It has been a long time since the Chitauri invaded.

But in fact, it has only been a week or two.

During this time,

Luo Hua has been setting up the framework of the knowledge treasure house and the structure of the angel spiritual network.

These two are particularly huge projects.

Even if Luo Hua has been using all the energy of the space gem and the mind gem to operate, it is only now almost completed.

Of course, the reason why it takes one or two weeks is mainly because Luo Hua is only a third-generation angel body at this time.

Although he is the host, he is countless times more powerful than other angels.

But this still limits the energy that the two gems can fully transmit.

Moreover, the energy of these two gems is not used by Luo Hua alone.

He also distributes one-tenth to one-fifth of the energy to Kaisha, Liang Bing and He Xi.

Because they are studying the divine body together, so some of it should be appropriately distributed to them.

Of course, the effect is also significant.

I heard that they have almost finished studying the first generation of divine bodies.

Isn’t this efficiency?

At the same time, somewhere deep in the universe, surrounded by ruins, there is a seat that can be climbed by stairs.

At present, this is indeed a throne.

But compared to Luo Hua’s one.

It is more like a bench.

And it can rotate.

The leader of the Chitauri stood at the bottom of the stairs and looked at the bench on the stairs....No, it was the backrest of the throne that said:

"Lord Thanos, the sudden appearance of the angel disrupted our plan"

"Not only did they take the Cosmic Cube, they also snatched the scepter we gave to Loki."

At this time, Thanos sat on the throne with his back to the leader of the Chitauri.

He said in a cold voice:"Why did you fail?"

"I...We have mobilized our maximum military force."

"Hundreds of thousands of Zetauri soldiers, hundreds of war beasts, and one of our only flagships"

"But those two angels alone wiped out thousands of our soldiers and several war beasts."

"Finally, their king came out and went directly to the other side of the universe to wipe out all our troops."

"I...We really have no way to fight back."

As he spoke, the tone of the Chitauri leader was full of helplessness and regret.

He really couldn't imagine why a civilization or race of only 6 angels could wipe out their own soldiers without any injuries.

And from the video footage sent back, their soldiers had no power to fight back. They were completely beaten by the angels.

They even sent out an angel to block the portal. The

Chitauri soldiers who had already entered the earth here could not get any support at all.

The final result was that the two angels turned the scene into an idiom, which is to catch a turtle in a jar.

After Thanos heard this, he was silent for a long time.

Then he said:"You lost most of your troops in this invasion."

"Besides, angels are an unknown species and you are definitely not someone you can handle."

"Go back, and come back when your troops are restored."

Facing Thanos's blame, the Chitauri leader immediately nodded excitedly and bowed and retreated.

But the main reason was that they really lost most of their troops.

Otherwise, Thanos would not have spared him.

But in fact, the strength shown by the angels also doomed the Chitauri civilization to failure.

And Thanos is not the kind of creature who would vent his anger.

After the Chitauri leader left,

Thanos controlled the chair to turn back.

He opened his clenched palm.

There was an aerial projector inside.

Then the projector opened a series of videos.

The videos were all scenes of angels fighting.

From the angels' dispatch to the last paging.

From Luo Hua's appearance to the final clearance of the flagship and then stopped.

This was obviously pieced together from the scenes recorded by countless Chitauri soldiers before their death.

It was only because of the death of countless soldiers that these videos were collected.

After a long time.

After watching all these videos.

Thanos clenched his palms again and turned off the projector.

He looked at the endless dark starry sky in front of him.

Finally, he sighed.

"Angels, in my opinion, you are the most perfect creatures and civilizations."


Just think about it.

The resources occupied and plundered are the least.

The population is also small.

But the quality of the population is the best in the universe.

The efficiency of this conversion hardly wastes any resources.

And it ensures that every resource is used to the best effect.

So, is there any civilization that can compare with the angel civilization?

Anyway, in Thanos' mind, without one, all will be in trouble!

At this time, Thanos thought of his own Titan.

Due to the excessive use of resources, countless homes and people are living in poverty.

