The castle tower is shaking, and the reason why Yae Village built this place is not only for watch, but also for suppressing the souls of the dead.

The natives of Yae Village believe in the gods so much that a sacrifice ritual takes place almost every few decades, and not all of them are like Yae Rin, the chosen ones, young and old, who are either desperate or angry.

Before dying, he shouted a curse to the villagers, and in order to prevent the evil spirits from taking revenge, the sacrificed person would be buried in the castle tower.

A large amount of Honkai can fill this quaint building, Scarlet Prison Maru has built every grass and tree in Yae Village, and even unrealistic souls have been created by her, wailing and wandering from floor to floor.

They strengthened the mutant crimson Honkai beasts, and countless special abilities covered every inch of the floor. It was already difficult to reach the top, but now the difficulty has been raised to the hell level.

Even so, countless Honkai Beasts were still shattered in the dim streamer, and the speed force allowed her to avoid the attack and rush to the upper level while preserving a large amount of stamina.

From the outside, the castle tower has only five floors, but on the inside, it seems endless.

The [Thousand Stars] state was lifted for a moment and then turned on again, and so on until Shen Fu was numb to pain, and the blood vessels under the skin of his fair and well-proportioned arm glowed with a faint purple light.

In the stigmata and rich Honkai energy environment, the girl who only has artificial stigmata as a resistance has shown a state of severe erosion.

Shen Fu had to stop, and the moment the state was lifted, he began to swing his sword to fight.


Honkai Beast threw a fiery red crystal like a cannonball that was shattered in the air, and the impact of the explosion swept several spurs, and Shen Fu stepped on the top of their heads and went straight to the steps.

With each step, the Honkai Beast beneath its feet will split apart. By now, the simple Honkai Beasts couldn't stop the girl from firing all the time, but there were so many of them that they dragged her in her footsteps like a swamp.

This time, the enemy is a quasi-lawyer-level, and Shen Fu's latest record is only to kill an emperor-level. No matter how you look at it, the strength of the two sides is not equal, and she may even die before she reaches the top.

Death...... In front of what everyone will encounter equally, the girl's calm and dustless heart lake world rippled, she frowned, and silently recited the sword heart decision in her mouth.

Don't want to die. Probably Fu Hua, who was fighting hard at the shrine, thought the same thing, right? They also agreed to meet and witness the happy ending.

The iron sword made a wailing sound when it touched the body of the Honkai Beast, and then it shattered and scattered into fragments. The wind vortex pushed it forward, piercing through the body.

Without hesitation, the girl drew the knives on either side of her waist, and this time she had brought enough weapons with her, like a high-speed spinning drill, constantly crushing forward.

"Sister Shen Fu?" The

immature voice made Shen Fu heat enough to calm down the brain-dead brain of an ordinary person for a moment, she raised her eyes to look around, and only the Honkai Beast came into her eyes, and the voice floated from above.

Shen Fu laughed silently, "Is it Rin?" "

Since there will be Yae Sakura, there must also be Yae Rin." In this way, she is not only torturing her sister, making her bitter remorse in countless reincarnations, but also torturing her sister, letting the other party see the despair again and again.

The little girl seemed to be struggling with what to say, and she whispered, "Don't you come here... If you go on like this, you're going to die. Yae

Rin didn't know how much time had passed, but she had seen her sister's painful scene since she was first created, and she thought she was going to die, but the monster just resurrected her and imprisoned her.

My sister is in pain, she is also in pain, and the two of them have never been able to meet.

The little girl looked forward to that day in her heart, and then her hope was wiped out for a long time, until the appearance of Shen Fu and Fu Hua made her rekindle the flame of hope to meet.

Rin, who knew the power of monsters, knew very well that Shen Fu had gone to the top in such a state, and what would greet her would be the end of destruction.

Yae Rin doesn't know how long she has been waiting for that day to come, but she doesn't want her two very good sisters to die...

"Does Rin want to see her sister?" asked Shen Fu softly, stepping on the stairs, the Honkai energy swirling, the monster roaring, all the sounds were gone, and she waited in silence for the little girl's response.

The road was coming to an end, Yae Rin was silent for a long, long time, until finally she responded weakly, "I want to..."

She has been waiting for an unknown amount of time, how can she not be longing?"

Because none of us can be sure if this will be the last time. "

Before the castle tower appeared, the last thing Shen Fu wanted to say to Scarlet Prison Pill.

A smile tugged at the girl's pale cheeks showing signs of erosion, and she had reached a new level, where countless Honkai beasts were waiting.

The dazzling golden light shone on the stairs leading to the end of the floor, and Shen Fu's eyes lit up with brilliant gold, like a floating and complicated golden irise.

Hado dust burns.

[Thousand Stars] opened, and the huge sword qi swept away the Honkai Beast, and it was no longer difficult to climb the stairs from this moment on, and the equal erosion and burning, the two negative states would drag the girl into the center of the abyss more quickly.

Drives her to make a new deal or die.

Yae Rin seemed to have disappeared, and Shen Fu never communicated with him again during the long climb that followed, and the girl used all the martial arts she had learned in the tireless battle.

It is true that now is not the time to practice, but the top layer does not know when it will come, and Shen Fu in this state can collapse the beast with one blow.

Taixu sword qi, two days first-class, Beichen one sword flow. After all the weapons are destroyed, there are many moves such as the Inch Heart Fist Method, the Eighth Rank Fist, and so on.

As if all emotions had been lost, the brilliant golden pupils were left with only indifference. Before Shen Fu could touch it with his fist, the blatant Honkai Energy had already blasted out dozens of meters, and the deafening roar seemed to smash all the floors.

"Sister Shen Fu works so hard, if Rin doesn't respond, then I'm so sorry for you. At some point, the little girl's immature voice sounded.

Her voice was deliberately lowered, as if she was afraid of being discovered, "Rin will help you!" We go to meet the people we want to meet.

As Rin's voice disappeared, the scene on the castle tower floor suddenly distorted, and everything was still the same as before, but the countless Honkai beasts dissipated, and at the end of the stairs, the unwilling screams of unjust spirits were heard.

"It's the power of that monster. Rin whispered.

In the infinite time together, she and Scarlet Maru are almost one.

The little girl struggled to continue, "There will be more to come." "

Well... You have to protect yourself. Shen Fu climbed the steps.

The top floor of the castle tower is a contrast to the previous antique and dim building floors, the color here is a piercing blood red, the explosion of flames is continuous, and the light of a pinch of fire prints a hazy light on the floor.

The temperature was blazing higher than Shen Fu's body temperature, like a red-hot iron falling into the magma, and it would melt away in the blink of an eye.

The illusory body constructed by the black mist was attached to the black and red general's armor, and the sharp horns extended from the forehead, and the faces of the Prajna switched into faces of sadness and despair.

Fused with the souls of the dead, far beyond the form of the fox demon, mimicking the final form of the lawyer, the soul of the Jizo.

As if awakened by the sound of the girl's footsteps, the demon slowly raised its huge head, reached into the empty body at his waist with both hands, and pulled out two long knives burning with raging black fire.

- How many people still read this book? Approaching the end of the year, I am very busy at work, and then I basically go to bed at two o'clock after writing essays after work at night, and my mental state is a little poor... But I'll try to write better.

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