I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 939 If you don’t take it, you won’t get it.

Those who regret are not regretting coming here, but regretting the previous proposal with Zhong Yan. Although such a world is barbaric, it is more capable of development, and it doesn't matter whether it is barbaric or not.

The resources kept up and they could build new cities around Dusk in the shortest possible time.

If you want modernity, be modern; if you want ancient style, be ancient style.

As they develop, they can grow and develop together not only in terms of special energy, but also in terms of body.

But now they have no extra choice.

"Ho ho ho -" the roars of wild beasts sounded, and the wild creatures surrounding the junction roared at these outsiders. Those wild creatures that had received the power and fire before did not rush over immediately.

What followed was someone who couldn't restrain his instinctive impulse and came to kill the investigators.

There are things there that are very attractive to them.

"Do it!"

Someone immediately counterattacked, and the energy impact released fell on the huge savage creature, but the damage caused seemed limited.

They are surrounded by the crystallization of one-third of the environment of the native world, and the divided one-third of the environment does not mean that the strength is not enough.

It's just that the upper limit has been lowered. If the energy level of their native world is level eight, the divided part is still level eight. It has not been reduced to level seven or even lower because of the division.

This kind of division only makes a top student in the university get worse grades, and he can never get back to the top. It does not mean that he is no longer a college student if his grades get worse.

If you really want to lower the level of the environment, the degree of segmentation of the environment must be at least more than 99%. If you want to further lower the level, then add a few more decimals.

Bringing the crystals around them is equivalent to directly giving this barbaric world a university degree. Even if it is the degree of a poor student, the academic qualifications are already there, and the relevant 'knowledge' is also there.

No matter how bad you are, you are not truly illiterate.

Therefore, while here, their counterattack is still useful. Not only is it useful, the investigators can also experience a brand new version. There are investigators who are better at power manipulation and determine a new way of using power directly through physical strength.

Energy Blast can be used more easily in this environment.

Investigators involved in the development of energy deflagration technology developed new ways of using it during a battle.

He approached a wild creature, punched through the opponent's body, and the energy blast shot straight into the sky.

The price was that his arm suffered a lot of wounds, but the investigator didn't care about the injuries.

What he uses is the energy explosion method. In the native world, using this method will kill you instantly.

But here it’s just an injury to the arm. This is the first time I try it. If I develop it more in the future, it will be... so powerful! !

"I want to stay!" The investigator said very simply. In this world, he can develop more ways to use power, his body's strength increases, and he has more opportunities for trial and error.

It is completely possible to develop some difficult-to-use methods first, then reduce the side effects, and gradually make them harmless, so that they can be used even in low-level environments.

In low or extreme environments, there are no such development conditions at all.

Some people made the decision first, and others made the decision later, but they did not discuss it immediately, and the battle was not over yet.

Those wild beasts who were watching the battle couldn't sit still after the crystals were sent out.

By obtaining that crystal, their life levels can further evolve, even surpassing their predecessors! !

The savage creatures that had the power and fire to produce wisdom couldn't help it anymore.

They drove more wild beasts, trying to overwhelm the investigators who came here to guard the junction.

But when these wild creatures were preparing to enter, they saw a figure born of instinctive fear.

The giant who killed their forerunner and killed the World Beast.

It's just that the opponent is no longer a giant, just like these two-legged creatures, but the feeling of threat has not disappeared.

Zheng Yichen checked the Tiantian Chains associated with him. The existence of these things made people who didn't know the truth look like he was some kind of sealed existence.

After making sure that the chain was strong, Zheng Yichen focused on those wild creatures with intelligence.

He would not wait for the investigators who came over to die in a bloody battle before coming out as if they suddenly came online.

They all came here together, so naturally he had to take action when it was time to take action. A bow and arrow were shaped in his hands. The arrow was made of a small amount of the original power of the world and the internal power of Blood Shura.

Now that Xie Tian has reached this stage, he can have some luxury.

The wild creature being stared at by Zheng Yichen was restless.

They didn't dare to move forward, but looked at the crystals that were completely separated from the junction point.

They couldn't resist this temptation and once again drove those wild beasts who were not smart enough. Those wild beasts had long been stimulated crazy by the attraction of crystals.

Basically, there is no need for trends, and under the slightest influence, they will continue one after another.

Zheng Yichen shot the wild creature that screamed the most joyfully to death with one arrow.

As they gained wisdom, the mental fluctuations they produced became obvious. The abnormal mental perception allowed Zheng Yichen to accurately capture the most cunning and violent savage creatures.

