I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 745 I haven’t tasted this for a long time


The swordsman who took action watched the twisted air disappear, and immediately looked in the direction of the light thorn. Guided by the light thorn, the Devourer, who was far away from here and had not yet exposed his traces, appeared.

For a while, the swordsman had no time to pay attention to Zheng Yichen's traces. The other party's hiding ability was too powerful. If they wanted to continue to hide his traces, they would not be able to find it.

The coming Devourer is actually the biggest threat, at least the hidden person has spoken to remind them.

The dusk mercenaries were on alert in advance. As the Devourers approached, different attacks blasted past them, including magic, sword energy, knife energy, and fighting spirit attacks.

The Devourers who were approaching quickly were caught off guard, but the impact of this wave of attacks on them was not too great. They had the advantage brought by Tianzhu.

It has strong resistance to external attacks.

"Aren't we going to help?" Dasia Filo asked, pulling Zheng Yichen's sleeve.

"We will follow the Tianzhu directly to their world later and solve the problem fundamentally." Zheng Yichen reached out and touched Dacia Philo's little head.

Although he said that, he still provided some extra assistance and released the Eye of Life through spirit control. Under the gaze of the Eye of Life, the Twilight mercenaries immediately felt the changes in their bodies.

Some people were injured, but their injuries quickly recovered as before, and this recovery did not consume their vitality, which was a more unique kind of protection.

"Huh? There are still masters!?" The swordsman who had 'discovered' Zheng Yichen swung his long sword, and the sharp sword energy blocked the escape route of the devourer in front of him, and then a layer of blood light appeared on the green sword energy.

This sword directly broke through the Devourer's protection and pierced the opponent's throat.

The swordsman who succeeded in the blow quickly retreated. After recovering his breath for a while, he immediately confirmed his status. He received some kind of blessing related to vitality.

With this kind of blessing, he has an extra vitality, which allows him to ignore the damage caused by these moves to his body when using some moves that overdraw his life.

As a dusk mercenary, who hasn’t mastered a few forbidden moves? Overdrafting life and overdrafting potential is nothing in the face of the super-standard medical services at dusk!

The dusk mercenaries also have their own confidence.

But now they have the protection of an extra layer of vitality, which allows them to use the overdraft forbidden move in the early stages of the battle.

As for whether the expert who helped was the one who reminded them before, that will be discussed later. The first thing to do now is to defeat this group of attacking Devourers.

There are strong and weak Devourers. They only become stronger with the blessing of Tianzhu. Some of them have far less combat experience than the Twilight Mercenaries.

Even so, this battle is not easy to fight. The fact that they can come here means that the place has been exposed.

The formation prepared here cannot be moved. Before it is completed, the dusk mercenaries here can only intercept it head-on. They must block as many Devourers as they come.


Farther away, there was a deafening sound. Zheng Yichen looked over and saw an attack that looked like an eight-point light wheel. The huge light wheel flew towards the Devouring Sky Pillar and violently collided with it. .

Brilliance erupted from the place of collision, and the light wheel finally shattered under the bombardment of a beam of light that appeared at the top of the sky pillar.

And where the light wheel touched, there was an obvious trace left.

If there was no bombardment from the light pillar, maybe that light wheel could really slice open the Devouring Sky Pillar, but it was intercepted.

"The background of the Twilight mercenaries is really not bad." Looking at the traces left by the Nimbus, Zheng Yichen said sincerely. I wonder if the Twilight mercenaries who released the Nimbus have anything to do with the ones here.

Zheng Yichen turned on his thermal vision and looked at the protected formation. The energy gathered by the formation was not the trajectory of the light wheel, and it should not be the type of light wheel.

This gave him some hope.

He had never seen the scene of the Twilight Mercenaries fighting against the Breakers or Devourers in their early stages, and because as a substitute, what he had always done was to save the situation, so he inevitably had the impression that the Twilight Mercenaries were all smelly fish. The illusion of rotten shrimp.

In fact, their performance was not bad, especially those Twilight mercenaries with a large team. Not to mention their excellent coordination, their combat effectiveness was far beyond the average that Zheng Yichen knew.

Just like the Twilight mercenaries here, they are capable of holding on to this place even if Zheng Yichen provides 'a small amount of help', but the sacrifice will be a bit larger, but it is within the acceptable range.

With Zheng Yichen's help, and with complete cooperation, they intercepted this wave of attacks with almost no damage.

But this also has something to do with the fact that this batch of Devourers is not strong.

When a more powerful Devourer appears later, the result may not be so simple.

"Let's go." Zheng Yichen picked up Dasia Filo and left here.

