I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 742 Not really

"As long as the world's environment is good, we will help." Lillian said to Zheng Yichen with a serious look on her little face.

"Actually, there is no need to help. If you kill too many Devourers, it will be easy to steal people's heads..." Zheng Yichen said sincerely. He did not doubt the intention of the two Saints of Light to help, but their dealing with the Devourers would not be of any benefit to the Twilight Mercenaries. .

"Hey! This is a matter that involves many lives. You actually said such a thing?" Lillian couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"You have to know that the main force in this matter is the Twilight mercenaries. Hahahaha, just come as you like. There are still many people who can fight on the Devouring Forces side. When we get there, I will tell you who you need to pay attention to."

Zheng Yichen smiled, then opened the entrance to the built-in space: "Go in."

Since he had something to do over there, he didn't plan to waste time here after explaining some things.

Go early and come back early.

After bringing Liu Hongzhao and the others to the Dusk Church, Zheng Yichen first looked at the notice board which was of no use to him.

He went directly to Tia: "How about they go to Du Gang's world?"

"You can go."

"I want to go too."

Tia glanced at Zheng Yichen: "That's not included in the mission."

"That doesn't matter. The question is, can I follow them for free?"

"No." Tiya broke Zheng Yichen's illusion very simply, saying that this is a place with rules.

"Tsk, that's really rigid. I might as well take them there...wait, taking them there like this doesn't count them as part of the mission, right?"

Tia nodded.

Zheng Yichen was speechless. He thought for a moment and asked, "Have you read the novel I gave you before?"

"Looked at it."

"Then what do you think of the reform here...? If it is really reformed, as the proposer, can I be promoted?"

He doesn't expect to be a 'priest' anymore. It would be good to be directly promoted to an administrator who is higher than the deputy. It would be better if he can get more autonomy, lower the requirements related to grade points, etc... It's all good. of.

"As long as you live two thousand years, you can see the so-called 'reform'." Tia looked calm, but Zheng Yichen became curious.

He asked: "How is this time calculated?"

Two thousand years, I have twelve missions a year, less, eleven. After accumulating two, I will have to attend twenty-two thousand missions. If I switch to that kind of time travel for cultivating immortals, it will go against the will of heaven. Bar?

Is there really that much world to save? Uh...it is said that there really is.

One flower, one world, the number of local worlds is quite overwhelming.

“Big Data Computing.”

"...In other words, according to the current development, Dusk will not be able to suppress the trouble-making forces in its current form in two thousand years, so reforms are needed? You are too passive, wouldn't you be more proactive?"

"You can try to annihilate the Boundary Breaking Organization."

"If I can do it, I won't be so embarrassed last time." Zheng Yichen clicked his tongue: "Let's go."

Liu Hongzhao and the others went to Du Gang's world with the other Twilight Sisters and bought their own tickets.

Both parties arrived at the same time. Before, the excitement in the church at dusk was only average, but now it has become very lively.

Except for the aboriginal people, the rest are all the twilight mercenaries who came here, and this world knows the existence of the twilight mercenaries, so seeing so many 'armed men', some people here don't look too much. surprise.

They are considered official permanent residents here, and so are the other ordinary aborigines... This world is inherently martial, and even ordinary people can practice the diamond body and the feathered body.

It’s just that what ordinary people practice is basically for physical fitness, but in this world, the performance is not low. For example, ordinary firearms that are easy to use in low environments are not very effective in this world. Easy to use.

"Brother Changqing, this way!" Lin Yaoyao waved to Zheng Yichen with one hand raised. There were many people here at dusk, and it was difficult for them to come over at a time.

This place has just been invaded by the devouring forces, and currently among the masters, encountering a world like this where the existence of dusk mercenaries has been known for a long time, will those devouring forces just give up and run away?

Zheng Yichen thinks this possibility is not too low.

But it’s all here, let’s take a look first.

After walking over, Zheng Yichen said, "Let's go to my friend first."

Now that the master is still here, there is no need to rush to find those who are devouring forces. Dealing with devouring forces is not like dealing with boundary breakers. Boundary breakers can be regarded as scammers...

They will first sneak into this world and gain the trust of the aboriginal people in this world before they cause trouble. Therefore, it is difficult to directly detect their traces. Only after their actions have a clear impact on this world will they be observed by Dusk. arrive.

Devouring forces have no skills, they just break into houses and rob, and they are violent. If the aborigines can't defeat them, they will be cool. Under normal circumstances, the aboriginals really can't defeat the devouring forces.

There is a Devouring Sky Pillar over there. When the aborigines fight against the Devouring Forces, they are innately suppressed. Even if they have the home field advantage, it will not help.

Even in a low-environment world, it is difficult for indigenous people to gain any advantage with their technological power.

