"King, can it be recovered?"

At this time, He Xi asked beside him.

Although the flagship's technological level is not high and it is easy to analyze, it is really tens of kilometers long.

So it may be difficult to recover.

And if it is pushed back to the earth, the size of the portal opened by this space cube is simply not enough to pass through.

Just as they were thinking,

Luo Hua nodded.

"Very simple."

After saying that, he took out the Mind Gem that he had just put away.


When the three girls saw this, they suddenly remembered.

The Mind Gem can increase the power of the spirit and mind.

For the current angels, this will be an amplification effect that is no less than the Knowledge Treasury.


It should be even more powerful than the Knowledge Treasury!

Strictly speaking, the Knowledge Treasury is just a supercomputer in the future, and it has not been loaded to a certain level.

But the effect of the Mind Gem is ready-made and significant.

Holding this blue gem.

Luo Hua squeezed it with one hand and rubbed it.

As a stream of blue crystal powder floated away from Luo Hua's hand.

A yellow gem officially appeared in Luo Hua's palm.

This is the Mind Gem.

{Absorb it}

As this thought came up,

Luo Hua clenched it tightly!


【The Angel Civilization Creation System was absorbed successfully!】

【Mind Gem: While greatly enhancing the user's mind and spiritual power! It can also enter the mind of all living things! It can even change the target's mind based on the user's will!】

【Note: The Mind Stone itself also contains enormous energy. 】


In reality.

The moment Luo Hua absorbed the gem and it disappeared directly.

His soul and brain seemed to be sublimated.

Whether it was thoughts or ideas.

Whether it was soul or mind.

A feeling that was beyond mythology was born from within!

You seemed to have created a universe in your mind.

It was as if you put the entire universe into your brain.

After a moment.

Luo Hua opened his eyes.

Kaisha, He Xi, and Liang Bing immediately looked at Luo Hua.

Feeling their gazes.

Luo Hua turned around and looked at them in confusion.

"What's wrong"

"Wang~! Your eyes are so beautiful~!"

Liang Bing was the first to speak out. Maybe she was more straightforward, and she was more honest with Luo Hua last time.

"Wang, your eyes suddenly look very attractive."

This is what Kaisha said, and her statement is more realistic.

Finally, He Xi looked at Luo Hua and thought for a while and added

"Your eyes seem to have the bright stars and the universe flowing around"

"As soon as I see your eyes, I feel deeply attracted to you."

Keisha, Liang Bing:.....

Looking at the two pairs of eyes of Kaisha and Liangbing.

He Xi blinked innocently.

I didn't say anything wrong. Why are you looking at me like that?

Luo Hua smiled helplessly.

Because He Xi's words were like a confession.

If Luo Hua was a little boy.

He might be confused by He Xi's words.

Even Kaisha and Liangbing thought He Xi was too......

What a devil!

Old devil!

"Okay, you guys can look into this later."

After hearing what Luo Hua said, the three girls immediately floated behind Luo Hua obediently.


Luo Hua looked at the flagship of the Chitauri civilization that was dozens of kilometers in front of him.

There must be many commanders and soldiers of the Chitauri civilization in it.

In other words, this warship needs to be cleaned before it can be taken back.

But the warship is so big.

It is unrealistic to clean it one by one.

Using weapons will also destroy the flagship body.

So what should I do?

Of course, use the Mind Gem I just got.

Looking at the flagship body that was only a few kilometers away,

Luo Hua slowly closed his eyes.

An invisible energy instantly radiated over.

Then the coverage range enveloped the entire warship.

【Mind Gem: Mind Control]

For these Chitauri with weak mental strength, it is too easy for the Mind Gem to control them.

{Mutual suicide}

As Luo Hua had this thought, the three women behind him could not see inside.

After a while, there was no living life inside the flagship.

They opened the Eye of Insight to take a look.

It has been solved.

Then the next step is to take the flagship back.

And the only ones who use this ability are magic and technology.

Bring the throne aircraft closer.

Now, it can be said that they can fully observe their spoils.

Strictly speaking, the flagship of the Chitauri is a bit like a crab.

After all, it is the kind that spits out two left and right hands, and then the middle is concave. At the same time, it also looks a bit like a capital W.


, under the gaze of the three women,

Luo Hua no longer leaned on the backrest.

He sat up.

Then he stretched out his right hand and aimed at the flagship.

The left hand was slightly retracted to control.

In an instant, a huge golden portal that was one or two thousand meters high appeared on the right side of the flagship!

Then Luo Hua's left hand slightly moved.

