I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1296: Not Accepted

Huanghun pays attention to Zheng Yichen, and will not do anything substantial against him just because he is an ‘outside demon’, unless Zheng Yichen does something that violates the rules of Huanghun, that is, directly destroying the basic foundation of this world.

But Zheng Yichen is very disciplined, but this is not enough.

Huanghun’s attention will not affect Zheng Yichen, and Huanghun will not directly interfere with anything outside the land of Huanghun. Even if Huanghun pays close attention to Zheng Yichen, Huanghun will not do anything to him before he contacts Huanghun.

Even if Zheng Yichen dies in an accident, Huanghun will not make any direct interference.

After Zheng Yichen contacts Huanghun, Huanghun’s biggest interference with Zheng Yichen is the feedback operation through the interference of those boundary breakers on the world.

Let Zheng Yichen be exposed to the most favorable environment to grow and improve himself. Even without Huanghun’s interference, Zheng Yichen only needs to continuously develop his potential and wait until he completely improves himself, and then he can be almost the same as now.

The difference is the time consumed.

Of course, if he dies halfway, it will be meaningless.

If he didn't die and could live well, self-improvement would be inevitable. However, under the influence of Huang Hun, it took Zheng Yichen less than five years to complete his self-improvement.

Without Huang Hun's interference, if Zheng Yichen wanted to complete his self-interference, it might take five hundred years, or even longer.

In the process, he would inevitably encounter beings like boundary breakers, and he might even become one of them.

However, that did not affect Huang Hun's attention and interference in Zheng Yichen, but the form of interference would be manifested in another situation.

Zheng Yichen was cared about by Huang Hun, and even Huang Hun was willing to keep him now, because he had reached the level of self-improvement. The traversers who grew up were traversers, and those who could not grow up were unlucky, not even the outer demons.

Therefore, in the face of Zheng Yichen's negotiations, Huang Hun was very "generous". Zheng Yichen's own potential was very high, but he was still a "collector" in this world.

The resources for his self-improvement all came from the world of the collective, and these were also to be recycled by Huang Hun, but Huang Hun did not intend to recycle this part. It was more important to keep Zheng Yichen.

"Everything you want and love will appear in the next world era. For them, it's just a period of sleep."

"But they are not themselves after all."

"This is a restart."

Zheng Yichen looked down at his palm and asked, "What about their continuity?"

"Interruption is inevitable."

Huang Huang would not lie, so Tia did not hide this at this time. Recycling world resources will naturally not retain the continuity of all creatures, except Zheng Yichen.

As for continuity, Zheng Yichen, as a person who takes the life system route, can understand that it is normal.

Don't think that after a person dies, he will be the original person if he is resurrected. If the resurrected person is based on the other person's still existing soul, then he is the original person.

But if the soul of this person is gone and he is resurrected by other means, it means that the continuity of the other person is interrupted, and the resurrection is a brand new person.

Even if the other person has all the memories of the person involved, after the continuity is interrupted, it is at most a homonym.

The continuity of living things is very important. They can lose their memory and consciousness, but these do not affect the maintenance of continuity, even if the person is brainwashed and another person's memory is implanted intact.

But for this life, his continuity has not been interrupted, so this life is the original one, the implanted memory can be corrected, and the lost memory can be retrieved.

Even the affected personal consciousness can be corrected without changing the essence, which is not difficult for Zheng Yichen.

Zheng Yichen can revive the dead creatures with only skeletons left through will intervention, retaining the essence. Isn't the existence of uninterrupted continuity better than the skeleton state?

But Huang Hun will not maintain this continuity, and obviously does not intend to waste a single resource during the liquidation.

"Then there is no need to talk." Zheng Yichen stood up.

There were two more black footprints on the ground under his feet, and his personal room was destroyed.

The personal room provided by Huang Hun also has absoluteness, and the structure can be modified at will within a fixed range, but it is impossible to destroy it.

