I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1255 Calm Period

Tong Yue has kept a lot of things, but if they can avoid wasting them, they will not waste them. There will be places to use them next. If the Breaking World Organization is pushed into a corner, it is unknown what they will come up with.

The Breaking World Organization had existed for a long time when she just became an agent.

If it were not for the fact that they could not crush the agents by numbers, the Breaking World Organization would definitely come up with more low-level cannon fodder at this time.

But those low-level cannon fodders would not bring them any consumption at all, but instead provide them with resources. There are too many agents who can use various lives on the scene.

Even Zhu Li can directly condense dangerous curses by harvesting a large number of lives.

"I want to try again. Next time, let him add a layer of annihilation to me."

Tong Yue, who only had her head left, was still shouting. Whether she had lungs or not did not affect her normal speech. Without that thing, she could still make sounds by the vibration of power.

"Be quiet for a while." Wu Lingluo glanced at Tong Yue. At this time, Tong Yue's painful transformation had not subsided. Even if she only had a head left, she still had powerful power.

The extreme pain transformation made Tong Yue's mental state extremely excited. There was no trace of the feeling of a girl next door. Some were even more violent than the Berserker.

Wu Lingluo liked this kind of fighter.

Violence does not lose reason. For Tong Yue, losing reason because of pain is the biggest taboo. Losing reason means that she cannot fully feel more pain, so her strength cannot be enhanced.

Tong Yue was sent to Zheng Yichen. Zheng Yichen took a look at her and directly used the power of creation to wipe her severed head. The missing body quickly recovered as before.

"Alas, if it is the inner world, I can only be like this, right?" Tong Yue showed her figure in front of Zheng Yichen without any care.

As long as you take the life system route, there is no bad figure, including Zheng Yichen.

"Cover it up, so many people are still fighting." Zhu Li slapped Tong Yue on the buttocks, and the latter didn't feel much.

She quickly put on a set of clothes and looked back at the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization, eager to try. Zheng Yichen looked at Lilith's statistics. The casualty rate at this time was not high.

However, the counterattack intensity of the Breaking World Organization was increasing. Long no longer had any communication with Zheng Yichen, and was doing his best to unfold those world bubbles.

Even so, it would take nearly a day for these world bubbles to be fully formed.

So far, no world bubble has grown into a complete world, so no matter how much foundation Long has accumulated, he cannot be promoted from the will of hell to the will of the world.

She needs to go all out to hold out a complete world. Zheng Yichen did not directly participate in the battle in order to avoid any surprise attacks from the Breaking World Organization.

The Breaking World Organization cannot use the method of cutting off in this place, as long as the world bubble can be formed.

Those agents also chose a conservative defense method, so the casualties have always been very minor.

"What is that?" Some agents looked at the sky, and a black dot fell from the sky. It was a meteorite... no, it was a star!

"Finally, this situation has occurred." Zheng Yichen breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the falling stars. He had always been worried that the Boundary Breaking Organization would use this type of attack.

The will of the world is dominated by the Boundary Breaking Organization. If they really came up with an attack of falling stars, Zheng Yichen would not find it strange. He even thought that the Boundary Breaking Organization could tolerate this method until now.

It's just that such an attack is very strong in theory, but under normal circumstances, it cannot affect places like the small world. After all, the attacks of the small world and meteorites are not on the same spatial level, so it is easy to avoid them.

But when dealing with agents, this method is simply effective.

Zheng Yichen breathed a sigh of relief, and the vision of the inner world unfolded, and then the vision collapsed rapidly. It was not that he could not maintain it, but that it was caused by the counterattack of the Boundary Breaking Organization.

The strengthening of the inner world by the world bubble made his vision appear and merge with the mental image, which was greatly strengthened, at least it would not collapse completely when it collapsed.

In this regard, he has broken away from the vision manifestation characteristics of the ancient lord. When maintaining the creation environment, the vision that appears is no longer a real bubble, but a real environment, but it needs Zheng Yichen to maintain it.

