I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1256 The Price

As time went by, the parasitic world took shape quickly, and the will of hell was successfully promoted to the will of the world.

If it was a deified world will, she would not have any joy of success, and would only take it for granted.

But now she chose to be personified, so it was a particularly joyful thing to be promoted from the will of hell to the will of the world.

With more than a hundred world bubbles as a foundation, she was already at the top of the world will in the initial stage after being promoted to the will of the world.

This situation is generally impossible, just like a freshly graduated clear college student who has gained more than a hundred years of work experience in various industries as soon as he entered the society.

This is not a freshly graduated clear college student, but a legendary social animal who has traveled through time and space and reborn!

Her current situation is that she has accumulated so much "work experience" through more than a hundred world bubbles in an impossible situation.

Of course, she is still incomparable to the will of the big world.

After feeling the world bubble grow into a regular world, she was promoted to the will of the world, and she felt the scale of the big world. The worlds annexed by the big world exceeded 100,000, close to 150,000.

Counting the damaged parts, there will be more.

The growth of the big world is really built on the corpses of countless worlds...

When she was promoted to the world will, she had some connections with the big world and obtained some information about this part, but this part of the connection was soon interrupted.

She gave up on her own.

The consequence of not giving up is that she will be swallowed up by the world will of the big world.

It was a behemoth that she could not resist at all.

Before Long could continue to be happy and help Zheng Yichen complete the next blockade, she felt a strong lock.

The feeling of losing control made her scream. The next moment, a strong impact broke out in the world bubble where she was hiding, and the sky suddenly cracked.

The aftermath of the impact caused the tiny life that had just been born in this regular world to be completely destroyed. The entire world bubble was turbulent. Long, who was here, saw a huge figure outside the crack.

Zheng Yichen blocked the attack from the outside world, and the giant's body and a huge palm collided with each other.

The palm was covered with cracks and was about to fall, while Zheng Yichen's body was penetrated by a black light, and the huge giant's body was completely shattered.

The shaky palm wanted to be retracted, but the agents would not miss this opportunity. One of the agents had a distorted face, and the sword energy on his body could not suppress it and tore his body.

He drove the huge sword filled with killing aura from the sky, and the sword with destructive power directly pierced the big hand and nailed the palm to the ground.

The sword of the killing giant sword was covered with cracks in the blink of an eye, but the huge palm on the verge of collapse did not continue to struggle.

The moment it landed, the agents' attacks focused on it, and the whole big hand that was about to break was completely torn into pieces, and the fragments of the big hand turned into rocks with a special aura.

This is something similar to the crystal of the pillar of heaven. No matter how special and powerful this big hand was before, it has become something similar to material after being broken.

The big hand was smashed, and the agent who drove the giant sword could not control the uncontrolled sword energy all over his body, and was completely destroyed.

The damage of this big hand completely angered the Breaking World Organization. There were thunders in the sky. Before the punishment from heaven came, the dark clouds were completely defeated.

Some attacks fell on the world defense of the Breaking World Organization, which could also cause slight waves.

Under the control of Long, the formed world bubble quickly formed a Jedi Tiantong, using the Jedi Tiantong formed by the world to sever the connection between the world will and the big world.

The world will can affect the world itself, but it cannot persecute the world itself through influence.

Such a Jedi Tiantong is extremely difficult to form, but Zheng Yichen mobilized the resentment and pain that filled the big world.

He took the pain, and the feedback brought about by it led to a strong and drastic change in this environment, and the environment itself actively broke away from the influence of the world will.

The will of the world is squeezing everything in the big world, and Zheng Yichen took the initiative to bear the pain of the big world itself, causing the derailment between the big world itself and the will of the world.

In this derailment, the Jedi Tiantong was successfully completed, and the Jedi Tiantong formed by the parasitic world greatly weakened the world's defense.

The visible cracks left by the attacks of some agents.

"Boss, your life..."

