I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1295 You are a material pack

What is a time traveler? In some worlds, it is called an ‘extraterritorial demon’.

As the bottom-line mechanism of this collective world, dusk did not regard Zheng Yichen as an extraterritorial demon, but said that he was a redundant existence, which was also a mercy.

And Tia’s meaning was very clear. The final reckoning will come as scheduled, but Zheng Yichen, as a ‘redundant’, can avoid being liquidated.

But this person is limited to him.

“This won’t work.”

“But it’s not up to you.”

“…” Zheng Yichen was silent for a while and then said: “I had a dream. In that dream, I saw dusk and darkness. When I walked towards the darkness, dusk continued, and when I walked towards dusk, darkness swallowed everything.”

Tia nodded gently and asked: “What about you?”

“Just like you said just now.”

She said that Zheng Yichen was redundant, and that dusk continued when he walked towards darkness, but this was not what dusk wanted, so Zheng Yichen lost his ‘self’ and became a real inhuman thing.

He walked towards the dusk, letting the darkness devour everything, but he himself was preserved. The darkness could not bring any influence to him, and the body affected by the time injury also recovered part of its internal organs in advance.

"Is this related to the dusk?"

"Of course, you have the part of dusk in you, and what you dreamed of is also the expectation of dusk, because you are 'redundant', so you can 'dream'."

It's not that other agents can't dream, but they can't dream the dream that Zheng Yichen encountered.

His dream belongs to a deeper contact with the essence of dusk.

"But in the dream, I have the right to choose."

If it is what dusk expects, then he has only one way to go, but in the dream, he can choose two different directions.

Of course, this may also be related to the contradiction of dusk itself. Dusk hopes that the world will perish, just like the seed of the world tree to show its own value.

At the same time, as the seed of the world tree, it will take the initiative to maintain the world tree to prevent the world tree itself from being destroyed for other reasons.

Zheng Yichen can also understand this. The strength of the world tree itself is very high. If the world tree is destroyed by external forces, the seed of the world tree will not be spared.

Being able to destroy the World Tree, it is also easy to destroy the World Tree Seed. If the World Tree dies normally, then the World Tree Seed can shine and heat up.

But Dusk is just an existence similar to the World Tree Seed. If you regard Dusk as the real World Tree, you are pitting yourself.

"So, which one do you plan to choose?" Tia smiled and looked at Zheng Yichen.

The young man in front of him is actually within the scope of liquidation. Even if he is "redundant", redundancy also means unexpected gains.

Dusk will not give up any of the principal, but does not mind the unexpected gains.

But she is too satisfied with Zheng Yichen.

Zheng Yichen accelerated the end of the existing collective world in a completely compliant form, and the end of the collective world is still an acute death.

There is no external threat, and Dusk can complete the replacement normally, so it doesn't matter if Zheng Yichen, the "redundant" extraterritorial demon, is retained.

"Is it the continuation of the lingering life? Or is it to accelerate the arrival of the new world?"

"Neither is a good choice." Zheng Yichen frowned and stared at Tia: "Is dusk in a personified state now?"

"No, it's just that you think it's personified. Dusk can become any existence in your cognition, and it's exactly the same." Tia's smile remained unchanged.

This is the specialness of dusk. Dusk does not need any personification or deification. Dusk belongs to the outside world. Dusk can understand the joys, sorrows, anger and happiness of living beings, and can show stronger empathy than any other existence.

But the above does not affect the most cruel choice made by dusk at the end, and dusk does not need to do so.

But Zheng Yichen is an exception.

"You can immerse yourself in a real dream and wait for the arrival of the new world. In the new world, you will become a unique existence, and everything you expect will happen."

This era is mostly human, but the next era may not be like this. However, because of Zheng Yichen's existence, dusk can also let humans be the protagonists.

But this still does not affect the result of the liquidation. The next world era will also be dominated by humans, but the existence in the new world era should not have traces of the previous world era.

Even the world structure will not be in the form of a collective world.

