Shen Fu's will said a lot of things, about many people, the girl's gentleness is always presented in the chatter of the old mother, she hopes that even after she leaves, everyone can still maintain the simple beauty of daily life and continue to live.

But she didn't mention Fu Hua, maybe some people didn't fit to end with a farewell, or maybe they already had an answer, but they were just hidden, and those who stayed behind were still unwilling to dig it up.

Time passes, no one will forget those who left, nor will they forget those pains, but the road to fight against Honkai will continue, and the once scarce and pitiful beauty has been repeatedly squeezed and turned into nothing.

Life has become boring and boring, many people seem to have grown up overnight, and they have become calm and serious in their work, and every perfect task report and honorary certificate are like trying to respond to the person who guarded their future.

They still cry and laugh, get hurt and regret.

Just walking through the golden beach of St. Freya, the gentle sea breeze blowing in their faces, and occasionally passing by the door of the simplely furnished and empty room, they can't help but subconsciously stop, and the opportunity of memory dragged them back to the past, the past that is difficult to let go.


The key knob opened with a soft click, and the door was old enough to be counted as old, the bright green paint had faded from the wear and tear of time.

In fact, the owner had the idea of replacing it, after all, she had already renovated the layout of the house, but she never came back before she had time to replace the door.

The lonely figure stood silently in front of the door, the only light of the remnant sun passed through the glass window, stepped through the entrance, and finally fell the faint light at her feet.

For a long time, time passed minute by minute, and in front of the horizon when the last afterglow disappeared, Fu Hua moved his eyes slightly and slowly raised his head, and the pupils that were once as clear and clean as gems seemed to melt into a deeper color, an incomparably heavy thing, deep blue.

It's like a dead sea, and there are no waves.

She finally pushed the door open, and when she noticed the glimmer of light, she suddenly thought that there were still people living inside, and that the light in the house should be turned on in the twilight and drowsiness.

So, the rusty door lock made a familiar "squeak" sound, and the scene inside the house was completely in front of her eyes, but the light disappeared, and no one said "You're back".

The small interior is completely shrouded in darkness, and the furnishings are as simple as the owner's preferences, except for a slight change here, with a lot of picture frames on the tea set and TV stand.

In the dark and gray darkness, they were all covered with a layer of haze, like gradually weathered stones, and the fluttering fine sand hazy what they once were.

Fu Hua stood there stunned for a long time, some things actually you already know the ending, subconscious evasion and hiding still can't avoid the surge of sadness, when it is really revealed, sadness swallows everything like a tide.

There's no one left waiting for you to come back.

The girl who always had a smile left herself in the darkest abyss until the end, and when you arrived at the battlefield, it was too late.

The world seems to have collapsed, and the shattered scene rubs the memories of the past to rebuild the old scene, like a movie with an old orange fill light, with unclear appearances and muffled voices doing familiar actions.

Fu Hua walked slowly in the light curtain of this movie, she casually picked up the photo frame at the very edge of the cabinet and turned it over, and the font written on the back was illuminated by the moonlight falling in from the window.

[August 15th, taking photos with Fu Hua on the beach]

In the blurry scene, countless tiny silk threads poured out of the concise words to entangle Fu Hua and bring her into that time.

[On September 27, Qianxing, who had been training for a long time, finally had results. I'll show it to Fu Hua... But it seems to have fainted at the end.,Who took the photo?

] [October 13th,Returned to the school after the first mission.,Suyi seems to have changed.,When I chatted with Fu Hua, she said that this is a necessity to grow up]


[On December 6th, Fu Hua didn't come back for a long time, so I decided to go to the Mandate of Heaven Headquarters to find her

] [December 9th...]


There are many, many more, these picture frames are like feathers crossing the dust, and every time the immortal touches them, a different scene will appear in front of them, and the broken and dead heart lake will be hit by something heavier.

In the darkness, there was only the sound of flipping the picture frame and the suffocating silence.

The state of mind that should no longer receive emotions is now being dragged into the abyss by the quagmire of sadness that suddenly appeared. The immortal's fingertips trembled slightly, as if he was gradually losing his strength, and the speed at which he flipped the frame became slower and slower.

She was obviously ready, why was she still like this?

Her gaze was fixed on the last few photo frames, and the order of the two from their encounter to the last past was arranged, which was a recent photo, with Jiangnan City, restaurants and amusement parks in the background... It's also when they're at their happiest.

Fu Hua subconsciously stretched out his hand, and then stopped in mid-air.

It couldn't go any further, and the blurry scene became cluttered as more and more memories emerged.

