I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1207 ‘Old Stories’

Whether they were former boundary breakers or enemies who were originally boundary breakers, they had contacted the headquarters as soon as they found Zheng Yichen.

The support from the headquarters arrived as soon as possible. Even so, the boundary breakers here were still guilty and worried about being killed by Zheng Yichen.

"How long will it take for the Eclipse to start?" A boundary breaker asked anxiously. The Eclipse plan has been going on for more than 60 years.

They did not catch up with the most glorious time of the boundary breaking organization. They have always used the old method to attack, and only benefited from the new version at the end.

This is also good. Their performance in this world belongs to the kind of hard work and great merit. Apart from anything else, as long as they can complete the task, it is a great achievement, which is calculated according to their efforts.

Although the new version of the headquarters has a higher success rate of breaking the boundary, the benefits of the version are more about their own acquisition ability.

"There are still sixteen days. There is no connection with the anomaly. The headquarters can only provide us with protective force."

This force is very strong, and even the agents can be killed, but Zheng Yichen is not among the agents who can be killed.

Therefore, when facing Zheng Yichen now, even with the support of the headquarters, they are still under great pressure.

Can they really survive for sixteen days?

"He slowed down, what's going on? Is he looking down on us?"

Seeing Zheng Yichen suddenly slow down in the monitoring, some boundary breakers were puzzled.

"BOSS? Won't you solve the problem quickly this time?"

"No, since it's all exposed, let's use the normal way." Zheng Yichen said while looking at the city in the distance, where there are still survivors.

When they came to this city, the situation here was similar to the previous town. The survivors were emotionally indifferent and in a withered state.

Zheng Yichen did not completely restore this place this time. He found a person who was dressed well and restored the other party to normal state.

After seeing Zheng Yichen, the restored person went crazy on the spot. Zheng Yichen was prepared for this. After easily suppressing the other party, he directly extracted the soul and stuffed it into the virtual world.

Let Lilith get the corresponding information. Anyway, for this hell on earth, the virtual world is a good start.

Soon, Lilith got the relevant information. People in big cities knew more, and Zheng Yichen found people in high positions here.

What happened here was similar to that in the small town. They all used the "festival" during the chaotic period. Of course, this place was not the first to use it.

Since it is a city, it has a stronger ability to resist crises. In the early days of the chaotic period, there were other ways to resist, but later as the eclipse intensified, it could not stand it.

It was not that the city's top leaders did it first. The top leaders did not even support the transmission of that kind of news, but they could not stop the relevant news.

Someone secretly created a corresponding festival, and even caused a small-scale disaster. Those disasters were suppressed, but similar things happened one after another.

In the end, the city couldn't stand it anymore, and that kind of festival was really useful, so it used this kind of festival, and then the next thing was out of control.

There were foreign dusk mercenaries here, but those dusk mercenaries were helpless against the solar eclipse, which directly led to the dusk mercenaries' actions here being very unsuccessful, and even became sacrifices for the festival.

Many aboriginals affected by the festival hunted the Dusk Mercenaries in groups...they were not unruly people.

"BOSS, you can collect more souls. These people are all people who participated in the Redemption Festival. None of them are innocent."

"Well, I understand." Zheng Yichen continued to look for those suitable people, who were very skilled in extracting souls, and the kind with families.

After all, this world has become like this. Even if it returns to normal, the people in this world may not be able to recover.

It is better to change places in advance.

Moreover, from the information Lilith obtained from the soul, everyone who can survive in this world has participated in the Redemption Festival.

Those who did not participate either died in madness or became sacrifices of the Redemption Festival.

After obtaining more soul information, Lilith analyzed that the impact of the solar eclipse is not a completely fixed damage, but a fixed percentage damage plus the current health value.

Strong people can temporarily resist this damage, but they will inevitably become weaker and weaker. If they are too weak, they will either become sacrifices or join the Redemption Festival.

Those who participated in the Redemption Ceremony offset the fixed damage and reduced the percentage damage, but after the Redemption Ceremony was terminated, a high amount of damage would burst out at once.

