In the church at dusk, nun Tia calmly looked at the girl brought by Zheng Yichen and said, "She can use your locker, but you are responsible for any other situations that arise during the process."

Just like what Zheng Yichen told Katrina about the Twilight Church before, the nuns here don’t seem to care about the spread of information in this regard, but clearly told Zheng Yichen that this side will not be affected in any way, and Zheng Yichen is not the Twilight Church, so there is a Those influences affect his words, he can figure it out.

No one will deal with such things for him, only himself.

"I have no opinion."

After arranging this matter, Zheng Yichen thought about it and found nothing missing. The equipment on his body was ready, and the weapons processed by the Twilight Church could be picked up later. At home, he also bought a lot of weapons and left them there. Although those weapons are basically useless.

But when he is not at home, it is still possible to prepare some weapons at home. The direct combat effectiveness of these two witches is really weak.

Afterwards, Zheng Yichen obtained from Sister Tia the things that he had spent several million before. Although from the information he learned from Arnold, he seemed to have made money, but the money he spent was real. .

A black fishing rod weighs more than 20 catties. This weight is already very heavy, but Zheng Yichen is holding this thing as a spear, and he can accept a heavier two-handed weapon. He checked the structure and was not picky. , each part is closely related.

More importantly, holding this thing in your hand will not be like simply holding the sword of hell. Without isolation, it will continue to absorb the vitality of the user.

The unicorn was processed into a short spear, which can be used for close combat and throwing. Originally, Zheng Yichen wanted to make this into a short sword or other weapon, but this thing was very stable when used as a throwing object. It feels a bit wasteful to become a dagger.

Throwing short spears can make up for short hands other than firearms, and the accuracy can be practiced. The main reason is that the horn of the one-horned mule itself has special power, and it comes with wind attribute enchantment when thrown. In addition, There are also red lines on the short gun, which should be the change caused by strengthening the tongue of the one-horned mule as a material.

With a light wave, there was a faint hissing sound in the air. A weapon that can be controlled during throwing flight, except for an automatic recovery, it is probably not bad in terms of practicality.

"You can spend money on additional adjustments in the shape."

"I think..." Zheng Yichen checked the two new weapons: "Here, you can make a big ball of light on the church. Even if you don't like white, you can make it the color of maple leaves or the setting sun, and then Agents and twilight mercenaries can communicate with that big ball of light and exchange for various things, and the condition for exchanging those things is the reward points they get when they complete the mission."

Zheng Yichen talked a lot, but nun Tiya's expression didn't change at all, she seemed to listen carefully and she seemed to be ignoring the wind. After Zheng Yichen finished speaking, she nodded: "Well said, it may be useful in the future superior."


Are you serious? "Then this is...?"

"When it comes in handy."

Zheng Yichen feels that this future is the one that can be expected in the future. A nun whom I met before could easily say a figure of six billion years later. God knows how many years after the "billion future" is for the Twilight Church. '.

It was still the same room as a confessional, and Sister Tia put her hand on the doorknob. Zheng Yichen thought of something, and suddenly raised his hand: "Is there any relevant hints, or something else? For example, what type of place am I going, what is the intensity, can I fight?"

"If you can't beat it, you can fight after becoming stronger."

"It makes sense."... A P, this is not an upgrade from fighting monsters, you can become stronger if you say you become stronger... Oh, it seems that I am like this: "Let's go then."

Zheng Yichen, who has no possibility of refusing this matter, no longer hesitates. He has prepared everything he can. He also stores a large amount of weapons and ammunition at the storage place. The Twilight Church is a very good supply point, provided that this There are enough reliable people around.


The closed door was opened, Zheng Yichen looked at the dark color inside, stepped in, and there was a sound of closing the door behind him, he immediately turned around to open the door and go out, but almost collided with a person behind him: " ?? Why did you come here together?"

"Of course I can follow." Sister Tia looked at Zheng Yichen who was almost touching her face, her expression remained unchanged. She reached out and opened the closed door behind her. The dark room was slightly illuminated by the light from the outside. Zheng Yichen also saw the style of this dusk church.

Compared with the Twilight Church in Longcheng, the one here looks much dilapidated except for the unchanging dusk tone. This kind of dilapidation does not include the dirty and messy factors.

