I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1297 Vulnerabilities Caused by Blank Space

"I'm familiar with this place." Zheng Yichen looked at the surrounding environment and grinned slightly. In the darkness, a little afterglow of dusk could be seen, and the darkness occupied most of the space.

Even without the choice Zheng Yichen made in his dream, this place seemed to be in danger. At dusk, only the last afterglow was left after being swallowed up by darkness.

After Zheng Yichen appeared here, he did not let the twilight energy reoccupy the entire environment as in his dream.

But...he can have that dream...

"It's just a dream, right? Even if I walk towards the darkness, dusk won't be able to fill this place."

"Good understanding." Tia's voices overlapped, and a large number of figures appeared in the empty dark space, and these figures were entangled with a strong dark aura.

They are existences frozen by dusk. The dark atmosphere contains the negative effects of the destruction of the world. That thing is the reverberation of darkness. At the same time, these people also carry the 'darkness' of dusk.

It is Dusk's expectation for the destruction of the world. This part of the expectation creates the Equalizer, and these frozen hapless souls are used by Dusk to fix bugs.

They carry the darkness generated by the expectation of dusk, so that it will not leak again and make up for it...

Anyway, this is what Tia explained to Zheng Yichen.

There's no need for these frozen wretches now.

"I'm wondering if other unlucky guys will also have to go through this step?" Zheng Yichen looked at these figures and asked Tia, his voice not full of anger.

He had long been prepared for the talks to break down. Since the reckoning was inevitable at dusk, Zheng Yichen would try his best to achieve the best result.

Although there is already a choice that seems to be the best result, choose Dusk. If nothing else, at least I can survive, and there is a promise that belongs to Dusk.

In the next world era, he can get great preferential treatment, and even an earth can be restored for him, and everyone he knows can appear in the next era.

But those people who appear in the next era are no longer their true self.

"You are an exception." Here, Tia could no longer see the charming smile on her face, and returned to her original expressionless NPC state.

"Is this considered preferential treatment?"

"No." Now that she has taken action, Tia really won't give Zheng Yichen any preferential treatment.

At this time, it was standard treatment for Zheng Yichen. The main reason why there was no instant treatment for Zheng Yichen was that Zheng Yichen had already completed self-improvement.

He is not a local and is not connected to the cloud system of the local world, so he cannot be directly 'deleted' if something goes wrong like other people.

If Zheng Yichen has not completed self-improvement and still needs the cloud system of the local world, then at this time, Dusk can also give Zheng Yichen an instant.

But Zheng Yichen's self-improvement is an inevitable process. Without self-improvement, it would be impossible for him to advance the collapse and destruction to this extent.

And Zheng Yichen's persistence... In Dusk's analysis, in addition to the people he cares about, there are also some things that Zheng Yichen actually cares about, related to collapse and destruction.

Dusk can cut off the connection between Zheng Yichen and the world cloud system, but cutting off this will have little impact on Zheng Yichen. Zheng Yichen does not have the characteristics of harmony between heaven and man.

Zheng Yichen, who once pursued this, later gave up on this idea. With his own independent system, even without the support of the world cloud system, he can still use the power he should have.

Even when breathing normally here, his life furnace can still function.

If you want to 'delete' Zheng Yichen, you can only delete him physically.

Now we are in the stage of physical deletion.

The unlucky ones who were frozen all looked at him, their eyes filled with a strange and penetrating light.

They woke up from the freeze, and the darkness wrapped around them made them miserable. Most of them were ordinary people, but at this moment, there was more knowledge in their minds that did not belong to them.

They are like bystanders, but they have contradictory subjective actions. As long as Zheng Yichen is killed, they can be liberated from the freeze.

Many of these people are already crazy. When they were frozen, they had no awareness of the outside world. After the freeze was lifted, the negative darkness they carried completely exploded.

But being crazy doesn't affect their ability to stay awake. Under the influence of dusk, each of them is a calm lunatic. Even when they are extremely crazy, they are still thinking normally.

And the crazy part became the malicious intent against Zheng Yichen.

