The entire scene burst into cheers again.

Su Yang was in the audience, looking at the effect of the scene. It was right to say that the press conference was well done.

He took out the chip, and the scene was not so sensational.

Rebus continued to introduce mobile phones. The price reduction of mobile phones lies in the chips. Not only the core chips, but also various small chips have been replaced by photonic chips.

In fact, this phone and all other accessories have not changed much compared to the previous phones, but there is a huge difference in performance.

The performance of all accessories can be utilized to the extreme.

The previous heat dissipation was actually not enough, but when the photonic chip basically does not generate heat, the heat dissipation components are used on other components, and the effect is quite good.

Various performance on-site demonstrations, the effect is incredible!

Finally, there is the running score. From the previous two million, the running score data has gone straight to five million!

This is even when the chip is held back by other hardware.

Rebus looked at the camera: "How much is a mobile phone like this worth?"

Everyone in the audience shouted in unison: "2499!"

Rebus clicked on the next page of the ppt, and the prices appeared. The lowest price started at 2,499 and the highest price was 3,999!

"I only have two minutes left in this press conference. I don't want to talk about mobile phone performance in these two minutes."

"I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to the users who have purchased Xiaomi phones before."

"This phone has better performance than the phone released a few days ago, but it is much cheaper, which is a disservice to you."

"I have thought about it for a long time, hesitated for a long time, and even now I am still hesitating whether to make a decision that goes against my ancestors!"

“But everyone’s cheers just now made me determined!”

"From this moment on, customers who purchased this model and our flagship phone from the last launch will have their phones replaced with the photon version!"

"Customers who have already purchased and successfully obtained a new mobile phone can choose after-sales service for photonic upgrade and upgrade their mobile phone to a photonic chip for free!"

"This decision will cost us a lot, but it is better than losing everyone!"

Rebus looked at the time and bowed: "This is the end of our press conference. Please continue to enjoy the next press conference!"

The audience burst into applause, and in front of the live broadcast room, countless people burst into tears, especially those who had already purchased the new mobile phones released by Rebus before, and they were even more desperate!

But now they are only moved. Although the overpayment will not be refunded, the biggest surprise is that the mobile phone can be upgraded for free!

Replacing the chip and the cost of the new chip are also money!

The entire live broadcast room was moved, and many people even chose to go directly to the official website to place an order, only to find out that it was out of stock!

On the contrary, for those who have purchased a new phone before, after-sales service has been opened and the phone can be sent back.

Now, the extra money they paid is not a problem at all, and countless people are even upset, why didn't they buy rice in the first place?

The second person to take the stage was a senior executive. When he came on stage, he smiled bitterly: "Others are trying to attract others, but this time it's the gems that lead the way!"

"But we are not afraid. We are far ahead. After learning about the chip, in this short period of time, all our researchers worked overtime overnight to upgrade the entire series of hardware!"

"Our new mobile phone uses all new hardware. With the support of photonic chips, all aspects of performance have been comprehensively improved!"


Backstage, the few remaining big guys were sweating. What the heck, one was leading with price advantage, the other was leading with technological advantage, and there were not many points left for them to brag about!

At the end of twenty minutes, a new manufacturer came on stage to promote their new machine. Their new machine mainly promoted shooting and sound quality. The entire camera has been upgraded, and with the new chip, it can shoot fully intelligently!

It truly scans the currently required rendering mode based on the screen and automatically renders it, plus full resolution, automatic focus locking, etc., which also attracts countless people.

It can only be said that several manufacturers have predicted that this conference will actually be a competition.

Everyone tries their best to reflect their advantages so as not to fall behind and sell mobile phones better.

After everyone's press conference ended, Su Yang took the stage again.

He could now see that the faces of the people in the audience were red with excitement, and he could also see that almost everyone's eyes were red. That was because of excitement!

"These press conferences are really exciting. Enter the dragon and the tiger. I watched them in the audience and wanted to buy a set of them all."

"The price is also right. Because of the price reduction of chips, prices have been reduced across the board. Everyone rushes as soon as possible!"

“Finally, let’s talk about the photonic chip!”

"They need people to buy mobile phones, and we also need people to buy chips. If major manufacturers need to cooperate and purchase chips, they can contact our Ministry of Commerce and call our official contact number."

"You don't have to worry about the chip not matching. In addition, we can customize the chip no matter how small the sales volume is."

“Okay, that’s it for today’s live broadcast, thank you everyone for watching!”

After Su Yang bowed, the big screen at the back went out and the live broadcast ended.

The people in the audience were a little stunned. This live broadcast made them feel like they were in a dream.

Many people watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room also found it a bit incredible.

Too shocking!

The promotion of photonic chips and multiple mobile phones made them extremely excited.

At this moment, I couldn't suppress my excitement, so I rushed to the Internet and started high-frequency discussions.

At the same time, many companies that need to use chips have begun to discuss the feasibility of replacing photonic chips.

The fastest-moving companies are chip-related companies. For everyone in Dragon Kingdom, this is something worth cheering for. For them, it is a bankruptcy crisis!

The first thing they did was confirm, confirm whether these things were true or false!


At the scene, Su Yang picked up the microphone: "Don't leave in a hurry, our company has prepared dinner for you. It is located in a remote mountain forest, and it will take a long time for everyone to go back. Our chef's skills are quite good, you can try it. taste."

"Please follow the guidance of the staff and go to the canteen."

The cafeteria has two floors, but the cafeteria cannot accommodate so many people.

There are still many tables in front of the cafeteria at this moment.

The staff quickly arranged for the 800 people to be seated, and then quickly served the dishes. During the process, the staff also distributed red envelopes prepared in advance.

This is a routine red envelope. Those who were invited also took time to come and watch the fun. Afterwards, reporters had to write articles and bloggers had to record videos.

It’s a hard-earned fee, but of course it’s also a good call fee!

In this joyful atmosphere, someone moved his chopsticks. After eating a piece of garlic spareribs that looked quite good, he was stunned, and then said with surprise: "This is too delicious!"

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