"It's okay." Zheng Yichen interrupted Lilith's words. It is not easy to bear the pain accumulated by the big world.

Even if his bearing can give him corresponding feedback, he can't bear it all without any loss.

Zheng Yichen's body is still good, but his life span is less than 150 years.

Now he is the "Nirvana" appointed by Huang Hun. In the ordinary world, he is indeed worthy of the name. It is easy to destroy a world with Nirvana.

But as "Nirvana" itself, he is still a "human". He is not a phenomenon of existence, or a deified rule.

So even with this appointed identity, he still has a service life.

However, this responsibility is not without disadvantages. The positive feedback obtained can even cause the world itself and the world's will to be derailed to a certain extent.

Otherwise, this Jedi Tiantong really couldn't be completed smoothly. He was ready to let Lilith use that opportunity to interfere with the world's will.

When the world bubble grew, Lilith updated the relevant plan. After she used the information condensate left by Yu Heng to strengthen it, she could consume a lot of energy and temporarily enhance the will to the extent of surpassing many things.

Using this enhancement to interfere with the world's will will achieve better results.

But now this opportunity has been retained.

"Pain bearing? Can it be done to this extent? How can he bear it?" The maintenance department of the Heavenly Dao system.

Several engineers looked at their colleagues whose heads had exploded, and their expressions were a little crazy. At the moment when Zheng Yichen used pain bearing, the Heavenly Dao system analyzed the problem.

They also have this kind of power. With the pain accumulated in the big world now, the cost of eliminating it is not high, but it is definitely not something that one person can bear.

Don't say that you sacrifice yourself to bear it, that's not a sacrifice, and you can't bear it even if you sacrifice ten times.

But Zheng Yichen took it on, and also received positive feedback, which caused the big world and the world will to derail to a certain extent.

The instability of the Heavenly Dao system blew up the brains of some engineers.

The problem caused by this is just the beginning. A large number of error messages appeared, allowing the engineers who are still alive to discover a serious problem.

The self-destructive tendency of the Heavenly Dao system has never stopped or weakened. The reason why it showed a weakening trend before was not that the Breaking World Organization reduced the intensity of its research on Nirvana.

Rather, the self-destructive tendency of the Heavenly Dao system has shifted from Nirvana to another self-destructive factor.

The world will is in a serious imbalance state at some point, but the specifications of the world will are too large, and the initial part of the imbalance is only an insignificant area.

Later, because the world will and the big world were further synchronized, the big world itself also shared the problem of imbalance, so that this hidden danger has never really appeared.

But as the big world and the world will derailed, the corresponding problems immediately surfaced.

The engineers who are still alive tried to repair this imbalance, but this imbalance problem is already part of the world will. They can obtain similar worlds and improve the impact of the imbalance, and they can still try to repair it.

But at this time, they don't have the resources to improve this imbalance.

Unless they can find a world environment that highly matches this imbalance and install a controllable switch for this imbalance, otherwise the imbalance will only become more serious as time accumulates.

Either they speed up the process of annexing other worlds, continue to strengthen the world will and the big world itself, race against the imbalance, and suppress this problem until they completely solve this problem in the future!

And this Heavenly Dao system that was damaged by Nirvana can't be used. Affected by Nirvana, the Heavenly Dao system with a serious self-destructive tendency will only lead everything to "Nirvana".

This is the price of trying to contact the ultimate destruction. The Breaking World Organization has been using all kinds of power wantonly and without taboos. Now they finally have to pay the price for this behavior.

"Is this fate or... the guidance of dusk?" An engineer murmured to himself. The Breaking World Organization has used a lot of fate-related power.

But they never worry about the backlash of fate, but now a lot of "coincidences" have accumulated together, as if all kinds of possibilities are converging.

At this time, how can the Breaking World Organization have so much time to solve the problems that arise?

This is not something that can be solved by throwing resources at it.

They can be sure at this moment that there is no possibility of repairing the hidden dangers of the Heavenly Dao system, and even this self-destructive tendency has affected them.

