It is impossible for the angels not to be surprised.

The role of the knowledge treasure house is no less than that of the dark matter computer.

And strictly speaking, the dark matter computer is not as important as the knowledge treasure house in terms of the civilization level!

Because the development of the knowledge treasure house will greatly enhance the role of the top angels.

For example, Luo Hua planned to do so.

25% of the computing power in the knowledge treasure house will be given to Kaisha, Liang Bing and He Xi.

Then the 5% will be given to Alan and Keira.

He will occupy 70% himself.

But when new angels come out,

Luo Hua will continue to give up some.

But even if he gives up again,

Luo Hua will occupy at least 50%.

But then again, even if this 5% is given to Alan and Keira, it is a great improvement.

And after the 25% is given to Kaisha and the other two girls, their research speed on the divine body will also increase rapidly!

The picture returns to reality.

Luo Hua looked at the angels.

Before they need to sit down,

Luo Hua waved his hand, and a blue gate more than two meters high suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

It was like a door that continued to deepen. It seemed that countless blue clouds were constantly being sucked in.

"This is...Private space!?"

Liang Bing opened the Eye of Insight and guessed immediately.

Luo Hua nodded, stood up and walked to the side of the space-time gate.

"Wang, how big is it?"

Liang Bing asked curiously when she saw Luo Hua nod.

This kind of private space is basically invincible.

As long as you are not discovered and forced to break in by others, then this space will always be safe.

And if someone breaks in by force, it will be like this at most in the hands of others.

When it comes to Luo Hua, he only needs to set the time and space sequence for the door of the private space.

Then ordinary people can't get in at all.

This is basically the same as the setting of the Sky City.

Luo Hua looked at Liang Bing and said:"It is temporarily set as a square space with a length, width and height of 1,000 meters."

"This is enough for me to store my knowledge and precious items in the future."

At this time, Liang Bing, who had already heard the size of the space, was shocked.

"Each side is 1000 meters of private space....."

Such a large space.

There is no shortage of space for anything.

And it is absolutely safe.

This must be a perfect place to store a treasure trove of knowledge.

""Let's go."

After saying that,

Luo Hua turned around and stepped into the two-meter-high space-time gate.

After watching Luo Hua disappear,

Liang Bing was the first one to hurriedly follow him in.

Kaisha and He Xi looked at each other and walked in slowly.

Of course, Alan and Keira also followed in.

After arriving at the private space,

Liang Bing looked at every corner here curiously.

At this time, all the angels were actually standing on a piece of empty flat floor.

Surrounded by endless starry sky, everyone seemed to be standing in the center of the universe.

Liang Bing looked around, and there was nothing wrong.

She turned around and asked curiously,"Can the environment here be changed?"

"Of course."

Luo Hua waved his hand.

The original universe turned into Hengxin.

Then it turned into Mercury.

Then it sank to the bottom of the sea.

But before he finished looking at the countless marine animals, the surrounding environment turned into endless snow-capped mountains again.

"These are just visual effects, they are all simulations."

"The real space we are in is actually a private space that is independent of reality but exists in reality."

"Logically speaking, no matter which axis extends 1,000 meters, it is an inaccessible void." When

Liang Bing heard this, she immediately opened the wings behind her.

Then she flapped her wings and disappeared in an instant.

But then.


With a muffled groan of collision,

Liang Bing flew back again.

However, her bangs were messy at this time. And there was a red mark on her forehead.



He Xi couldn't help laughing.

She held Kaisha's shoulder with her right hand, and stroked her belly with her left hand. Her shoulders shook with laughter.

Kaisha couldn't help but smile because of Liang Bing.

Alan and Keira couldn't help it either.

But for Liang Bing's sake.

They gently covered their lips and turned around to avoid laughing.

But in fact, their shoulders were shaking.

Liang Bing saw that everyone knew about it.

She felt embarrassed and spared Kaisha and He Xi.

Even Luo Hua didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I've said that if you extend further, you'll end up in an inaccessible void."

"Why do you want to fly so fast to try it out?"

Iron-headed kid, the greenhorn is talking about you.

Liang Bing.

Liang Bing immediately rubbed his forehead and said aggrievedly:

"Wang, you didn't say that this inaccessible void is equivalent to a wall.~~~"

She thought it was the kind of space where the more you enter, the bigger the obstacles become.

Who knew it was just a wall!

