"I can't stop it, damn it, isn't that guy's energy wasted?" Looking at the jamming gun in Zheng Yichen's hand, someone wanted to destroy the weapon, but there was no way to get in touch with Zheng Yichen, and the superhuman Being hit by that gun directly lost most of its strength.

They also mobilized the same weapons here, but Zheng Yichen was affected but not too much, and he could find time to do other things after the confrontation, directly destroying the surrounding environment. There were not many casualties, but it brought The impact is serious.

The opponent had already rushed to the energy center. Zheng Yichen took out a bomb and pressed it on a piece of equipment. After a bang, all nearby power sources were paralyzed.

The emergency energy quickly restored the place to normal. Zheng Yichen clicked his tongue and looked at some combat robots climbing on the wall. These robots have force field shields on the surface, which are quite resistant to lightning and electromagnetic storms. How much influence he brought, but these combat robots brought him a lot of interference.

As for the energy system here, he has already exploded several times in a row, and some of the weapons he used on his body have become looted, but after so many explosions, he still has not completely paralyzed the energy supply of this fortress. The system appears to be independently distributed.

"If that's the case, then I...you're welcome." I reached out and wiped the scar on my face. It was left by a bullet. There are more bullets with disturbing power in this place. Fortunately, they didn't use Red Star Stone Bullets made of that stuff.

Well, there is no practical significance to using that kind of thing, and it is impossible to kill Zheng Yichen directly. As for the continuous damage, it will not be effective in a short time, and it will only increase the manufacturing cost of the bullet. Use the kind of ammunition that doesn't fit the environment.

Zheng Yichen took out a square device, with these spike-like connectors on the edge of the device, he came to a place where the device was, and directly poked the thing on it, a sizzling current flowed from the device popped out.

Seeing that the light on this small device without a display screen turned red, Zheng Yichen simply flashed away. This thing is loaded with a virus program, no manual operation is required, as long as it is foolish to take a picture of a device connected to the Internet. up.

At that time, the virus program will automatically operate. As for how much impact it can bring to this fortress, we will wait and see. The virus strengthens the signal that destroys the fortress and shields the firewall. Even if the network is disconnected here, as long as there is a transceiver device , then the virus can forcefully transmit the signal.

At that time, Jiang Wei can intervene.

But for this kind of thing, Jiang Wei's attitude is that if you can use it, you don't need it. This virus is too destructive and contagious. Once someone takes it out later, it will be too easy to destroy it. The point is that this virus is that she used some of the code that created 'Doris' in the first place.

The evolution is very strong, even if you can find a way to counter it later, the process is quite troublesome.

"What's going on here?" Someone in the monitoring room roared angrily looking at the chaotic screen.

"Virus, a very powerful virus, we can't completely block it!" The engineer's hands and keyboard are almost rubbing sparks, this virus has evolved rapidly after it started to play a role, part of their firewall is not only It did not play a corresponding role, but was adapted and learned by the virus.

The physical blockade cut off part of the tentacles of the virus, but the virus was not completely blocked, but scattered even more.

Finally, under the mobilization of the commander, they completely cut off all the equipment in the virus-infected area and cut off all the power supplies there, and the area where Zheng Yichen was located fell into complete silence.

And this part of the area occupies about one-fifth of the fortress.

"I'm going, is it so powerful?" After calculating the time for the virus to spread out in his mind, Zheng Yichen was a little bit tongue-tied, but although the virus is powerful, if it completely cuts off the energy source, it will not be of much use.

One-fifth of the area in the fortress was paralyzed, seriously affecting the integrity of the fortress. Jiang Wei discovered this situation immediately. After the integrity was destroyed, she could try to invade.

"I really used the Lilith virus..." Jiang Wei looked at the information displayed on the screen and clicked tut twice. The virus used part of Doris's code. She had already told Zheng Yichen about the danger, but Zheng Yichen It is still used, which means that the fortress is really difficult to handle... that's right.

After all, it is a highly confidential project, how can it be easily killed by one person.