But Zheng Yichen has achieved this level now.

No, he could have done it long ago, although the target of the test at that time was not Huang Hun’s land, but Tia, and he could only bring a very subtle impact to Tia at that time.


"It's not good to do this." Tia's tone did not change at all. Huang Hun had already "known" Zheng Yichen's choice.

Zheng Yichen is not complicated, and Huang Hun himself also has the power of prediction. This kind of prediction is not a big prophecy of what is said, but "big data".

Huang Hun's omniscience is enough to analyze Zheng Yichen in detail, so as to predict what will happen next.

What's more, Zheng Yichen has never been out of Huang Hun's attention, so after he entered Huang Hun and started negotiating with her, Huang Hun already knew the corresponding results.

But the prophecy is not absolute. After all, Zheng Yichen himself has an "independent system", which does not need the cloud system that connects the world itself and the individuals in the world.

This is also the reason why Tia said that Zheng Yichen can live until the world disappears completely. Even if the world disappears, as long as Zheng Yichen is still alive, he can survive in the void.

The reason why he can do this is not because Zheng Yichen's physique is strong enough, but because he has an independent system to maintain himself.

No matter how accurate Huang Hun's prediction of Zheng Yichen is, he cannot guarantee the absolute result. Zheng Yichen has an unknown result, so there is a conversation that is not even a negotiation.

Judging from the current results, Zheng Yichen has not exceeded the unknown. His choice is still within Huang Hun's prediction range, and even every subtle movement of standing up now does not exceed the prediction range.

Zheng Yichen does have the power to fight Huang Hun at present. He is now the extinction itself. Many of Zheng Yichen's enhancements look not much different from those of other agents.

But because he has an independent system to maintain himself, his enhancements are essentially different from those of those agents, even if the performance effect is the same.

One is still related to the world cloud system, while Zheng Yichen's power is operated through his own independent system. The comparison between the two is that the former can be deleted with one click, while the latter, the world has no authority to delete it directly.

Even in terms of the upper limit of operation, the two are incomparable.

The reversal ability mastered by Zheng Yichen can reverse most of the power, even the power of annihilation, and the power of balance and imbalance can also act on annihilation.

But if it is replaced by a local with a complete template of him, the other party will not be able to do this.

There is no other reason, the world itself does not allow it, annihilation is formatting, and after being affected by the power of annihilation, the upper limit of the life span of the individual is shortened and cannot be restored, that is the reason for the damage of the "data".

Part of the data has been formatted and cannot be restored, how to restore it? What's more, annihilation formats not only data, but also capacity.

Nirvana can be used as a destructive means of eliminating malignant factors. If you encounter any difficult problems, format it directly to solve the problem.

Creation is equivalent to repairing software, and it is normal that it cannot defeat Silence. Silence's formatting can smash the hard disk, while Creation mostly involves software in the hard disk.

When formatting, not to mention repairing software, even programming software can be formatted together.

However, Zheng Yichen, through the power of balance and imbalance, has upgraded Creation to a level that can also directly make hard disks.

The simplest example is the world bubble. There are really not many such things in the collective world. There are raw stone worlds in the collective world, but the number of raw stone worlds is very small.

And the state of existence is only the "unactivated" world, and most of the raw stone worlds are not generated later.

Zheng Yichen can mass-produce world bubbles. Although those world bubbles are very weak, one by one can grow into a complete world.

Otherwise, how could Zheng Yichen interfere with the normal appearance of dusk before the appearance of "dusk"?

If he appeared in the era when the creator was active and improved himself, there would be no dusk land in this world.

But there is no if, Zheng Yichen came to this world after dusk had appeared and existed for a long time.

He is the invader of this world, and he was already exposed when he came to this world.

As for why he came here as a child, it was certainly not because of the influence of the power of time, but because of the passive interception of the world itself.

When Zheng Yichen appeared in this world, it was equivalent to a data transmission, but because he was an invader, the transmission was forcibly interrupted during the interception.