The reason why Zheng Yichen can be preserved is not only because he is "redundant", but also because he is very useful.

Individuals have potential, and those potentials are like points that cannot be added freely. Zheng Yichen is very good in this regard, and he is an "outsider", which is itself a "redundant" resource.

This extra resource is indeed an unexpected surprise, but it is also a rare "spare" existence. Because it is an out-of-spec existence, Zheng Yichen is particularly useful.

For example, if other agents are used to operate the fusion of the crystal of annihilation, it is basically impossible to succeed. Even if Dusk can help the other party to fuse, the existence after fusion may not survive.

Dusk can ensure that the other party is alive in the land of dusk, but it is another matter after leaving the land of dusk.

Zheng Yichen, however, withstood the impact of the Nirvana Crystal. To be more specific, other beings could not even complete the step of obtaining the Nirvana Crystal.

Huang Hun is an extraneous existence, and Zheng Yichen, as a redundant existence, can also be regarded as an extraneous existence.

It’s just that Zheng Yichen can’t be like Huang Hun, similar to the seed of the world tree, and he doesn’t have the omnipotence of Huang Hun, but Zheng Yichen’s essence is beyond omnipotence.

After all, he is not from this world, no matter how ordinary his essence is, it is not possessed by this world.

Not possessing it means it is an accident, and accidents represent more possibilities.

Zheng Yichen, who has the possibility of accidents, is particularly useful in Tia’s eyes. Not only is it useful, but Zheng Yichen is also a special material package.

His own potential that belongs to the non-world, plus the ‘world resources’ collected from this world, have produced special changes between the two, forming a new material.

Zheng Yichen’s abnormal ability is a product of this situation. His own potential, plus the influence of the environment, makes Zheng Yichen have abnormal abilities.

If his own potential is not high, as an ‘extraterritorial demon’, he is affected by the environment of the local world, and after distortion, the result is likely to become a monster, rather than awakening abnormal abilities.

As for Zheng Yichen's own atrophy, it was purely caused by his own deficiency.

Zheng Yichen's potential belongs to the non-native world, and that thing also comes from the world itself and is part of the world's resources.

It's okay in his own world, which is related to the environment of the world itself, and there is no problem of deficiency, but such a deficiency appeared after he crossed into another world.

The consequence of the deficiency is that Zheng Yichen began to inevitably collapse himself. The reason for the collapse is equivalent to that he lacks the support of the "cloud system" of the world itself, and the hardware of the body cannot run normally, which will lead to the atrophy that Zheng Yichen thinks.

The predatory nature of his abnormal ability is equivalent to obtaining a temporary new cloud system connection from the new world. From Zheng Yichen's perspective, it is to obtain vitality by sucking blood and alleviate his own atrophy.

There is a connection between the two, but the connection is not close.

Later, as Zheng Yichen grew up, he obtained more information about the "cloud system" belonging to this world through a lot of hunting, and improved himself.

This step is equivalent to him using the materials of the local world to generate a new system that can keep him stable. After reaching this step, Zheng Yichen can be considered to have completely eliminated the atrophy disease.

Because he no longer needs to rely on the "cloud system" related to the world environment, and the time to reach this step is when Zheng Yichen obtains the furnace of life.

At that time, he can be considered to have a personal independent system in the true sense, getting rid of the dependence on the "cloud system" of the world environment, becoming a more independent individual, and can withstand the enhancement brought by the crystal of annihilation.

In this world, annihilation itself is equivalent to the ultimate destruction, just like the self-destruct button in various bases, once it is activated, it cannot be stopped.

Some individuals may be able to withstand it, but because this is the ultimate destruction, even if the individual can withstand it, the impact of the ultimate destruction is all-round.

For example... the inevitable tendency to destructiveness, this part of the impact is like the underlying code, which is a normal existence in this world, and it cannot be resisted.

Otherwise, how can Zheng Yichen remain normal in spirit? With his strong will and many friendships and love fetters around him?