"Let me see the specific situation there, and you, Doris, can help."

"Okay." Doris joined the invasion, holding a clipboard.

Jiang Wei looked at the feedback information on the computer, showing a look of surprise: "Are there so many of my peers? After the fortress leaked, so many people wanted to invade there. That's good, I can fish in troubled waters."

If she was the only one doing the invasion, even with Doris's assistance, it would still be a little stressful, but it would be different if there were more people.

She tried to connect to the Lilith virus, but then found that the Lilith virus had lost its feedback. After a follow-up investigation, she understood what was going on. Nearly one-fifth of the area on the fortress was completely paralyzed. Paralysis that interrupts all energy supplies.

In addition, the energy supply of the fortress is a modular supply mode. This way of cutting off is completely feasible, or it is not this kind of design. I am afraid that the electronic equipment on the fortress will be half finished. Master's.

Otherwise, it is impossible to withstand so many external intrusions at this time, and then the intrusions will be cut off.

"What are you doing, I really unplugged the network cable." Jiang Wei looked at the interrupted invasion and curled her lips: "But I got everything I can get."

The time of intrusion was very short, but she got everything she could get during this time, and she even sent a data packet to Zheng Yichen.

But this step is the limit. Not only is the network disconnected physically, but also a large-scale signal shielding is directly activated. Without the signal shielding, she can directly contact Zheng Yichen. Now she can only wait.

"Huh?" Zheng Yichen looked at the lighted watch on his wrist, and directly blocked the light. There was no energy source and there was no light source after falling into silence. If there is light on him, he is the person the sniper will focus on taking care of.

After covering the light, Zheng Yichen looked at the information on the watch, a data packet with a slow information content, but this data packet was not received completely, only more than 60%, but the information inside was enough Zheng Yichen used it.

The first is a more detailed map, personnel distribution and so on.

"Okay, keep going."

In another place, Jiang Wei looked at the information on some monitoring screens, the corners of her eyes twitched slightly, she quickly packed up her things, and ran out of the base vehicle with the box containing Doris, where she and Zheng Yichen arranged Surveillance equipment in other places captured some approaching figures.

Regardless of whether the other party came here, Jiang Wei didn't plan to stay here, it was too risky.

She rode on Zheng Yichen's motorcycle and ran away. Not long after she left here, another group of people came here. They were stunned when they saw the base car, and then approached it very cautiously. After opening the car, he looked at some programs still running inside, showing a surprised look.

"What's the situation?" One person tried to operate on the screen, but was interrupted by another person reaching out: "If you don't understand, don't move around. We don't understand the technology of this world, so we should be more cautious."

"What about the people here?"

"It's already gone, probably found us in advance, but the other party should be paying attention to us." A dusk mercenary looked at the camera in the car and said, "Let's get out of here."

They don't know much about the equipment here. This kind of high-tech world is not what Twilight mercenaries like to come to. In addition to dealing with the enemy, they also have to beware of the aborigines. It's very troublesome. The backward world doesn't have such worries. .

But they still come here, the main reason is that the entrustment here is very good, even if the mission fails, it will not have much to do with them, because there are already agents here, if it is before the agent arrives, If they come first, there will be penalties for failing to complete the entrustment.

If it came after the agent, then there would be no worries. Anyway, the agent will bear the consequences, as long as they don't hold back.

They discovered this place when they arrived at the target point and planned to pay attention to the specific situation. This place is very close to their target, plus the breath of life here, as well as the breath in the carriage, the talking twilight mercenary can confirm that there was a a woman.

Gender is not important, what is important is that this car is here, maybe the people here had an idea of ​​where they were going before, right?

"We're just passing by, so I'm sorry." A Twilight mercenary said to the camera and left with the others.

Jiang Wei looked at the sound fed back by the monitor, pouted her lips slightly, and had no intention of going back, even if those people were really passing by, anyway, as long as she stayed connected to the Internet, she could remotely operate.

