I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 940 Many People

Zheng Yichen will not let go of the unexpected gain. After all, this is a splash of water that was forced here after sacrificing one-third of the environment in another world with high environment.

There was too much water splashed out, and it splashed to the shore. Although it would eventually flow back into the river, there would be no problem if it was caught before it flowed back.

You can earn as much as you want. I have to say that the combination of the core of the virtual world and the fantasy array is really easy to use.

You can try to reproduce anything you have come into contact with. Even if it is not as good as the original, you can get close as long as you are willing to waste money.

What's more, Zheng Yichen is now using the original power of the world, and the final effect is better than the original one.

The only thing that was limited was time. This kind of excitement could not stop for most of the day. Zheng Yichen made the right choice to reserve time.

No one bothered Zheng Yichen, and the investigators here had already felt the new changes in the environment.

The originally weakened power was further weakened, but with the agitation of the environment, it was strengthened again after the weakening, which is considered a normal recovery.

But the investigators with good perception discovered new changes, and the physical strength adjusted by the environment also decreased.

But this reduction is not outrageous, it belongs to the environmental segmentation of their native world.

The upper limit has been lowered, but the level they are in has not changed, and because the upper limit of points in this world is too high, it basically has no impact on them. They can't reach the full score anyway.

The upper limit has been reduced and cannot be touched.

"You continue to guard it. The 'environment' I have collected now will be sent to your home world later."

Not all of it was sent there, Zheng Yichen wanted to keep a considerable part of it and feed it to the core of the virtual world.

According to the records Lilith found in the core of the virtual world, this unique 'environmental' resource has not been fed to the core of the virtual world in the big world.

It's not that it can't be done there, but it's unnecessary. The core plan of the virtual world has not been successful. How could it consume so many resources for feeding?

That kind of resource is equivalent to non-renewable. If one ten thousandth of it is consumed, it is really gone.

"I understand!" Zhong Yan emphasized his tone. The investigators who originally wanted to retreat regrouped and said it was defense. Some of the wild creatures had completely given up.

Surging changes in the environment can no longer arouse their instinctive impulses.

The environment belonging to another world has fallen into their world, instead of being sealed in the state before. The subsequent changes have little to do with them.

Although you can get extra benefits by rushing to the center of the turbulent environment at this time, there are so many powerful humans blocking the road, so there is no need to go there.

What's more, the 'giant' from before is still there, and that giant can instantly kill them with just one blow.

Not only that, the intelligent savage creatures also felt that the strength of their bodies seemed to be reduced. It was difficult for them to understand this change. They only knew that while gaining another kind of power, their own original power had become weaker.

Therefore, their instinct becomes avoidance, making the investigators' defense easier.

So some of them started to discuss and made a bold decision. Some of them really planned to stay in this world. Their world had just experienced a war.

The enemy has been eliminated, and it will be safe next time. It doesn't matter if you stay in this world.

"I'm ready to stay here too." Short-haired Zhong Yan said to Zhong Yan: "A world can hold two Zhong Yans, but it's better to have one."

"...Have you made your decision?"

Short-haired Zhong Yan nodded: "I will work as a mercenary at dusk, and I should be able to go back later. It won't have much impact."

In this regard, Zhong Yan said nothing more: "Then let's decide. I am already a mercenary at dusk. After I get the points, we can re-establish contact."

The two Zhong Yan quickly agreed. From a long-term perspective, it would be better for her to stay in this world.

After all, her physique is better than that of short-haired Zhong Yan, and she is more modified by the environment in this world, but in terms of acceptance, she is higher in her home world.

Although the body and soul are both Zhong Yan herself, in her world, the soul is more essential. Short-haired Zhong Yan is a resurrected person, a different kind of Zhong Yan.

"Go and count the others who are willing to stay."

Two Zhong Yan arranged for people to do a statistics, and the result was that the number of people willing to stay exceeded one-tenth...

This amount exceeded their expectations, but it was acceptable. Since they chose to stay, they should do better.

The long-haired Zhong Yan followed the passage opened by Zheng Yichen and returned to the home world, bringing the news with him and recreating the experience of fighting on the other side through photography.

Those who are willing to go to another world should act quickly, there is not much time left for them.

