At this time, Luo Hua held the Cosmic Cube in one hand.

Then he gently exerted force.

With the collapse of the cube, the blue Cosmic Cube turned into powder in an instant.

What was left was only a crystal blue sapphire.

This was the Space Gem.


【The Angel Civilization Creation System was absorbed successfully!】

【Space Gem: It can allow the user and any entity to teleport or move to any space, and can also distort or reorder the space or even create a new space according to one's own thoughts.】

【Note: It also contains endless energy. 】

As the gems were absorbed,

Luo Hua officially became the first person in the universe to possess two Infinity Gems at the same time!

However, Luo Hua did not change much after absorbing the gems this time.

But his abilities were indeed strengthened.

For example, he just teleported the Chitauri flagship.

If it were now,

Luo Hua only needed to activate the power of the gems to teleport the flagship away at will.

After absorbing the gems,

Luo Hua looked at He Xi who had descended from the throne. He lightly snapped his fingers. Then, a blue energy passed by He Xi like a phantom. Then, He Xi, who was originally standing on Luo Hua’s right hand, now stood on the left. Liang Bing’s eyes opened. She looked at He Xi opposite her. Then she turned her head and looked at her side. He Xi is gone! ? Gone to the opposite side! ?


Before Liang Bing could react,

He Xi's"complaining" and somewhat disobedient tone came over.

"Hahaha, alright alright."

Luo Hua waved his hand and said,"I'm also quite curious about this ability."

"I didn't expect it to not need to calculate the atomic structure of the target's body at all."

"You can teleport directly based on the other party's willingness and strength."

That is to say, if the other party is willing, then Luo Hua can teleport the other party at will.

But if the other party is unwilling, it depends on the user's mental strength and the strength of the teleported person.

If the target is too weak, it will be controlled by Luo Hua at will.

But if the target is very strong, it depends on the strength competition.

And the practical effect of the mind gem is the same.

Modifying the mind depends on the strength level of both parties.

Of course, the user of the mind gem will have terrifying mental power.

So, what does Luo Hua want to do now?

Of course, it is to transfer the Sky City to an absolutely safe space!

Putting down the arm that was supporting his chin.

Luo Hua also recovered from his lazy state.

He stood up from the throne.

Then he even summoned his wings and wanted to move forward directly.

This scared all the angels. Prepare to step forward to catch Luo Hua.

You know, as mentioned before,

Luo Hua's throne is a cylindrical platform without steps to go up!

That means Luo Hua's next step will directly step into the air!

However, what made all the angels who were ready to step forward freeze was that Luo Hua's right foot stepped firmly in the air!

That's right!

Stepped in the air!

Then, under the gaze of all the angels.

As Luo Hua took steps, each of his steps came down like going down the stairs.

And they were all stepped in the air!


With the last footsteps landing,

Luo Hua smiled and watched the reactions of the angels.

To be honest, their actions made him very happy.

Every angel wanted to rush up to catch him.

Seeing Luo Hua looking at him with a smile.

He Xi couldn't help but roll his eyes at Luo Hua.

But in reality, it seemed that this roll of eyes was infinitely charming.


Luo Hua laughed heartily.

He walked out of the palace step by step.

Finally, he said at the door:"Next, our Sky City will enter a space-time that is invisible and difficult to attack."

Hearing what Luo Hua said, all the angels' eyes lit up.

The king's words meant that Luo Hua had already used the space gem to a certain level!

Following Luo Hua out of the palace, in the sight of all the angels,

Luo Hua opened his wings and flew to the top of the Sky City with a light flap.

Then, a burst of blue energy suddenly burst out from Luo Hua's body!

And in an instant, it enveloped the entire Sky City!

In fact, the space-time that Luo Hua said is to rearrange the space-time near the Sky City!

This approach can directly hide the Sky City in space-time.

The advantage of doing this is of course that the enemy will not find the Sky City no matter what means they use.

But there is only one disadvantage.

That is, the Sky City cannot be moved easily.

As long as it moves, the order of space-time needs to be rearranged once.

Of course, it is unrealistic to create a space of tens of kilometers to put the Sky City in it.