In the end, it was he who proposed the decree to halve the population.

But of course there were people who opposed it at that time.

But through various means,

Thanos successfully implemented this plan.

So the first civilization in the universe to halve its population was Thanos.

Titan, Thanos' home planet, got better as he wished after its population was halved.

So Thanos always believed that halving the population of the universe was necessary.

But when he saw the angel species today, Thanos admitted that his eyes lit up.

Such a small population, such powerful technology, such extreme combat power, such high efficiency, such a good body, and such a beautiful soul.

As long as all of these are combined, it would be such a perfect civilization.

This is the perfect race in Thanos' mind, no other.

Then, Thanos thought about the angel civilization for a long time.

But he suddenly felt that he liked this civilization very much.

Moreover, in the plan to clear half of the universe, there was no need to target this civilization.



The Space Gem has been���Their king, Luo Hua, took it away.

This is a problem.

Without collecting all the gems, Thanos cannot complete this plan.

At this time.

A man in a butler's uniform, with a respectful and humble attitude, came out.

He looked at Thanos and lowered his head and asked:"Lord Thanos"

"The angels of the Earth have already taken the Space Stone. Let me take it back for you."

Thanos first raised his right hand without hesitation and made a prohibitive palm gesture.

Then he thought for a while.

"Ebony Maw, if you go, you may not be able to leave the angel's territory"

"At present, I admire this civilization very much."

"So I can take the Infinity Stones they currently have last."

"But....."Ebony Maw hesitated.

Thanos shouldn't be like this.

If it was the original Thanos, he would have led his fleet to attack after knowing these things.

But why did he wait until the last minute to get them?

Ebony Maw definitely didn't understand Thanos's feelings.

He wanted to reduce the population of the universe by half, wasn't it for resources and some morbid reasons?

But when he saw the angel, he was instantly shocked.

There is such a civilization!?

Besides. There are not many gems whose locations are known now.

So of course he would get an Infinity Stone first if he could.

"There is nothing wrong with that.

Thanos interrupted Ebony Maw's speech.

"Go ahead and let the fleet continue to search for other Infinity Stones."

"Also, send this video to the entire universe"

"Let them all see what a truly top-level civilization is."

As Thanos threw the video to Ebony Maw,

Ebony Maw also took it and nodded in agreement.

No matter what, he had to do what Thanos said.

After Ebony Maw left,

Thanos turned his chair around and stared blankly again.

In the future, the angel civilization may have tens of thousands of angels.

After all, no matter how excellent the angels are, there will be too many civilizations in the field and they will need angels to manage them.

But angels are still what human society says.

Fewer births, better quality, and a happy life.

Even if there are tens of thousands of angels, they are still all elite units in the angel civilization.

He stared blankly for a long time.


Thanos sighed slightly, and no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

But at this time, Gamora and Nebula outside the door looked at each other.

Their interest in angels soared.

There are creatures that can make"father" become like this?

I must go and see it!

At the same time.

At this time in the sky city on Earth.

Luo Hua finally built the theoretical framework of the treasure house of knowledge.

As long as it is set and energy is input according to this framework.

Then the treasure house of knowledge can run perfectly.

And as long as it is continuously upgraded.

Sooner or later, it will surpass the giant galaxy-level supercomputer system such as the Big Clock!


At this time, five footsteps were heard outside the courtyard.

They walked together like this.

Hexi, Kaisha, Liangbing,

Alan, and Kaila.

It seemed that after so much time had passed,

Kaisha still occupied the C position among the three sisters.

Of course, Hexi's sneaking away was considered sneaking away.

This was considered emotionally, not in terms of personal charm.

Kaisha occupied the C position because of her soul charm.

But as long as it involved Luo Hua,

Liangbing and Hexi could still confront Kaisha face to face.

Then, as they all entered the courtyard,

Luo Hua had already been sitting in the pavilion, looking at them and said:

"This time, I asked you to come here to witness the moment when the treasure house of knowledge is completed."

In an instant, all the angels opened their beautiful eyes wide.

So fast!?

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