I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 743 What to drink? Go practice

Even though the girl next to him looked at him with an expression of admiration, and even had some outdated tendency to think about it, Zheng Yichen immediately shook his head: "No, I didn't think about it that much at the time."

He acquiesced to the imagination of the girl around him, but let it go. He had never thought of this in the first place, and there was no need to acquiesce at this time. He could just say what was going on.

It’s not like outsiders, there’s no need for us to talk about what’s there and what’s not. It’s easy to get into trouble if you think too much.

"Ah?" Seeing Zheng Yichen denying it so simply, Qi Xiangyun couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: "Uh, is that so?"

"I have encountered devouring forces before, and there was no such thing as eyes at that time. Why didn't I defeat them anyway?"

"I see." Qi Xiangyun no longer dwells on this matter. Zheng Yichen has said so. She also understands what is going on. Zheng Yichen does not need to care about the impact of the environmental energy being vacuumed.

In such an environment, he can still exert sufficient combat effectiveness, and naturally there is no need to consider other means to make up for the lack of combat effectiveness.

Only when you need it will you think about how to get what you need. How can people who don't have need think so much?

In Du Gang's home, the hearty laughter of this strong man came from outside the door.

"Hahahaha, I have arranged a place to stay."

Zheng Yichen came alone before, but now Zheng Yichen came here with other Twilight mercenaries. He directly arranged for another place and went to the restaurant he had made a reservation to eat.

Compared to Zheng Yichen's sudden arrival last time, this time he was well prepared.

"It's unlucky for those Devourers this time, they hit me directly." In the restaurant, everyone just ended their casual chat and started a formal conversation after the food was served.

Both agents are in this world, so why do those Devourers conquer this world? Not only that, Du Gang is also preparing to do something more exciting: "I want to take this opportunity to counterattack the world of Devourer."

"You can try it."

"Brother Changqing..." Qi Xiangyun resisted the urge to roll his eyes when he saw Zheng Yichen's answer. The agent they already knew was Du Gang, who had introduced him, was obviously negotiating.

Is it okay for Zheng Yichen to just go here?

"I have already come into contact with the big world. Now that I have the opportunity to come into contact with the world of the Devourer, of course I cannot miss it. Whether it is the World Breaker or the Devourer, both of them deserve to die."

It's not that Zheng Yichen is radical, but that's the fact. Every world destroyed is bound to be accompanied by the loss of a large number of lives. If those bastards don't die, who should die?

"But wouldn't that be too risky?"

"It's not a big problem. I already have a chance to keep it. This is an important confidence provided by Dusk to the agent." Zheng Yichen said with a smile, picking up the chopsticks to pick up the food.

The occasion here is not so strict, you can come and eat whatever you want.

Du Gang did not intervene in Zheng Yichen's conversation. Instead, he spoke after Zheng Yichen finished speaking: "Yes, this is an opportunity. Such an opportunity is rare. It would be a pity to miss it."

Du Gang said his thoughts: "Since the Devouring Force collided directly, and it is still in my home world, we won in terms of time, and we are not bad in terms of combat power. When the mercenaries and the Devouring Force confront each other at dusk , we can definitely launch a counterattack."

Either counter-invasion or counter-attack. The real intruder is the devouring force. If Zheng Yichen doesn't come, he will carefully consider this option, but Zheng Yichen is already here, so they can cooperate.

Zheng Yichen, who made a decision simply, asked, "When do you plan to set off?"

"There's no rush, just wait for two days, otherwise those Devourers may choose to run away."

Those Devourers are not stupid either. After they really knew that there were two agents in this world, how could they continue to devour the world stupidly?

It is better to run away early, which can also reduce some losses. Du Gang meant to wait for two more days to let the Devourer's Devouring Sky Pillar establish a stable link with the world before they take action.

By then, the Devourers will be in a state of neither going up nor down. Even if they want to withdraw the Devouring Sky Pillar, it will take time, and that time will be enough for them to counterattack.

Every world has dusk, and the world of Devourer is no exception, and the devouring force is not like the big world. The big world integrates the characteristics of countless worlds, and the vastness of the land and things are reached to the extreme.

Therefore, it is comprehensive in terms of development.

The world of Devouring Forces still has the original specifications, that is, the upper limit of a single target is very high.

"That's it." Zheng Yichen had no objection to this. It was only two days and he could afford to wait. Besides, he could do other things during this time.

After finishing the main conversation, they just changed the topic and talked about Zheng Yichen's recent experience: "You always seem to encounter a more special world, and this time is the same. The phantom eye is a good thing."