The darkness had added a bit of weight to the burden on the fairy's shoulders, and if she continued like this, she might really be crushed.

But she couldn't stop there...

There was more to do, the broken places needed to be repaired, and the Honkai still needed to be confronted.

So she can't stop, whether it's countless people building her bridge to the front, every step is with tens of thousands of expectations, or the girl who disappears in the wind and turns into a dim night sky star, I don't want her to fall.

She still has to go, and she can't be knocked down by memories and grief yet....

Not far from the courtyard was another family, the voices of busy chattering in the kitchen and whispering conversations drifted in through the window, Fu Hua felt tired, she leaned on the edge of the sofa and lay down.

The waning moon hanging high in the dark night fell a gap of white light flowing in from the window, the deep eyes were reflected crystal clear, Fu Hua's expression was in a trance, and he felt the cool moonlight flowing down his cheeks.

There was also the sound of girls chatting with girls, and her long eyelashes became more and more blurry with each blink of her ears.

The darkness enveloped Fu Hua, and during this time, the immortal's body rarely felt tired, she did a lot of things, and after realizing that the loss was irretrievable, her spirit also moved closer to the limit.

But when it was time to rest, she refused to sleep. Fu Hua was afraid that she would never have new memories, and she was afraid that the memories of the past would become a building and gradually crumble over time.

She doesn't want to forget someone....


Fu Hua walked out of the house and locked it, she lowered her eyes to the silver key in her hand, and hid it in the crack of the eaves.

She would never come back again, still unable to let go of that past, but what little sanity was left to tell the almost sensual immortal that she had been decadent enough for now.

Carrying heavy burdens, no matter what the cost, humanity will eventually overcome Honkai.

"You're coming out..."

After closing the courtyard door, the old man's voice brought Fu Hua back to his senses. She saw the aging figure standing on crutches across the street.

"Last night I saw you standing in the doorway for a long time and didn't go in, and then the lights didn't come on in the room, and I thought something had happened. "

No... Nothing. Fu Hua replied softly.

She remembered that when she lived here not so long ago, the old man would often stuff something into her hand, and occasionally talk about the girl.

The memories frozen in her mind passed out of the mist of nothingness, and the past appeared in front of Fu Hua's eyes, and the immortal breathed for a long time, as if she was about to be dragged into those memories again.

"That's good. The old man's worried mood disappeared, "By the way, didn't that kid come back with you?"

Fu Hua didn't know how to answer, she remembered that she had a conversation with the old man, and the other party would always show a kind gaze, feeling that the girl's life had become better.

"I heard that you are going abroad to develop, and the rumors outside have not been very good over the years, and you two girls can accompany each other to reassure us neighbors.

"The child used to be sick, her parents rarely came back, and every time we saw her, she always sat alone in the yard and didn't speak.

"It seems that the change in her has only become obvious since you appeared, and that child should be very happy to have you with her." Just take care of each other..."

The old man suddenly stopped talking, and she noticed that with her babbling words, the girl in front of her became quieter and quieter, as if even her breathing was weakening, and the endless sadness hidden in her dark eyes could not be concealed slowly.

"Did you quarrel?" asked

the old man cautiously.

Fu Hua came back to his senses, the blurred scene shattered, and countless mirror fragments were scattered in the air, they reflected the expressionless cheeks of the immortals, and in a trance, completely different and completely different scenes appeared inside.

The girl's illusory silhouette was hidden in the scene, dissipating.

"Nope. Fu Hua shook his head, "We didn't quarrel, we have been fine all along."

"That's fine... That kid has been disciplined very little since she was a child, and she really likes you... She..."

Listening to the old man's words, the immortal's eyes were confused for a moment, and he muttered something in a low voice. Immediately, she responded softly, "Thank you for your concern, I will be by her side... If there's still a chance. "


"Squad leader?"

Kiana blurted out in a surprised voice touching her phone, her uncontrolled volume attracting the attention of everyone around her, unable to control her emotions, because they had been looking for her for a long time.

Perhaps looking back on the past from now on, the original beauty is actually mixed with a lot of gloomy ingredients, but no one will deny her importance and sincerity when she expresses her emotions.

For Kiana and the members of St. Freya's team, Fu Hua is the squad leader and an indispensable member of the family.

When the pain of Shen Fu's departure appeared, they were all worried about each other's condition, and they couldn't be more sincere than worrying about each other.

"It's me. The

girl's cold voice came from the other end of the phone, unusually calm, like cold ice that melts in the night and then gathers again, the night will not usher in the dawn of the morning, and the ice will never melt again.

