The beast of the oath is not the oath monster that the oath-taker turns into after breaking the oath. This thing has an oath to destroy the world, and what it does now is to fully fulfill its own oath, and it will only become stronger within the scope of the oath.

Even though this thing is more monster than the oath monster, this thing is a qualified 'Oath Taker'

Use the power of the oath to deal with this thing...

The oath he made with the power of the oath is still to deal with the existence that threatens this world. The oath beast has an oath to destroy the world, which is also a threat to the existence of the world itself, otherwise the power of his oath will not increase violently.

But the speed of this increase seems to be inferior to the beast of the oath.

The Runaway Boundary Breakers are still wreaking havoc, not to mention the cities that were destroyed in the first place. Those cities are all large cities in this world.

When dealing with the Great Evil God, it only affected one city, now?

Zheng Yichen felt the power of the oath accumulated, if this power could be used to release the Moyuan Seven Kills, then he would be able to fight like last time.

For this reason, his choice is to use the power of anti-oath...

The power of the oath cannot be used as the power to unleash the seven kills of Moyuan, it can only be used to add or strengthen oneself.

Just looking at the growth rate of the oath beast, even if it is used to strengthen itself, it may not be able to kill this thing.

The attack of the twilight mercenaries from the outside... Forget it, more numbers may have a short-term suppression effect.

The power of the oath against the power of the oath depends on who is stronger, and there is no restraint.

The power effect brought by the power of anti-oath will be more obvious.

Just feeling the power of the oath that is still increasing, Zheng Yichen has a bit of a headache. The power of the anti-oath can destroy the power of the oath is enhanced, and the anti-oath power generated has additional restraint on the power of the oath.

It's just that the power of the oath on his body is too great. Once he uses the power of anti-oath to break the oath he made, will his body be able to bear it?

It might work……

Feeling the exuberant vitality obtained by burning the essence of life, at worst, there will be a snake slough to guarantee the bottom line, if that's the case... done it!

The power of anti-oath touched the power of the oath, and then the oath marks that appeared in his eyes cracked and began to break. At the same time, Zheng Yichen could feel the colic pain all over his body.

The whole person seemed to be soaked in magma, and the power erupted like a volcanic eruption, but the oath he made did not disappear because of this, and once the oath power was used, it would disappear quickly.

But now because the power of the oath is obtained too fast, not to mention the speed of dissipation, it can also accumulate rapidly on this existing basis, and the power against the oath has therefore become more advanced.

The quintessence of life is consumed at an extremely fast speed, and the backlash damage after the oath to make up for the power of the oath is broken, Zheng Yichen really doesn't want to have this BUG!

"At least I didn't become a oath monster—" Zheng Yichen gritted his teeth, the blood overflowing from his mouth turned into a blood mist, which made his throat a little uncomfortable, and the blood-colored dragon created by waving the spear with the power of anti-oath tore through the mist , the blood dragon bit the oath chain on the oath beast.

The chain of oath, which was difficult to be effective by normal attacks, broke directly, and a small part of the body of the oath beast collapsed directly. Sure enough, compared to directly destroying the flesh and blood of the oath beast, the effect of attacking the oath chain was more obvious.

Because the oath power was still increasing rapidly, Zheng Yichen counterattacked with a level 1 oath power, with the same output, but the chain of oath that was hit was only trembling violently, and cracks appeared on it but did not break.

The Beast of the Oath is the "Oath Maker". Zheng Yichen's oath power comes from "dealing with the existence that threatens the world", but this is only a way to obtain power, and will not affect the attributes of this power, so the oath power is all the same. A type of power, changes in attributes will only change according to the characteristics of the individual.

Oil can move a car, it can also move a truck, it can also make a chainsaw run, and it can also make other things that need to burn oil work, but these things have different functions, and the fuel that can be driven is A sort of.

Therefore, if you want to use the power of the oath to produce additional restraint on this oath beast, it must have a certain characteristic that restrains it, rather than a specific oath that brings a certain characteristic, which cannot be brought.

The so-called targeted vows are only strengthened because of their targeting.

The oath beast is not within the scope of the seven attributes of Moyuan Seven Kills, and this thing is not a normal life form. Even if the oath power can be used to increase the attack strength of the death force, it is of no use to this oath beast.

Use the anti-oath power honestly, at least now Zheng Yichen doesn't have to worry about the disappearance of the oath power, not only that, he has to be very careful to suppress the increase of the anti-oath power.

The speed at which the power of the oath increased was so fast that Zheng Yichen realized a factor he had overlooked.

When he dealt with the Devourer, Zheng Yichen neglected the incomplete nature and man's unity characteristic that he obtained because it was too weak. Now this characteristic seems to be in an astonishing fit with the oath he made with the power of the oath.

The unity of heaven and man is related to the world itself, and the oath he made is to maintain the world, and the oath of the oath beast is to destroy the world.