"Each employee has a corresponding chip implanted in his body. This kind of chip detection makes some identity disguises meaningless." Zheng Yichen looked at the information in the data packet and gave up taking advantage of the silence here to find an unlucky person. The egg snatches the idea of ​​the other party's clothes.

It's better to break in normally, the information contains the location of the Eye of Time and Space, and there are some location information of those who targeted Zheng Yichen before, as well as people who have a good relationship with those people.

That's not all about Boundary Breakers, but just take two of them, take their heads, um, find a freezer.

"The target appeared again, this time the opponent's target is the Eye of Time and Space!!" Seeing Zheng Yichen reappeared, the monitoring room returned to normal and reported again. .

"He can't get through!!" Hearing the information reported by Zheng Yichen, the captain of a combat team said coldly, normal armed forces cannot stop Zheng Yichen, but the armed forces here are abnormal.

"Oh... that's amazing." Looking at the combat mechs intercepting in front of him, Zheng Yichen stopped in his tracks. While he was here, he clearly felt that the wind released was suppressed.

The intelligence force provided by Jiang Wei has information about this kind of combat mech, which is equipped with a supernatural jammer and a protective force field, and the effect is much stronger than those of those drones.

And there are quite a few drones around.

Zheng Yichen didn't fight them head-on, and chose to run away.

"Damn it!" Seeing Zheng Yichen's evasive approach, the team leader, who didn't even say a word, froze for a moment: "The other party doesn't intend to break through head-on, beware of sneak attacks!!"

There is no other entrance here, and if you want to get in touch with the Eye of Time and Space, you can only pass through here. As for the other exhaust passages? That's not something a person can get through, and Zheng Yichen can't get through it either.

After conveying the information, the team leader guarded the surroundings, as long as he guarded the entrance, other matters would naturally be handled by others.

Zheng Yichen reached out and touched the interference in his hand: "Thank you for your hard work."

He directly buckled the battery inside the weapon and adjusted the combination of the batteries. This is what Jiang Wei taught him. After the arrangement and combination of the batteries are adjusted, this thing needs external continuous power supply, which is the so-called overload mode. .

"Huh? Not a sneak attack? A frontal breakthrough? Is he crazy??" Seeing Zheng Yichen reappearing, the captain of the combat team was stunned for a moment: "Stop him!!"

The guns of those combat mechs were aimed at Zheng Yichen, and the interference gun in Zheng Yichen's hand was surrounded by strong lightning. He fired at those combat mechas. There was no live ammunition in this thing, and what he shot was interference waves.

"Has our interference fluctuation been neutralized? That gun still has this effect??" Looking at Zheng Yichen, whose wind around him became more violent, the team leader immediately realized the problem.

And the jammer in Zheng Yichen's hand was overloaded with a ball of sparks bursting out from inside, completely useless, but Zheng Yichen's goal had been achieved.

The captain of the combat team, driving the combat mech, roared and looked at Zheng Yichen who was rushing towards him. When he approached Zheng Yichen, the lightning in his hand exploded completely, and the entire area was covered by lightning. Under this kind of attack, , The protective position on the combat mecha was completely disintegrated.

The squad leader in the mech let go of the joystick with his hands numb, dense sparks burst out from the screen in front of him, the entire combat mech was paralyzed, and he couldn't even open the entrance of the combat mech from inside.

It was originally a combat mech designed to fight against supernatural beings, but now it has become a cage for dangerous species. The team leader who lost his ability to observe the outside world angrily blew on the operation panel, and after being stabbed by the leaked electricity, his whole body The man couldn't help but twitched again.


Without the jamming gun, Zheng Yichen would not be able to quickly deal with the supernatural beings in this place after encountering them, but his power is stronger, and ordinary supernatural beings can't stop him at all.

"Huh?" Zheng Yichen, who was sprinting, stopped suddenly, and his surroundings were plunged into darkness. It wasn't that the lights were turned off, but the light was deprived?

At this moment, he turned on his thermal vision and saw a figure waving his hand at him without any hesitation. Zheng Yichen quickly avoided it, but still felt his arm was pierced by something. Thoroughly.