To say it was nothingness would be a nice word.


Luo Hua smiled helplessly and shook his head.

The most lively person among the angels at the moment is Liang Bing.

"Well, now we are ready to create a treasure trove of knowledge, one of the most precious images of the entire civilization."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, write it down now"

""I can show off to my juniors in the future."


After Luo Hua's reminder, all the angels immediately opened the system and pointed it at Luo Hua and started recording!

They knew it by just thinking about it.

This record can definitely be shown off to the juniors in the future.

There are only 5 copies in the whole civilization!

Isn't this enough?

Seeing that they are all ready,

Luo Hua simply immersed himself in the system.

"A treasure trove of knowledge: It is the foundation of a god-making civilization and also the basis of a god-making civilization."

"At the same time, it is also a celestial-level supercomputer system, but it does not mean that it is the size of a celestial planet."

"Its functions are applicable to any aspect, whether it is combat, research and development, calculation, deduction, calculation, etc."



【Angel Civilization Technology Setting Successfully】

【Knowledge Treasure House: It can be used to calculate things at any level. It can even calculate the unknown future through the change of atoms, but yes, the energy it consumes is also extremely terrifying! 】

The setting is completed.

Luo Hua opened his eyes and began to input energy into this technology.

Then, in reality, in the eyes of all angels, their king, Luo Hua, suddenly began to gather light particles!

These light particles will gather together as soon as they collide.

Then starting from the ground!

A circular foundation began to gradually form.

The round table.

The trunk.

The branches.

The leaves.

The fruits.

As each part was completed.

After a while, a physical object that normal people could not imagine appeared in front of everyone.

It is the knowledge treasure house.

This may surprise others.

Why would a celestial supercomputer be a tree! ?

Of course.

At the level of god-making civilization.

The appearance of an object is no longer important.

So a tree with lush branches and leaves and fruits is no longer strange.

But this tree is of course different from the normal one.

First of all.

The trunk, branches and leaves of this tree are all made of fluorescent particles.

They all emit a faint fluorescence.

Just like the color of fluorescent stone.

At the same time, if you look closely.

Although the fruits on this tree are silver-white with gold threads, there are exactly 15 fruits!

"Why 15?"

Liang Bing asked curiously.

After all, a treasure trove of knowledge was placed here.

Why did it produce exactly 15 fruits?

Alan and Keira were also thinking about it.

At the same time, even Kesha didn't react.

Of course, it was understandable that Kesha didn't expect it.

But He Xi seemed to have thought of something.

Under the curious eyes of Kesha and Liang Bing, she began to count on her fingers:

"First generation angel, one; second generation angel, two; third generation angel, three; Wings of Space and Time, four; Castle in the Sky, five......"

After talking about all the technologies,

He Xi raised her head and greeted Luo Hua who had turned around and looked at her and said happily:

"King! Do the 15 fruits represent the 15 major technologies possessed by the angel civilization?"Papa


Luo Hua clapped his hands.

Then he stretched out his hand to rub the top of He Xi's head and praised:"It seems that you have been with me the longest and understand the most."

He Xi and Alan followed him from the beginning to the end. So He Xi knew all the technologies along the way. He was also the most clear among them.

【Angel Civilization Creation System】

【Technology: First Generation Angel Body, Second Generation Angel Body, Third Generation Angel Body, Angel Wings: Spacetime, Sky City, Faith Energy Conversion, Eye of Insight, Microwormhole Transport Technology, Dark Energy Communication Technology, Full System Energy Projection Technology, Dark Matter Computer, Wave Spacetime Detection Technology, Mind Gem, Space Gem���Knowledge Treasure House]

A total of 15 important technologies.

A total of 15 silver-gold fruits.

Not one missing, all of them are here.

Luo Hua turned around and looked back at these fruits.

"This is also a way for me to record the issuance of civilized certificates."

"Without these fruits, our development along the way would have no proof."


Hearing Luo Hua say this,

He Xi was the most moved among them.

From the beginning of a little bit of technological development to now, time seems very fast.

But the process is full of meaning.

But the most important thing is who you are with.

At this time,

He Xi looked at the fruit and unconsciously looked at Luo Hua's back.

In fact, there are many plans to come.

For example, the spiritual network, the divine body plan, the new generation of angels, etc.

And then there is contact with civilizations in other universes.

But at the same time, countless civilizations in the universe were also shocked by the video released by Thanos!

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