
The submersible, which was about to run out of kinetic energy, ejected the carrier out of the deep sea, just as someone had sent her out of the abyss, but the process seemed long to the girl.

Then, the light shining from afar shook her eyes for a while, and she had already fallen into a state of confusion due to a large amount of lack of oxygen, and was slapped on the shore by the undulating waves.

"Look... There's someone there! Someone is back!"

The pain in his whole body and the sound of shouting made his consciousness slowly connect with reality, Qin Suyi sobered up a little, his eyes focused on his original figure, and his eyes were a little confused.

The fresh scent of the sea breeze poured into the girl's nostrils, and she watched silently as people put themselves on stretchers, unable to distinguish whether it was the sea water or something that was dripping on her cheeks.

Memories tell the girl that she seems to have come back from hell.

The girl felt empty in her chest, something was constricted to the extreme, and every beating brought a steady stream of pain.

"Qin Suyi, tell me what's going on?" The trembling voice made her consciousness clear again, and her dilated pupils reflected a cold face, "Where is Shen Fu?"

It's Fu Hua, but you seem to be too late. And also...... I'm sorry, but I didn't protect her.

"Shen Fu, I'm so scared..."The girl muttered distractedly. People will always do something that makes them feel at ease in a panic situation, and Qin Suyi has not been able to break this habit until now.

But when she looked around and could barely distinguish the appearance of the faces, she realized that Shen Fu was not around at all.

Shen Fu left himself in that abyss.

"Shen Fu is not here?" the immortal blinked, his eyelashes drooping.

"What are you going to do?!"

The crowd shouted in surprise, and under the gaze of countless eyes, Fu Hua jumped into the sea without looking back, the thruster released a huge kinetic energy to roll up the vortex, and the dazzling light dimmed in an instant, and she went to the deeper area, as if she was going to pursue someone.

Qin Suyi's eyes looked at the canopy of heaven that no longer had half a bright light, and the pain of the memory reappearance crushed the only remaining consciousness, and in an instant, the girl lost her complete sleep in trembling.


After hours of coma, the members of St. Freya's team began to wake up one by one, and when they saw the earth shimmering in the morning light, they felt the freshness and joy took over their hearts.

The aftermath of the catastrophe was followed by celebration and joy.

The girls hugged each other and cried, telling of exhaustion and hope for the future, they had forgotten someone, but they were not to blame, after all, the other person never showed up when they were conscious, and they were alone to protect everyone's future after they passed out.

Only separated by a door, Qin Suyi sat in the corner with his knees crossed in the dark room, and the gentle wind flow from the ventilation system blew through his ears and made a subtle sound, like a reassuring wind that had blown in the abyss.

The wind hasn't stopped yet, but the wisp of wind in Qin Suyi's heart has stopped.

Gradually, the girl moved her numb body, buried her face deep in her knees, and completely hid herself in the darkness, and said in a voice that suppressed her crying.

"School Principal,Is this growing up?Why do I feel so miserable?I don't want to grow up like this..."

Theresa was stunned, stretching out her hand to comfort her in mid-air. At some point, my heart skipped half a beat, and my chest was weighed down by something heavy, as if it was suffocating, and I couldn't get any more oxygen.

No one could have imagined that the mission would eventually spiral out of control, and Teresa rushed to the Marinaya Islands after everyone lost contact.

She witnessed the miraculous survival of one person after another, and in the end it was her friends and students, but there was always a figure that should not have appeared here and did not return.

She waited for a long time, ignoring the assumption that there would be no more survivors, and her mind became numb at some point. In fact, even she is unwilling to accept the facts... But sooner or later it will be revealed.

It's not growing up at all, it's just that reality is full of malice towards people who yearn for beauty.

The world has never been gentle.

There will be a day when people who are full of joy will have to accept the reality, when the beauty is disillusioned, and the sadness seems to be pouring out like an underground river.

Shen Fu left, no one wants to accept it, but it is also a really cruel fact. The girl who never spared in her gentleness flickered and extinguished in the darkest abyss at the last moment.


A new post appeared on St. Freya's forum, and there was only one photo in it, which was the clouds dyed red by the afterglow, the pale golden ocean swelling waves, and the lonely figure of the girl being dragged for a long time.

Fu Hua sat alone for a whole day and night, and occasionally someone would pass by her, and the greetings and discussions were ignored by the immortals, and many people discussed the reason for this matter in the forum.

