I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 89: Advantages of Solid Wounds

What kind of situation can make someone else's weapon become your own? Naturally, the person with this weapon was killed, and the weapon became a trophy.

Arnold lightly tossed the dagger in his hand: "We can't deny the power of this weapon. If you master how to use it, it must be easy to use. The problem is that easy to use may not be practical. Some places are easy to use, and some This place can only be used as an ordinary dagger."

"Technological weapons are another matter. Technological weapons may be affected in certain environments, but their power is basically fixed. The conditions for use are lower, and their power can be guaranteed in various environments."

Zheng Yichen understands, like some magic props, weapons like flying sword and demon sword, people with the power of this system can use them without any problems, but those who don't have the power of this system or who have mastered related usages can hardly use them fully the strength.

It can only be used as a cold weapon, but technological weapons such as firearms are different. Regardless of whether it is a cultivator or an ordinary person, after mastering the usage of aiming, reloading and pulling the trigger, you can use it at will, and the power of that weapon Fixed, low environmental impact rate...

Just ask, do you spend a lot of time mastering the usage of an unfamiliar special weapon, or spend a little time learning how to use a powerful technological weapon?

"Because of this, those powerful technological weapons are still very popular, and those who get them will basically keep them for themselves. However, although technological weapons are good, they are only a kind of support. They can be used as the main output in many environments, but when they encounter those After a high-level environment, if the level of technological weapons does not increase, it will not be very useful."

"Thus, although technological weapons retain their value, as people like us, we still need to be proficient in some strengths to enhance ourselves."

"In the low environment, everyone is similar, and the advantages of technological weapons are great. In the high environment, it is really a chaos of gods."

"How do you sell this dagger?" After talking so much with A Nuo, Zheng Yichen felt that it would be inappropriate for him not to buy something.

"This thing doesn't need money, but grade points, and one point is enough."

"What?" Zheng Yichen blinked, a little confused.

"Haha, it's performance. It is said that there is performance in working for Twilight Church. Since it is performance, there must be a way to record it. This is the grade point."

"...Fuck, the nun didn't tell me about this!"

"It's normal. You'll know it after you finish your first job. Just treat it as if you're still in the interview stage." Hunter Arnold shook his head: "Grades are very important. For example, some special training on weapons Processing, that's not repairing, you can't enjoy it without enough grade points... What's wrong with you?"

Can't enjoy it without enough grade points? Zheng Yichen suddenly thought of a sentence that Sister Tia said. While quoting the price, he told Zheng Yichen that there is only one chance. He ignored that sentence at the time. Now that A Nuo said it, he immediately understood the meaning of that sentence.

Suddenly, I feel like I missed a million dollars!

"Huh~ I just feel sorry for some things." Zheng Yichen breathed out, continued to chat with Arnold for a while, and bought a lot of miscellaneous things from him, not many related to battles, but very good at surviving in the wild. useful stuff.

At the same time, he also gained an additional understanding of the zero-point market in the Twilight Church. As for the large-scale shopping, that will have to wait until the next time, and there are really not so many banknotes now.

After going home to sleep and waiting until noon, he came to the Banquet Bar. The bartender looked at Zheng Yichen's preoccupied face and smiled: "Is there anything I can do for you? Of course...the consultation fee will not be small."

"I want to get some cheap and easy-to-use equipment."

"Oh~ the kind you mean?" The bartender had the usual smile on his face.

"It's the kind of protective equipment for combat, not just bulletproof vests, modern armor, and battle suits."

The bartender nodded: "That kind of thing is not easy to get."

Modern combat uniforms are like ancient armors. Although they are not strictly manufactured privately all the time, such things basically do not circulate in the market. It is easy to buy guns, but it is not impossible to buy bulletproof vests. Compared with body armor, modern combat uniforms have better performance and better combat effects.

Many police sub-stations in Misty City don't have that kind of thing, let alone ordinary hunters. They occasionally appear in the black market, and it depends on who buys them. Maybe they will encounter fishing law enforcement.

"So there is a way?"

"I know it, but you have to think about it. The most basic battle suit costs 300,000 yuan to start."

"..." Zheng Yichen thinks that even if this thing is circulating in the market, most people would not consider it.

"Besides, a series of reports are still in progress. In short, if you want to buy a battle suit, it will take at least four days to go through the process. Although it is a bit troublesome, this way is better than safety. After you get it Even if you wear it every day and walk on the street, you can still show your certificate to deal with the police when you meet them.”

"It's been too long." Zheng Yichen shook his head. He simply couldn't afford to wait for four days. He still had money. After selling the little gold at home, he couldn't spend it all, could he?