This type of wild creatures is what he focuses on. The world will undergo great changes in the future. In the early stages of development, it is best to have fewer of these types of wild creatures.

Fortunately, the wild creatures that entered the junction before did not leave the junction because they were eager for stronger special power. Now they are even more reluctant to leave after being attracted by the crystal.

Just enough for Zheng Yichen to clean up properly.

"Ho ho ho -" The remaining wild creatures roared unwillingly, wanting to escape but reluctant to let go of the temptation of crystallization. They have wisdom, but not many at the moment.

"Can this thing be dismantled?" Zheng Yichen patted the crystal next to him and asked Zhong Yan beside him. The two Zhong Yan nodded at the same time. After they came to this world, their 'differences' became even greater.

There are differences between Zheng Yichen's reshaped body and his original body in different worlds. In terms of physical strength, Zhong Yan with short hair is weaker.

"Yes." Zhong Yan nodded.

Zheng Yichen struck the crystal with a hand knife. The extremely strong crystal cracked after the blow. The cracks spread all over the crystal in the blink of an eye, but the crystal did not break or leak.

He wrapped this thing with the original power of the world, and the surface was also wrapped with Tiantian Chains.

You can break the crystal now, but you need to drive away the wild creatures here.

Even though there are many wild creatures here, there are also a lot of investigators who have come here, tens of thousands of them...

In addition to these people, there are more people on the other side of the junction, but those people are not strong enough and will not be of much use if they come over.

Zheng Yichen continued to name the wild creatures, with arrows condensed from the inner strength of Nirvana and the original power of the world. Even if those wild creatures were huge, if they were hit by Zheng Yichen, they would still end up being killed instantly.

As for the problem of losing energy due to the lack of influence of the crystal after the attack exceeds the range... it does not exist!

Zheng Yichen's attack itself was accompanied by the appearance of a strange phenomenon. Even if it was not within the influence range of the crystal, it could still exert its full lethality.

All the cunning wild creatures were killed, and the remaining violent ones also became fearful.

Under Zheng Yichen's suppression, those mediocre wild creatures have suppressed their instinct of desire and chosen to retreat. If they continue to stay here, they will really die.

Those savage beasts that lacked intelligence were unable to break through the defense line due to the combined efforts of the investigators. After Zheng Yichen freed his hands, their eyes became clear as a trace of the devil's abyss appeared that turned the sky black. .

The wild beast, which had recovered from the violence, looked at the mark of the Demonic Abyss in front of it and stopped moving forward out of fear.


Zheng Yichen snorted lightly and coughed the next moment. Looking at the fine powder in his hand, he curled his lips. The Nirvana he used before had a great impact on his body.

Not only was he injured, but he also had to bear the original power of the world.

Internal bleeding and lung damage caused him to cough up this crystallized blood powder.

Under the watchful eyes of the investigators, Zheng Yichen completely smashed the crystal.

The 'mist' inside the crystal exploded instantly, spreading to areas beyond the reach of the naked eye in the blink of an eye.

Everyone present except Zheng Yichen became dazed under the impact.

The environment that divided one-third of the world was compressed into that crystal. Now that this thing is liberated, the impact is not ordinary. The wild creatures far away from the junction point also feel this change.

They regretted it but had no choice but to feel the relevant changes, and the energy fire in their bodies instantly expanded tens of thousands of times.

If you can get crystals and eat that kind of thing... some wild creatures chose to turn back.

In Zheng Yichen's perception, the place where the crystal exploded was very exciting. Although the impact on the distance was gentle, the affected center was extremely intense.

The 'environment' belonging to another world squeezes the environment of this world. Even if the two special environments are complementary, the part of the environment that is inserted is still considered external.

If this process were carried out slowly, there would not be intense turmoil, but it would be different if it were concentrated in a moment.

In this agitation, part of the environment belonging to this world was squeezed out.

Zheng Yichen thought of something and asked Lilith to remotely assist him. Through the simulation of the virtual world and the crystals limited by the fantasy formation, he collected the environments that had been temporarily excluded from the wild world.

It is not difficult to collect this part of the squeezed-out environment. Of course, it will not be so easy under normal circumstances, but the current collection is equivalent to the rebate after spending money in another world.

It would be a waste not to collect. This is an unexpected gain. Zheng Yichen had no mercy when collecting. The world next door was losing blood. This loss here is nothing. No matter how hard you work, you will make money.

Why are you so polite?

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