Just as he pointed at his eyes, Zheng Yichen sent over some phantom eyes made by Dusk. After trying this kind of thing, he found that the effect was beyond his imagination.

Although this kind of thing is a finished product, it can be strengthened in the future by investing more strengthening materials in Dusk.

This thing can make a warrior like him more comprehensive, and it does not require him to improve the strength of non-warriors. The phantom eye is related to the spirit.

Warriors... You can say that the intellectual attributes of warriors are low, but the spiritual will of warriors is really lower than those of magicians.

Therefore, as a veteran agent, Du Gang immediately realized the power and uniqueness of this thing, and he was ready to invest in some powerful strengthening materials to strengthen this thing in the future.

But at this time, the invasion of the devouring forces came, so there was nothing to say. The Tianzhu of the devouring forces itself was a very excellent strengthening material.

It's just that the devouring forces don't dare to touch Dusk, and they can't use related things to the extreme like Dusk.

"It is indeed a good thing. Not only can this thing double our combat effectiveness, it can also greatly increase our combat effectiveness when used. More importantly, it will be more convenient to have this thing in daily life."

"Haha, that's right. When Arlene learned how to use this thing, she said it was amazing." Du Gang nodded. This thing is really convenient in daily life. In addition to... being easily regarded as a mental illness, There will be no problem.

In the world of Phantom Eyes, everyone has this thing, so even if you see someone riding an empty car, you won't think there is a problem, everyone understands it, but it is different in other worlds.

"We have something important to do this time, so we won't drink. We'll get together after the invasion is repelled."

"Everything is fine, just these foods are good." Zheng Yichen said it sincerely.

"Brother Changqing, I actually want to try that divine wine..." Lin Yaoyao said a little hesitantly after finishing the meal.

They are currently in a newly arranged residence. Although this world is martial, development in many aspects has not fallen behind.

There are basically everything you should have in this residence. As for Du Gang's home, in fact, his home is not big.

"What are you drinking? I'll give you this." Zheng Yichen stretched out his hand and tapped Lin Yaoyao's head gently, cutting his finger: "Don't even think about touching that kind of thing when you're on a mission. Practice."

"Ah... Okay, okay." Lin Yaoyao gently rubbed her head, saying that it had been a while since she had used Brother Changqing's blood to practice Blood Shura.

Now that she could do this again, she and Liu Hongzhao felt like they hadn't seen it for a long time. They quickly entered the state and began to digest the blood provided by Zheng Yichen.

Wisps of blood separated from Zheng Yichen's blood and merged into their bloody internal power.

Even though they have become much stronger, they can still feel the huge power contained in this blood when facing the blood provided by Zheng Yichen.

Not only that, they also felt something unusual in the blood this time, a power that seemed to be able to break the shackles of life.

The most obvious effect of this power is that although they are considered to be demigods and demons in their own world, the shackles of life still exist.

After all, they are not real gods and demons, nor do they have the immortality of gods and demons, but now the shackles of human life have been partially broken.

What brought all this was the blood provided by Zheng Yichen.

"Brother Changqing, there seems to be something wrong with your blood."

"I added some life essence." Zheng Yichen explained to Liu Hongzhao who stopped practicing: "You are all powerful now, ordinary blood will not be of much help to you."

"It's not this, it's that part of the shackles of our lives have been broken."

Liu Hongzhao's words made Zheng Yichen think for a while. He thought of the elves he met in the Elf Holy Land. Those elves had some changes because of his vitality.

"It's a good thing to break the shackles of life. Hurry up and refine this blood." As for where the characteristic of blood containing one's own vitality that can break the shackles of life comes from... Well, he killed too many creatures, which is not good. To think.

After all, many improvements cannot be discovered on the spot, and he does not have any attribute panel. It is obvious at a glance what new skills he has.

To say that it is possible, it is probably the powerful creatures that I have killed in the big world, such as the mountain that can run, and the dragon that can call the wind and rain.

Liu Hongzhao nodded, closed his eyes again and started practicing.

Zheng Yichen watched them all enter a state of mindlessness. He sat next to the window and watched the people coming and going on the street. Occasionally, he could see some mercenaries passing by in a hurry at dusk.

Either alone or in a team.

Apart from these dusk mercenaries, the streets were very quiet. The invasion of the Devouring Forces was related to most people in this world.

At least it has nothing to do with them in terms of combat... Where ordinary people can't see it, those who need to take action have already taken action.

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