What kind of creature is this!?


Why do they have wings?

Why are they so beautiful?

Why does this civilization only have six units?

These questions are almost the questions that the entire universe is wondering about.

For example, the Andromeda Galaxy and Xandar are the territory of the Nova Empire.

At the same time, other civilizations in the universe also call it Chaida.

The Nova Empire is already one of the most technologically advanced empires in the universe.

At the same time, they also had a thousand-year-long war with the Kree Empire.

But recently, it seems that a peace agreement was signed.

Strictly speaking, this empire not only has many colonized planets, but it is also a good empire.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the Nova Empire is watching the video of the angel civilization with the captain. The Nova Empire is also very curious about the race that was suddenly exposed in this universe.

"What do you think of their strength?"

Adora, the commander-in-chief of the Nova Empire, asked her captain.

"Commander-in-chief, their individual strength is very strong"

"And they can all fly and even teleport."

"And it can be seen that their physical strength is very strong, and they can even survive in the universe!"

To be honest.

But when the Nova Empire saw this video, they were stunned.

Because they saw that the angels were moving in the universe with just their bodies!

And the weapons! The armor! The flying speed! The attack method!

Basically every ability of the angels shocked their eyes.

Wow, this is too fierce.

No wonder I heard that this was the news from Thanos.

The guy from Titan is not easy to mess with.

Don't think that the Nova Empire is the top civilization in the universe.

But even his Nova Corps is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Thanos' army.

The Nova Corps is nothing in Thanos' eyes.......

At the same time, in another part of the universe, there are dark nebulae everywhere, so it looks very dim.

But among these nebulae, a broken head as big as a planet floats here.

This is the head of a certain group of gods.

Now it is used as a home.

In this chaotic place, there are no laws and no one to restrict it.

The only thing it has is rules.

And there is a very famous person here.

He is called the Collector.

Everyone here knows that he is very powerful, and the person standing behind him is also very powerful.

But only a few people know that the Collector is not only a collector.

He is also the brother of the High Lord of the Saka Planet!


That is the High Lord of the Chaos Space, nicknamed: Grandmaster.

At this time, his red-skinned maid is wiping the glass.

And he himself is sitting on a sofa watching the most popular video in the universe.

That is the video of the Chitauri attacking the earth and being cleared by the angels.

In the video, everyone sees the same content.

The angel civilization undoubtedly crushes the Chitauri civilization.

The more the collector watches the video, the more he gets into it.

He slowly moved from leaning to sitting up, and then from sitting to standing up.

The more he looked at me, the more excited he became.

The more he looked at me, the more anxious he became.

In the end, the collector even started to walk around the sofa.

""Master, what's wrong with you?"

The red-skinned maid next to him asked curiously.

She had never seen the Collector's epileptic look in all these years.

Moreover, in the future, even if the Collector got the real gem at that time, he would not be so excited.

Hearing his maid's words, the Collector suddenly reacted.

He shouted to the maid:

"Go send me interstellar messages! Anyone who knows about angelic civilization can come to me!"

"The more detailed the information is, the more benefits I can give him!"

His maid immediately got up when she saw the collector was so excited.

Then she immediately sent a message in the void in a panic.

{All the information about angel civilization can be exchanged here! } As soon as this message is released.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh~~~~~!!!!!

The chaotic people in the void immediately cheered loudly.

Collectors can directly come out and announce what they need.

Then its value must be ridiculously high!

So now whoever has what the collector needs, that is, the news about the angel civilization, can make a fortune!

But what is angel civilization?

What is an angel?

Who cares!

Anyway, as long as there is news about her, it's worth money!

So the whole void suddenly became a carnival.

All the creatures here immediately began to understand what the angel civilization is?

Of course, their hopes will be shattered.

Because there is too little information about the angel civilization.

So they are destined to make no money........

The next day.

Earth, the city in the sky.

Since the knowledge treasure house was built that day, it can be said that this has greatly improved the angel civilization.

Do you know what it feels like to upgrade from GTX650 to 3090?

The effect after the knowledge treasure house is built is countless times stronger than this.

For example, if Luo Hua at this time bounces a coin into the air, then at the moment of bouncing,

Luo Hua can know everything that the coin will experience in the future.