That sadness can be felt even through the photos.,The girls are desperate to get rid of this state of Fu Hua.,And there's only one person who can solve it.。

But no matter how much they searched, the man never reappeared.

Gradually, the girls seemed to guess the answer, and after a period of silence in the St. Freya forum, no one ever mentioned the "big devil" and "little devil" again.

It's as if the past time is removed from people's brains, and when they recall that time there is only a blank space. No one wants to think about the joy of the past, but now there are only sad memories.

Fu Hua disappeared from everyone's vision from that day on, and appeared in such a posture, full of oppression and sadness, which left an indelible impression on many people's minds, and these messages would inevitably reach Delisa's ears.

This means that her identity is completely exposed, and even if she keeps her unaware, Fu Hua will not return to St. Freya for many reasons.

Maybe the immortal is also afraid of touching the scene, she doesn't want to let the places where the good memories are stored be disillusioned, after experiencing something, some places should be hidden in the depths of her mind forever.


Shen Fu's funeral was held a week after everyone returned to St. Freya, and the girl's body was not left, her room was neat and clean, and there were no representative things, even a few sets of clothes.

The new mound is located in a corner of the cemetery of St. Freya, on the edge of a cliff, near the sparkling sea, where the waves sometimes wash over the reef with a cracking sound, and the gentle sea breeze will be the first to descend.

In accordance with the wishes of the girl's will, fearing that too many people would be saddened by the news of her death, only a few people attended the funeral, and the rain fell on the dark umbrellas and slid down the edges, occasionally slipping down their cheeks.

Everyone will leave a message in front of the tombstone that represents the relationship with the girl.

Kiana's transcript of passing all subjects with full marks, she begged Shen Fu and Mei Yi to make up for her overnight because she was afraid of failing in promotion.

She had learned a lot from the girl about the recipes and sword recipes of Mei Yi, and there was a time when the villa would sound the whistling of the fan and the chatter of two people in the middle of the night.

Bronya's A-rank Valkyrie promotion notice, the little girl really hopes that she can grow up, and Shen Fu also hopes that she can grow up, so now she has really grown.

And many more....

Until the end of the funeral, Fu Hua's figure still did not appear, and it seemed that none of the immortals who had evaporated from the world could find a trace of her, maybe she didn't know the time of the funeral at all.

It was only at the beginning of the next morning that the glow fell on the brand-new tombstone, and no one knew where the branches of the locust flowers bloomed with fresh morning dew came from.


Shen Fu's true will was engraved into a disc and sent to St. Freyali, where it was brought into the house on one of her returns.

Suffocating silence filled the room, and in the living room, four people sat quietly on the couch, waiting for the reading to end, and the girl's hoarse voice sounded after the shrill sound of electricity.

"This is probably my will, maybe I can't really go back. I thought a lot, but I really had very little to say, except to say something to each of you. "

Kiana, first.

As she said this, the girl's low, hoarse laughter came from the DVD player, as if she had thought of something funny and helpless. Can you really laugh in that kind of environment?"

Kiana sat upright, quietly waiting for a new voice to sound.

"Kiana is great, but there are some habits in life that need to be changed. I understand that you have a busy schedule every day and are tired every day... But if you lie on the couch and watch TV as soon as you come back, you will have a problem with your neck.

"So I bought you a few pillows, which will probably be there in the next few days? Pick one you like, and give the rest to everyone." "

Is this a will?" Kiana was stunned, feeling more like a mother's chatter in everyday life.

But why does listening to it make my heart feel a phantom pain for no reason?"

"Mei Yi is very busy every day, and often swings a sword all day and has to come back to cook for everyone, which is really too hard. So...... Occasionally give yourself a holiday, but the food that Kiana cooks is not so unpalatable, right?"

Mei Yi subconsciously looked at Kiana, she opened her mouth and silently pulled a bitter smile.

It's not that I can't eat it, but I'd like to eat more delicious food and hone my skills with you.

"Bronya is going to play less late at night, and although you're already a good Valkyrie, you're still a child. If you change the rules of life to a normal point, you will grow up faster.

But don't be too anxious... There are also strange galgames to play less. "

Bronya will be obedient.

"Isn't it time for Himeko-sensei to fall in love and get married?—— just kidding, I envy Himeko-sensei's maturity, and I understand that the reason why you like to drink is because you have made promises in the past, and you don't want to forget those people.

