"The first generation of divine body, it is the standard for expressing liberation from the mortal body"

"It does not need oxygen, does not need to eat, is immune to most radiation, and can survive in the cosmic environment. These are its basic functions.

Although angels do not need to eat to replenish their energy, this is still one of the standards of a divine body.


【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【The first generation of divine bodies: The successful development of this technology means that angels have completely escaped from the level of mortals. From now on, angels can survive with only energy. They are the spirits of the universe, the gods in the sky, and the real gods.

After creating the technology,

Luo Hua also found that every angel can install this technology.


{Equip all angels with the first generation of divine bodies}

【[Loading Completed]

In reality at this moment, as Luo Hua loaded the divine body for them,

Kaisha, Liang Bing and He Xi's eyes suddenly lit up.


Luo Hua snapped his fingers.

The four angels in the courtyard turned into six angels floating in the universe outside the earth.


Luo Hua also teleported Alan and Keira with a snap of his fingers.

At this time, everyone was floating in the space above the earth.

But out of instinct, they still held their breath.

A third-generation physique like Kaisha can hold their breath for dozens of hours without breathing.

So Luo Hua said in the dark communication channel:

"Relax your body, and then slowly try to move like you breathe normally."

After hearing Luo Hua's explanation, the angels began to slowly release their breath holding.

Then they tried to restore the breathing environment on Earth.

But what surprised them was that there was no oxygen in the sky.

But when they breathed, they still felt oxygen being inhaled into their lungs.

Liang Bing put her hand in front of her small nose and took another breath.

There was no air flow at all.

In other words, the divine body experiment was a complete success!

Moreover, in such a low temperature in space, they were not afraid of the sub-zero temperature at all because of their already high physical strength.

In other words, the flesh can survive in the universe!


Luo Hua snapped his fingers again.

Of course, this snap was silent.

Because there was no sound caused by air friction.

But the six angels still returned to Earth.

After all, snapping fingers is just a convenient way of expression.

Back to the city in the sky.

Liang Bing happily expressed her discovery.

"It turns out that this is really the case. Everything a living organism needs can be replaced by energy belts!"

"When I breathe, the energy is converted into demand and replaces it!"

There is no oxygen.

But when Liang Bing's body needs to breathe, the energy automatically replaces it.

This is really magical.

Luo Hua led everyone into the pavilion and sat down.

Then he took Liang Bing's snacks from the table and ate some.

"If you think this is amazing, there will be more amazing things to come."

"When the divine body reaches the fourth generation, the personal computing capacity of the space-time divine body can even surpass the treasure house of knowledge."

Liang Bing's eyes widened after hearing this.

Personal computing capacity exceeds the treasure house of knowledge!?

What is the concept?

How much is the consumption?

Regardless of Liang Bing who was still surprised.

Luo Hua turned to look at Alan and Kayla and said:

"Now that the divine body has been studied, we can officially communicate with the universe."

"In a few days, we can directly announce the transaction of the flagship of the Chitauri civilization."

"As long as it is something that can be exchanged, it can be exchanged according to the list."

Alan and Keira nodded.

They will prepare to do this in a while.

They want to spread the notification to the entire universe and distinguish the levels.

Then the transmission of dark energy compound fluctuations is a good choice.

In this way, low-level civilizations in the universe cannot detect it.

But the civilizations that can detect it will receive it.

After all, it is an exchange flagship.

It is useless for low-level civilizations to know.


Luo Hua looked at Kaisha and He Xi and said:"The research and development of the second-generation divine body must continue"

"The research and development of divine bodies is endless, and the fourth generation I mentioned is not the focus."

"If one day, each of us angels can be powerful beyond imagination"

"Then we have the final say on what kind of life we want to live."

"Fishing, raising pets, planting flowers, planting trees, painting, these seemingly ordinary things in life are the most difficult for us."

"Because the universe is full of dangers, no one will let us live a good life."

When Luo Hua finished speaking, all the angels nodded.

For them, the more ordinary life is, the more precious it is.

It is very difficult to live a relaxed and comfortable life that can live out the value of life.

Because there are always some people who are unhappy with their lives or are about to"drowned" and want to drag you down.......

A few days later, the whole of New York is still working hard to rebuild.

After all, there are too many dilapidated buildings, collapsed houses and even the ground.

For a time, the whole of Harmanton became the most dilapidated area in New York.

