I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1294 You are redundant

"The World Cancer is expected to completely collapse within six times." Lilith helped Zheng Yichen analyze an approximate number of times based on the status of the World Cancer.

Even with the support of the chaotic sea water, the nutrients of the World Cancer can be guaranteed to keep up, but the time cost accumulated within six times will still exceed the upper limit of the distortion of the World Cancer.

But this is not a problem. In two days, regardless of the cost, a second World Cancer can still be made. It is round, and making a second one is just copying and pasting, which is not difficult.

As for making more, it is unnecessary. Zheng Yichen really needs to use the "Invincible Golden Body" for so long. It can only be said that the situation encountered has exceeded the upper limit.

When Zheng Yichen wants to use the Invincible Golden Body, it is generally used to run away.

"The Golden Body is fine, and the next step is other integration."

After Zheng Yichen finished speaking, his own aura changed slightly. He has many characteristics, but these characteristics are not repeated.

The characteristics obtained by his own abnormal ability will not appear on him after encountering the same characteristics. Even if he can get it, it will be incorporated into a higher-level similar characteristic.

For example, the characteristics of strength enhancement are ordinary. If Zheng Yichen later obtains characteristics such as innate divine power, then the original strength enhancement will be covered by the innate divine power.

Therefore, there are no duplicate characteristics on Zheng Yichen, but even so, he has quite a lot of characteristics.

Non-duplicate ability characteristics will not cover each other, but can complement and enhance each other.

For example, the characteristics of physical enhancement have a complementary effect on the characteristics related to strength.

What Zheng Yichen has to do now is to further integrate these characteristics, treat them as building blocks, and combine them into a more compact and perfect form.

In simple terms, his own characteristics are now a pile of building blocks in a box, and what he has to do now is to put these scattered building blocks together into a Gundam.

This is the final optimization and sorting of himself, which can be regarded as creating another golden body for himself.

At this time, the benefits of having an excellent artificial intelligence are reflected.

Lilith has already prepared the corresponding plan. Zheng Yichen only needs to select the most suitable ones from them, and then make initial adjustments according to his own details. How to change later is to follow his feelings.

When Zheng Yichen was doing these things, Lilith did not raise any opinions throughout the process. She had done what she should do. Although her computing performance was extremely good, it was impossible to completely grasp Zheng Yichen's physical condition through calculations.

Even when Zheng Yichen was doing this, Lilith's monitoring of Zheng Yichen's body had many unknown errors.

If she was not connected to Zheng Yichen's divine core, which was equivalent to Zheng Yichen's "instrument spirit", there would be more unknown errors.

After the second world cancer was cultivated, Lilith had a formal communication with Zheng Yichen, and then the second world cancer would also establish a connection with him.

Zheng Yichen had to use the world cancer at least once to make it bear the cost of the invincible golden body.

This is not a waste, it is a necessary test. It is not so easy to bear the time cost. The first world cancer resisted, but the second world cancer may not be able to.

Fortunately, the second world cancer is also stable and withstood the sudden distortion, although the distortion of the second world cancer is different from the first one.

The surface of the second world cancer was full of eyes, and these eyes were filled with counterclockwise vortices.

"Okay." Looking at the countdown on a screen, Zheng Yichen stood up.

In two days, he sorted out his own situation and integrated the puzzle pieces of his own characteristics as much as possible. Moreover, this integration was not forced to piece together for the sake of integration. Zheng Yichen polished all the places that could be polished as much as possible.

Those creator characteristics that played a role separately also completed the final combination. Although there was no qualitative improvement, his characteristics became ironclad, and each part could play enough linkage correction.

If he was equivalent to the late state of some realms before, now it is a great perfection.

In order to complete this step, Zheng Yichen even used consciousness overclocking, which is a new product of Lilith's research on pseudo-time technology, which has a higher degree of acceleration for consciousness.

At the same time, Zheng Yichen is now like an ordinary person. After testing the first world cancer, Zheng Yichen used self-pressure to suppress himself to the level of ordinary people.

Doing so will not affect his optimization of himself. Self-pressure only transfers the strength of normal preference to other aspects in the form of consumption, which does not mean that the relevant resistance strength of his own body will be reduced.

This is pressure, not real suppression. No matter how much he applies self-pressure to himself, the physical strength he should have will not change.

At most, he is in a state where he cannot tighten his muscles. Muscles, when they are tight and relaxed, show different resistance strength.

But tight muscles are not completely normal.

As for the influence of annihilation, after the cost is transferred to the cancer of the world, it doesn't matter if Zheng Yichen applies self-pressure in all aspects.

Just helping Zheng Yichen bear the influence of annihilation for two days, the cancer of the world has also undergone new distortions, which are related to creation.

I have to say that it is worthy of being made of his materials. Cancer of the world.

"BOSS... You still have seven minutes."

"No, there's nothing to do." Zheng Yichen said decisively. Waiting seven more minutes won't change anything. He has done everything he can.

The Sky Wheel will be taken away next, but Lilith has already made a replacement.

The quality of the replacement is not as good as the original one, but this replacement is equipped with a strengthened fantasy formation, plus the highly concentrated world fat and chaotic seawater stored inside, which is enough to extend the performance of the Sky Wheel close to the original.