Even when Zheng Yichen maintained this vision, this environment could still evolve naturally. As long as the vision environment he maintained was stable enough, it would not be impossible for life to be born naturally over a long period of time.

But under this premise, once he removed the image, it would be no less than the end of the world for everything inside.

The remaining vision enveloped Zheng Yichen. In the eyes of the crowd, they saw that there was an existence in the sky that could pick stars with hands. The stars that fell from the sky were grasped by this giant.

The huge star stagnated in mid-air, and this star without any life eventually disappeared.

Inside the Sky Wheel, Lilith looked at the glowing and resonating star god cores. These star cores were not her star core batteries. The two were not comparable, at least the original star core batteries were not comparable.

The star god cores were things that could grow directly into stars, and the Sky Wheel stored more than three thousand star god cores.

These things provided almost unlimited energy for the Sky Wheel, and they also played a big role when Zheng Yichen crushed the stars at this time.

Normal stars do not have such star god cores, but the many technologies in the Wheel of the Sky can come in handy.

Under the compression of the Star God's core, the disappeared planet was transformed into high-concentration planet fat through the planet fat refining technology.

This thing is also a super-high-performance fuel. Just one drop can maintain the inner city of the Sky Wheel for at least ten years. During this period, all kinds of conventional energy consumption in the inner city are included.

Including experimental operations with high power consumption, this part of the consumption is also counted in the conventional consumption.

But the inner city of the city does not need planet fat as an energy source now, and more ordinary energy will be enough. Unless it is a special project that requires instantaneous high output energy support, other types of energy will be used.

"BOSS, the conversion rate is 64%, and there is still a lot of room for optimization of the planet fat refining technology." After completing the conversion, Lilith reported to Zheng Yichen.

"Okay." The conversion rate is not a big deal. This is an attack launched by the enemy. As long as it is blocked, it will not be a loss no matter how it is handled.

What's more, he has many ways to attack stars, such as the array composed of star god cores, earth devourers, star-devouring evil spirits, etc. What natural disaster meteorites, in the environment of the big world, Zheng Yichen didn't even look at them.

In the battle here, it is meaningless to crush with huge volume.

In the previous battles, many battles between agents and domain masters broke a large number of large domains, and this was based on the premise that the earth of the big world also had "planet resistance".

Under such a premise, large domains can be broken, not to mention the stars used for attack.

In the world, the main heart planets have planet resistance, which can greatly weaken many attacks after landing.

But this kind of star that fell from the sky and has nothing to do with the heart planet does not have such treatment.

This is equivalent to the comparison between the dazzling gems and the stones on the roadside. The gems are extremely valuable. Although they need to be displayed, they have many high-end protection technologies that do not affect the display.

Under this protection, even if someone collides with a dump truck, the gems will not be destroyed.

And who cares about the stones on the roadside?

Let's put it this way, the effect of the attack on the earth of the big world against these stars will be at least a hundred times greater.

Zheng Yichen, who rarely maintained his giant form, frowned slightly. He maintained this huge posture, and his range perception was also enlarged.

In the enlarged perception, Zheng Yichen sensed that the big world was filled with a huge amount of "pain".

The war between the Agent and the Breaking World Organization has caused the big world to suffer.

The ability to feel this "pain" that is not a purely negative force is the result of the things that Wu Lingluo and the others brought back before.

Along with this perception of pain, Zheng Yichen's abnormal mental perception from the Great Evil God is also taking effect, and the resentment of countless affected creatures is filled in the big world.

These pains and resentments are intertwined, and even formed a mighty wave, targeting everything in this world, and the scale is more exaggerated than the corpse of the god.

But such an aggregate is destined to be meaningless. Now the Breaking World Organization is unable to spare any hands and will not care. If they win, such an aggregate is just an experiment.

The sky of the big world is all from the Breaking World Organization. What role can such a collection play?

Anomalies in the world? Can't the Heaven-Slaying Weapon just chop that thing?

