I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1208: Imbalance

Although Zheng Yichen's vision can see overlapping figures, the overlapping figures are syncing with Yu Heng, and the other party is forcibly transformed into a new Yu Heng by Yu Heng's pure power.

With this transformation, Yu Heng's power is getting stronger and stronger.

Even in the extremely pure killing intent, Zheng Yichen also sensed the influence similar to malicious erosion. Her pure killing intent can directly affect the target through space.

After receiving the bonus of the world's will, Yu Heng's growth rate has been greatly enhanced, and a descending incarnation can show some threats.

Yes... some threats.

The descending incarnation is not the original body, and the strength gap is very large. In addition, it is not in the big world, so the threat is limited.

"BOSS, according to my analysis, this woman has extreme power cleanliness. You used black light to pollute her."

"How long ago did this happen?" Listening to Lilith bringing up this old story, Zheng Yichen found it difficult to understand the other party's persistence.

Moreover, Yu Heng had long since gotten rid of the influence of the black light, and the purity of his power made Zheng Yichen feel a little inferior.

Of course, when they were compared, purity was not equal to the quality of power.

His power was not as pure as Yu Heng's, but the quality was higher.

"Some things cannot be erased with time, BOSS."

"Okay." Zheng Yichen waved his hand, and the blazing immortal fire burned from his body, and the extreme speed ability and will interference had an impact on the environment.

Yu Heng, who was close to Zheng Yichen, immediately felt that her speed slowed down, but she broke through Zheng Yichen's blockade in the next moment.

Although Zheng Yichen was showing a very fast speed now, her speed was faster! !

The moon blade burning with black fire cut Zheng Yichen's palm, and when the sharp moon blade cut the muscle, the process of the muscle fibers breaking was clearly visible in Yu Heng's eyes.

Under the influence of the annihilation black fire, even with the recovery of the immortal fire, the injuries caused by Yu Heng could not be recovered normally.

In the extremely fast and silent, Yu Heng saw a crack on her moon blade.

! ?

The extremely sharp moon blade finally did not continue to cut, and the moon blade shattered before the attack was halfway through.

Yu Heng instantly distanced himself from Zheng Yichen, and the bombardment of the Demon Abyss burst out from Zheng Yichen without dead angles.

Yu Heng, who was far away from Zheng Yichen, could feel that there was something wrong with her current body.

The previous explosion and the breakthrough of Zheng Yichen's speed blockade were not without cost. Her original body would not have any problem here, but this was just an incarnation of a descending god.

It simply could not withstand such a strong confrontation.

The body was damaged, causing the power she descended on this body to no longer maintain its original purity and flawlessness. Such a flaw brought failure.

"... I'll wait for you in the 'big world'." After leaving this sentence, Yu Heng directly withdrew his power, and the descending god body that looked like Yu Heng turned into ashes.

In the big world, Yu Heng frowned slightly. The result of this battle was not satisfactory, but compared with the previous passiveness, she was able to take the initiative.

The power of destruction is too useful for dealing with immortal beings. Any recovery restrictions such as curses are not as direct as the destruction brought by the power of destruction.

A pure moon blade appeared in her hand, and the fire of destruction burned on it.

She didn't like this kind of power. Even if the fire of destruction would not have any effect on her power, it would eventually make her own power contaminated with something else.

As a domain master who can withstand the fire of destruction without damage, she is still a candidate for using the weapon of annihilation.

She scored very high in the assessment test and may be a better user than Ban Long.

"Too many people are waiting for me." Zheng Yichen looked at the wound on his palm. The impact of the fire of destruction was great, but this kind of fire did not look like a weapon of heaven.

Although it is difficult to eliminate it in a short time with its own recovery power, the influence of destruction can be quickly eliminated by using the creation and the chaotic sea water.

This kind of power is equivalent to a nuclear weapon. It is difficult for him to recover after being injured, and it will be even worse for the enemy to be injured.

Unlike the enemy, he is more resistant.

The prey he has chosen is gone, and he has to go somewhere else. This time, no one will come out of nowhere to stop him.

After obtaining the characteristics of balance, Zheng Yichen continued to hunt on the surface, but in fact, he has been replaced by a bionic man when he is outside.

The Boundary Breaking Organization is not unaware of his threat. If he continues to approach the place where the Boundary Breaking Core is located directly, the Boundary Breakers will inevitably choose to fight to the death.

Simply use a little trick and use a bionic man with the same breath and even the power he shows to induce.

He himself acts in secret, and his will interferes to enhance concealment. His special vision allows him to observe whether there is any special monitoring.

This world is not a big world. There is no world will of the Boundary Breaking Organization to monitor without blind spots. Zheng Yichen wants to hide deliberately, and those Boundary Breakers will not be able to find his trace.

"That thing is not a living thing." Zheng Yichen looked at the Boundary Breaking Core of this world with regret.

It was a huge robot over 200 meters long, and its shape was somewhat similar to the imitation god machine that Zheng Yichen had seen before.

In the chest of this robot, there was a core similar to a Dyson sphere, and broken light overflowed from that core.

Zheng Yichen felt that Lilith's energy system could be updated.

"Okay, let's try the new balance, Lilith, get ready to start recording."

"Understood." Lilith responded briefly.