The offset brought by the ceremony was not that the ceremony itself offset the impact of the solar eclipse, but that the quality of the people participating in the ceremony was improved, so they could offset themselves.

They really made themselves into a dish.

"The power system of this world... huh? It seems to be somewhat useful?" Through a large amount of soul information, Lilith obtained a lot of useful information.

Let him further understand the Redemption Ceremony, the ceremony is useless to him, and the solar eclipse can't affect him at all, just wait for him to find the source of the solar eclipse.

And the power system of this world makes Zheng Yichen look quite special.

Balance and imbalance.

People with power in this world have these two main types.

Under normal conditions, keep their own power constant, strengthen and stabilize themselves, and make their own power unbalanced when fighting.

Because of the special power of the balance system, people in this world generally have dual or even multiple powers, such as light and darkness, good and evil, the five elements, the four basic elements, etc.

In the state of balance, their power is not incapable of being exerted, but the extent of exertion belongs to the normal value, but because the upper limit of the natives has not been additionally enhanced.

This leads to the normal upper limit of the power of other people being 100, and the normal upper limit of the power of the natives here is also 100, and it will not exceed this upper limit because of the power of dual or multiple properties.

For dual attributes, both are 50, and if multiple, continue to be divided equally.

Therefore, in the state of balance, the power of the natives in this world is relatively low.

Even if there is no conflict with the dual power, because it is only half the level, even if two powers can be used, they will be crushed when facing opponents of the same level.

If it is multiple attributes, it will be even weaker.

But the biggest feature of the power system in this world is imbalance.

This feature can allow the natives to burst out with super strong imbalance power, but the price is that the balance power loses balance and begins to collapse.

But after the explosion, it is really powerful. Under normal circumstances, the intensity of each of their powers is calculated according to the intensity of the balanced balance.

When the imbalance explodes, the power increase brought by the imbalance is extremely strong. This increase rate starts at 200% in dual attributes and 300% in triple attributes.

This is the lower limit, not the upper limit. It does not mean that people with dual attributes cannot exceed the upper limit of triple or quadruple attributes.

But this thing is equivalent to the spiritual root talent in those immortals... There is no such thing as a single spiritual root. A single attribute cannot be trained to maintain balance. The five spiritual roots in the ancient times were geniuses. In this world, having more attributes is also a genius.

It's just that such a being is powerful, but it's not easy to become stronger.

With fewer attributes, it's easier to control the power after imbalance, which can more effectively reduce the damage caused by imbalance, and the operation is not complicated.

When the two attributes are unbalanced, just make one side stronger than the other. In the unbalanced state, the two attributes are mainly stronger.

Starting with a 200% increase rate, even if it becomes an unbalanced state of 51:49, the power exerted is considered to have broken the upper limit.

It can also be extreme and directly 99:1. For people who can achieve this level, in an unbalanced state, the increase rate is definitely not only the 200% guaranteed by the dual attributes.

It is conceivable how strong such a person can exert when unbalanced, but in this unbalanced state, the person concerned may not have a good end.

For this kind of power.

In addition, there are people with multiple attribute powers. People with multiple powers can try to exert multiple powers in an unbalanced state instead of switching between two powers.

Although the exertion of multiple powers will also weaken the exertion of corresponding powers due to the balance in the imbalance, it is flexible. People who can do this can still use a single attribute, and can also switch to other unbalanced attributes during battle.

It depends on the specific needs.

In general, the basic upper limit of dual attributes is low, but it is easy to get started, and the balance is stable and not easy to have problems. It belongs to the early purchase and early enjoyment.

The multi-attribute ones are difficult to get started with and difficult to grow in the early stage, but they will be more stable when they grow up.

The dual attributes can be pulled to the extreme 99:1 imbalance ratio, which is extremely dangerous, while the triple attributes can be 98:1:1, which is much more stable in terms of maintenance than the dual attributes, and the burst is also more fierce.

Don’t think that there is only one more stable point, and the four attributes, five attributes and the like are more stable in terms of maintenance.

