I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 550 Shall I Help Them?

Does it make sense to destroy a planet?

Judging from the performance of those weapons, it is obviously not that easy to destroy a planet, not to mention that there is Twilight on this planet. There may be aliens in a world, but each world in Twilight has only one .

Therefore, the place with twilight is equivalent to the 'heart of the world'.

Does it make sense to violently destroy the planet? Makes sense, but not good for any existence.

The Boundary Breaker can't get anything, and the devouring forces can't continue to draw the power of this world, no one can please.

But the Boundary Breaker still did it.

"Isn't this thing some kind of monster created by the World Breaker through the power of the oath? And it's also related to the destruction of the world?"

Staring at the squirming tentacles below, Zheng Yichen felt the power of his oath surge wildly: "Lilith, release a new message to inform everyone who has access to the Internet in this world that those who have made oaths related to salvation can Come try...to save the world!"

"Boss, are you going to rely on local power? The current situation in the local area is not very credible." Lilith said, Zheng Yichen now knows only a small part of the Internet-related information, but she can see all of it. Society has been in turmoil.

More people are not willing to admit the "betrayer" in their mouths, and want to find the preservation list like crazy, and those who have established secret agreements with the boundary-breaking forces desperately want to contact the boundary-breaking forces... ...wanted to get on board and run away.

"It is to gather some useful people, what if it is useful?"

"Relevant information has been released."

"Okay, let's start—" Zheng Yichen exhaled, the life essence in his body began to burn with the burning blood, and the huge vitality emanating from the burning life essence temporarily raised his own life enhancement to one Peak, but this peak will decrease with the reduction of fuel.

Demon Yuan Seven Kills——!

The dark red blade light descended from the sky, cutting off all the tentacles wriggling out from the ground, and as those tentacles ruptured, more dark purple mist gushed out, and those fogs ate away at the blade light of Moyuan Qisha.

After leaving an indelible scar on the earth, it was finally eaten away by the fog of chaos.

Zheng Yichen exhaled: "This thing...is not a normal life form, not even an abnormal life form!"

His expression was a bit awkward. The new skill he just mentioned in the magic world turned out to be useless here. The huge monster underground is not a normal life form. Life perception is useless, blood perception is useless, in other words It means that this thing has no blood bar in front of him.

And this thing is not within the scope of the "seven kills" of Moyuan Seven Kills.

In the seven-kill arrangement, this thing doesn't even count as the last 'difference'.

The "different" in the seven kills is at the end, and it is also the one with the widest coverage. It is not a human, a demon, a god, or a demon, but it belongs to the existence of a living body, and it is more or less related to "different". , a more intuitive example is... Zombies, that kind of thing belongs to the scope of alienation.

The "alien" in fantasy includes but is not limited to creatures like stitch monsters.

However, this monster can't even touch the 'different' attribute. Is this thing really a living body? Looking at those fresh tentacles, everyone would think of them as life forms.

"Why do I feel like I've entered a fast-updated version?" At this time, he began to miss those relatively normal boundary-breaking cores, such as demon flowers and trees, even if he personally thinks that although they are mediocre, they are still the best to use Anomalous creatures do too.

Why do you always come across such a weird thing.

By the way, Zheng Yichen found that the equipment on his body was very resistant to the fog of chaos. After being contaminated with the fog of chaos before, some of the ordinary clothes were damaged, but the cat spirit cloak and other equipment that had been integrated into the stone of the end were in good condition. of.

Zheng Yichen seriously doubts that he will be assigned to this world because he used the stone of end as equipment strengthening material.

Earth-shattering earth-shaking sounds came from the torn barren Jedi, and a huge twisted monster squeezed out abruptly from the ground. There were a lot of black chains around the body of this thing, and the corners of Zheng Yichen's eyes twitched slightly.

If he was not mistaken, that thing should be the unique mark of the oath in the eyes of the oath-taker.

Has the scar of the oath of this thing materialized directly? This can no longer be said to be the scar of the oath, but the chain of the oath. The chains of the oath hanging on this monster are densely packed, and a considerable part of them extends to the surroundings. Pale, it seems to be linked to some unknown entity.

Reaching out his hand from the teleportation array opened by the Stone of End, Zheng Yichen took out an army-breaking sniper rifle. Zheng Yichen tried to shoot at this thing, and the result was that the tentacles on the huge monster were blown away. The shatter field works, but that damage is a drop in the bucket for this monster.