The power of balance is very special. For the natives, when they don't need to lose balance, they have several attributes, which means that the output of the corresponding attribute power is reduced several times.

This effect is a correction for Zheng Yichen. The upper limit of weak power is enhanced because of balance. Although the upper limit of strong power is reduced due to balance, the total upper limit of mass and power has not changed. It is just that the influence of balance has been balanced to another part.

Many of his powers are transformed from himself, and they are not there under normal conditions.

Balance is only useful for those opposing powers, such as black light and white light, five elements of light and darkness, good and evil, etc.

When the internal force does not have special attributes, it is not affected by balance. However, after Zheng Yichen tried to integrate the attributes of elemental types, the internal force would be evenly divided by balance.

If he doesn't want other powers to be affected by balance, he can just transform the power without opposing attributes.

Under normal circumstances, his normal strength is only internal strength. Although the divine core has multiple powers, they are obtained by Zheng Yichen's refining, not part of his body. At most, they are inseparable from his own divine artifact. He can make the divine core unaffected by his own balance.

As for the vitality that is more vigorous than the internal strength, that kind of power is considered a special power when used, and it is a part of life itself when not used. Moreover, under normal circumstances, he does not have the death power that will oppose the vitality.

Although annihilation and creation are also his own power and are opposite, this kind of power is not within the scope of normal power.

When Zheng Yichen does not use these two powers, they can be regarded as non-existent. Both sides can be regarded as disconnected from the network. Only when they are connected to the network will they be balanced because of the opposition.

It is more beneficial for him to have a balance between these two powers, even if it will affect the total upper limit of each other, but it is still the same. The quality does not change.

Moreover, he has used these two powers, so why would he use the normal balance?

The continuous outbreak of imbalance will only be stronger. The imbalance dominated by annihilation can make the annihilation power stronger, and the imbalance dominated by creation is the same.

As for the power of destruction, that comes from the divine core, and Zheng Yichen can separate it when he doesn't need it.

"Watch me take this down with one strike." Zheng Yichen waved his hand, and the Sky Wheel appeared silently, strengthening his isolation from the surrounding environment.

The power of destruction and creation appeared at the same time. Destruction and creation are also opposites, but they are not as strong as annihilation. Therefore, under the influence of balance, the power of destruction is corrected and strengthened.

He just dismantled a broken world core, and there was no need to use annihilation. He was going to make a new attempt to balance annihilation and creation.

Dusk was very bad, but the arrangement of the task world for the agent was always very suitable. Even according to the state of this world, Zheng Yichen found a new countermeasure.

The big world swallowed up so many worlds, so is the world environment over there balanced or unbalanced?

This will be known after going back. If he didn't understand the power framework of this world and think of new countermeasures, he wouldn't waste so much time here.

A 50%:50% comparison value appeared in Zheng Yichen's vision.

As the balance turns to imbalance, the comparison values ​​also begin to increase and decrease. The creation part is quickly reduced to 35%, and the corresponding destruction part is increased to 65%.

Zheng Yichen has just mastered this new power. The imbalance is not high, and the increase rate after imbalance is not high, about 240%.

The degree of destruction power is above 150%. If it is a three-balance structure, the power can be stronger, but there are only three types of power that can squeeze into this level.

Destruction and annihilation are still overlapping, and only a two-balance structure can be maintained.

This is enough. The current rate of destruction power is very strong, although the side effects of imbalance are also serious, and they are exchanged for life.

According to the information obtained by Lilith, most people in this world are within a 10% gap when using imbalance.

Most of those who exceed this difference are dead.

Zheng Yichen's body was strong enough to resist, so it wasn't long before he was able to use the difference of 30% of the power. This was not his upper limit, but the imbalance damage had already reached a very obvious level.

"It's OK!" Zheng Yichen exhaled, and the Sky Wheel that reinforced the surrounding environment disappeared instantly, and the surrounding environment that isolated the outside world collapsed.

Before the huge robot could react, the distorted space around Zheng Yichen was torn apart by the power of destruction, and the distance of dozens of kilometers was instantly zero.

The dark power of destruction wiped out the robot's head and upper body, and the "Dyson Sphere" in its center emitted a restless and dangerous light.

It was a self-explosion that had been brewing for a long time and had been suppressed!

? !

The black light column completely exploded, directly erasing everything related to the Eclipse.

The spreading impact of destruction destroyed everything nearby.

The sky showed the disappearance of the eclipse phenomenon due to imbalance, and the normal sunlight was scattered on the earth again. The world that was unbalanced by the Eclipse slowly returned to its normal state of balance.

The swaying aboriginals looked at the sky blankly. The world recovered very quickly, but the aboriginals, who were the fuel that caused the world's imbalance, could only recover slowly, and it was even difficult for them to return to their original state.

"This world..." Zheng Yichen took out a few trading scales from the built-in space and left them here, and left the seeds of the tree of life near the city he encountered.

This is his help.

The tree of life can affect the environment and restore the physical condition of the natives. As for the mental state, that problem comes from the weakening of the soul and cannot be controlled.

If the natives of this world can maintain their normal life state, the next generation can recover.

There are still four Twilight Sisters in this world, which means that the population of this world has been retained by 200 to 300 million, which is... not bad?

"How long will I rest this time?"

"Estimated ten days."

"That's enough, go back now!"

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