yellow due to malnutrition, but her two peach blossom eyes were exceptionally clear and bright.

It can be said that she was completely renewed.

"Isn't this too white?"

The sun shines on the little girl, dazzling

""Master, I want to mourn for my adoptive parents."

Cang Xue said softly.

Zhu Jiuyin was slightly stunned, then sat cross-legged and waved to the little girl.

Cang Xue sat cross-legged in front of Zhu Jiuyin.

The girl did not dare to look directly at Zhu Jiuyin, and was obviously a little restrained.

Knowing that the master and apprentice were going to have a private chat, Xue Niang and Xiao Xuanfeng retreated far away.


Zhu Jiuyin pondered for a while and asked,"What do you have?……"

"Girl, you are finally back."

Zhu Jiuyin raised his eyes.

Cang Xue turned his head.

The big and the small were both looking at the Pig King standing on the cliff a few feet away, with his back to everyone.


After a while, Zhu Jiuyin continued:"Xue'er, you have……"

"Girl,"Pig King" is the nickname my master gave me, and I don't like it."

"So I came up with a new name for myself"


About four or five minutes later, Zhu Jiuyin continued:"Xue'er, you……"

"Mo Xuan!"

"How's that? Very rhythmic.……"


With a shrill scream, Zhu Jiuyin punched the Pig King hard in the air, directly knocking him off the cliff.


After letting out a long breath of anger, Zhu Jiuyin continued:"Xue'er, do you have any dreams?"


The little girl was confused.

"It is a life goal that you particularly want to achieve."

"Besides revenge, what else is there?"

The little girl thought for a long time.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the roar of the pig king sounded at the bottom of the cliff.

"Girl, from now on you can call me Uncle Mo or Brother Xuan."


Zhu Jiuyin's teeth were clenching


Zhu Jiuyin brought the little girl to the depths of the cave.

Staring at the piles of red fragrant fruits and smelling the refreshing fragrance, Cang Xue swallowed subconsciously.

The sound of snapping echoed.

The girl's eyes moved to the source of the sound.

What a big crane!

It seemed as if a white cloud was flowing on the top of the fruit mountain.

"It's called Jifeng."

Zhu Jiuyin introduced:"Little Tornado, Snow Lady, and even the Pig King, you can get close to them."

"Only this stupid crane, please don't approach unless necessary."

Cang Xue nodded obediently.

"Sit down."

The master and the disciple sat cross-legged facing each other again.

…… ps: This is the first update. Please give me some gifts. There are two more updates.

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