The giant portal also moved in the direction of Luo Hua's movement.

It was slowly swallowing the flagship.

At the same time.

A flagship that was about half the size of the Sky City slowly appeared below the Sky City!

But due to the dense white clouds, the flagship was directly covered and could not be seen at all!....

A few minutes later.

As the tail of the Chitauri civilization's flagship was also swallowed up.

Luo Hua stretched out his right hand and clenched it!

The giant golden portal also closed!

Retracting his hands,

Luo Hua leaned back on the backrest of the throne again.

He sat with his legs spread apart on both sides.

Then he half-leaned there leisurely.

"Go back."

The three women nodded.

The throne aircraft slowly turned around.

Then it flew towards the portal.

Back to Earth.

The throne aircraft hovered on the roof of Stark Building again.

Using micro wormhole technology and energy control technology,

Luo Hua made a move with one hand.

With a sound of"click~!", the energy shell stimulated by the universe was easily shattered by Luo Hua's energy.

Then the cosmic cube flew into Luo Hua's hand.

Because he absorbed the Mind Stone, the energy he used just now was the same phase element as the Space Stone.

So it was easy to shatter its energy shell.

Holding the cosmic cube in his hand,

Luo Hua half leaned lazily on the throne.

Looking at the New York.

Thick smoke was everywhere.

The collapsed buildings and potholes on the road made it look dilapidated.

The Harmandon in New York was not repaired during the Destroyer's attack.

As a result, it was severely damaged again.

Buildings, roads, cars, bridges, trees, buildings, etc.

Basically, nothing you can see here is good.

But if the angels hadn't come, this place would have been gone long ago.

At this time.

But when the people of New York saw the throne of the angels in the sky again, they knelt down slowly again.

One by one.

In groups of two.

On one street after another.

Until the whole city knelt down.

Luo Hua waved his left hand, which was idle on the handrail.

"Let's go back"


Then, under the gazes of tens of thousands of people, the throne of the angel civilization slowly flew towards the sky ten thousand meters high.

It was not until the angel disappeared that they knew who was the creature that dominated this world.

At this time in the aerospace carrier, but Fury, Hill and a special agent watched the scene.

They couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

The shock displayed by the angel this time was too great.

And from beginning to end, they still didn't know how powerful the angel was.

Just like what was said before

, before the exact strength of the enemy is unknown, all your inspirations or sudden ideas will make the other party laugh.

For example....

The leader of the Chitauri civilization said that he would use soldiers to pile up the angels to death.

If Alan and the others heard this, they would probably laugh out loud.

Hill looked at Fury:"What should we do next?"

Fury stared at the scene in New York.

Then he sighed for a long time and said:

"In addition to helping them repair New York"

"We can only pray that the next disaster will come later."


Being weak means you have no way out.

And you can only passively take the beating.

Otherwise, what else can you do?

Otherwise, can you still be called the Avengers?

The three words Avengers have already explained their meaning......

The scene returned to the palace in the sky city.

As the throne slowly descended, the entire long sword slowly inserted into the foundation of the original throne.

When it was completely landed, the scene looked no different from before.

The angels also slowly landed on the ground under the throne and stood up.

Among them, Alan and Keira couldn't take their eyes off the moment they saw Luo Hua's eyes.

He Xi and Kaisha smiled when they saw their expressions.

Liang Bing waved at them and said:

"Hi! Alan, Kayla, come back to your senses"


Liang Bing's reminder,

Alan and Kaila"woke up" at once.

They saw Kaisha and Hexi's smiles.

And Liang Bing's teasing eyes. They didn't dare to look at Luo Hua's reaction.

If they looked at Wang now,

Wang's eyes would definitely look at them.....

Ah, I can't think about it. I can't think about it.

Alan and Kayla stood there with their heads down.

A faint blush appeared on their cheeks.

It was as if the blood circulation was flowing after exercise.

But it was indeed blood circulation.

Because their hearts were beating violently at this moment.

That represented not only shyness, but also a surge of emotions.

Luo Hua smiled and interrupted the teasing of the three girls:

"Okay, let's talk business first, about the eyes. You can see enough in the yard later."

Because this time not only did they get two crucial gems, but also harvested a terrifying amount of energy.

So Luo Hua, who was in a good mood, also joked.

Suddenly, the five angels under his feet stood obediently.

At the same time, they were looking forward to what would happen after they returned.


Luo Hua took out the cosmic cube.

Hidden in this palm-sized cube was a space gem that the whole universe was crazy about.

So, now the most important thing is to absorb the space gem!

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