I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 210 Know nothing?

After getting Zheng Yichen's exact answer, Jiang Wei's efficiency increased again, and her work became smoother with less worries.

But even so, it was a week later when she found the opportunity. The Shell System found out the Providence Organization. Not enough to see, after all, this is a shell system strongly supported by the government.

Faced with all-round targeting, the Providence Organization is really passive to the extreme. Even though both parties may have realized that there are other problems in it, the shell system will not let go of any suspicion, and the Providence Organization can't catch it without a fight.

The conflict between anti-dumping and anti-dumping companies has become more and more intense, and now the power of the shell system has been somewhat lacking due to the targeted actions.

"I can't wait any longer. There may be better opportunities if I wait any longer, or there may be no chance at all."

Jiang Wei said to Zheng Yichen that she was speechless after knowing Zheng Yichen's original plan, so she just found a suitable time to rush in?

It's too reckless, and the right time is the time when he thinks he can act.

"Seriously, if you haven't met me, are you really planning to use Zhutu's method?"

"Yes, but that way may involve a lot of sacrifices, and I don't want to do that." Zheng Yichen nodded, if there is really no other way, then find a temporary practice with a lot of wild animals to add a BUFF to himself, Guiyuan went to do it after filling up directly.

"You... Forget it, do you want to do it?"

"Of course, since there is such an opportunity, don't miss it." Zheng Yichen said very simply, he raised his arm: "I don't have much time, and I don't have much time over there."

"Then I wish you success, I will open up a safe passage, but there is only ten minutes at most after the camouflage system is turned on, and the camouflage system will be overloaded and damaged by then."

The equipment she gave to Zheng Yichen was not a real military product after all, it could be used to make do with it, but the effect was the same thing, and it even worked because she was the one who used it.

"I'll leave the car here. If you encounter any problems, you can leave. If I don't come back, you can go to the Twilight Church. At least it's a reasonable safe zone."

"Understood." Jiang Wei nodded calmly, and handed a communication watch to Zheng Yichen: "I have modified this thing, as long as you can destroy the signal shielding system of the fortress, I can provide you with remote support. For example, helping you remotely hack into some devices and the like.”

"Okay." Zheng Yichen took off the mechanical armor on his body. This thing is used to maintain his body condition every day, and he doesn't need it now.

Looking at the red mark on Zheng Yichen's arm, Jiang Wei curled her lips slightly: "Go early and come back early."

The action came very suddenly, but the timing was like this, and Zheng Yichen made all the preparations he could.

'Can he come back? ’ asked Doris, holding up her clipboard.

"Oh? Are you still worried about him?" Jiang Wei looked at Doris and asked with a smile. These days, Zheng Yichen would chat with Doris when he had nothing to do, and the two parties were considered familiar.

'There is too little information, I can't calculate the probability that he can come back, and will this world really be destroyed? '

"I don't know, just wait slowly." Jiang Wei looked at a countdown on the screen. There were still 30 minutes left on the screen. This was the time Zheng Yichen had agreed with her. When the time came, she would directly start the disguise system, Zheng Yichen can bypass the Skynet protection of the fortress.

As for other equipment, she also prepared for Zheng Yichen. She dismantled the supernatural jammer in pieces, took out the core parts inside, and made a special jamming gun for Zheng Yichen. Guns can hit people with supernatural abilities, and they can also interfere with the same equipment.

The consumption of ammunition depends on Zheng Yichen's own lightning ability. Anyway, even if his ability is affected by the supernatural jammer, he can still play a role, but the effect and range will be weakened. Driving a jamming gun is more than enough.

"Time is up."

After seeing the countdown ended, Jiang Wei simply activated the camouflage system. At the same time, Zheng Yichen also started to take action, directly using the wind ability to fly up. The Skynet protection was originally used for monitoring, but Jiang Wei turned it on for him With the camouflage function, the watch on his body is the camouflage feedback device.

It can be said that the journey was unimpeded, and Zheng Yichen was not hit by the anti-aircraft artillery when he came to the sky above the fortress. Enough camouflage, but after falling to a certain level, the watch on his hand issued a warning.

