I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 746 Never seen

Zheng Yichen once experienced a very unique power by swallowing the Tianzhu, but this thing is hard to come by. If he were in the big world, he would have some "roots" about the Devouring Tianzhu.

Then it will become much easier when facing certain situations.

"Huh~ old friend."

Tasia Philo asked in confusion: "What can this do?"

"It's edible."

Zheng Yichen said with a grin. He was not worried about his behavior attracting any attention. Many Twilight mercenaries were engaging in this kind of probing behavior.

The effect of this method is average. Those devourers guard the largest roots. Even if the remaining ones are dug out, it doesn't matter. They can even be used as bait.

As long as those dusk mercenaries focus on it, the devouring forces will have more time to do things.

"Is this edible??" Xiao Bailong opened her eyes wide with disbelief on her face, wondering about the feasibility of Zheng Yichen's words. She didn't doubt that Zheng Yichen was deceiving her.


As Zheng Yichen said this, he broke off the roots of the Devouring Tianzhu, and then stuffed it into his mouth under the gaze of Dacia Philo.

"Is it really good?" Xiao Bailong muttered, showing a hopeful look: "Can I try it?"

"Of course not." Zheng Yichen said very simply. The Devouring Tianzhu itself is a very cold thing. The little white dragon is not afraid of the cold, but the coldness of this thing is not only reflected in the normal temperature.

If Zheng Yichen eats too much, his blood and body will be infected. This is something his body can withstand. If it had been someone else, it would not be a serious problem.

Under the watchful eye of Dasia Filo, Zheng Yichen kept digging out new roots and storing them while eating. In the past, this was difficult to preserve, but now it is different.

Lilith has gone through a lot of strengthening, and the built-in space can store such things and prevent the Tianzhu energy from naturally escaping.

Just when Zheng Yichen was doing this, Lilith's projection appeared: "BOSS, there is a small situation that needs you to see for yourself."

"Huh? Let me take a look."

Inside the built-in space, Zheng Yichen saw the roots of the World Tree covering it light up. The edge of the built-in space itself was nothing, like an air wall.

After Zheng Yichen strengthened the fishing rod with the seeds of the world tree, the air wall Hassan emerged with a 'relief' like a tree root, and even had enough texture when touched directly.

Normally, Zheng Yichen just treats it as an extra layer of skin in the built-in space and doesn't pay much attention to it.

But now that a large amount of the crystals of the Devouring Sky Pillar have been stuffed in, these root reliefs have begun to absorb this thing.

Pale light spots escaped from the Tianzhu crystal and merged into the root relief.

"BOSS, do you want to restrict it?"

"Restrict what? No need to restrict, just let it go and let it absorb." Zheng Yichen said very generously. He thought this was a good thing. Before, he was still thinking about how to accelerate the growth of World Tree, but now it seems that he has quite good nutrients. .

The World Tree itself is rooted in the planet and grows, and things like the Swallowing Sky Pillar are also rooted in the planet, and they are also things that extract the world's resources at a deeper level.

It seems that the things extracted can become more efficient nutrients, allowing the World Tree to grow faster.

Before he discovered this, Zheng Yichen still had some restraint in digging out those roots. Now? What is moderation?

He launched a very high digging efficiency. Tianzhu was very resistant to energy attacks, so he used physical attacks and used the diamond body to pull hard.

Without Lilith's restrictions, the Tianzhu crystals put into the built-in space were consumed very quickly. Almost as soon as they were put in, the crystals scattered into a large number of light spots.

Zheng Yichen's behavior naturally attracted the attention of the Devourers. A group of Devourers quickly approached Zheng Yichen, but before they arrived at the scene, they were ambushed by another wave of Dusk mercenaries.

The Dusk mercenaries who were ambushing were very experienced. One-third of the Devourers were killed in the sudden attack, and the remaining ones also panicked during the sneak attack.

Zheng Yichen didn't hesitate at all. After using the Eye of Life to add a BUFF to the Twilight mercenaries, he left here very simply and took a shot to change places.