"Hey, I don't want to kill people, but this way I can't guarantee the control of my power!" Zheng Yichen roared, looking sideways at the figure that showed traces in the thermal vision with his peripheral vision.

The other party didn't have any intention of communicating, and started to attack again. Zheng Yichen couldn't judge what the other party's attack was, and increased the wind protection, but the wind was still penetrated, and the water protection was not good. The soil...the ground was concrete, The ability of the earth element is old and useless.

In less than 20 seconds, Zheng Yichen had a lot of wounds on his body, and he also heard noisy voices. Zheng Yichen no longer hesitated about this, and the violent thunder light spread...it didn't spread.

He felt the influence of the supernatural jammer again. In order to prevent himself from being killed by this unknown attack, a dark green flame emerged from the black gun in Zheng Yichen's hand, and the flame instantly covered the entire passage.

Thermal vision captured more figures exuding high temperature, but that kind of temperature can only be found in cooked meat.

The lost vision returned to normal. Zheng Yichen glanced at the marks around him. There were quite a few marks on the wall that had been hit by some kind of piercing attack. As for those who were burned by the fire of hell, he had nothing to do. He closed his hands.

Can he still be beaten to death when he can't stop?

To keep your hands is to keep your hands when you have more spare time, and when you don't have them, you can be as ruthless as possible.

Without checking the traces here in detail, Zheng Yichen left here quickly.

The commander of the fortress quickly got the relevant information. This was the biggest casualty caused by Zheng Yichen's invasion, and he even took in a powerful person who could be rated as a fourth-level in this world. The ability of the light system.

It can deprive the target's vision, the fewer enemies you face, the stronger the effect, and that kind of visual deprivation can ignore the influence of the ability jammer, as long as you are outside the influence range of the jammer. The other party was burned to death by Zheng Yichen.

Zheng Yichen is really within the range of the power jammer, but the abnormal dark green flame released ignores the influence of the power jammer, and the light system power user did not expect this, and was caught off guard by that If this kind of flame spreads, the person who died can be said to be very wronged.

Without the threat just now, Zheng Yichen's attack mode was changed to the one with low damage and low energy consumption.

"The other party is already approaching the residential area."

"What about isolation?"

"...Isolation, I can't stop it." The staff quickly reported that the thick isolation door can temporarily delay Zheng Yichen's footsteps, but Zheng Yichen will soon be able to break through that isolation door. There is that dark green flame.

What's more important is that Zheng Yichen took out a new device when passing through a surveillance camera. The black gun in the other party's hand scratched the ground and wrote two words... virus!

The commander's blood pressure immediately rose. Not long ago, a large number of fortresses were invaded because of a broken virus. This place is top secret, but if no outsider knows, there will be no external shell system. .

Fortunately, the place where the virus appeared just now is not the main area. After cutting off the energy in that area and completely silencing it, everything will be fine. However, Zheng Yichen has more than one copy of the virus in his hand, which is meaningless. The research area of ​​the Eye erupted...

All the places where Zheng Yichen passed were cut off. This is the only way to interfere with Zheng Yichen's use of the virus, and the combat personnel have also changed their methods. Those who intercept Zheng Yichen no longer focus on killing Zheng Yichen. Their main goal is to Destroy any electronic equipment that Zheng Yichen is carrying on his body.

They have used the EMP impact method, but Zheng Yichen himself is a powerful supernatural being in their eyes. The surrounding wind and surrounding lightning can resist and neutralize that kind of attack, and the equipment containing the virus is placed on the ground. in a highly insulated container.

The problem they are facing now is that Zheng Yichen is like a dirty bomb, and there will be no leaks when he is alive. Once this guy dies, it will have a very large-scale impact. area.

The virus really played a role, and the equipment that maintains the eye of time and space has an accident...then there is no point in killing Zheng Yichen.

What made the commander angry was that Zheng Yichen really found an opportunity after pulling all the way.

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