However, even if it is broken,

Harmanton is still the economic hub of the whole New York.

So the speed of reconstruction is still very fast.

At the same time, an undercurrent that swept across the entire United States is beginning.

At this time, in the SHIELD in the Triskelion Building,

Hill looked at Fury with a document and joked

"Director Fury, the presidential election has begun. Do you want to participate?"

Fury was sitting on the sofa looking at the scenery.

Then he was suddenly stunned by what Hill said.

"I was just joking that day. I can't run for president with my experience."

"They will only elect someone who appears to be very successful and has a strong background."

Hill nodded.

That's true.


"I think one of the hard requirements for running for president this time is that you are not allowed to offend angels."

"And under the circumstances, we should try our best to negotiate with the angels in a friendly manner."

It's called friendly negotiations.

But that's just an outward statement.

In fact, isn't it just to lick the angels well?

As long as everyone is not a fool, the upper level will just take a look at the nuclear missile launch record.

Then analyze the cause of the incident.

In this way, everyone knows how the nuclear bomb exploded.

If it was before, those who are participating in the election now would still support the use of nuclear bombs.

But now is now.

These officials participating in the election will only curse the previous government.

It's normal to be fence-sitters.

At this time, Hill looked at Fury.

Then she took out the document with a serious look and handed it to Fury.

"Director Fury, there are now several reports of sudden explosions across the country."

"Because we can't analyze it, we don't know whether it is a terrorist attack or a supernatural event."

"But maybe it is related to a country that is in the midst of a war."

Speaking of business.

Fury immediately became serious and picked up the document to read.

What was mentioned above were several explosions that occurred suddenly during this period.

And the power of each explosion should not be underestimated.


The full-system projections in Fury's office in the SHIELD building flickered frequently.

And even the facilities of the intelligence center began to be affected.

Then the national television news broadcasts were directly cut off.

After a while.

All news TV stations across the country began to broadcast a message at the same time.

That is, a man who called himself the Mandarin announced that all the recent explosions were caused by him.

And on the traditional day of the election, he would plan another explosion.

And in the end, he would use this opportunity to ask to see the angel.

Otherwise, the final explosion would only be bigger.

After the network was restored to security.

Fury and Hill in the SHIELD office looked at each other.

Someone had already broadcast the video just now to them.


Fury was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

He opened his mouth several times but couldn't say anything.

So he just cursed

"Are they kidding me!? You want to mess up the presidential campaign!"

"Why do you need the angels to come out? Why do you mess with the angels?"

Fury was really angry.

They had just quietly held the presidential election.

Wouldn't it be nice to lick the angels?

But he didn't expect that the Mandarin would drag him down again. What a psychopath!


Hill also sighed helplessly:"I hope the angels know that we are helpless."

The presidential campaign was originally to please the angels.

But the Mandarin did this.

If you don't know, you might think he was looking for the angels to cause trouble.......

At the same time,

Luo Hua was sitting in the pavilion of the Sky City.

Of course, he also knew about this.

Strictly speaking, he was the first to know about this.


After a while, the sound of Alan and Kayla's quick footsteps came from outside the courtyard.

After they came in, they looked at the still leisurely Luo Hua and asked

"King, let me go and kill him directly."

After Alan finished speaking,

Kayla added:"And the controller behind him, Aldrezi·��Ryan"

"I think we should kill him at the same time, because he is the one who planned all this."

It turned out that at the moment when Mandarin released the news,

Alan and Keira had already"dug out" all the information of their ancestors through the Eye of Insight.

So let alone who is the mastermind behind the scenes and who is the real culprit.

That is all in vain under the Eye of Insight of the Angel Civilization.

Luo Hua smiled and put down the teacup

"Angels are not creatures that everyone likes. There are always people who don't like them, and they are not the only ones."

"Let's see how this US government responds first."

"All the upper echelons of the previous term were not very obedient, so let's see what happens next."

"This just happens to be their first test."

Luo Hua said this.

Alan and Kayla remembered that the last class was indeed disobedient, and then they were wronged.

And then nothing happened.

So this class was changed.

They immediately looked at each other sweetly in their hearts.

Then they nodded heavily to Luo Hua.


Who doesn't like the feeling of being pampered by the king?

But Luo Hua put down his teacup and looked at them and asked:

"How is the exchange of the Chitauri flagship going in the universe?"

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