When he came back, he had a horrified look on his face: "What's wrong with you??"

He saw that Zheng Yichen's lips were now white, not the kind of whiteness due to lack of blood, but the kind that was almost glowing. His eyes were as if he had put on eyeshadow, and his skin was like white jade, as if it would break with a gentle tap. crack.

"I ate a little bit, it's not a big problem."

"You don't think it's a big problem?" Du Gang grinned slightly: "You're not going to eat Tianzhu, are you?"


"..." The little golden man couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He knew that Zheng Yichen had the ability to eat to increase his strength. Zheng Yichen had shown it when he was in the big world.

But he didn't expect that Zheng Yichen could eat not only food, but also other things, but those were Tianzhu crystals.

Not to mention eating it, even if it is used deeply, something big might happen. Things like Tianzhu Crystal can easily crystallize those who come into contact with it.

The reason is that the concentration and quality of that energy are too high, and it is difficult for people who are exposed to it to resist the penetration and assimilation of Tianzhu energy.

You can use the Tianzhu Crystal through dusk, but you do it at your own risk.

"Okay, do you need a rest now?"

Zheng Yichen shook his head and said energetically: "No need to rest, I just want to ask when we will act?"

Du Gang waved his hand with a strange look on his face: "There's no rush, let the Twilight mercenaries fight for a while first. The Devourers who appear now are all cannon fodder, and their main force hasn't appeared yet."

The main force of the Devourers has not yet appeared. If they take action now, they will be completely exposed. Those main forces will not appear until Tianzhu invades to a certain extent.

As for the damage caused to this world, they have just been mentally prepared. If this operation can be successful, then the devouring forces will have to spit out as much as they have eaten.

"Okay." Seeing that he was no longer anxious, Zheng Yichen was even less anxious. He found Liu Hongzhao and the others, called them into a small room, and directly cut his palm: "Try this, be careful. , if you can’t bear it, just give up.”

Lin Yaoyao immediately said: "We are not that weak."

Qi Xiangyun looked a little cautious and asked, "Brother Changqing, what do we need to pay attention to?"

The blood that Zheng Yichen is now releasing is like a fluorescent agent, emitting a pale light and even having a crystallized feel.

"You need to pay attention to everything. Remember, stop immediately if you find something wrong. Do you understand?"

Seeing that Zheng Yichen was serious, Liu Hongzhao and the others nodded, and then eagerly started their new training. Zheng Yichen didn't give them much blood this time.

It was just when they were practicing that they intuitively felt the specialness of this blood. The blood was fused with a power that they could not explain clearly. Even if the blood was broken down into blood, the presence of that power was still strong.

After being exposed to such power, they felt that their bodies became a little cold, the flowing blood seemed to have solidified, and their bodies had a subtle feeling of crystallization.

Lin Yaoyao opened her eyes gently and wanted to say something, but saw that Liu Hongzhao and the others were silent. She gritted her teeth slightly and continued to practice. So far, the changes were within the controllable range.

She could interrupt at any time if she wanted to and suppress the subtle crystallizing feeling.

As her cultivation deepened, the feeling became more and more uncontrollable. She felt that her body was really going to turn into crystal...

"I can't do it anymore." Lin Yaoyao stopped very simply. The blood Zheng Yichen left for her had only decomposed less than one-third, and her whole body was a little numb.

When she stood up from the cultivation state, her body became stiff, which was something she had never encountered before. When she stood up, she felt that her joints were about to break due to this movement. .

"Huh! What kind of power is this?" Seeing Lin Yaoyao grimacing in pain, Qi Xiangyun wisely gave up making big movements and just moved her body slowly. Even so, she felt like a plastic bag quilt. Scrubbing sound.

But after ignoring this stiffness, she felt as if a skylight had been opened in her brain, her whole person became transparent, and the world became cleaner. She could also easily capture the 'thunder and lightning' in the environment. .

She seemed to have a clearer connection to the world itself.

"Swallowing the Tianzhu is itself a thing that plunders the world's resources. The blood I am releasing now is filled with the energy of the Tianzhu." Zheng Yichen explained to them: "Take this thing to strengthen at dusk to achieve the unity of heaven and man. Ability."