Let's go out and walk more appropriately, after all, physical health is the most important.

Himeko rubbed her eyes, her heart beating heavily.

If it wasn't for the persuasion to persuade me to quit drinking, you should have helped me make more hangover tea.


Marinaya Trench, Abyss City.

After the battle that destroyed most of the city, the only remaining area was recovered by Destiny, and after cleaning and restoration, the building barely began to function again.

People step on the scarred ground, and the scars left behind are unforgettable.

A large curtain of pale blue light unfolded in the darkness, and the light shone far into the abyss.

[The Quantum Sea is opened, and the area beacon lock is completed-

] [Note, please gather in the square within five minutes for the Valkyries participating in this event]

The mechanical electronic female voice resounded from the radio in Haiyuan City, Qin Suyi sat in a dark corner and quietly lit a cold firework, and the faint light shone on the girl's pale cheeks.

The drifting mist formed an illusory silhouette, and the light penetrated the body as if it were dissipated at the touch of a button. Qin Suyi looked at the smiling cheek in distraction.

The girl said bitterly to the girl, "I miss you very much..."[

The quantum sea teleportation will start in 2 minutes, all members should arrive at the designated area as soon as possible.] Cold

fireworks burn to an end, the illusory bubble shatters, and everything plunges into a shuddering darkness. In the dead silence, the warm liquid smashed and dissipated.

Qin Suyi rubbed her eyes vigorously, and she straightened up sluggishly. She's leaving, she's going to find her own way to become stronger.

Aurora Knight: Flare turned into a thruster to send her off the surface of the sea, and then crashed back into Abyss City, where the Honkai collided with emitted a large expanse of energy and tore through a door to another place.

The Quantum Sea

Flare Armor is far more important than all previous God-Killer Armor, and there is still a lot to study about this scientific research crystal, regardless of its combat ability.

After a period of precipitation, the Santa Freya Armament Department finally locked on to the area where the suit was located.

It was a beacon, and it was a whole new world full of unknowns.

Throughout history, Destiny's analysis of the quantum sea has only been a few words, and there are very few Valkyries who have actually set foot in it, because it is full of dangers, and its energy fluctuations can easily tear apart the fragile Valkyries on the way to the shuttle.

Perhaps all the hundred Valkyries gathered now will die inside.

Qin Suyi's body is very weak, there is no artificial stigma and Honkai can be modified, her body strength has remained in the category of human beings so far, and there is a high probability that she will be one of those hundred people.

But the girl will not stop because of this, in the dust of the war, she realized her own insignificance, and how ridiculous the efforts she had made are now recalled.

She can only drag the other party down.

She won't run away again.

Obtaining the use of Flare Armor means that the power that crosses the current stage is directly an S-class Valkyrie, and the girl needs this power to protect the future that Shen Fu will continue for her.

She didn't want to be sent off the battlefield by someone important.

"If that day comes up, it's my turn to protect you. The

girl murmured softly, the breeze ruffling the strands of her sideburns. The doors of the Quantum Sea were fully opened, and the fearless Valkyries stepped into it.

They all wrote wills after sacrifice to a greater or lesser extent, and the cruelty of the Honkai world is like this, and to achieve a major breakthrough in a certain aspect, it is often necessary to pile up countless corpses.

Teresa stood on the edge, silently watching her only student in the mission, who had tried to dissuade them, but failed.

The girl sat alone in the corner, her dark pale cheeks lit only with a stubborn glow in her eyes.

Teresa's words were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say it. That is like denying Shen Fu who left.

Qin Suyi has completely changed, the original intention of being pushed forward by others, at a certain moment, the person behind it suddenly disappeared, and the girl became staggering, but she was still moving forward.

She began to try to run, to chase the figure that had disappeared on the road to the future.

The azure light curtain engulfed Qin Suyi's figure, and in an instant, all the positioning equipment carried by the girl was lost.

Then came the battle alone, her already tenacious will as something changed and rubbed into something heavier, making it unbreakable.

Even if there is hell in front of him, in order to continue the future that will be watched farther, Qin Suyi will never run away again.

(This chapter may be revised again.,And what I expected was not so perfect.,But it's a little painful to write too much.,I wrote four thousand words at once.,But there's still a lot of things that haven't been written.,The story about Fu Hua will be updated tomorrow.,And the end of the volume is also tomorrow~).

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