There must be some who want to stay at home. The two witches don't spend much money now, but it won't be so in the future.

"Then use normal bulletproof combat uniforms. I also know some good sellers. Although they also need to be reported, half a day is enough. Now the time can still catch up."

"That's it." Zheng Yichen nodded regretfully.

After he left the banquet bar, a short-haired woman came to the bartender: "I've been paying attention to him recently."

"Oh? Miss An Qi has an idea of ​​finding someone? As far as I know, he has a girlfriend." The bartender put a glass of wine in front of An Qi.

"I didn't decide this kind of thing." An Qi narrowed her eyes slightly: "He disappeared for a few months before, and now he reappeared."

"I don't think I should listen to this kind of thing." The bartender signaled that this topic is over, he is now a bartender in the banquet bar... Well, he is also the boss, and he doesn't pay much attention to the special events that the hunter encountered outside. .

"..." An Qi glanced at the bartender, and stopped talking if she didn't want to hear her. If she hadn't heard what the bartender just said, she wouldn't have come here on her own initiative.

The way the bartender mentioned is naturally her family's business. Her family has several research institutes with a wide range of businesses, including the development of some modern combat uniforms.

The bartender happens to be someone who can subscribe to her family. He can naturally recommend some people. The bartender didn't tell Zheng Yichen about this, but there are no other problems. The four-day process is still short , The battle clothes obtained later are also the legal ones.

Of course, because of going through a lot of procedures and reporting, if you wear that kind of battle suit to participate in any illegal activities, you will be investigated immediately. There are relevant guarantees in this regard in the process.

The matter of the battle clothes is secondary. The main thing is Zheng Yichen. There are people who have settled down in the temporary camp in the southern forest, including the parking lot. The parking lot is also an important way to obtain information. Zheng Yichen parked there. The car has been fine for a few months.

It is inseparable from the people arranged by her family there. Anjia doesn't like that kind of ordinary motorcycles. It will be different in half a year.

The cheap ones will be disposed of first, and the expensive ones will be stored for a longer period of time. If it exceeds two years, no matter what kind of car it is, it will be disposed of. This situation is based on the premise that the owner of the car is only missing, not confirmed dead. .

This is also the reason why Zheng Yichen attracted her attention, and she did not need to conduct some subsequent investigations. If she asked, the people from the intelligence department would conduct investigations based on the existing records, and the final investigation results were sent to her. No matter how serious she was, Just look at it.

This incident was connected with the phenomenon hunter team that was destroyed a few months ago. It is not completely sure that it is related to Zheng Yichen, but there is a high possibility that Zheng Yichen is related to this incident. She did not intend to target Zheng Yichen, but He cared about the possibility of Zheng Yichen.

It is the kind of adaptability that can withstand the pressure of the vision and enter the vision. She, her family and other forces in the old capital have been looking for and recruiting such talents.

Not to mention that Zheng Yichen is still the kind of person who was stranded in a certain world and came back after entering the vision. The possibility of this is very small, but she will not rule it out.

In the investigation report, Zheng Yichen's whereabouts in the southern forest was very problematic.

Obscure City is a modern city, so there are naturally many surveillance cameras that can be placed within the normal range. There are only a few roads to the southern forest, not to mention the small roads, there are only a few major roads, and those roads have relevant surveillance , where Zheng Yichen's whereabouts did not match appeared here.

Ordinary people can't investigate those surveillance videos. For her family power, it is not difficult to obtain relevant surveillance videos.

There are quite a few hunters who are adaptable to the vision, but not many hunters can come back after the vision disappears, mainly because the randomness is too great.

There is also the bartender in the night banquet bar. An Qi knows some things about this bartender. It is said that he used to be a hunter related to visions, but he quit later. No one knows what it is except himself. reason.

After all, the bartender looked very young, not yet middle-aged, and there were many middle-aged hunters, and it was even more impossible for him to be disabled.

"If you encounter some other troubles, go to the Twilight Church to live for a while, and... wait for me to come back."

"How long are you going to go out this time?" Katrina looked at Zheng Yichen reluctantly. After being exposed to some things in the Twilight Church, she knew that what Zheng Yichen did was not so easy to deal with.

"I don't know, but I will come back as soon as possible. The depository of the Twilight Church can store and withdraw things. If necessary, I will send some information back through the depository. If I have other needs, I will also send information through the depository. There are still problems. ?"

Katrina shook her head vigorously, and hugged Zheng Yichen reluctantly: "I will go there every day!"

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