Forget it.

If we really want to talk about "firm will", the world will itself is an existence that is superior to any conventional will.

The unexpected possibility of Zheng Yichen's own existence, with a perfectable "personal system", is the important foundation for carrying all of this.

He does not have the "bottom code" of this world, so that he can avoid the influence of the bottom code attached to the "destruction" of the native world, and avoid mental problems, Zheng Yichen can appear normal.

However, the body will still inevitably be affected by the destructive. No matter how unique he is, his body is still flesh and blood, and does not have the concept of indestructibility.

Even so, the "personal system" that maintains Zheng Yichen's normal existence is still unique to Huanghun.

Zheng Yichen is very special to Huanghun. Huanghun does not want to lose such a unique individual, but does not want Zheng Yichen to lose control.

It does not make much sense for Huanghun to liquidate Zheng Yichen. If he is liquidated, he will be just a redundant resource. Zheng Yichen's personal system cannot be integrated into Huanghun. Even if it can be integrated, it will not be of any substantial help to Huanghun.

On the contrary, it will bring other influences to Dusk, and Zheng Yichen may even become the "Dusk" of the next world era based on this independent personal system.

Of course, there will definitely be no such existence as the Dusk Land in the next world era.

A complete world will have candidates similar to the Dusk Land, but the form of expression will be different.

In the new world era opened based on Dusk, Dusk will learn "experience" to avoid the situation that occurred in the previous world era, which is equivalent to having experienced certain bugs and immediately sealing those bugs after taking over.

For example, the existence of the Balancer, since Dusk's instinctive expectation will passively produce the Balancer, then this is a malignant bug. In the next world era, there will be no Dusk Land that will produce such malignant bugs.

The emergence of world candidates is still unavoidable, but what if the world candidates are controllable?

If the world candidate is controllable, then the world itself can decide when to have something like Dusk.

In this way, the same vicious BUG problem can be fundamentally avoided.

But the world candidate is also equivalent to the underlying logic of the world itself, and its generation is also inevitable, but Zheng Yichen himself is an independent material package.

With a complete personal system, in this world era, in addition to his own uniqueness, he is "redundant" to the world itself.

His personality and work style make him not look like an alien demon.

In general, when Zheng Yichen came to this world, if there was no Dusk in this world, and he himself completely eliminated the atrophy disease.

Then this world is unlikely to produce Dusk, and Dusk itself can be regarded as a special "material package", integrating all the materials of the collective world, and reopening the next world era when necessary.

But different existences use materials in different ways, and the next world era will not be exactly the same as this world era.

But such a material package is established in advance, and after this step is missing, Dusk will not appear normally.

Zheng Yichen, who perfected his own existence, was like a smoke bomb that affected the underlying logic of the world.

However, Zheng Yichen appeared after the Twilight Land appeared in this world. In this way, Zheng Yichen was essentially redundant.

It was the same with or without him, but such an existence could be preserved until the next world era and continue to serve as a smoke bomb. Moreover, Zheng Yichen's smoke bomb was still of real substance.

His own potential belonging to another world, combined with the self-improvement completed by the world resources of the local world, formed a new independent personal system. His material package was equivalent to a DLC supplement package for the local world.

Therefore, Zheng Yichen was very important...

If Zheng Yichen had not become an agent, Twilight would have continued to pay attention to Zheng Yichen. As long as Zheng Yichen did not want to die, he would have continued to hunt. The process of hunting was the process of obtaining world resources and perfecting himself.

When the world of Longcheng could no longer satisfy Zheng Yichen, he would inevitably look for more suitable prey and contact other worlds through visions. If he did so, Zheng Yichen would sooner or later become a "part" of Twilight.

Zheng Yichen, who appeared in this world as either an agent or a dusk mercenary, is a special collector.

In addition to being a dusk mercenary or an agent, he may also become a boundary breaker or a devourer. No matter which identity he is, he is in the process of "self-improvement".

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