This is no longer the area where Skynet is protected and alerted. Projection camouflage can be used, but the further you go down, the easier it is to be exposed. Moreover, the watch has cut off contact with Jiang Wei and remains offline. Zheng Yichen ignored the warning vibration that only he could feel.

He continued to fall slowly, until he touched a thin film of slightly condensed air, and his falling speed suddenly accelerated.

For monitoring, projection camouflage can resist, and he also has a way to eliminate body temperature. Water isolation is enough, but this kind of physical detection that affects the air has no way.

At the same time, the alarm sounded in the fortress: "There are intruders!!"

The guards on the surface of the fortress immediately rushed to the place where the alarm system was triggered, but before arriving at the scene, they saw the light of a thunderstorm erupting in the distance, and what they saw when they arrived at the scene was the destroyed anti-aircraft gun.

The barrels of those weapons were twisted by some force.

The guards who came over were very nervous, and the surveillance cameras around them were destroyed by the thunderstorm. They don't know how many intruders there are now, but the other party must be a very powerful person with supernatural powers.

"The trace of the intruder has disappeared, relocate quickly!!" The captain of the guard team yelled into the walkie-talkie, and Zheng Yichen's position was quickly re-locked. The protection level of this fortress is very high, and surveillance can be seen everywhere. Zheng Yichen had no place to hide at all.

Looking at the drones chasing around, Zheng Yichen waved out a bolt of lightning. When the lightning touched the drones, a faint film of light appeared on the surface of the drones. Zheng Yichen had seen this thing before. The pursuers also used this protection.

Jiang Wei even discussed this with Zheng Yichen. This is an energy shield developed by this world, which can generate a protective stance against attacks. No one here has set up this kind of protection system. After encountering a lightning attack Although some of them were destroyed, some of them were still pursuing firmly.

When approaching Zheng Yichen, an explosion occurred.

During the explosion, Zheng Yichen's figure escaped from the range of the explosion, and the wind around him prevented him from being affected by the explosion.

A verbal warning sounded in his ears, it was nothing more than that his current behavior was seeking his own death or something, and he was told to stop his future actions immediately.

For this, Zheng Yichen threw away those broadcasts and continued to search for his target. He didn't know the exact location of the Eye of Time and Space, but considering the importance of that thing, it must be in the center of this fortress, right?

At the same time, the researchers who were busy also received information about emergency evacuation. The researchers were very flustered. They were not soldiers but ordinary humans. This fortress had never seen such a situation. Now someone directly invaded?

As for the riots, they happened on a small scale. The staff here were under a lot of pressure. After being stimulated by this incident, some of them collapsed mentally, but those people were directly brought down by the armed personnel with tranquilizer guns.

"There is no need to panic, the situation is still under control, and an orderly evacuation is enough!!"

An armed man shouted loudly. He didn't say that there was only one intruder, and the invasion was successful by one person. That would only exacerbate the chaos here.

On Zheng Yichen's side, crackling lightning flashed on his body, and all the fragile electronic equipment he passed were destroyed.

The weapon defense system in this place wants to lock him, but the auxiliary equipment he carries makes his figure difficult to lock.

This is also the result of these days of practice. Jiang Wei made some equipment for him, including a projection system. This kind of projection is scattered projections. Under normal circumstances, it is not very misleading. Those weapon systems can be scanned, but After Zheng Yichen added other forces to it, he could reduce the success rate of the scan.

capacity of the water system.

When there is a need, the development speed of the power that was not paid much attention before is very fast, just like assembling a computer installation system...

A large number of bullets passed by him, and the accuracy of those bullets became very poor. Zheng Yichen could still find enough cover to sneak in.

"Damn it, he knows this place too well." The chasing guard said with a headache. After Zheng Yichen came here, it was as if he had returned home. Not to mention that he was very familiar with all the routes, but the opponent never ran Run to the dead end, and the places to go are very important areas.

In a short period of time, Zheng Yichen paralyzed many monitoring areas, creating many blind spots for the entire fortress.

It’s not that the protection in the fortress is insufficient, but that the strongest point of protection in the fortress is to deal with outside intrusions. Now Zheng Yichen is equivalent to a small bug that rushed into the giant’s body. When outside, the giant can crush the small bug to death .

But after the bug got into the giant's body, it was another matter.