As an old senior, Du had just discussed with Zheng Yichen how difficult it was to deal with the Devouring Forces. Many times, the Devouring Forces would force out their agents. Unlike the God Breaking World Forces, the Dusk Mercenaries could at least get a 50-50 victory over them. situation.

When fighting against the Devouring Forces, the Devouring Forces will account for less than 80% of the total... However, the Devouring Heavenly Pillar of the Devouring Forces is a very good thing. If you can find a way to knock off a piece and preserve it, it will be a top-notch strengthening material.

Obviously, the energy of the Tianzhu that swallows the Tianzhu is not Zheng Yichen's unique discovery. The Twilight Mercenaries have been around for so long, and they can basically discover anything that needs to be discovered.

It's just that he doesn't have much contact with the Twilight Mercenaries, so he doesn't think many people know about it.

"Brother Changqing, are there gods and demons in this world?" Liu Hongzhao and Zheng Yichen asked as they walked on the street together.

Everyone in this world practices. Even ordinary people, Liu Hongzhao can see some traces of martial arts, and the environment in this world is not low. Both the intensity and energy level are higher than her world.

"You want to deal with a being like God?"

"If those gods and demons deserve to die..." Liu Hongzhao's voice turned gloomy. She had no favorable impression of such existences as gods and demons, but she did not reject such power.

Having such power allows her to better kill those gods and demons that are damning to the human race.

"It's a pity that there are no such existences as gods and demons in this world. There are quite a few monsters, and the others are all humans."

With existences like gods and demons, if those guys were not human beings, they would be hunted down one by one by the locals.

But the existence of gods and demons does not mean that they will definitely appear if the environment is high. Anyway, they do not exist in this world.

"That's a pity. After mastering the new moves, I can't find the best target to try the sword on." Qi Xiangyun reached out and touched the weapon hanging on his waist.

"Don't underestimate those who are devouring forces. They have the bonus of Tianzhu energy and can fight very hard, but you have to bear the pressure of the environment being drawn into a 'vacuum'."

Zheng Yichen reminded, describing in detail the common characteristics of the Devourers. They devour the world in a head-to-head manner. Hard power is essential, and there is an endless supply of support.

Boundary Breakers are just some of the Boundary Breakers who sneak into the world and start fishing. They cast a wide net to fish for fish. The devouring power belongs to the one-on-one king. The efficiency is not high but the success rate is high.

"The environment is vacuum. I can try to use the weapon of gods and demons to suppress the environment." Lin Yaoyao stretched out her hand and pressed it on the hilt of the sword: "As long as the environment is stable enough, the devouring forces cannot extract more energy, right?"

"It can be pressed, but only a part of it." Zheng Yichen glanced at Lin Yaoyao, who was a little confident. He looked into the distance. Through his thermal vision, he could see a 'whirlpool' in the sky that ordinary people could not see.

The huge vortex that covers the sky in the thermal vision is rotating very slowly, and the speed of this rotation is slowly increasing.

Devouring forces are already plundering the world's resources.

It's just that the level of plundering is not high now, so the aborigines here have no intuitive feeling. Even Liu Hongzhao and the others can't feel anything abnormal in the environment.

When a light breeze blows over, no one would have thought that this light breeze would soon turn into a devastating storm.

"Brother Changqing, you have some confidence in me."

Lin Yaoyao looked at Zheng Yichen angrily. Zheng Yichen smiled. Just when he was about to say something, Liu Hongzhao spoke first: "The power in the environment has been extracted. What are you suppressing? Air? Or do you want to carve out a piece of it? Waiting to die in a safe area?”

"Then there's another way." Lin Yaoyao snorted softly: "There is no need to suppress, there is a direct form of gathering. You can gather enough power in advance and use it later during the battle."

Liu Hongzhao did not refute Lin Yaoyao this time: "This is a good idea."

Their weapons of gods and demons originally did not have the ability to store additional energy, but after being strengthened with the original branches and leaves of the World Tree, they could temporarily store a large amount of natural elemental power.

Devouring forces are extracting power from this world, and they can also store huge amounts of energy in advance to deal with those devourers. They don't have to worry about being suppressed during the battle.

"Is the phantom eye okay?" Qi Xiangyun, who had been silent for the whole time, blinked her right eye, and a machine man appeared next to her, but this machine man could only be seen by those of them who used the phantom eye. .

People on the road turned a blind eye to the agency people following them. If you want to discover this thing, you can only have good enough perception.

"Spiritual strength does not depend on the environment." Qi Xiangyun said. The machine man practiced a set of martial arts flexibly. She nodded with satisfaction: "The machine man constructed with phantom eyes is more flexible in terms of flexibility. Better than the real thing.”

The girl who commanded the machine man dismissed the machine man and looked at Zheng Yichen: "Brother Changqing, you attach great importance to the world that can produce phantom eyes, and do you have the idea of ​​​​dealing with the devouring forces?"


this? Not really.

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