
Fu Hua looked at the suddenly drowsy scene, the large snowflakes turned this place into night, and there was no light rising, and the cold wind stirred her gray hair, sweeping the blank cheeks.

The cracks in the broken and dead heart were chiseled open, and a sense of fear poured into it.

The immortals who are accustomed to seeing life and death parting mistakenly think that they have long been numb and separated, and no matter how much pain and how long the purgatory road is, she has walked through it.

Just as she once thought, the road to fighting Honkai will eventually have to get used to parting.

But when she realized that something was leaving her, she spread out her palms with nothing left of her whole heart, like snowflakes melting in the warm sun.

She was scared.


"This mission was originally tailor-made for you, including a series of aid devices, but last night, Miss Shen Fu made a special call with me, and she wanted to take over your mission. "

Frankly speaking, the Honkai Energy of Abyss City was beyond my expectations, from the original Emperor level to the Judgment level, no one could have imagined what the people of Abyss City were going through.

Fu Hua stopped talking, and the communication never hung up. Otto opened his mouth, but found that there was nothing to say, and he was very good at comforting the frustrated Valkyrie and regaining his confidence.

But this time, he couldn't comfort him, and the other party didn't need it at all.

Finally, the man calmly spoke, "In an hour, a helicopter will be landed in Verkhoyansk to take you to the Marinaya Islands." With that

, Otto hung up. The man sat in the darkness, looking up at the projection screen to present the game interface of "Karen Fantasy", a row of white doves flying in the corner of the minaret church, and the spliced glass reflected a warm shimmer.

It's so bad that he actually had a bad ending.

The temperature around her seemed to turn cold suddenly, even Fu Hua felt the chill of the Sensen, after the communication ended, she looked blankly at the white mist, and gradually she lowered her eyes, snowflakes fell on her fingertips, and the temperature made it fleeting.

It's silly... Obviously I can take care of everything.

It's not just that you're afraid of losing me, I'm actually afraid of losing you...

"Miss Fu Hua!" Storona's loud cry broke the deathly silence, "The blizzard is coming, our probes can't determine the location of all the Honkai Beasts, let's cancel the plan for the time being, we still have time!"

"No..."The Immortal's words were cold, but at the end with a light trembling tailnote, her dull blinking fiery eyes, "I don't have time." The

whispered words died down in the storm, and Storona had to step closer in the deep snow, "What did you say?"


[to access 100%, the void is finished.] The

mask slipped to cover the girl's cold face, and the four gaps were bright and bright at the same time, and the storm composed of Honkai energy converged into a thick dark cloud in the sky, which was a tornado that rose for no reason, and the figure wrapped in metal armor was the eye of the storm.

After a brief blur, the compound eye appears to have hundreds or thousands of red dots. The girl stepped forward, the flying blade thruster on her waist unfolded and poured out particles of light, and in Storona's stunned gaze, the figure full of murderous intent disappeared into the gray snow.

Fu Hua is out of control.

Fifteen minutes later, several vanishing blizzards were expected to dissipate. When people looked at the road between the snow hills, they felt incredulous, just as they had planned, the Honkai Beasts had not come out of here.

The gray canopy was pierced by a set of orange-red lights like shooting stars.


The immortal, who had completely lost his patience, simply didn't have time to wait for the helicopter to fall any longer, and the full power burst of [Lunar Eclipse Form] was used for flight, and its speed completely broke the sound barrier.

The ice blue eyes reflected the blurred scene of the world, at this moment Fu Hua's speed surpassed that of any vehicle, she was the fastest person in the world, even so, she could not run away from the passing time and the fate that had already been predestined.


The earth was born to mourn, and the collapse occurred in three-quarters of the abyssal city, and the tree that grew in the abyss was now left with only one leaf remaining, and a large number of metal buildings were reduced to ruins, scattered like dust on the dull ocean floor.

In Shen Fu's final stage, the girl who gave up the flare armor stepped into deep alienation, and she walked towards the abyss of the soul hall without any worries.

The so-called soul value with white light was completely engulfed by the surging darkness in the blink of an eye.

The realm that burned with brilliant golden flames swung open, and two souls burned with blazing heat. Brahma was wailing, and the monster was close to death and reached out to grab the girl, and in an instant, the arms covered with pupils turned into ashes.

The girl lifted her golden pupils, and the light flowed through the crumbling crystalline body of the canine teeth, and she breathed heavily, and a large amount of corrosive gas eroded from the Jizo Imperial Soul along with the master's arm.

There is no need to exchange for a powerful power like before, Shen Fu only needs one attack. The drawing technique was supposed to be an extremely fast slash, but her demeanor was slow, more like a machine that had been set up systematically.

The girl's soul fell into the infinite darkness from the moment of exchange, like a person who could not swim was about to drown in the deep sea, and she opened her hands and feet, watching the light of the world step by step away from her.


The memories hidden in the brain engraved by the river of time are like old movies playing in a photo scroll, and in the vague consciousness, the girl feels like sitting in a dark and unmanned movie theater, watching the end of the movie alone.

The picture is frozen in the warm room illuminated by orange lights, and Fu Hua, who looks hesitant, stands in place at a loss, beside her, the girl stretches her neck and looks at each other curiously, as if she has seen something funny, and the corners of her lips can't hide a smile.

The girl reacted in amazement, and she understood why her consciousness would let her stay here, because that was the time she liked the most, and it was also the time when she was most nostalgic.

At that time, Shen Fu hoped that time would be frozen.

"I promised you, but I'm sorry - please allow me to miss my appointment once..."

Incinerating stigmata, life, and soul, the girl's attack swallowed everything around her.

The flow of time is frozen in the true sense, spanning the extreme of [Thousand Stars], and the light released from the layers is like a gorgeous blooming flower, which perfectly interprets the girl's short life.

Brahma stopped moving, and the monster's massive body cracked from top to bottom in a matter of seconds, pouring into the lit cracks, and at that moment it was split in two, the flames burning and crumbling crystals, and the mist engulfing the girl's form.

Just as the movie comes to an end, everything is frozen at the moment when time ends, the huge movie theater is only dark, and the girl sitting on a chair watching is stripped of her last sense of self-existence.

She pondered for a long time, and no one could see her expression clearly in the gloom, and even the girl herself could not realize what kind of emotions she had in the last moment.

It's just that everything is over....

(This chapter has been changed several times, and it always feels bad enough...) But I want to change it and I can't write it.,I feel like I can't really add things)

(in short,The second volume is almost over)

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