Before the second star fell, Zheng Yichen saw a black spot. A strong suction came from the sky. Zheng Yichen put his hands together and controlled the black hole that was created.

Zheng Yichen had only seen the power of this thing in science fiction works, but now the feeling after actually touching it is... okay?

Under normal circumstances, facing a black hole, there is definitely not much resistance, at least it is impossible to resist at this distance.

But this thing has little impact on the earth of the big world. The resistance of the planet and the earth can block the impact of the black hole.

The higher the environment of the world, the less terrifying the role of the black hole.

On the contrary, in the low environment world, this thing is a real destroyer.

Catching this black hole created by the Breaking World Organization did not bring much pressure to Zheng Yichen. His way of grabbing it was very simple. The world barrier created by the world bubble directly isolated the impact of the black hole.

What Zheng Yichen is holding now is the world bubble, not the black hole itself. No matter how destructive this thing is, it cannot break through the world bubble. It will only be like the black hole picture in the video. It looks scary, but it will not cause any harm to the audience.

The subsequent impact of this black hole was directly confined by Zheng Yichen and thrown into the wheel of the sky. The black hole is not a hole, at least the black hole that fell down is not a hole. This thing is a special celestial body in the universe.

It is just different from a normal planet and cannot extract planetary fat, but this thing can also be used as an energy source, but it must be controlled.

As for directly taking the black hole to smash the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization? The result will not be much better than dealing with Zheng Yichen.

This thing is directly generated by the Breaking World Organization. It cannot bring any substantial impact to Zheng Yichen. How much impact can it bring to the Breaking World Organization.

After resolving the subsequent attacks, the Breaking World Organization directly stopped such meaningless attacks. This is just a test.

After discovering that they could not crush Zheng Yichen's vision and detecting characteristics similar to the world barrier, they used such a test.

As expected, Zheng Yichen, who was able to create the world bubble, also mastered the corresponding "power".

Of course, even if they don't have such power, attacks like those from stars and black holes can't directly threaten these agents.

Many of the falling stars can be shattered by agents, and as for attacks like black holes, agents with space abilities can also deal with them.

What's more, Zheng Yichen also has space abilities. When facing these attacks, he doesn't even need to resist them. He can directly throw the falling attacks to other places.

The two sides are deadlocked here again. Zheng Yichen continues to maintain the state of a giant. Anyway, it doesn't consume much to maintain this posture now.

Since this posture has been shown, then maintain it. Even if he is attacked by the Zhutian weapon, as long as his body is not hit, it will have no effect on him.

The current Zhutian weapon is a weapon that can kill him, but the damage it brings can be ignored. The power of annihilation cannot cause permanent damage to him, let alone the damage of the Zhutian weapon.

The defensive battle is still going on. The Breaking World Organization did not continue to strengthen its offensive, but maintained the most basic defense.

The world bubble is growing rapidly. In this safe protection, the relaxed agents feel more uneasy.

The agents who are good at divination gather together and make "prophecies" with frowns, but the results are not ideal.

In the big world, their ability to predict is greatly limited. However, in addition to directly interfering with fate, there is another way to predict, which is "big data calculation".

The former is prone to backlash from fate, while the latter is a very safe way of prediction, relying on personal extraordinary intuition and sufficient information for calculation.

Many times, similar results can be obtained as direct prediction.

But now, the agents here no longer care about the backlash from fate. All kinds of methods are used, but still no clear results can be calculated.

The only "conclusion" that can be obtained is that they are about to face a disaster, and now it is just the calm before the storm.

But how to stop all this, they have no clue.

In the end, these agents focused their attention on those world bubbles.

According to their predictions, after these world bubbles grow up, they can indeed greatly weaken the world's defense.

The grown world bubbles are distributed around the world-breaking organization, and through parasitism, they intercept the connection between the world's defense and the big world itself.

But doing so is like slowly building a cage around a wild Tyrannosaurus Rex, and after it is built, you have to wait for the cement to dry.

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