Of course, because there are too many attributes, the difficulty of imbalance operation will also appear higher, and the operation is difficult to get started, and it is safer in the later stage.

In terms of strength, this world is still very balanced.

This special power system inevitably aroused Zheng Yichen’s corresponding interest.

He has mastered many power attributes, and his upper limit is also extremely high. Even if he is affected by the balance, it will not affect his performance.

"Lilith, start looking for powerful creatures that survive in this world now." Zheng Yichen gave Lilith a new task.


The Wheel of the Sky broke away from Zheng Yichen and began to search the world in a wide area.

Soon, the target that Zheng Yichen wanted to find was found.

Zheng Yichen's figure left the city as the space twisted, and the boundary breaker who was monitoring Zheng Yichen also lost his trace.

A giant beast wandering on the land of solar eclipse, constantly looking for survivors, looked into the distance, and the flame of appetite burned in its gray eyes.

Such a giant beast relied on its strong physical fitness and strength to resist the impact of the solar eclipse, and the emotions of non-human creatures were not strong enough, which further reduced the impact on it.

It would instinctively maintain itself and try to devour other natural creatures with spirituality.

In the eyes of this extremely empty giant beast, there was an existence that could make it return to normal and approached quickly. If it devoured the other party, it would not be affected by the solar eclipse...

The blood-colored light and shadow flashed by, and the giant beast with a strong appetite and burning was stiff in place, and the withered blood gushed out.

Zheng Yichen's figure appeared, revealing an uncomfortable expression: "It's so disgusting."

Zheng Yichen had tasted the blood of dead creatures, the taste was hard to describe, and what he was touching now was only slightly better than the blood of dead creatures.

Although this giant beast still had great power, it was almost the same as a dead creature.

Without stopping, and without time to continue to feel sick, he continued to look for the next target. These local strong creatures were too weak, and it was like a lottery for him to take action.

With his strength increasing and his will interfering, the probability of triggering the information solidification that came with him also increased significantly, but he still got nothing when he used it on such a giant beast.

With the current understanding of this world, the solar eclipse was obviously caused by some kind of imbalance.

The boundary breaker was too good at taking advantage of the local characteristics, so Zheng Yichen temporarily gave up looking for the boundary breaking core directly, and instead took action on the local powerful creatures first.

Since imbalance can cause problems in the world, then... can it also work on the big world?

Well, as an agent, it is difficult for him to do this, but he can do this to the boundary breaking organization.

"Hmm?" Zheng Yichen, who was looking for another local creature, stopped, and a moon arc fell in front of him.

Zheng Yichen looked at the roadblocker with some surprise, grinned slightly, and disappeared in the distortion of space again.

A light and shadow moved forward with Zheng Yichen at a faster speed, and the pure light passed through the distorted space. Zheng Yichen pressed down on the space next to him, and the shock stopped Yue Heng who was chasing him.

The domain master who came here in the state of descending stared at Zheng Yichen intently, and the light blade in his hand was stained with a layer of black fire.

The Breaking World Organization has developed a lot of new technologies with the Heaven-Slaying Sword, but the use of this power is too damaging to the user.

She is one of the few domain masters who can withstand it without damage.

However, her specialness is also difficult to copy. Other domain masters can withstand it without damage and have reference value. Her undamaged bearing depends entirely on the purity of her own power.

The pure power makes her like an insulating and heat-insulating material, which can ignore the influence of the destructive flame. Other domain masters can only ignore the influence in the big world.

The moon arc stained with black fire flashed by Zheng Yichen, and the remaining destructive black fire burned on his body. The cut parts kept cycling between injury and recovery.

Yu Heng's eyes were cold, and he was not excited because the attack was effective. The further purification of power made her emotions extremely pure, which did not affect his judgment.

After successfully blocking Zheng Yichen, Yu Heng threw out a crescent-shaped knife, killing the local giant beast in the distance, and the corpse turned into ashes under the burning of the fire of destruction.

"I don't have such a big grudge against this woman, right?" After extinguishing the fire of destruction, Zheng Yichen looked at Yu Heng with a cold expression. Did the other party use his true appearance to descend this time?

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