Kill him, kill him! ! By killing Zheng Yichen, they can be completely freed, whether it is death or freedom.

Amid the overwhelming roar, the Freezer who was the first to approach Zheng Yichen turned into ashes.

But in Zheng Yichen's eyes, the number of freezers seems to be endless. These freezers are not weak. They have been strengthened by Dusk and have shown combat skills that they do not possess.

Judging from the combat capabilities of the approaching freezers, Zheng Yichen saw many familiar figures, including Liu Hongzhao and the others, Gang's, and many of the agents he had encountered before.

Zheng Yichen's own is also within this range.

The sword energy with the smell of blood and rain arrived in front of Zheng Yichen. This dark red sword energy was shattered by Zheng Yichen's wave. The broken sword energy splashed onto other freezers, triggering a chain of destruction.

At this moment, Zheng Yichen could clearly feel that his consumption was a bit abnormal.

He lost any support from the external environment. The moves that were easy to use before now required him to actively affect the environment.

For example, releasing lightning attacks used to consume a little power, and the lightning released could attract the power in the environment to form a stronger attack.

Now he needs to forcibly gather the corresponding power. There are also powers such as malicious erosion that directly affect the environment. Malicious erosion is useful, but the impact on the environment is almost zero.

Powers such as vision manifestation are useful for the impact on the environment, but they are severely suppressed and can no longer reach the level of vision within his field of vision.

Vision can only affect a small part of the environment in this darkness.

But this is enough. The vision overlaps with the infinite space gem vision, making Zheng Yichen's attack full of splashing. Every attack will kill a large number of frozen people in the vision.

Even so, the total number of frozen people still does not seem to decrease. He even saw familiar faces, some of whom he had killed.

"BOSS, this is a dead cycle, their total number has not decreased." Lilith's voice sounded. Zheng Yichen didn't have so much time to remember the faces of the enemies, but she could record them.

So far, among the enemies killed by Zheng Yichen, some freezers have died dozens of times, but they are still rushing towards Zheng Yichen.

"Then change the target!"

Zheng Yichen's figure disappeared instantly. He passed those freezers and stabbed Tia with the black gun in his hand.

But when the attack fell on Tia, it seemed to hit the air. His eyes condensed, and the black gun was stained with pale power. The expressionless Tia showed an expression other than a smile.

That was a little complicated: "Why?"

Zheng Yichen's attack was a creation attack, not extinction.

Of course, whether it is creation or extinction, it is difficult to bring real impact to dusk.

Extinction can be regarded as a formatting program. This formatting can even format the hard disk, but dusk itself is a hard disk outside this program that has not been truly unpacked.

Using the power of annihilation to deal with Dusk is useful, but the effect will not be that great, especially when the whole world is about to face destruction and collapse.

The effect of the "formatting" program of annihilation on Dusk will be further reduced.

However, Zheng Yichen used the reversed power of creation.

Since Zheng Yichen came into contact with the power of annihilation, he has never used the reversal of this kind of power, and he has never used it in this way after becoming the "body" of annihilation.

In Dusk's analysis, Zheng Yichen does have the possibility of reversing creation, but the influence of the reversed creation has not been recorded by Dusk.

After all, this is something that has never appeared.

And Dusk itself does not have the possibility of reversing the power of creation, or Dusk does not have the power to use creation or annihilation normally.

Only under the right conditions can Dusk show such power, such as when Dusk mercenaries and agents choose to treat, and when Zheng Yichen takes the crystal of annihilation that should not exist to strengthen it.

Dusk shows omniscience, and the performance of omnipotence is more limited, just like Dusk's maintenance of the world itself, it requires the influence of external stimulation.

Without the corresponding stimulation, it is impossible to show the corresponding omnipotence.

Therefore, in Huang Hun's comprehensive analysis of Zheng Yichen, a lot of information is "inaccurate". For Huang Hun, this kind of information that has never appeared, even if it is analyzed and derived, is still not within the accurate range.

If it is inaccurate, there will be more deviations.

Zheng Yichen's reversal of the creation attack fell on her, without causing her obvious harm, but brought a penetrating effect to Huang Hun.