"Unity of man and nature?" Lin Yaoyao clicked her tongue. She had seen related statements from some magic secrets and martial arts books. The problem is that this is only a theoretical statement... right?

In fact, those gods and demons may not have this characteristic. Well, they may have some such characteristics, such as their immortality.

"This must be expensive, right?"

"Five hundred points will relieve your worries." Zheng Yichen grinned. Zheng Yichen couldn't think about this kind of consumption now, but a veteran agent like just now could think about it.

"...Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore." Lin Yaoyao gave up immediately. How long will it take to save 500 grade points?

She blinked her eyes and looked at Zheng Yichen with a smile: "As long as you follow Brother Changqing, you can try to achieve the unity of heaven and man even without that kind of reinforcement, right?"

Zheng Yichen smiled and nodded: "It's really smart, but there won't be many opportunities like this. You should adapt to this state first, and then start the next practice after you recover."

As he spoke, he recycled the released blood. The blood full of vitality could still be used after being recycled.

When Zheng Yichen left the small room, he saw Du Gang sitting not far away, holding a can of beer in his hand and drinking heavily.

"How are they doing?" Du Gang asked with a smile when he saw Zheng Yichen coming out.

"Are you very free now?" Zheng Yichen sat in another seat, waved his hand to Du Gang, took out a bottle of juice and drank it.

"Ha, it's not that I'm idle, it's that I have nothing to do. The most important thing for us now is to keep our whereabouts secret. There are many things that don't require my intervention." After saying this, his expression became slightly heavier.

Not needing him to take action means more sacrifices for those fighting warriors.

But some things have been discussed, and the local senior officials are willing to cooperate with him, and then let them find an opportunity to counterattack the devouring forces.

It would be best to completely defeat the devouring forces. It would be impossible for others to do this, but it would not be difficult for them to do it.

Therefore, before the official action, there was really nothing he could do. However, Zheng Yichen's behavior of taking three little girls to a small room seemed to have some problems.

Uh, that's very problematic.

But just now they could sense that Zheng Yichen was there just to assist them in their practice, which was a very violent martial arts.

"It's not bad. After my filtering, Tianzhu's energy is no longer so violent." Zheng Yichen said, raising his palm: "They have a hard life, so I can help them as much as possible."

"Alas..." Du just nodded and didn't say much about Liu Hongzhao and the others. Their sufferings were also brought about by the Boundary Breakers. Without the existence of those people, they wouldn't have experienced those experiences.

However, some things need to be taken in the longer term. Without the invasion of the Boundary Breakers, the world would not have undergone a series of subsequent changes, and the era of gods and demons would not have been completely turned over.

Regarding Liu Hongzhao's world, Zheng Yichen had chatted with him in the big world.

"Lao Gang, have you learned about the strengthening of Tianzhu crystals at dusk?"

"I understand, heaven and man are one." Du Gang said very casually. Basically all the twilight mercenaries who have dealt with the devouring forces know this.

It is also very difficult to preserve Tianzhu crystals, otherwise there will definitely be a lot of people who will keep Tianzhu crystals for a long time, and then wait for enough points to do a unique enhancement.

It’s just that the grade point requirement of over 500 points is too outrageous.

"Then have you ever seen the existence of the unity of nature and man?" Zheng Yichen was very interested in this. So far, he has not seen the existence of the complete unity of nature and man.

"Hmm." Du Gang frowned slightly and thought for a moment and said, "No, but the true gods you meet in the magical world should be existences that have some characteristics of the unity of heaven and man. I have also encountered many such Yes, but to say it’s complete, it’s really not there.”

Because according to Dusk's specifications, that kind of unity between heaven and man is equivalent to directly receiving support and support from the world, and an existence like a true god can at best receive some "authorization" from the world itself.

Or he has the power to mobilize more power, which is close to the unity of heaven and man at dusk, but not quite.

"There may be some Twilight mercenaries or agents who have such enhancements, but the number must not be large."

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