Because the connection brought by Zheng Yichen also disappeared, the world outside the collective world was like an alien planet in the vast universe.

It can be said that there are few planets with life in the universe, but it cannot be said that planets with life are the only ones.

But the world itself instinctively excludes such mutual contact, so the data transmission that Zheng Yichen crossed was forcibly cut off, and all connections were eliminated.

This is why he appeared in the world of Longcheng in the form of a child.

His own crossing was not complete, but since it was a transmission, it was natural to transmit the important part first. Zheng Yichen was only shrunk in terms of body, and other things were not affected at all.

For Zheng Yichen's existence, Huanghun did not reject him. His own uniqueness was no longer a competitor of Huanghun.

The only one already exists, and the addition of Zheng Yichen will only make the only one become the only two, which will not affect the existence of Huang Hun. On the contrary, in Huang Hun's view, Zheng Yichen is a unique variable, a special existence that can trigger more possibilities.

Zheng Yichen did not disappoint Huang Hun, growing and improving himself all the way, as an agent and opposing the boundary breaker, actively dealing with the boundary breaker, making the whole world on the verge of collapse and destruction due to shock and shock.

As for Zheng Yichen's world, Huang Hun also constructed a model through big data analysis.

This is just to better analyze Zheng Yichen. If Zheng Yichen wants to go back, this model will not help at all. The connection has been broken, and Zheng Yichen has no way back.

The distance in the void is more abstract than the world outside the collective world. Even if there is a connection, there is a distance problem that is difficult to cross.

And why Zheng Yichen had this experience, probably because something happened in his world, causing him to be thrown out.

So far, Zheng Yichen has not been obsessed with going back. It may be that the idea is hidden very deeply, or there may not be too many memories there.

Huangtun does not care about these, but Huangtun can use this part of information as a bargaining chip.

"Earth can appear in the next world era."

"It's not the earth where I live, it doesn't matter, I just want to keep the existing one." Zheng Yichen waved his hand. What if a new earth is generated?

No matter how familiar that earth is, it is not the place where he has lived for more than 20 years.

He has lived in this world for more than ten years, and his impression of the earth has not faded, but his obsession with the other side... just think about it.

Going back or something, he actually has more things to care about here, even if he can go back, he will eventually choose to come back again.

"I know." Tia nodded gently, and the surrounding environment began to change, and the change started from the place where Zheng Yichen left his footprints.

Huangtun is also restricted by the underlying rules of the world, such as not being able to interfere with the area outside the land of dusk, and can only affect things in the outside world through passive feedback.

And the aspects of influence are all related to the world itself.

Even for the strengthening of Twilight Mercenaries and Agents, the credits need to be activated actively, rather than Twilight deciding how to use it.

There is also the retention number. Zheng Yichen can completely repair his own problems through the retention number, even if it consumes a lot of world resources.

But as long as Zheng Yichen consumes the retention number, Twilight will continue no matter how much it consumes.

But if the credits are used to repair the body, Zheng Yichen's own injuries will not be within the scope of the credits. The level of interference of the two things is different.

However, what Zheng Yichen is doing now has stimulated Twilight's passive feedback mechanism.

He has used special power beyond the limit in Twilight Land to destroy Twilight.

Under normal circumstances, Twilight will take action the moment he does this, but Zheng Yichen is too special. Tia did not immediately respond to this situation, but continued to have the final "negotiation" with Zheng Yichen.

Zheng Yichen also did not exceed the prediction range, and rejected Twilight's final proposal.

What the next world era is like is not important to Twilight at all.

The important thing is that Dusk can develop normally as a world candidate... So there is no falsehood in Tia's promise to Zheng Yichen, but it's a pity that Zheng Yichen didn't accept it.

The difference between human concepts and Dusk's 'concepts' is too great. Even if Dusk can be more human than humans, the essential concepts are still conflicting.

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