"Kiana—" Fu Hua paused for a moment, then continued, "maybe I'll have to call you another name, the clone with the real Kiana genes and the Second Lawgiver genes—K423. "

What are you talking about?" Kiana was stunned, as if she had heard something incredible, and she suddenly looked back at her companions around her, all of whom looked confused.

"This is indeed who you really are, from the time you appeared in Siberia and Ziegfried to live, everything was a long-planned plan, born out of someone's desires, and I am the watchman to ensure that you do not get out of control when you reach the end of the plan. "

Clone?K423... I'm not called Kiana Kaslana?

" The confusion in Kiana's eyes was even greater, and for a moment the girl's past was completely denied, and all the efforts she had for the name, the life she had in the name of "Kiana" were all in a bubble.

She is a product of the plan, and being able to get to where she is now is only part of the plan, and perhaps her future life has already been manipulated.

There was a long silence, and when she spoke again, Kiana's voice became difficult and hoarse, "Why did the squad leader suddenly tell me this..."

, the shocking message confused the girl's thoughts, and pain began to breed continuously.

"Because the plan is not yet over, we still have a chance to change. Fu Hua said softly.

If telling the girl now will disrupt her illusory and beautiful life, and in a few years in the future, the girl herself will get the truth, then her world will be destroyed.

Actually, it's not that hard to accept to get the truth in this form, right?"

"Let's talk about specific things after we meet, if we don't want anyone's future to be destroyed, we have to make changes from now on."

"If you have to say why... From the moment you left Haiyuan City, your future and everyone's future were pinned on her good expectations.

I want to protect what she holds dear.

A pair of hands held Kiana's arm, and the warm power came from the gentle cheeks beside her, and the girl still questioned these shocking news, but she suddenly felt that even if everything was true, it would not be so difficult to accept.

"Okay, squad leader, let's meet and talk..."

Fu Hua hung up the phone, her thoughts returned, she heard the old man sitting not far away being kindly telling something, she slowly straightened up, "I have to leave."

"Are you going to find the kid? Be safe on the road."

"I will..."The

girl used all of her life to melt into everyone's future, even if the road in the future is full of thorns, they will have an extra bargaining chip to move forward.

Fu Hua pushed the door and left, and the branches of the luxuriant locust tree extended from the side of the wall, slicing the dazzling sunlight into pieces, and the warm wind blew in his face, and the low ponytail swayed.

When the breeze blows through the ears, it seems that there is a gentle smile ringing in the ears. Fu Hua's deep blue eyes stared at the building until it was imprinted in the depths of his mind with a faint sadness that he could not forget.

In fact, Fu Hua finally looked through all the photo frames, and the last photo was of the two of them riding on the Ferris wheel, their faces were blurred in the halo, the girl's cheeks were slightly red, and her lips were lightly revealing something.

There was something behind that that Shen Fu really wanted to say to her.

The girl liked the wedding group that day, in fact, she had planned it a long time ago.

The girl also talked a lot, as if she was far more like an old mother than when she was in Taixu Mountain.

She also became more and more fond of Fu Hua.

All the words are accompanied by deep reluctance and longing, and the ending of the movie does not end with sadness and farewell, all the emotions are summed together, more like saying another word.

[Every parting is for a better encounter]

But Fu Hua still can't let go of the time she once had, she is really leaving, and she will probably never return here.

Everyone has to start running towards their own destiny.

- Okay at the end

of the volume, the story of the second volume ends here, and the last two chapters total 8k+.

This volume also has a lot to write as I thought, in fact, some people have complained that it is too long and wish I had finished it sooner. However, in the end, I did not accept the suggestion and wrote more than 300,000 words.

Because they really can't be cut off, Fu Hua and Shen Fu's lives are more like a trickle, they like each other more and more little by little, and finally sacrifice and sacrifice in order to shine on each other's future.

I really like this story.

Many people have already guessed where the third volume is going, and it is natural that more will be written, and there will be more stories of Shen Fu and Fu Hua, and maybe I will be more guilty of literary youth and entertaining myself.

So far, the data of this book is actually not very good, and as time goes by, my spirit will be affected by more and more exhaustion, and I have had all kinds of thoughts, and what may not have made me give up is that the ending of the story has not yet reached perfection.

(Of course, the lack of pitiful manuscript fees is also the motivation that affects my daily life, and then I often have to change the text to ensure the quality)

The rest is not too much to talk about. Let's make an evaluation, after reading the first volume and the second volume, what impression do the characters in this book leave on you?



Hua3.Qin Suyi

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