I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 741 Welfare Bureau?

The research on life preservation technology was still related to the Anjia in the early days, but it no longer had much to do with the Anjia.

Now the An family can be connected with Zheng Yichen. The more reason is the relationship established between An Qi and Zheng Yichen, and the fact that the An family is now An Ke's natal family.

However, for a large family, this situation is a marriage, and the An family has received greater rewards for this, a very complete set of magical knowledge in a high-environment world.

But to say that everyone in the An family can be satisfied with this is really not enough...

"Tell father about this first." An Longling did not continue. This matter was not something she could decide in the first place.

"I have no objection." An Ke left the lounge. Her experiment was not over yet. Since Zheng Yichen solved the task directly and quickly this time, he should take advantage of his vacation time to complete the final stage of life preservation technology. .

"What? Are you upset?" An Longling noticed that An Qi's expression was strange and asked with a chuckle.

An Qi sighed slightly: "That's it. I can't be a twilight mercenary. My strength is also very average. I was the one who came first."

It was she who discovered Zheng Yichen first. Although he did not realize Zheng Yichen's identity and future potential at that time, he has now taken off in less than two years.

She discovered Zheng Yichen first, but now An Ke is more important to him.

"You have to admit some things. Those who do research will always be more popular than us, unless the individual's power reaches his level." An Longling comforted her sister.

An Ke had done a lot of taboo things in the An family before, but she had always been good. But if those things had been done to her and An Qi, they would have long since withdrawn from the competitive circle of patriarchs and become marginal figures.

They can only fight and lead the team to complete many tasks for Anjia, but Anke's research can improve Anjia's overall foundation.

"That's very unrealistic, so be it." An Qi shook her head. She couldn't change her job to become a researcher, and she didn't have the talent. She couldn't force too much on some things.

Moreover, Anjia has obtained the key to the high-environment world and its stable development.

All they have to do is do what they can when Anjia doesn't act stupid.

"Brother Changqing, I have many questions to ask you about the feathered body. We are leaving tomorrow. Can you teach me tonight?"

"?" Zheng Yichen glanced at Liu Hongzhao, who didn't look so cold when she was on her side. She took out a book directly from the built-in space in anticipation: "The detailed explanation of the feathered body is the world where the feathered body comes from. The top 'cheats' in the book."

Zheng Yichen said and gave another copy to Qi Xiangyun and Lin Yaoyao respectively: "With your understanding, it is definitely not difficult to understand this. You may even surpass me in this aspect. Then I will be the one to ask you for advice. .”

"..." Looking at the thick book in her hand, Lin Yaoyao closed it after flipping through a few pages. She couldn't help but roll her eyes.

This is not what she wants.

But Zheng Yichen had everyone involved and blocked their real purpose.

"Okay, go back and have a good rest. Now that you have made a decision, don't be half-hearted. Go early and come back early." Zheng Yichen raised his hand.

In the end, the hand was put back naturally. It has been almost a year. Liu Hongzhao and the others have also grown a year older. It is not good to touch their heads directly.

When returning, Zheng Yichen made a special trip to the Dusk Church and read the messages in the locker. Jiang Wei's scientific research team was progressing smoothly.

Although there is a big gap in level between the scientific research teams in the two worlds, that gap is caused by the gap in knowledge accumulated through the development of science and technology, and the communication is still very harmonious.

Both sides have a common purpose and come from different worlds. There is no possibility of mutual invasion. Moreover, each has its own characteristics in terms of development and can further communicate with each other.

If Zheng Yichen wants to get first-hand research information on spacecraft, he will probably have to wait a month or two. Alien technology is not that easy to study.

Even if there are many research samples on site, and even one or two spacecraft can be violently dismantled with Zheng Yichen's authorization, it is impossible to make substantial progress in a short period of time.

"Hmm... They're all pretty good, huh??" After seeing the letter in the locker related to Du Gang, Zheng Yichen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Something is wrong with Du Gang's world.

There was an invasion by the Devourers.

"What the hell is this?" Zheng Yichen was quite surprised that this kind of thing happened, and he didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky to have targeted the devouring force on Du Gang's side...

Well, this is not good in both senses. It is a world with agents. If you swallow the power, why not just deliver it to your door?

He just mentioned this matter, and he didn't ask Zheng Yichen to go over specifically to help. What the other party meant was that if Zheng Yichen knew a twilight mercenary, then don't be polite and just go to his world.

There is now a place where the invasion can be safely dealt with, and the dusk mercenaries will not be greatly affected if they pass by.