Sister Tia walked out first, Zheng Yichen grabbed the fishing rod in his hand, and followed him out. After leaving this small room, he first felt his body become a little active, and the power in the environment 'The perception is also quite obvious.

The fishing rod in his hand quickly became lighter.

Heck, this world still looks pretty advanced.

When I came to the nave of the church, the whole church was empty. It wasn't that there were basically no people in sight, but there were no people, except for two local nuns.

The world on Katrina's side is better. Although there are few nuns in a church, there are at least six or seven nuns. There are more nuns in the Obscure City, more than twelve, and there are only two here. There may be some. The nun isn't here, is she?

"Are there so few nuns here?"

Sister Tia explained to Zheng Yichen: "Well, there are few people in this world."

"?" What's the relationship between the two? There are few people, so it's not easy to recruit workers for the church at dusk? Also, the size of this church is much smaller than that of Obscure City: "The funds don't seem to be sufficient."

Zheng Yichen also found that the two nuns here seem to be sisters, not the kind described, but the literal meaning. Their appearance is 90% similar. If you stand together and ignore the hairstyle, they are like the ones carved out of the same mold. .

"There is no need for funds here." The nun with slightly shorter hair said calmly.

After Zheng Yichen walked out of the church, he knew why the short-haired nun said that. This world really doesn't need money. This is the end of the world! !

Dilapidated and collapsed buildings, barren land, rusty car wrecks, and dead green plants, all of these are like the rotten age spots on the dying old people. Die' picture.

Zheng Yichen immediately returned to the church, came to his locker, and nodded while looking at the things inside. There were drinking water and food in it.

There is also the faucet in the church. Although it is old, water can still flow out after it is turned on. He didn't ask where the water came from, as long as there is water.

As for food, the nuns here should not be short of food, they can cross the border, so why worry about it?

After confirming the situation of resources, Zheng Yichen lifted a long table lightly when passing by, and easily lifted the long table with one hand. He even had a feeling that as long as he exerted more force, he could move the entire table The rather heavy long table was grabbed directly.

This world has a slightly higher level of adjustment to the physical environment, far surpassing Katrina's world that has been balanced. Such an improvement shows that his individual state is still very high.

When chatting with Arnold in the Zero Market, Arnold mentioned this. The upper and lower limits of the world's environmental adjustments fluctuate greatly. In another world, a superman may be an ordinary person in the next world.

In this regard, A Nuo gave Zheng Yichen a very simple and easy-to-understand example. Although it was not so absolute, it also made Zheng Yichen understand the general "function" of environmental adjustment.

If the upper limit of individual combat power in a world is 1, and Zheng Yichen can maintain his strength at 0.9 in that world, which is close to the upper limit, then if he goes to a world with the upper limit of 5, his strength may be 4.5 Left and right, this is only a possibility, in fact it should be lower, and the exceeding is rare.

This is like some numerical values ​​in the game. In addition to the attack qualification and defense qualification, growth qualification must also be considered.

The last one is the most important one. Maybe the growth aptitude is full in a world with a low upper limit, but not full in a world with a high upper limit. If it is not full, it will be difficult to achieve that proportional improvement.

This is a way of adjusting the environment of the Twilight Mercenary. According to Arnold, in addition to the Twilight Mercenary, there are vision hunters in Obscure City. Not bad for military use.

No matter which statement, there is nothing wrong, one is more vague, and the other is more accurate in quantification, but whether it is vague or accurate, if you die by force, you will definitely die. As long as you are strong enough, It will not reduce the combat effectiveness if it passes by.

As for infinitely approaching the upper limit of different worlds... Uh, no one can guarantee this, it is the kind of world where the upper limit is 1, the strength of the individual is 0.9 or higher, at most it is infinitely close to 1, and it basically does not reach 1.

Many of the hunters who bought things in the Zero Market were vision hunters. They were different from the dusk mercenaries and agents, and they could only act during the time when the vision appeared and did not disappear.

There are no restrictions on the agent and the twilight mercenary. The twilight mercenary only uses one strength word, while the vision hunter has an energy level classification as well as the strength level. were integrated.

Of the two ways of judging 'environmental adjustment', Zheng Yichen personally prefers the more precise one.

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