They couldn't catch up with Zheng Yichen, and the built-in protective weapons would be destroyed by Zheng Yichen's powerful energy attack. At the same time, the opponent's abilities were so powerful that they could use their abilities even when they entered the interference area.

At the same time, he also has very good physical fitness, so that he can quickly escape even if he cannot use his abilities for a short time.

This one person's intrusion is worth a group of people sneaking in. The headache is a headache, and the interception must continue. The advantage on their side is that there are more people... but it is useless.

Before the guards who intercepted Zheng Yichen from another area had time to make a move, the water pipes around them burst, and the turbulent water washed away the intercepted guards, and the power of lightning easily paralyzed nearby electronic equipment.

The live ammunition attack was deflected by the wind around the opponent. Before the sniper had time to play its role, Zheng Yichen had already rushed into a building...

"The other party wants to destroy the energy system of our fortress??"

The commander in the fortress looked at the rapidly blackening screen on the monitor, and realized Zheng Yichen's idea. As long as the energy center is cut off, the plan of the eye of time and space will not be interrupted, but there will be a lack of power in other places... After that, I want to catch him. The opponent is even more difficult.

The problem is that if the other party wants to steal information, what's the point of arranging such a person to come over? Zheng Yichen's behavior seems to be dedicated to sabotage. Those guards who were brought down by Zheng Yichen rarely suffered casualties, at most they were paralyzed by lightning It's still twitching.

Those who were washed away by the water meant that someone had suffocated and passed out. After being rescued, they would soon be able to join the battle. Didn't they come here to destroy the living combat power?

What kind of person is this who is full of food, and uses this place as a dungeon to brush up, to prove his strength? But recently, the shell system of the Eye Fortress of Time and Space has been frequently invaded.

The Providence organization has been involved. Just as Jiang Wei thought, he has realized that there is something tricky here. The Providence organization may be blocked, but things have progressed to this point, and they can't stop. The actions of the shell system have reduced the support force here a lot.

It's not a conventional combat unit, but a high-end combat force. To deal with the providence organization, there is no need to take away the soldiers stationed in the fortress.

"Stop for me!!" Zheng Yichen, who was sprinting quickly, roared in his ears. Looking sideways, he saw a strong man with abnormal speed. The other party easily followed Zheng Yichen's speed. Some kind of protective equipment on his body made him Ignored the influence of Lei Guang.

The strong man is not using a gun-type weapon, but a tactical knife. Is this the speed-type superpower in this world? Zheng Yichen felt the power of the wind on the opponent's body. About the supernatural beings in this world, Zheng Yichen had learned about them from Jiang Wei.

For example, there are basically no supernatural powers of the type of dark body strength, and the later ones are elemental. Some of the powerful ones are also earth-related supernatural powers, and the fast ones are wind-type, but this kind of power The wind ability used by supernatural beings is not scoped, but individualized.

That's why he can show a speed that exceeds the limit of physical exertion.

The strong man in front of him was very fast, and the weapon in his hand had the effect of a jammer, easily cutting through the lightning and wind surrounding Zheng Yichen... Then the strong man who was running in a hurry had his face full of tears. He bumped into the wall in astonishment, and the tactical knife in his hand was snatched away by Zheng Yichen.

There was a clear palm print on his chest, looking at Zheng Yichen's distant figure, he couldn't help vomiting blood.

He was careless, Zheng Yichen used some kind of special red power when counterattacking, directly broke through the protection on his body, and dealt him a heavy blow.

"What a mess, come and deliver it." Turning the tactical knife in his hand, Zheng Yichen found that there was a switch on the weapon. When it was not turned on, it was similar to an ordinary weapon. After it was turned on, it could break the attack and defense of the supernatural power.

Not bad, this is also explosive equipment.

That strong man was just the beginning, and then Zheng Yichen encountered a lot of interceptions, one-on-one or a supernatural person leading another team, he would directly attack the opponent head-on, if the opponent had more superhumans, then he would Will detour.

When he couldn't get around, he directly took out a weapon he was carrying.

Seeing a gun in Zheng Yichen's hand, one of the psychic confidants launched a defense, but when Zheng Yichen attacked, what he fired was not live ammunition, but the interference waves released by the jammer, which was released by the superhuman. The protection was directly broken.