Even if Zheng Yichen adjusted the miniature star core battery in the firearm to increase the output, it only opened a big hole in the monster's body that spewed out the fog of chaos.

In the mist, new tentacles grew quickly, and more importantly, the chains of the oath were not affected. Conventional attacks could only affect the monster, but not the chains of the oath.

The more special the performance in the battle, the more important that part of the factor is.

"Brother Changqing, we have obtained some important information from the Boundary Breaker. That monster is the core of the Boundary Breaker. It was originally a visionary creature, but after being adjusted by the Great World, it became a unique monster. Beast of the oath."

Liu Hongzhao's voice came through Lilith's communication, and the girl in red looked at the Boundary Breaker who had lost consciousness at her feet and was bleeding all over, and quickly described their discovery.

"This oath beast has an oath to destroy the world, and it is also a guarantee against accidents prepared by the world breaker. Once this oath is triggered, the oath beast will completely lose control. It will not stop until the oath is completed. And the more serious the damage to the world, the stronger its power will be.

The boundary breakers don't want to use this guarantee because the oath beast carries the core of the boundary breaking. After its power increases to a certain level, it can complete the boundary breaking ahead of time. At the same time, because it is out of control, it will appear in the big world It can also cause serious problems..."

"Understood, be careful next time."

Zheng Yichen nodded, looked at the beast of the oath below, and suddenly felt that it would be good to throw this thing to the big world?

As he guessed, the oath to destroy the world, it is no wonder that those world breakers will detonate a large number of weapons reserved, and even want to blast the land of this world, causing more natural and man-made disasters. Those destructive weapons must be related to this oath. The beast is related.

The destruction caused by the explosion will be counted on it.

Next, any damage this thing brings to this world will increase its power. It can be imagined that this world is successfully broken, and after being integrated into the big world, the big world will also have a 'vow' related to getting this world. special power.

The beast of the oath will be connected to the big world, so how strong can this thing become? An existence that can increase its strength as long as it continues to destroy, plus the factor of breaking the boundary, this thing was considered a top-level existence in the past, and it is not so easy to kill.

Once the big world can't handle it well, it can be predicted that an abnormal disaster will definitely happen on the big world.

What's the harm in perfecting the big world like this?

"Damn, isn't this killing me?"

Zheng Yichen, who was just thinking about it in his heart, was cursing and cursing, to complete the world? It's not worthwhile to use your own life to make it happen.

In fact, Zheng Yichen wanted to discuss with the dusk, to see if he could let himself go this time?

But with the characteristics of Dusk, most of them don't care how much threat this oath beast can bring to the big world. The task is the task, and the account will be deleted if it is not completed, or Tia told him with a cold face that he only needs to accumulate 400 It is enough to get the opportunity to save the grade points.

The problem is that he doesn't have one. So far, he has accumulated 228 points, which is more than a hundred points. Even if he has, he doesn't want to let the chance of saving be wasted here.

So we still have to fight this thing.

Throwing the Pojun sniper rifle into the teleportation array at hand, and the Pojun sword into the cat spirit cloak, he pulled away the fishing rod in his hand, and the black material covered it and shaped it into a spear, and the whole person fell from the sky like a meteor.

The environment around the Beast of the Oath is filled with a faint mist, and any elemental power in the mist is in a state of being dissolved, and the magician is half useless in the mist, unless those magicians are the same as the fighters in the world of the fire dragon. Use magic power to release martial arts.

It seems that after he got the ability to manipulate elements, he rarely used it in high-end battles. He obviously killed a lot of demigods, which greatly enhanced his ability to manipulate elements, and he was able to keep up with the intensity of battles.

But this has something to do with personal habits. If you get used to being a fighter, the priority of that kind of power will be directly pressed after you fight, and you don't need to consider priority in the foggy environment, because you can't use it at all.

The blood-colored air film burst out, blocking the low-concentration mist attack, but he couldn't stop the mist from spreading. Where the mist spread, even the dead land began to melt into a substance similar to asphalt. Tiny tentacles emerged, like earthworms emerging from the soil after the rain.

To highlight a nausea, it can be imagined that as the scope of these fogs expands, all normal things in this world will be squeezed, and eventually destroyed in the fog emitted by this sworn beast.

There were additional attacks coming in from the outside, and some Twilight mercenaries did it. Those attacks were very fast and would not be immediately melted by the fog, but the effect of falling on the beast of the oath was negligible. The size of this thing is too huge up.

So how to deal with this thing? Feeling the rapidly increasing power of his oath, Zheng Yichen felt that another fatal factor had come.

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