The incomplete nature of the unity of man and nature at this moment is also the unity of man and nature.

The question is... can you reduce the backlash strength of the broken oath?

He is now able to maintain his normal fighting strength, relying on the super-high recovery power brought by a large amount of life essence, otherwise the backlash from breaking his oath will twist his body into raw materials, and then use the name "Yichen" Sauce' something is forcibly molded into a new oath monster.

The raging blood dragon kept destroying the chain of oath on the oath beast. The passive monster felt a strong threat from Zheng Yichen, and began to become active, entangled and whipped towards Zheng Yichen with misty tentacles.

The dense mist squeezes the space where Zheng Yichen can move. That kind of mist is not pure oath power, but the power manifested by the characteristics of the oath beast itself. Anti-oath power can produce a restraining effect, but it is not as obvious as directly attacking the oath chain .

"Wow——" When Zheng Yichen wrapped the cat spirit cloak around his waist and used it as a battle skirt, the cat spirit appeared, but the next moment he screamed and retracted into the cloak again.

The ablation intensity of the mist was too high, it couldn't bear it, and the clothes on Zheng Yichen's body had been ablated long ago, otherwise he wouldn't have used the cat spirit cloak as a battle skirt.

This is also the result of the air film being able to block part of the fog.

The raging blood dragon bit the oath chain on the oath beast. During Zheng Yichen's high-speed cleaning, the rapidly growing oath beast slowed down in terms of growth, but it's not a problem if it continues like this.

As long as the destruction done by the Boundary Breaker doesn't stop, the growth of the Beast of the Oath will not stagnate.

"The second message... Huh~, we need a lot of oath beasts here, let Hongzhao and the others put the 'bait'." Zheng Yichen said to the teleportation array that soon shattered, the fog has seriously interfered with Zheng Yichen and Lilith. Newsletter.

"Understood—" intermittent replies sounded.

Lilith passed Zheng Yichen's request to Liu Hongzhao immediately, and took out the so-called 'bait', which is very attractive to abnormal creatures with low IQs.

After Liu Hongzhao took the bait, he glanced at the churning mist area, and directly smashed the bait. The wind evenly spread the bait around the area close to the mist, and he could no longer see the internal situation there.

They could only faintly hear the sound of fierce battle inside. The Twilight mercenaries also understood what this thing was, and were very afraid to stay away from the range of the fog.

"What are the people in this world doing?" Liu Hongzhao asked Lilith after spreading out those 'baits'.

Lilith pulled out two projection screens and said: "There are unusually powerful swearers approaching, and some are fighting among themselves..."

"Internal fighting..." Liu Hongzhao's expression became even more indifferent. There are people like this all the time. She knows that even hatred can't completely eliminate such existences, but she is still unhappy after knowing about them.

"I've spread the information about the oath beast, and I've seen the reaction of the local forces. They want to save themselves, so they can pull out a group of oath bearers with the oath of salvation in a short period of time, and capture enough oath monster."

The oath monsters are very sensitive to the swearers and have a natural hatred. If a swearer walks with a normal person, and there are ten oath monsters around, then these ten oath monsters will not separate out a little attack because there are not enough people. Ordinary people, unless the swearer has been torn to pieces.

"Not enough time." Qi Xiangyun said worriedly. The nearby cities have been destroyed by the explosion. Even if there are survivors, how much strength can those survivors pull up?

In addition, the current social situation in this world is chaotic, and everyone is in danger. Even if some information is released, how much power can those people spontaneously form?

"Let's count a little bit." Lin Yaoyao looked at the distant sky: "Someone is coming."

That is the swearer who approached from the mainland.

"Be careful." Liu Hongzhao said, staring at the figure that appeared in the distance and quickly approached.

Not only that, but the opponent seems to be following some 'reinforcements'.

"What method did you use? Why did these oath monsters become like this??" The oath-taker immediately fell from the sky after seeing Qi Xiangyun and others. A large number of oath monsters flying behind him did not chase them, but Flying into the dark purple mist like a moth to a flame.

Qi Xiangyun said with a normal expression: "Maybe it was attracted by the beast of the oath? Isn't the oath monster sensitive to the power of the oath?"

"Perhaps, you Twilight mercenaries even use children? Get out of here quickly!" The swearer who came did not continue to ask, the swearing monster would be attracted by the swearer, but what he encountered was not attracted, but directly Crazy.

He could see the age of Liu Hongzhao and the others, and felt that the bottom line of employing mercenaries at Dusk was very low.

The oath-taker stared at the place where the fog was surging. His oath was not a pure oath of salvation, but related to saving people. Before he came, he paid attention to the information of the oath beast, and the power of the oath began to become stronger, allowing him to They can fly fast out of thin air, otherwise they wouldn't come here in time.

After coming here, he can feel that the power of his oath has become stronger than ever. This oath beast threatens the whole world, and this threat will threaten everyone in this world, so his oath is fully triggered!

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