This performance extension can only last for a few hundred years, but it is enough for the current use... It is not certain whether everyone has a few hundred years.

Some people know that Zheng Yichen only gave himself two days, but when he will contact the dusk, those people don't know.

At the right time, Zheng Yichen's mobile phone rang, and the dusk mission arrived. Calculating the time is not much different.

Zhu Li had the dusk mission two days ago, and Zheng Yichen now has it, which is also the 'same time'.

Without paying too much attention to the Dusk mission, he walked into the Dusk. Zheng Yichen was not in the big world, but because he was in Liu Hongzhao's world, there were many more Dusk mercenaries in the Dusk Land of this world.

In fact, there were more before, but because the Dusk Land here was too small and too crowded, many Dusk mercenaries chose to leave. Zheng Yichen did not make any big moves, and it was just a matter of watching here.

Even this time, not many Dusk mercenaries thought there was anything strange about Zheng Yichen's appearance. Calculating the time, it should be the time for the Dusk mission, right?

They are more concerned about when Zheng Yichen will release the World Tree Fruit next time.

Tia was waiting for Zheng Yichen here. The smile on her face was more natural, and even showed the humanity that should not have been there before. The shorter the remnant of the world, the more active the Dusk is.

"Why do you have to do this?" Tia spoke first.

Zheng Yichen looked at the text message in his mobile phone and put the mobile phone away: "Talk?"

"Okay." Tia nodded.

Zheng Yichen has a pair of Dusk eyes, so Dusk knows a lot of things he does, but Dusk will not interfere with his behavior.

At least before Zheng Yichen directly does something like destroying the world, there will be no interference with him.

Zheng Yichen obviously came here after making some decisions.

Huang Hun knows everything, but Huang Hun doesn't care so much about these "trivial matters".

However, Zheng Yichen is different. He is an existence that needs to be cared about. It's not because Zheng Yichen's contribution to Huang Hun is great enough, but Zheng Yichen's own existence is very special.

"Go to my room or the infirmary?"

"You are not injured, your room."

This time Zheng Yichen walked in front, came to the personal room, opened the door and walked in. After Tia sat down, Zheng Yichen poured her a glass of water.

"I want to understand the final settlement."

Tia took a sip of the water poured by Zheng Yichen. It was obviously plain water, but she tasted it very carefully. This was also the first time Zheng Yichen saw the Twilight Sister "eating".

All the Twilight Sisters used to be like fixed NPCs. They would only move within the fixed range of the Twilight Land. They would not eat, drink water, or go to the toilet.

"Will there be a reckoning after the collapse and destruction?"

Tia put down the water cup in her hand with a light smile on her face: "Reckoning? Are you thinking too much? Twilight will not settle anything."

Zheng Yichen's brows relaxed slightly. To be honest, he liked this answer. He didn't even think that his previous nervousness and the things he had done were redundant.

"That's recycling. All resources in the old era need to be returned and reorganized. Twilight has never actively targeted anyone."

Targeting the Boundary Breaking Organization, the Devouring Organization and the Balancers, that was just passive feedback. If there were no such existence, Twilight would be the least sense of existence.

So the reckoning that Zheng Yichen mentioned was not a "reckoning" on Twilight's side. The reckoning was for a specific existence, but Twilight really didn't need to target a specific existence.

Whether it was the Boundary Breaker or the Twilight Mercenary, they were all part of the world. They were alive and dead.

When they were alive, they would consume world resources, and after they died, they would return this part. As for the consumption of the world itself, it was not important.

No matter how much they consume the world because of their own strength, they are still part of the world. It doesn't matter if they leave the original world, they are still in the collective world.

"Is it still a liquidation?"

"It's recycling resources and reorganizing and unfolding." Tia corrected again.

"But for us, it's almost the same as liquidation. Can we discuss letting the living creatures go?"

"No." The smile on Tia's face did not change at all. Living creatures are also part of the recycling. Although the "resources" contained in life itself do not account for a large proportion, the main part is still the world itself.

But in the precise statistics of Dusk, if the living creatures are not finally "liquidated", then the resource recycling will be reduced by 1%.

This proportion does not seem high, but this is the proportion compared with the overall collective world, and Dusk will not give up this 1%.

Even if this proportion is reduced ten times or a hundred times, it will not be abandoned, just like the players who pursue extreme attributes in the game. Ordinary players think that losing ten or eight points of attributes will not have much impact, but players who pursue the limit will definitely not lose such a little attribute.

Even when they reach the maximum value, they will try to perform monkey tricks to continue to break through.

Moreover, Zheng Yichen has put so many world tree fruits. In Huangtun's "prediction", those world tree fruits will reduce the resource recovery rate by an additional 16%.

If these resources are not recycled, Huangtun will start a new world era, which is equivalent to a 20% discount at the beginning, which is unacceptable to Huangtun.

Just like the seeds of the world tree, if the world tree dies, and there are several world tree seeds, then these seeds will not be "united", but will fight and compete with each other after the world tree dies, leaving only the best seed.