If the imbalance of the world's will cannot be suppressed, it will increase exponentially, and the world's will will be greatly enhanced due to the imbalance, but the final result will be like the supernova warrior newly researched by the organization.

The stronger, the shorter the time.

The organization may be able to experience an unprecedented enhancement at the last moment, but that is definitely the last glory.

They even suspect that the top leaders are also affected by the self-destructive tendency of the Heavenly Dao system!

The top leaders of the Breaking World Organization are real "high-authority people". Their will is above the Heavenly Dao system, and the Heavenly Dao system controls the world's will, which is equivalent to their personal will being above the world's will.

Therefore, their connection with the Heavenly Dao system is closer. Although there is a firewall, is it really useful at this time?

Should it be said that when facing the power of annihilation, the firewall will be useful?

The engineers had such thoughts, which was the source of the problem that the situation took a sharp turn for the worse. If they continued to maintain a stalemate and waited for the Zhutian weapon to be fully charged.

If the big world and the world will were kept highly synchronized and not derailed, the hidden danger would not erupt, and those parasitic worlds would not be able to form a complete Jedi Tiantong.

Even if Zheng Yichen took on the pain accumulated in the big world and received corresponding feedback, at most the big world would be shaken, and the formed Jedi Tiantong would not be too complete.

But just when the hell will was promoted to the world will, the top leaders issued an annihilation order, and even did not hesitate to send out the hand of heaven.

The result was good. The hand of heaven was on the verge of breaking in a head-on confrontation with Zheng Yichen, and was later defeated by the agents. The heavenly system was also turbulent, and the chain reaction caused Zheng Yichen to derail the big world and the world will through the pain he took.

Now think about it, the reason why the newly promoted world will is "targeted" is nothing more than that the newly promoted world will can become the candidate of the world will of the big world.

If the world will of the world breaking organization is eliminated, the imbalance will disappear, and the self-destruction tendency of all things in the heavenly way system will not have room to play.

The problems caused by the close connection between the world will and the big world were very serious before, but it is different after the candidate world will.

Even if the world will of the organization dies, at most it will cause the big world to be impacted, and the candidate world will will take over, and everything can be quickly restored...

From the perspective of affecting the self-destruction tendency of all things, the threat of the newly promoted world will is greater than that of Zheng Yichen!

No matter how much Zheng Yichen struggles, he can't replace the world will, and the newly promoted world will can naturally take over as long as there is a vacancy in the world will of the big world.

As for the hidden dangers, isn't there still Zheng Yichen? The heavenly way system just has a serious self-destruction tendency of all things, not that it has lost the corresponding performance.

"The organization... has indeed existed for too long." Another engineer looked at the corpses scattered all over the ground. He reached out and touched his cheek, which was covered in blood.

The impact just now had the greatest impact on the maintenance department.

A lot of people died due to brain overload. This kind of death burned their souls together. Those who are not dead are not much better at this time.

Their thinking is still clear now, and they can realize that they are also affected by the tendency of all things brought by Nirvana.

No, this is not a tendency of self-destruction, but an impulse to return to Nirvana. Such an impulse makes them unable to see things outside of Nirvana.

As the impulse increases, they can feel that their reason is gradually boiling.

The price of the organization's unrestrained analysis of Nirvana is too heavy.

Another engineer set up an instrument, looked at the countdown on it and said slowly: "... Think about it, the organization did this because of that agent, right?"

"Yes." Another engineer nodded. Zheng Yichen used a stronger power of annihilation, but his performance in all aspects was normal. They had never seen any crazy self-destructive tendencies or impulses to return to annihilation.

Compared with many domain masters in the organization, his mental state was normal to the point of being ordinary.

This existence that possessed the power of annihilation brought misleading information to the organization. An agent could do this, even if this agent was a little special, so why couldn't they do this?

Facts have proved that they really couldn't do this, but it was too late when they realized this problem.

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