This part of the time is still the extra time they squeezed out after accelerating the preparations for environment division. If they really did the environment division at the end of the line, they would not have such 'plentiful' time.

Now I have enough time to hold a centralized meeting...

Regarding the news brought back by Zhong Yan, the centralized meeting quickly approved it. After all, short-haired Zhong Yan would also go to work as a twilight mercenary, and they could still contact each other. This kind of 'colonization' was actually a good thing.

It's not difficult to recruit people. Now the world is on alert. If there is any major news, everyone can be notified immediately.

Those who are willing can sign up quickly, as time is limited and there is only a maximum of two hours for consideration.

And there cannot be any criminal record among this group of people. This is not exile. Those who have criminal records should not think about cleaning up these records after passing.

If there is a problem, it counts, so don’t bother with it.

The native humans in the world next door want stability.

Time is limited, but there are still many people who are willing to work hard and have ideals. A large number of people signed up in less than two days.

The number directly exceeded five million people, but after that, the statistical increase in the number began to decrease.

Some people want to try to challenge the unknown, but more people are resistant to the unknown environment, and they are too concerned about their local world and are unwilling to leave.

The number of more than one million people was reduced a lot when the official action was taken later. In the end, less than three million people were left. Some of them were removed because of identity problems, some changed their minds, and some had conditions. Those who failed were dismissed.

For example, for those who are suffering from diseases, for those who are seriously ill, another world is a kind of hope. For these people, if their identities are clean, local officials will agree.

But no matter how much you agree, those people must have a certain ability to protect themselves, right?

The worst option is to move around, to adjust to the environment to strengthen the body, and then heal without medication. This is a gamble on probability, but in the past people had to go through a long migration to reach the land of dusk.

If you don't have enough mobility, the past is useless. Therefore, those who have a serious lack of mobility are directly dismissed, and some even change their minds.

Not all patients want to take a gamble.

The main reason is that they got the news that the environment of the local world will also improve in the future. Rather than gambling on unknown possibilities, they want to stay and try safely.

"There are still more than expected." Zhong Yan looked at the densely packed local aborigines, and one-quarter of them were suffering from diseases.

Moreover, none of these people's diseases affect their mobility. Some can even directly participate in battles. A considerable number of the remaining people are elderly.

This does not affect them. With environmental adjustments and corrections, as long as they pass, they will be able to exert sufficient combat power, and old age will not affect their status.

After all, if an old man can be selected, he must have a skill, either he has enough knowledge, or he has considerable strength.

The last group is the young people who are eager to explore and experience the unknown. This group of people accounts for half of the number.

There are ordinary people among them, but most of them are powerful.

The resources have also been reserved, and you can quickly pass through the passage directly.

"So many people?" Zheng Yichen was a little surprised after Lilith conveyed the news. He had seen crowded scenes before, but this was the first time he had seen a large-scale migration of more than three million people.

These people didn't take any transportation, they just flew here with the migrating powerful people.

Although those strong ones are crispy chickens, they have the energy to easily carry hundreds of thousands of people.

For a being like Zhong Yan, one person can complete the transportation.

"The initial peak enrollment was close to eight million people."

"Is this retention rate good enough? You guys are very mobile and can finish these things in half a day."

Zheng Yichen looked at the people who had arrived in the barbaric world. More than three million people were crowded together, and it seemed even more chaotic with the addition of the survival supplies.

However, this chaos returned to normal in less than two minutes. The strong ones used their strength and vigorous planning to divide everything in an orderly manner.

"The number of people will decrease in the future." Zhong Yan said, many of these people are gambling to take advantage of the environment.

The local official did not directly state that there is still a chance to go back after coming, but they did not deliberately hide this, so there are so many people, it is because some people are aware of this.

There is no deliberate explanation in order to avoid the number expansion caused by too many applicants.

When there are more people, there will be more things.

If those who come here regret it, they will go back with the investigators who have no intention of staying here.

If nothing else, most of those who are sick will have to go back.

As expected, some sick people completely gave up the idea of ​​staying in the wild world after discovering that they were not getting better in this world.

In the local world, you can receive treatment from a complete medical system, but there is nothing here, and your physique has not been corrected by environmental adjustments, so why stay here? Waiting to die?

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