Only after the agent went to a certain world under Dusk's arrangement did the evaluation of Dusk's mercenaries drop significantly, thus affecting their income.

But Du Gang is a local aborigine, and he is a representative, but he has not been assigned tasks by Dusk there, so Dusk's mercenaries will not experience a decrease in evaluation after passing there.

Unless the native world where the agent is located cannot withstand it, and Twilight arranges for foreign aid, the evaluation of Twilight mercenaries will be greatly reduced.

This can be regarded as a kind of loophole that is not a loophole. It can be regarded as a 'welfare bureau' that has a very small probability of appearing.

There are so many worlds, and not all worlds have agents. After all, it is a small probability event that the agent's home world is invaded, and there are too few Twilight mercenaries to encounter.

As an aborigine, Du Gang has no task arrangement at dusk, and when he eliminates the invaders, he will not receive benefits at the level of the agent...

Agents are high-risk and high-reward. The ones you just met are purely for making extra money, so the benefits you get will be greatly reduced.

He could also choose to sit on the sidelines, pretend that he couldn't see the invasion, and attack at the worst possible moment... the consequences of that would be even worse.

The aboriginal Du Gang will not be entrusted with the task by Dusk. That world will only be arranged by Dusk as agents of other worlds. Even if they just take action later, they can easily solve the devouring forces.

But the benefits will only become lower. Not only that, but his home world will also suffer a large number of victims because the problem is solved too late.

So after the agent saw his home world being invaded, he thought about the bug. It was simply playing with fire and self-immolation at the expense of others. If his home world was invaded, he should solve it as soon as possible!

Procrastination does no good.

This letter was new, and Zheng Yichen wrote a reply without saying a word.

Du Gang explained this matter in detail, and the veteran agent allowed Zheng Yichen to gain some experience. In this regard, Zheng Yichen decided to go over and help.

He had just experienced a big battle not long ago, and he needed some suitable enemies to replenish his energy. Wouldn't a suitable target come to his door?

Speaking of which, he hasn't encountered the Devouring Forces for a long time. He misses the Devouring Forces' high use of Tianzhu energy. Wouldn't it be nice to deal with more of them and take the opportunity to strengthen his nature-human unity characteristics?

In the world of Huanyan, Zheng Yichen developed new combat skills, but due to the weak nature of the unity of man and nature, the environment was slightly less tolerant of him.

If you play a little big, you will get angry. If your nature and human nature are strengthened, even if it is not as good as the original one, as long as the characteristics are strong enough, you can half-heartedly cooperate with yourself in the battle, right?

Hmm...it needs to be developed carefully.

"The Devourer? We have never encountered this type of target before. This is also an opportunity." Qi Xiangyun was very moved after hearing Zheng Yichen's words.

All the enemies they have encountered so far are boundary breakers. Devourers are like special monsters with a low probability of appearing, let alone the rarer balanced forces.

When communicating with other Twilight mercenaries, some Twilight mercenaries had encountered the Devourer, but the person who balanced the power was really an existence that was only heard of.

"Then go over there." Liu Hongzhao said very simply. Now that the decision has been made, let's take action.

"I'm going to go there this time too. After all, we are all representatives who have fought together." Zheng Yichen took out his mobile phone and contacted An Ke.

"Well, I understand. I will try my best to complete the research on life preservation technology before you come back." An Ke said to Zheng Yichen on the phone. She was curious about the existence of Devourer, but she didn't plan to follow him this time.

As long as Zheng Yichen is good, he will always have the opportunity to study existences like Devourer in the future, and she also knows Zheng Yichen's future plans.

Once space research is completed in the world of Sky Wheel, Zheng Yichen will be able to obtain a unique Sky Wheel that can replace the city.

The shrinkable Sky Wheel is portable, which means that Zheng Yichen can carry a logistics base with her, and she will become a researcher in it. Any rare species that Zheng Yichen comes into contact with can be sent to her immediately...

As a researcher, An Ke is very pragmatic and rarely has daydream-like fantasies, but she can't help but fantasize about such a future, and she is very happy.

So when she knew what Zheng Yichen was going to do this time, she chose to endure it and finish the most important part first, and the rest could be expected in the future.

She didn't plan to go see the Devourer, and the two witches in Zheng Yichen's family had the same idea. They went purely for sightseeing, so it was better to digest the gains in the magical world at home.

However, the two Saints of Light are very interested in this. They came here to get in touch with different worlds. They have not seen the Breaker yet, but if they have the opportunity to see the Devourer, they will naturally not miss such an opportunity.

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