The remaining seeds will become the only nutrients.

This matter was decided from the beginning. Huangtun will not be kind to any creature, whether it is a living thing or a dead thing, in Huangtun's perspective, all are the same, all are a quantitative number.

As for the thoughts, hopes and other things of these creatures, those are not what Huangtun cares about. Thoughts are meaningless to Huangtun, and hope is not something that Huangtun can understand and care about.

Those factors will not become the resources needed by Huangtun.

As for the love, sorrow, joy, separation and reunion of creatures, that is not what Huang Hun cares about.

Even in some worlds, these factors can also trigger powerful forces.

But in Huang Hun's eyes, those triggered forces are also part of the world's resources.

Personal potential? Personal potential is also, even before the potential of many people bursts out, they are just like ordinary people, and even those potentials will not be revealed until death.

But in the collective world, the existence of high personal potential is indeed brought by having more world resources.

Zheng Yichen can create two people with the same life, and even two identical lives have the same growth potential, but while he guarantees these, if the investment is different, then the final growth height of these two life forms will also be different.

Personal potential is equivalent to points that cannot be added freely.

Some people have 9999, and some people only have 9.

When you cannot decide to add points freely, you can treat it as non-existent, but it is not really non-existent. Whether the power triggered by emotional outburst can be expressed is related to this potential point.

In the collective world, there are too many individuals with extremely high potential, but they live like ordinary people all their lives. This is the reason why all creatures occupy an extremely high resource recycling rate of 1%.

Therefore, recycling is inevitable. Huanghun will not waste a grain of rice in this regard, and will not change because Zheng Yichen has made great contributions to Huanghun.

In Huanghun's eyes, the group of Huanghun mercenaries and the group of agents are all superior collectors who integrate resources. Huanghun is personified to explain this kind of collector.

Then the collectors can be regarded as pills. The Huanghun mercenaries are superior collectors, but it does not mean that only the Huanghun mercenaries are like this.

Other strong people are the same. They gain strength from the environment and become stronger. This process is a collection and integration of world resources.

To put it in a more aggressive way, it is to plunder the world's resources in exchange for their own growth.

In Huanghun's eyes, this approach is that each individual trains himself into a better "pill", and recycling can be completed without shelling.

If all the creatures in the world can be plundered to the point of collapse and create a new end, that is also what Huanghun expects.

"If you think recycling is a kind of liquidation, then this is the liquidation."

"So there's nothing to talk about?" Zheng Yichen stood up, intending to imitate someone and flip the table.

"You can talk."

Tia said that Zheng Yichen was special and could be an exception.


Zheng Yichen raised his eyebrows slightly. He was referring to himself. Others were going to face the fate of liquidation. Why was he an exception?

Huang Huang maintained the good tradition that had existed in the past and immediately gave an answer: "To this world, you are 'redundant'. You are a collector and a plunderer.

But you have the potential for growth, which offsets the consumption as a collector."

"My identity as a time traveler is useful at this time?" Zheng Yichen raised his eyebrows slightly. He once doubted whether he came from a world in the collective world.

After all, there are too many worlds in the collective world, both large and small. In the world with the world tree, there are even aliens, and it seems that there is more than one alien civilization.

Zheng Yichen has contacted very few alien civilizations, but it does not mean that there are no aliens in other worlds. On the contrary, there are many worlds with aliens.

Many of those dusk mercenaries have come into contact with aliens.

So in this collective world, there might be an 'Earth' somewhere, and he is from the world within that world.

But later she confirmed through dusk that the first world he came into contact with after his appearance was the world of Longcheng, and because of this, the world of Longcheng is Zheng Yichen's native world.

Dusk further confirmed Zheng Yichen's identity as an 'outsider', and he is redundant to the world itself.

And from what Tia said, his own potential is also very strong, but Zheng Yichen personally doesn't feel much about this.

After all, before crossing, he seemed quite ordinary in all aspects, and was even more of an 'ordinary person' on Earth.

Zheng Yichen did not hide this from Huanghun too much, otherwise he would not have asked Huanghun about the ‘Earth’ and the novels he shared with Tia.

Since Huanghun has a certain degree of omniscience, he would not know about those novels, right?

Therefore, until now, Zheng Yichen has not taken the identity of a ‘traveler’ too seriously.

His abnormal ability was ‘awakened’ after appearing in Longcheng, and he almost died because of his abnormal ability. In other aspects, he does not have such a thing as a system.

The cognition brought by the traverser can make him a plagiarist, but the influence in other aspects is just the same.

There are ancient worlds, modern worlds, science fiction worlds, and even various weird and abnormal worlds in the collective world.

The modern cognition of the traverser is indeed useful in some worlds, but it is useless in more worlds, let alone a traverser like him outside the collective world.

Even if a traverser in the local modern world runs to another ancient world, under the premise of being an ordinary person, the influence he exerts may be greater than Zheng Yichen.

How big the difference is depends on luck...

So the identity of a time traveler...was it important before?

At the beginning, he still had a sense of superiority, but after coming into contact with dusk, this thing had long since dissipated, until now Tia talked about it again.

It seems that his identity as a 'real time traveler' is really important!

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