And this kind of space has no sun, no air, nothing.

There was only an endless blue border in there.

So it was definitely not worthwhile to create a space to survive.

There was no need.

As they were talking, in the eyes of He Xi and the others, the Sky City gradually began to fall into an unstable state of code.

And this state was getting deeper and deeper.

But when it was close to an end, suddenly these garbled codes like the snow screen of an old TV disappeared.

"Have we succeeded?"

Liang Bing asked, looking at the same environment as before.

After all, the sky can still be seen outside.

And there is no difference from before.

But Luo Hua has already landed. After snapping his fingers, everyone came to the outside of the Sky City in an instant.


Liang Bing made a cute sound.

Where is my house?

It's so big!

It was right there just now!

I was even stepping on it!

How come it's gone in an instant?

"Did n't you ask if it was successful?"

Luo Hua looked at Liang Bing and smiled.

He looked at her with his eyes of insight.

���All the angels have opened their eyes of insight.....

After a while, they shook their heads and turned off the

"Do you know why you can't see it?" Luo Hua asked.

Alan and Kaila shook their heads to indicate that they didn't know.

But just when He Xi and Kai Sha were thinking about it,

Liang Bing, an angel with a specialization in time and space, immediately thought of it.

"The Eye of Insight uses dark energy scanning!"

"But this space-time hidden technology does rearrange the order of space-time!"

"So strictly speaking, the flow of dark energy has been cut off."

"So we can't detect it!"

Hearing Liang Bing's perfect answer.

Pa Pa Pa~

Luo Hua clapped his hands and waved at Liang Bing.

Liang Bing flew over happily after seeing it.

Luo Hua's big and slender palm rubbed her head and praised her

""Not bad, a perfect answer."

Liang Bing smiled foolishly after receiving the compliment. After all, she felt a little embarrassed to be praised in front of all the angels.

"Therefore, anyone who can discover the city in the sky from now on must have a good understanding of the basic knowledge of time and space."

"Even if you understand it, you still need a certain level of ability."

"Now I give you the authority to analyze the order of time and space naturally."

After saying that,

Luo Hua raised his hands and sorted out the time and space order numbers of the Sky City and uploaded them to the angels' shared system. In this way

, they have a"key" to the hiding of the Sky City.

And this key is the re-ordered time and space number.

After receiving the transmission, when the angels look at the original location of the Sky City again, they can see an illusory Sky City floating in the air without opening the Eye of Insight.

It is equivalent to a transparent crystal.

Only they can see it.

"What if we don't have this key?"

"So even if we pass through the Sky City now, we won't hit it?"

At this time,

Liang Bing tilted his head and thought of another question.


Luo Hua nodded and looked at Liang Bing with some appreciation.

As expected, they are professional counterparts.

They even figured this out.

"The hiding here is not visual hiding."

"After disrupting the order of time and space, we exist in this time and space, but not in reality"

"It can be said that reality is just a kind of time and space"

"So for example, when a bird is flying, it can fly directly through the sky city without hitting it."

It's like an online game.

A map has many lines, such as 1 line, 2 line, 3 line, 4 line, etc.......

At present, the reality is in line 1, which is the main line.

But the line where the castle in the sky is located cannot even be expressed.

No one can find it.

"So that's how it is." He Xi nodded and said with regret,"It's a pity that this time and space order is not dynamic."

"Otherwise, we can attack others at will, but others will never be able to attack us."

This idea is good.

But it is unrealistic.

If we can edit the time and space order all the time, then Luo Hua can create a world.


Then Luo Hua snapped his fingers.

Everyone was teleported to the courtyard again.

He took them to the pavilion.

Luo Hua sat down and said:

"Then we will enter an important period of vigorous development."

"Next, I will use the space gem and the mind gem to create a treasure house of knowledge and a mind network."

"After all this is done"

"I will create a third group of angels"

"At that time, we will welcome new and high-potential juniors"

"Our stage will be the sea of stars."

At this time, only Luo Hua sat down.

But all the angels stood up and said loudly:

"For civilization! For the king!"

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