Not long after he left, the dusk mercenaries who had solved the battle suddenly felt that the extra vitality disappeared. They exhaled and their expressions became more relaxed.

After all, the person who helps may be a colleague, but the identity of the other party is unknown, and they are not sure what the other party's intentions are. If they want to cooperate, they should stand up from the beginning.

Instead of being sneaky and hiding their traces, now that the other party has left, they are completely relieved. Such people should just continue to pretend to be superior, and don't mess with those who are there but not there.

They also hope that he is some kind of secretive master who hides his secrets and discovers the enemy while passing by, helps them, and then hides his merits and fame.

Well, they like colleagues like this very much...

"Hurry up and get ready, our position has been exposed, the Devourer will not let us have an easy time!" A Dusk mercenary said loudly, and then stuffed a few pills into his mouth to speed up his recovery.

They will need at least more than two hours here. During this time, the Devourer's attacks will not be too few, but the attack formations have been set up, and they cannot give up.

Even though the possibility of this thing directly destroying the Devouring Sky Pillar is not high, as long as it can cause enough damage to the Devouring Sky Pillar, this behavior can be considered as a 'point gain'.

Huang Wan also admitted that this kind of score-gaining behavior was because after all, they really worked hard and fought tooth and nail when they were here to score points. This was not a deliberate score-gaining behavior, but a forced 'compromise'.

If possible, they also want to use the prepared attack formation to devour the Tianzhu with one blow.

However, it can't be done, but after the Devouring Tianzhu is damaged, the efficiency will inevitably decrease. If you buy enough time, you have made a contribution.

The devouring efficiency of that thing is reduced, and they will have more time to set up stronger formation attacks, thus increasing the possibility of destroying the Devouring Sky Pillar.

This is a kind of pulling, through which their advantages are gradually amplified, otherwise this group of Devourers would be too difficult to fight.

The battle against the Devourer is not a battle, but a war.

It's just that the Devourer can directly destroy the special powers in this world by devouring the Tianzhu, and by the way, it has a great impact on the creatures in this world, while the Devouring Force can exert its power normally.

Their advantage was the biggest from the beginning. How could they fight without pulling back?

At the beginning, before Devouring Tianzhu has a profound impact on the world, directly attack with the whole army?

Come on, there are not that many mercenaries in Dusk. The local forces... Even if the dangers of devouring forces are explained to them, can they be expected to complete the mass gathering in a very short period of time?

Can they be expected to completely believe what the Twilight mercenaries say?

Even if you believe it, you may not necessarily believe it completely. Send people to investigate first, and then start the mass gathering. After a few days, the day lilies are cold, and then those people will regret it. They regret why they didn't just trust the Twilight Mercenaries. if.

The experienced Twilight mercenaries have seen this situation too many times. To put it mildly, they are alert enough to the words of strangers. There is nothing wrong with this behavior.

But... you just have to bear the burden after something happens. At first, some new twilight mercenaries were helpless and entangled with the cemetery, but later they got used to it and understood it.

How the aborigines decide is a matter for the aborigines. They have done what they should do and it is enough to have a clear conscience.

The world responded very quickly this time, and the assembly was completed in two days, so the dusk mercenaries here are also willing to invest more.

There is great hope this time, and the world already knows about the existence of the Twilight mercenaries, and can cooperate perfectly with them. The Twilight mercenaries and the army can fight together.

What's more important is that the commanders here are not the kind of idiots who think they can control everything. After knowing about the dusk mercenaries, they want to make them obey orders and follow orders.

But when they are taking action, the local army will cooperate as much as possible, which makes them very comfortable.

During the break, the local army arrived here, and the soldiers quickly set up a defensive position. Before, this place had to be hidden and no one was called. However, this place was exposed. It would be a disservice to the local army's preparations if they didn't call people...

Things are easier when there are more people. Even if the individual combat power of these soldiers is not strong, everyone in this world practices martial arts, so the individual lack of strength is only for the Twilight mercenaries. In fact, their strength is not weak.

Every one of the soldiers who appears here can resist bullets physically after opening the Vajra Body. Any one you pull out in other worlds will be a proper super soldier.

On Zheng Yichen's side, she brought Dasia Filo to another deserted place. Not long ago, he was worried that the devouring forces would be disturbed, but after seeing how powerful the Twilight mercenaries were in the early stages of the battle, he felt relieved. coming.

He also understands why there are so few Twilight mercenaries left when the agent guarantees the bottom line. It's not that they don't persist, but that they can't win despite such a large investment in the early stage, and there is even less hope in the later stage.

What happened later will be told later. Now Zheng Yichen reached out and smashed the ground, ready to find the roots that swallowed up the Tianzhu.

He hadn't tasted this stuff in a long time.

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