For example, how many times it will roll, how long it will roll on the ground, how long it will turn, and which side will land in the end?

Luo Hua knows all these.

And this is still the simplest and easiest to calculate.

If you are a little more ruthless and input more energy into the knowledge treasure house, then Luo Hua can calculate the life span of a creature, that is, know how long it will die, how long it can live, etc.

Of course, the above are all natural creatures, which cannot be considered an accident.

But what if it is even crazier?

If the energy of the space gem is fully output to the knowledge treasure house every minute and every second, if we don’t talk about whether the knowledge treasure house will be destroyed,

Luo Hua can even enjoy the power of a pseudo-time gem every moment, that is, the general future in a small range.

But correspondingly, the treasure house of knowledge can't do anything.

So it's not cost-effective.

At this time.


There was a sudden sound of anxious footsteps outside the courtyard.

Luo Hua listened.

After spending so much time together, Luo Hua could distinguish every angel's footsteps clearly.

I believe everyone can also hear the footsteps of familiar people.

So the ones coming out now are Kaisha, Hexi and Liang Bing.

But this time they walked a little hurriedly.

This means something unexpected happened.

When they walked to the door.

Then they saw Luo Hua sitting in the pavilion, nodded slightly and walked in.

It's been so long.

Luo Hua no longer needs to say"Come in".

So a casual action can express the meaning.

As soon as they came in and sat down, Liang Bing was the first to say:

"King, through your genetic framework, we have basically researched the first generation of divine bodies!"

"oh~?"Luo Hua was a little surprised:"It's much earlier than expected."

If it's according to the budget and what Kesha said, then there are at least a few weeks left.

At this time, Kesha used energy projection to directly project the gene sequence and said:

"Because Wang gave us 25% of the computing power of the treasure trove of knowledge"

"Our research calculation speed suddenly increased by more than several times"

"So we will study it in advance."

Luo Hua held the teacup in his left hand.

His right hand slid across the two gene sequences and said:

"But due to the accelerated research, your process was a bit rushed"

"So while you are happily reporting, you also want me to review it."

He Xi nodded:"Yes, King."

Luo Hua nodded lightly.

Then he used his fingers to slide the two gene sequences in front of him in the air.

This is the first generation of divine body they have researched.

Although the first generation of divine body is mainly to enhance functionality, the difficulty is not particularly great.

But for civilization, this is a sudden growth.

Time passed by minute by minute.

With Luo Hua's expressionless sliding review.

Now you can clearly see the tension of Kaisha, He Xi and Liang Bing.

After all, this is a major project.

If the research is successful.

This can be added to the fruits of the treasure house of knowledge!

After a long time.

Luo Hua's gently sliding fingers stopped.

The three women paused for breath.

Luo Hua was angry and laughed at their reactions:"What is your reaction? Are you so unsure about your research?"

It's not like he found a problem.

He just slid to the bottom.

So of course he stopped.

The three women were so focused that they didn't notice whether he stopped after flipping or stopped because he found a problem.

So when Luo Hua stopped, they all thought he stopped because there was a problem.

Even Kesha, who had the most stable personality, paused. This shows how nervous they were.

Kesha was the first to react.

She looked at Luo Hua with a slightly happy look.

"Wang means....No problem! ?"

Luo Hua took a sip of tea from the cup in his left hand.

At the same time, he grasped the two divine body genes in the void with his right hand and received them into the system.

"If you have any questions, I���Would you say that?"

"Oh yeah\(^o^)/~~~~"

The moment Luo Hua finished speaking,

Liang Bing couldn't help but stand up and raise her hands to cheer.

This is an important technology that can be added to the knowledge treasure house fruit.

They actually succeeded at once.

After a while, the king will load this technology on every angel.

Then everyone's basic divine body Liang Bing can proudly say

"We developed the first generation of the basic divine body."

Of course.

They were able to develop the divine body thanks to the outline Luo Hua prepared for them.

Seeing Liang Bing cheering,

Luo Hua, Kaisha, and He Xi couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook their heads.

Liang Bing was always like a child.

But since the divine body technology has been developed, let

's create it and try it out.

Wouldn't it be a pity not to try its ability to not breathe?

Who wouldn't try it out if they got the artifact?

Except for Liang Bing who attacked at night that night.

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