I Am A Toy Factory, Why Did I Get On The Sanctions List?

Chapter 97 Everything Will Be Different!

Countless viewers were confused at this moment. What kind of medicine is sold in Good Baby Gourd?

Something is wrong, something is very wrong!

And what everyone was talking about at the beginning was that Haobao was going to release a mobile phone today, Warriors Slay the Dragon.

As a result, it now seems that it is absolutely impossible to release a mobile phone. If we really want to release a mobile phone, and it is a cheap and easy-to-use mobile phone, it will be like digging up the ancestral graves of those big manufacturers. It is absolutely impossible to cooperate.

When everyone was at a loss, Su Yang walked onto the stage and walked to the center of the stage. He put one hand in his pocket and the other hand holding the microphone: "Hello everyone, we meet again."

"Now everyone should be curious about what kind of plane this press conference is about!"

"Everyone, please allow me to show off. Haobao Toy Factory has developed a new toy, a toy that can change the world!"

"Anyone with a camera can focus on my hands!"

Su Yang took out the shining photon chip from his pocket!

The photon chip wrapped in a glass sheet appeared in front of everyone.

In an instant, a lot of spotlights came on, and almost everyone was taking pictures. They didn't know what Su Yang was holding, but they knew it was definitely not simple.

Su Yang explained: "This is the first photonic chip mass-produced by Haobao Toy Factory!"

"Its performance is very strong. When I tell you about the parameters, no one understands those things. Let me tell you something that everyone can understand very intuitively, that is, its computing power is ten times more powerful than the current highest-precision silicon-based chips. !”

The whole place suddenly went into an uproar.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage almost disappeared. Everyone was so shocked that they even forgot to post the barrage.

Chips originally had no concept for ordinary people, but because of Bald Eagle's technological blockade and various publicity, everyone knew about chips.

We also know that chip technology is far ahead of overseas countries, and we also know that Long Country is restricted in every aspect because of chips!

Now Longguo has developed a more powerful chip? !

Su Yang's voice increased, suppressing the boiling sounds on the field: "Haobao Toy Factory, in the chip arms race, has developed a brand new track, a chip that is completely different from the previous silicon-based chips! "

"Lower cost and faster computing speed!"

I don’t know who stood up first in the audience: “What a baby, so awesome!”

Many people stood up and yelled with almost all their strength: "What a baby, so awesome!"

Many people had tears in their eyes and actually cried.

The people who received the invitation were all bloggers in the technology area of ​​major platforms. As enthusiasts who love electronic products, they have a deeper understanding of chips than ordinary people.

In almost every review they make, they compare Longguo's products with those from overseas.

But because they understand better, they often hate that iron cannot become steel!

Even if some products perform very well, many of the things in them are technologies from overseas.

There are many such things, but the most core thing is the chip!

All the chips in Rebus's assembly plant come from overseas, and the chip manufacturing process and even chip design all come from overseas.

They design the system around the chip!

As a mobile phone, the most core thing is someone else’s, which is really difficult.

But this situation appears in almost every mobile phone in Longguo!

Think about it, the 5g technology developed by yourself cannot be used by your own mobile phone, you can only use 4g, or even develop and manufacture fake 5g by yourself!

But now, with the new chip, everything will be different!

This is Dragon Kingdom’s chip, Dragon Kingdom no longer has to be controlled by others!

They are excited, they are even more excited than anyone else, because they care more than ordinary people.

Su Yang looked at someone in the audience crying excitedly, and was stunned for a moment, mainly because he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Are the emotions of these people a little too turbulent?

Upon closer inspection, Su Yang saw people who were not acting too violently, but their eyes were red!

He had actually seen this scene before. When he took out the top equipment, the generals reacted like this.

It seems that in addition to technological progress, this thing also has a special meaning to the people of the Dragon Kingdom!

Su Yang pressed the remote control in his hand, and the principle and detailed introduction of the chip appeared on the large screen behind him.

Su Yang had never memorized these things, but they were all in Su Yang's mind. He just glanced at them and began to introduce them quickly.

During this process, the number of people in the live broadcast room was increasing, and many people were sending messages online, literally rushing to tell each other.

In just half an hour, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 100 million!

With this number, almost half of the active netizens have entered the live broadcast room.

Quite perverted!

With such a terrifying amount of views, news about the chip is also spreading further.

However, the live broadcast is not over yet. The spread of such news is limited to someone posting it on the forum and simply spreading it on the Internet.

At this time, some people overseas saw such information, but no one believed it. No one believed it, even after seeing it.

After all, the photonic chip was still in the preliminary theoretical release stage not long ago. How could it be possible to have a finished product so soon?

Under such circumstances, only the Dragon Kingdom audience was reveling.

In the live broadcast room, Su Yang's introduction has reached the final moment: "At the very beginning, I told everyone that the cost of photonic chips is very low."

"Everyone knows that my cost is low, so my selling price is also low!"

"The price of such a chip is one hundred yuan!"

There was silence on the field, followed by excitement.

One hundred dollars?

What is this concept?

Xiaolong series chips easily cost more than one hundred US dollars, which translates to about one thousand dollars!

As a result, this chip with even better performance only costs 100 yuan?

Su Yang continued: "There is one more thing I want to tell you. The manufacturer we are cooperating with today has decided to make a big price reduction when using photonic chips!"

"In other words, the mobile phones used by everyone in the future will have better performance and lower prices!"

"Invite you next, Rebus!"

Su Yang turned sideways, and the audience burst into thunderous applause. He really had a lot of fans.

Although the high-end model has been criticized endlessly and has many bugs, the price is really good, and it does have a strong personal charm.

Rebus walked onto the stage, pressed the ppt button, and the mobile phone page appeared directly on it. Then he jumped back a little, and the price page also appeared, 2499!

The whole audience was excited. This price, damn, is it too fragrant?

Rebus quickly turned the ppt forward and said, "Don't pretend you didn't see it. We will announce the price later. My hands are fast and the remote control is not sensitive!"

The audience was still excited. What they had just seen was not only the price, but also the configuration!

Such an awesome configuration for only 2,500?

Quite the performance of a super high-end machine at the price of a mid-range machine!

Rebus continued to control the scene: "There are still people queuing up behind for the press conference. Everyone only has twenty minutes to introduce. Everyone listens to what I have to say first, and then everyone cheers after I finish!"

The factory fell silent, and Rebus said: "First of all, I want to say, thank you, Mr. Su!"

"Without Mr. Su, there would be no press conference, and there would be no new mobile phone market structure in the world in the future!"

"When everyone is surprised by the price of mobile phones, please remember that Su Yang is the one paying for the price reduction!"

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