
Finally, Chen Miao heard some different sounds, which were the crows of roosters, but the sound suddenly stopped, as if someone had strangled the neck in an instant, which was very abrupt, and then he saw it.

At some point outside the window, a woman wearing white clothes and long hair was standing outside the window, staring straight at him.

Although he couldn't see the woman's eyes.

But he could feel the coldness in this woman's eyes.


Chen Miao narrowed her eyes and suddenly laughed. She got up and walked out of bed, walked to the window, pressed her cheek against the glass, and kept smiling as she looked out the window at the woman.

A few seconds later.

The woman left.

After this woman left, weird things kept happening.

For example, the sound of gongs and drums suddenly came from the street. Nothing could be seen, but the sound could be heard, as if someone was carrying a sedan during a wedding. Or, the white lantern on the door suddenly started to ooze blood.

A quick knock on the door.

The sound of marbles on the ceiling.

There were a total of eight or nine strange events. When the last strange event stopped, it was already four o'clock in the morning. After a long night of tossing, it was really tiring. After seeing no response.

Chen Miaocai leaned against the head of the bed, his eyelids closed slightly, and he began to fall into a state of false sleep.

You can enter a fighting state at any time without really falling asleep, but you won't let your mental state be too tense.

Although there were many strange events tonight, perhaps because of the effect of the protective talisman, none of the strange events harmed them. As long as they waited until dawn the next day, everything would be revealed.


Its daybreak.

When the sky turned pale and the sun officially rose, the strong man with dark circles under his eyes finally couldn't help but rushed out of his house, ran to the window of Chen Miao's house, and kept knocking on the glass.

After seeing Chen Miao lying on the bed, he was shocked and said in disbelief: "Brother, you are probably crazy. With all the noise last night, could you fucking sleep?"


After being woken up, Chen Miao stretched out, rubbed his tired eyes, walked out of the room, glanced at the strong man who had obviously not slept all night, and said casually: "We are just extraordinary people, and we have not become gods. We can't sleep after one night." Go to sleep, aren’t you sleepy the next day?”

"Who can sleep in that situation?" the strong man said hurriedly: "If you don't pay attention, you will die. If you fall asleep, you may never have a chance to open your eyes again."


Chen Miao nodded perfunctorily, and then strode towards the house of the sisters. It was the sister of the sisters who screamed last night. He wanted to see if the sister was dead.

When you get to his room.

The door was closed and the window curtains were not drawn. I saw this burgundy-haired woman curled up on the bed with a frightened look, holding her whip tightly in her hand, as if she was ready to enter combat at any time.

Apparently he had a lot of scares last night.


The strong man knocked on the glass and said tentatively: "Are you okay? There was quite a lot of movement here last night. Did something break in?"

"The protective talisman is gone."

The woman sat on the bed with fear in her eyes, pointing tremblingly at the door where the protective charm was originally hung, but it was empty now.

"what's the situation?"

The strong man's face straightened, and he immediately understood that he had encountered a special situation. He immediately knocked on the door and signaled the woman to open the door to find out what happened last night.

Soon the door opened.

The strong man also asked with an anxious look on his face: "Did the protective talisman break? Or was it snatched away by some black shadow or other monster?"


Only Chen Miao, who was standing nearby, looked at the woman who had no injuries at all, her eyes gradually narrowed, and she already had some vague answers in her heart.

He knows best where this sister's protective charm has gone.

Before nightfall last night, he came to this woman to discuss whether to set up a short-distance communication device to spend the night together, but this woman's mind went blank last night because of her love for her sister's son and daughter. Her eyes were dull and she ignored her completely. he.

Upon seeing this, he knew that this woman would be of little help.

But it has to play some role.

So he took advantage of the woman's dull eyes, stole the woman's protective talisman, and hid it under a tree not far away. He wanted to see if someone would die without the protection of the protective talisman.


This red-haired sister, without a protective charm all night last night, not only did not die, she didn't even have any injuries on her body.

In this case, he would put a question mark on the effectiveness of the protective talisman.

Does this thing really work?

In other words, are the strange events that happened last night really a threat to them?

At this time, the strong man had already finished communicating with the red-haired woman. The reason why he screamed last night was because a black shadow broke in last night, and when the black shadow broke in, the woman Wake up from your emotions.

Then I discovered that the protective charm at the door had disappeared at some point.

Suddenly frightened, he screamed uncontrollably.

But then the black shadow retreated on its own, as if it had been severely injured. After roaring, it ran out again along the window.