Reversal does not completely change the essential attributes of a certain power, just like a mental patient is not a fool, black light does not have the effect of treatment after reversal, and white light does not have the corrosiveness of black light after reversal.

Therefore, after the reversal of creation, it is not a destruction similar to annihilation, but "decomposition".

Tia herself is related to Huang Hun. Facing the reversal of creation, she is not directly affected, but the related Huang Hun is affected.

Zheng Yichen's inner world image erodes the outside world, and through Huang Hun, who is affected by the reversal of creation, it plays its due role for the first time.

In this dark environment, there is a little color that shouldn't be there. Although this color is less noticeable than the remaining dusk afterglow, it does have a direct impact on dusk.

"Such a reversal effect is too... simple." Tia waved her hand and distanced herself from Zheng Yichen. The previously missing reversal creation information has now been recorded by dusk, and it is just a simple "decomposition".

But this overly simple reversal effect can work on dusk.

The little inner world image that Zheng Yichen infiltrated has already affected the final development of dusk.

Tia analyzed Zheng Yichen's purpose. He planned to use this infiltration to complete an "Ark", and dusk's liquidation was inevitable.

Then directly create an area inside dusk that dusk cannot liquidate, and the infiltrated trace of image is almost indistinguishable from dusk.

In the final reckoning period, if the fruits of the world tree are concentrated here, it means that Dusk still needs to wait, waiting for this trace of mental image to disappear before re-expanding.

But can it wait?

When the world is complete, Dusk can wait. After the world is destroyed, the expansion of Dusk is inevitable. It is not something that Dusk can stop just because he wants to.

This is... an accident!

Zheng Yichen has never used the reversal ability to affect the accidents brought about by annihilation and creation. Whether it is Dusk or the world itself, there has never been a creation after reversal. This piece of reversal power is a completely blank record.

This also means that such power belongs to the loophole of the collective world. Although this loophole was created by Dusk, there would be no corresponding loophole without Zheng Yichen as an individual.

But in this regard, Dusk is just fulfilling the normal rules. Zheng Yichen provides the corresponding materials and enough credits for strengthening, then Dusk will not fail to give him the corresponding strengthening.

When strengthening, credits are not important. What is important is the materials used for strengthening. It has always been like this. Zheng Yichen has created the annihilation crystal that should not exist, so there is a corresponding strengthening.

"It's too simple." Zheng Yichen snapped his fingers, and the approaching frozen people were decomposed by the reverse creation, although the number of frozen people did not seem to decrease overall.

But with the help of Lilith, those frozen people decomposed by the reverse creation did not appear again.

"Why didn't you use it before?"

"I don't think it's necessary." Zheng Yichen thought about it and said seriously, whether it is the power of creation or annihilation, do you need to use the reversal ability to operate?

No, what will happen if annihilation is reversed? Anyway, it doesn't have the original destructive power of annihilation. He uses the power of annihilation to deal with the enemy. If it doesn't have destructive power, why should it be reversed?

The same is true for creation. In Zheng Yichen's cognition, creation has always been lower than annihilation. What can the enemy that annihilation cannot destroy do if the power of creation is reversed?

At least before Zheng Yichen faced dusk, he felt that it was unnecessary.

"What do you think the reversal of annihilation is?" Zheng Yichen had a ball of annihilation power in his hand, and the impact of the annihilation explosion spread out, clearing all the newly appeared freezers nearby.

Whether it is the power of creation or annihilation, these freezers can be completely eliminated.

But the annihilation explosion has little effect on this dark space, and even the power of annihilation has no residue.

The power after non-reversal really has little effect on dusk.

Tia gave the answer without hesitation: "Maintenance."

Zheng Yichen filled in the blank record of dusk's reversal creation, so the analysis of the reversal of annihilation can remove uncertainty.

But removal does not mean that the blank record in this regard has been filled, nor does it mean that the loopholes in this regard can be repaired.

If you want to repair it, you have to wait until the next world era, and in this world era, the power that dusk can exercise is related to the world itself and will not exceed this range.

The next world era is also equivalent to an update to fix the loophole.

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