I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 232 You climbed in through the window so easily?


Chen Miao lay quietly on her bed, put her hands on her chest, and looked at the ceiling above her head without taking off her clothes.

There were no electric lights or candles or other lighting items in the house.

As night falls, only the moonlight can be seen streaming in through the windows. Nights in the countryside are much quieter than nights in the city, and nights in this village are quieter than most nights in rural areas.

No cicadas chirping

Well, although cicadas rarely chirp in winter, apart from the chirping of cicadas, there are no sounds of dogs, chickens, or birds.

Everything seemed extremely quiet.

He did not close his eyes. In this case, it was obviously difficult for him to feel sleepy. If nothing else, the other people in the room were probably not asleep at this time and were all waiting patiently.

He wanted to see what weird things would happen after nightfall.

at this time--

He suddenly heard a sudden voice coming from his ears. He couldn't hear what was being said, but he just heard such a voice, and the voice seemed to come from under his bed.

Before he could make any move.

Then he saw a dark figure rolling in through the window and standing at the door staring straight at him.


Chen Miao didn't have much fear in her heart. She just stood up and sat cross-legged on the bed. She took out the Thompson submachine gun and held it in her arms. She looked at the dark figure standing at the door with a strange expression.

Isn't there a so-called protective charm hanging at the door?

You climbed in through the window so easily?

His window is closed.

He expected that the black shadow would attack him. As long as the black shadow attacked him, it would prove that his guess was right. The worry that the strong man said at dusk was actually his worry.

Is the crisis after nightfall a plot kill or a normal crisis in the secret realm?

And it is actually very simple to verify this thing.

What were the original words of the villager who led the way?

The original words are - "There will be a crisis after nightfall, and a protective charm is hung at the door to protect your safety."

And if this protective talisman cannot protect their safety in the house, it means that the second half of what the villager said is not absolute. Similarly, the first half of what he said is not absolute, which means that this is not a plot kill.

It's the same reason.

If the protective charm really works, it might really be a script kill.

But now that the black figure had climbed into the house so easily, he had already put a question mark on the words of the villagers who led the way. As long as the black figure took the initiative to attack him, everything would be self-defeating.

But just then——

The black figure standing at the door seemed to have lost patience and walked out of the darkness to take a step forward. But at this moment, the black figure seemed to have been severely injured, and a faint roar of pain could be heard in Chen Miao's ears.

Immediately afterwards, I saw this black figure escaping out of the window almost at a fleeing speed.


Chen Miao looked at the protective amulet hanging on the door with a slightly strange expression, feeling a little hesitant in his heart. Is this protective amulet really effective? Is this really a plot kill?

At this time.

The paper cup fixed to his bedside suddenly shook. There was a hole in the bottom of the paper cup, and a nylon rope mixed with metal stretched straight from the bottom of the paper cup to the outside of the window.

If you raise the angle of view, you can see it.

This straight nylon rope stretched all the way to a tree outside Chen Miao's house, then circled around and led directly into the strong man's house. In the strong man's house, there was also another paper cup. The bottom is connected to this nylon rope.

At this time, the strong man was slightly tugging on the nylon rope with an uneasy look on his face. After waiting patiently for a moment, the rope suddenly shook uncontrollably a few times outside the house. Then he hurriedly put the paper cup to his mouth and said.

"How's it going? What's going on over there? Everything is business as usual here."

After saying this, he pulled the nylon rope again, and then buckled the paper cup on his ear.

This is a simple communication device made by Chen Miao. Watches cannot be used here, and it is inconvenient to speak loudly after dark. If two people in different rooms want to communicate, they must use other methods.

This method is the fastest way.

It’s a very simple principle that can be learned in junior high school classes. Even primary school readings found that there are examples of this case in science. As long as the rope is pulled straight enough, it is best to have some metal substances mixed in the rope.

Even if the sound is very small, it can be transmitted smoothly along the nylon rope to the other end.

It is very convenient to use in situations where you cannot speak loudly.

He made an agreement with the strong man to pull it when speaking and again after speaking, so as to facilitate timely communication and avoid missing the message.

"A dark figure came in. After standing at the door for a while, it seemed to have been severely injured and then left through the window. You could vaguely hear the shadow's roar after being injured."

"Ah? There's nothing going on here. I didn't see any black shadows. But I also heard voices under my bed, as well as vague roars after being injured, but I didn't see anything."


Chen Miao remained expressionless and silent. The best way at this time was to communicate with a few other people to determine more information. But it was a pity that when he proposed to move the other three people into the house, when using this kind of communication device.

The man in the tuxedo sneered and rolled his eyes at him. Although he said nothing, his rejection and disdain were all expressed.

And those two women were still on the verge of emotional collapse because of some affection between their children. They completely forgot that they were in a C-level secret realm. They completely ignored his proposal and only sulked in their own rooms.

He felt a headache and lightly rubbed his temples. If his teammates didn't cooperate, it would be really difficult. It would be great if Yuan Bu, the hungry monkey, was here. Matching up with such a random passerby was really disgusting.

at this time--

A piercing scream pierced the night sky. It was a female scream. The sound revealed endless fear and panic. Chen Miao immediately pricked up her ears. Listening to the source of the sound, it should be from the house of the two sisters.

Although the voice sounds very permeable.

But he was very angry, not like he was hurt, but more like he was scared.

Chen Miao narrowed his eyes and made no sound. He had no intention of opening the door and going out to check. He just waited patiently for the follow-up. He wanted to see if this woman would die tonight. If faced with a certain death situation, this woman should subconsciously die. Shout loudly in front of me.

But he waited for a moment, but did not wait for this woman's dying cry for help.

Instead, there was no movement and everything became quiet.

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