This scene is exactly the same as the one in Chen Miao's house.

Chen Miao narrowed his eyes slightly and did not speak. The retreat of the black shadow in his house could be understood as the protective talisman taking effect. However, the protective talisman in the red-haired woman's house was gone, so the black shadow was hit hard by something.

The shadows invade, severely damage, and escape.

Why does this process feel like it is fixed? It will happen regardless of whether there is a protective talisman or not. If nothing else happens, the same incident should have happened in the house of the remaining two people last night.

At least the three of them checked and found that the strange events that happened last night were exactly the same.

Only the strong man is missing the shadow invasion incident, which is the first strange incident.

And at this time——

The man in the tuxedo had already gone out. I don’t know what information the man in the tuxedo had. Anyway, he looked like he had a chance to win. He gave them a slightly disdainful look, then strode towards the village chief’s house, looking like he was ready to show his courtesy again. .

Approval from the village chief.

It is a condition that must be met to pass this secret realm. Chen Miao can understand the behavior of the man in the tuxedo, but he does not think that a C-level secret realm can be cleared so easily by flattering him.

If it's really that simple, then let Zhou Shen come over and clear this secret realm perfectly in minutes.


The old man who was the tombkeeper told him that the devil had cleared this secret realm. He would rather believe that there was a cook secretly cooking Qianlong cabbage under his bed last night than believe that a demon could pass through this secret realm with diligence.

Chen Miao walked into the strong man's house alone. He wanted to see the difference between the strong man's house and his house, and why there was one less strange incident in the strong man. After scanning around, he found that the furnishings in the room were almost the same as his. Exactly the same,


Almost all the furnishings in the house are exactly the same, as if they were copied and pasted.

But Chen Miao quickly found something different.

There are no mirrors on the walls of the brawny man.

At this time, the strong man also walked in behind him, looking at Chen Miao nervously: "How are you, brother? Did you find anything?"

It has to be said that this strong man has a very clear positioning of himself. A high-level transcendent can follow a ten-level transcendent and constantly ask for his opinions. This does not have a certain character. It is really impossible to do this. kind of thing.

Arrogance is bound to happen when you reach high places.

If a person in a high position does not have arrogance.

There are only two possibilities.

The first type is that the other party hides it very deeply and has arrogance deep in his heart.

The second type is that you have suffered a lot of losses because of your arrogance and will not be blindly proud.

"Where's the mirror on the wall in your room?"

Chen Miao didn't hide it, just wanted to see the empty nail on the wall, and asked directly.

"You said this."

The strong man hurriedly took out the mirror wrapped in sheets on the bedside table: "According to my experience of experiencing so many weird and mysterious places, mirrors are often not good things. Before nightfall yesterday, I put this mirror Take it off and wrap it up.”

"Is this thing useful?"

"I originally wanted to smash this mirror last night, but after thinking about it, I was worried that if this thing was a mission item, I would be dumbfounded if I smashed it in case it was used later, so I didn't smash it and hid it for this mirror. .”


Chen Miao narrowed his eyes in thought and did not speak. According to the strong man's information, he did not see the black shadow intruding into the house last night. He did not see the black shadow, but he heard the sound of the black shadow being severely injured.

Does this scene look a bit familiar?

It's like the screen is off, but the sound is still playing.

Take a wild guess.

The black shadow last night was not a real monster, but an artificially created strange event. The playback source was this mirror, so it can be understood why there was only sound but no shadow in the strong man's house.

Because the display screen was hidden by the strong man.

After Chen Miao lowered his head and thought for a moment, a possibility became more and more clear in his mind. He suddenly raised his head and looked out the window and smiled: "Go out and take a look. I'll bet you that the village chief hasn't gotten up yet."

"Didn't you get up?"

The strong man muttered and walked toward the door: "There are only more than two hours until noon. Didn't the village chief say yesterday that the three people on the high platform would be tried at noon today?"

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw the man in the tuxedo leaving the village chief's door and heading towards his house in frustration. Apparently he didn't knock on the village chief's door.

"No way? I really didn't wake up."

"I'll be damned if I can wake up."

Chen Miao suddenly grinned: "It's kind of interesting. I originally thought it was a mysterious place with weird folk customs, but in the end I dared to get closer to science."

"That's good. It'll be much easier this way."

He took back what he said last night. These teammates were not completely useless. If the hungry monkey and others came, he really didn't dare to use the lives of the hungry monkey and others to conduct experiments. Sometimes the passers-by who were randomly matched were not There is no advantage.

At least, durable.

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