The light of the fire that lit out of nowhere blurred the path between Shen Fu and the demon, and after a moment of silence, the girl walked towards the huge armor, her gaze fell on the face of the rapidly switching Prajna, and the face of a woman with a miserable smile remained unchanged.

The bright golden pupils looked at the pair of ethereal black eyes, and in an instant, Shen Fu's thoughts were forcibly dragged away.

Prajna, a legendary evil spirit formed by intense jealousy and resentment. It also has three branches under the general name, namely the white prajna, the smiling prajna, and the red prajna.

Shen Fu is now facing Xiao Panruo, and in the story, this kind of resentful spirit is best at eating people's lives in nightmares.

The girl suddenly recalled the life that she had hidden in the deepest part of her mind, when she had not yet crossed the time, and the memory fragments of trivial life were forcibly pieced together, like ukiyo-e reflected in her eyes.

There was no more sound in his ears, and Shen Fu seemed to have walked into a silent and dark world, stepping through a long passage, and finally entering a sun-drenched room.

The chirping of the summer cicadas began to sound, the sunlight was blocked by the white curtains, and through the cracks, you could see the lush plane trees outside the window. The hot wind swept through the glass, and the fan creaked.

There is a notepad on the clean table, which is full of life plans for the day, and Shen Fu can do things according to the plan, or simply lie on the bed and sleep beautifully in this room full of tenderness.

She was already tired and needed rest the most.

The faint sound of footsteps walking by outside the door, if you listen carefully, you can argue that someone is doing something outside.

Could that person be Fu Hua? Just go out and see her.

But no, the girl only sank in an intoxicating dream for a few seconds before she realized that her situation was dangerous, and the beautiful scene dissipated into countless shards of glass in her eyes.

Maybe Shen Fu's strength is not so strong, but her willpower is amazingly tenacious, and she will not be deceived by the so-called dream at all.

Consciousness returned to the top floor of the blood-red castle tower, and the girl's pupils that had dimmed for a few seconds shone like a blooming mandalus.

Hado dust is burning.

There seemed to be a low laugh of a god in the darkness, and it was true that trading would lead to a significant reduction in lifespan, and there was no shortage of power in exchange for it.

The brain that was almost down in the heat cooled it down, and the girl did not hesitate to break through the brilliant ukiyo-e curtains, and a beautiful voice came from the depths.

But what is hidden in it is not the beautiful singer, but the demon who is wielding the twin swords of burning flames, and the ukiyo-e is broken, and the black shadow that breaks through the sound barrier and makes a roar slashes at the body.

If Shen Fu had been immersed in the dream for a longer time, he would undoubtedly have his soul torn apart by this white god.

With the speed of the knife that could not be dodged by thinking with her brain, Shen Fu made a jump in her subconscious actions, and the knife slashed dangerously under her feet, she stepped on the huge knife body, and those flames wrapped the delicate body with the trend.

Loud cries came from all directions, and people's eardrums ached, and upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the twin blades of the Jizo Imperial Soul were not burning flames, but countless resentful souls entangled with each other.

Countless faces appeared in Shen Fu's eyes, the resentful spirits told about the injustice they had suffered, and their different pupils revealed greed, and they all wanted to occupy Shen Fu's body and revive it.

Is it really a mimicry of the law? Every move and style carries a deadly threat.

But that face was smiling, and in the face of Shen Fu, who was so strong in willpower that it was almost the same as Fu Hua, these were all useless, and the girl was silent and fist-keeping.

The demon slash missed, and quickly retracted to launch a second offensive. Before that, Shen Fu swung his fist as he fell.

Honkai can crush all the souls with the wind flow, the chaotic wind flow cuts the ground into cracks, and the fiery red wooden floor is blown away like a bulldozer's impact.

"Boom!" a

deafening roar, a punch almost smashed the entire top floor. Gray light shone in, and the Honkai energy turned into substantial flames that spread across the ground, like the deepest part of hell.

Shen Fu was bounced away, and her fist was close to the front of the demon and slammed into a thick barrier, and she couldn't penetrate it at all, but was also injured by the impact force.

The girl landed smoothly on the ground, the clothes on her right arm were all shattered, the exposed skin was twisted like hemp rope, and a large amount of blood gushed out of the wound.

Even though it was a situation of restraint, the gap between the two sides was too great. Shen Fu's right hand was abolished like this.

The Jizo Soul stopped swinging its sword, and it was clear that it was not hurt. Prajna's face was changing, eventually turning into a pale and hideous evil spirit's face.

The white prajna is also the original prajna.

The little girl's immature exclamation came from the demon's body, "Sister Shen Fu!"

Bai Panruo is Yae Rin, she has already merged with Scarlet Prison Pill. As for the laughing Prajna, it is Yae Sakura, a shrine maiden who has suffered countless reincarnations and hopes to create a beautiful dream for herself.

Everything here is traceable.

"I'm sorry to let you see this ugly look..."Shen Fu subconsciously wanted to hide her arms back, but she couldn't make any moves, she frowned slightly, "Don't worry, I'll take you out." "

I believe in my sister. The little girl responded to her, and Rin was deeply impressed by Shen Fu's words and ideas.

After a short silence, Yae Rin continued to speak, "This guy has a barrier-like defense, and it takes many attacks to break it, and I'm sure my sister can do it." It's cheating, so can my sister!" Black

flames floated out of the demon's body, Shen Fu tangled up and gave up dodging, and those fires wrapped her and silently burrowed through the wound on her discarded right arm.

Her right arm began to regain at a speed visible to the naked eye, and consciousness came again.

"Rin will fight it for control, if it's a white mask, my sister's injuries will all heal, but the probability of Rin winning every time is very low, please be careful.

Break its defenses, then take that sword, and we'll win!"

Yae Rin's words were resolute, "We all have people we want to meet.

"Well, for that you have to win. Shen Fu recovered completely, and then there was no response, and on her way to the demon, Prajna had already switched to the most hideous and terrifying crimson.

There is no doubt that the strongest ghost is the embodiment of Scarlet Prison Pill.

The resentful spirits wrapped around the blade turned bloody, and the newly healed floor shattered and spewed out endless pillars of magma fire, and the black blade slashed towards Shen Fu with flames.

It has to be fast and fierce, and the girl starts thinking when she runs. Then there is only one answer.

[Thousand Stars] starts. Under normal circumstances, two [Thousand Stars] is Shen Fu's limit, and then she will have cell death, but Yae Rin has just turned on the cheating mode for her.

Her body is back to normal, and as long as she lasts until the next time Rin appears, she can use it forever.

It's a pity that the burning of Yudu dust is irreparable, and the repeated use of [Thousand Stars] will also make the brain suffer unimaginable pain. Shen Fu was not afraid.

She saw clearly the sword hidden in the black mist in the belly of the demon, the key of the gods.

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