The core component of this gun is provided by the powerful jammer. Even if it is made into a portable weapon, the power is reduced, but Jiang Wei still retains the original power as much as possible.

The price is that this thing consumes a lot of power. When it is fully charged, it can only fire two shots. After that, it needs to be recharged. If necessary, Zheng Yichen can overload the weapon and directly let the charging converter of the weapon bullet bypass the battery. At that time, as long as Zheng Yichen continuously provided enough electric energy, he could shoot continuously.

However, it is useless. This kind of gun has no substantial lethality. Although the interference wave fired by one shot will dissipate, there is a time for it to dissipate, and this time is enough for Zheng Yichen to deal with those supernatural beings. .

with fist...

In less than twenty seconds, Zheng Yichen left this passage.

"..." The commander in the command room twitched his eyes violently after confirming the situation of the interceptors. There were still no casualties this time, but the problem is that the opponent's preparations were too sufficient, and there were jamming guns. ?

It's just that the jamming gun doesn't match any of the records. This kind of weapon is a restricted item, and it is more difficult to make than a jammer. Let alone ordinary people, ordinary people can't get it. Many organizations There are jammers in it, but there will not be any such guns.

According to the information on the picture, this thing seems to be made by a person. The person who can make this weapon must be a genius. At the same time, the other party still has enough resources to obtain the parts of the jammer, otherwise no genius can make it. stuff.

"Turn on the broadcast." The commander said with a sullen face. Even though Zheng Yichen seemed to have no intention of killing people, but the other party was an intruder, and with this status, it was enough for him to be shot a hundred times.

But Zheng Yichen's ability and the equipment he carried made him plan to give Zheng Yichen a chance to speak, otherwise, even if this intruder could be killed, the other party would bring great losses to this place.

"Stop first, tell us your purpose, maybe we have a chance to negotiate." The commander's voice reached Zheng Yichen's ears through the radio.

The lightning flashing on Zheng Yichen's body weakened and did not destroy the nearby broadcast. He looked at a camera: "The eye of time and space will destroy this world."

"..." The commander suddenly showed a speechless expression. Just because of this reason, he invaded the Eye of Time and Space Fortress single-handedly? Would a person with this kind of strength still have a bad brain?

The saying that the eye of time and space will bring disasters has appeared before, but after they conducted a lot of experiments, they came to the conclusion that the eye of time and space is very safe. This thing is like a vision, but compared to the vision It is more controllable and will not disappear, and what you get can be brought over.

It's just that the Eye of Time and Space is not stable enough to exist through normal living bodies. Even if very strict protection is prepared, the fluctuations generated by the Eye of Time and Space will penetrate those protections and have a direct impact.

That kind of fluctuation cannot be shielded, but in addition to these unresolved problems, they have obtained a lot of useful research resources through the eye of time and space.

It is easier to accept the idea of ​​bringing disaster, but the idea of ​​destroying the world is too outrageous, the eye of time and space is so big, even if this thing explodes, even if it is a super nuclear explosion, it will not give the world What substantial impact will it bring, at most, this area will not be able to be developed and utilized in the future, and all the people here will be wiped out...

"How do you prove this?" The commander looked at the personnel transfer on another screen and asked in a deep voice.

"Those who can initially develop the eye of time and space..."

"Don't be kidding, there are too many people who first developed the Eye of Time and Space, unless you can point out those people exactly." The commander directly interrupted Zheng Yichen's words.

Zheng Yichen's expression on the screen was a bit tangled: "I don't know who those people are, forget it, let me solve it myself."

Looking at the black screen directly in front of him, the commander was speechless for a while, so is there really something wrong with this person's brain? Invaded the Eye of Time and Space Fortress without knowing anything? And save the world for what?

Well, at least the other party knows the location of the Fortress of the Eye of Time and Space. This place is also a top-secret area. Although there are some small towns nearby, eight out of ten people in that place are secret agents. Any strangers go there? , Make sure that the other party drinks a few sips of water a day can be recorded.

And the original developers of the Eye of Time and Space that Zheng Yichen mentioned...that is really too many, more than 300 people participated in this project when it was first established.

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