Everyone looked up.

A peerless and majestic figure just blocked their sun and looked at them.

Because of the glare, everyone in Stark's hair stood on end.

A strong sense of oppression came directly to them.

It was as if they were being stared at by a super dangerous creature.

Their hearts were beating wildly at this time!

Among all the people, only Thor, a relatively strong person in the God Realm, could barely speak hesitantly.

"like...If this is not closed, there...The portal there will not close.

Thor took three breaths before he finished speaking.

After he finished speaking, he began to breathe rapidly again.

"Did I say I was going to close it?"

Alan's cold voice came

"Who allowed you to make decisions on your own?"

Angels who saved New York and fought against aliens were also angels.

So who allowed you to close the door at will?

" Then, the crowd was suffocated by Alan's cold oppression.

So the scene was terribly quiet for a while.

Looking at this group of useless people who messed around when they had nothing to do, Alan was too lazy to say another word.

""Get lost."

When Alan said this last word calmly, everyone present immediately stumbled away.

Even Tony felt that this was not his own building.

Because he just wanted to leave quickly.

After driving all these people away,

Alan stepped forward and picked up the end of the scepter with only the head left.

That is, the part with the Mind Stone.

Then, she secretly communicated with the king:"King, the Zetauri soldiers have been cleared out, you can come."

In the Sky City,

Luo Hua nodded while lying on a recliner in the courtyard.

"I'll be there in a minute."

After hanging up the secret call,

Luo Hua stood up from the recliner and stretched.

Even his streamlined abdominal muscles were almost exposed.

Unfortunately, the three angels' eyesight was just a little bit off.

"Let's go."

Luo Hua walked out the door.


At this time, He Xi suddenly called him.

Luo Hua turned around and looked at her.

He Xi added:"King, in fact, your throne is a small flying vehicle."

"But it has no space-time function, defense function and attack ability"

"I think it's more appropriate to use it for traveling at this time, you don't need to fly."

Is there such a thing?

Luo Hua called up the system.

Then he opened the function of the throne and looked at it.

It turned out that it was really a flying machine.

Its whole body was the entire circle of Luo Hua's throne.

But it also included the two huge wings.....

A few minutes later, when all the people in New York City looked up at the sky, they would find that a sword, no, a huge sword was flying in the air.

During the flight, there were three angels beside this giant sword.

They all wore masks, but their hair and temperament were very different.

These were Kaisha, Liang Bing and He Xi.

Luo Hua folded his wings and sat on the throne.

He crossed his legs and leaned his back on the long backrest of the throne.

This aircraft can be controlled with the mind.

But the most important thing is that when this aircraft starts, it is like a giant sword pulled out from the inside of the palace!

It's no wonder that Luo Hua originally thought that this throne was like sitting on the hilt of a sword.

As a result, it seems to be true now!

This aircraft is a silver long sword as a whole!

Because the throne is originally very large, it is about 15 meters long!

The sword is about 3 meters wide!

Overall, it looks like the throne is the hilt and the wings are the grid.

At the same time, the long backrest of the throne behind Luo Hua is like a whole hilt.

So the whole thing looks like a long sword flying in the air.

Across the entire New York City.

But when the people on the knees saw three more angels and a huge flying machine coming


They were all shocked.

What is this!?

Three more angels!?

And there must be another angel on the throne!?

That means there are four!

There were already two!

Now there are four more!

What is this?

The original two angels were able to kill the Chitauri civilization!

Then aren’t these angels who came later even stronger!?


And that huge aircraft.

Is it sure that there is no throne on it?

At the same time.

On Fury's aerospace carrier.

Fury and Hill opened their eyes and mouths wide again and began to be shocked.

6 angels!?

What's going on!?

They thought there were only three angels!

The Angel King, Alan, and Keira were gone.

But unexpectedly.

There were three angels who looked much more powerful than Alan and Keira following behind the Angel King.

What does this mean?

This means that the combat power shown by the angels Alan and Keira is not the peak combat power of the angel civilization at all!

This means that they still don't know the peak combat power of the angel civilization! What

Alan and Keira showed is just the tip of the iceberg!

"Oh My God~~~~!"

Fury pulled his hands on his scalp for a long time and couldn't take care of himself.

This was too shocking.

What on earth did this mean? He was still wondering why the angel Alan didn't close the portal.

Now he thought of something.

They left this door now because they had further ideas about the Chitauri civilization inside!

"Chief Fury.....us...What should we do?"

Hill looked at Fury and asked.

The scene at the scene was beyond their control.

"What else can I do?"

Fury gave her a strange look.

"Do you want me to prepare some snacks for you?"

The implication is, just watch.

Can't you learn more?

Just wait until the angel is done. It saves time, effort and worry.......

The scene turned back to Luo Hua.

When he slowly flew over the Stark Building,

Alan flew up with the front end of the Mind Staff.

She slowly flew in front of Luo Hua.

Then, under the gazes of Kesha, Liang Bing, and He Xi, she respectfully held it over to Luo Hua with both hands.

Taking the front end of the Mind Staff,

Luo Hua easily broke the metal stuck with the gem like breaking a willow branch. Then, holding the gem, Luo Hua threw the remaining front end directly down the hundred-meter-high building. But he didn't absorb it for the time being. Because there were still things to do. Luo Hua looked at Alan.

���He whispered to Kayla,"Come back, Kayla, thank you for your hard work. Just look after the Rubik's Cube from now on.""

"King, it's not hard." x2

Alan and Keira flew to Luo Hua and said hurriedly.

Luo Hua nodded and put away the Mind Gem.

Then, the Long Sword Throne turned as a whole and flew directly towards the portal opened by the Space Gem.

Watching the Long Sword Throne leave,

Alan and Keira didn't look away until the throne disappeared outside the portal.

Keira immediately reached out to scratch Alan and said:

"I finally understand why you asked me to guard the portal."

"So this is how you can talk to the king openly and hand him the Mind Gem in person!"


This way , the king might think of you when he uses the Mind Stone in the future.

"That's because you didn't expect it. Who told me to know these opportunities after following Wang for so long?"

Hearing Alan's reaping the rewards,

Kayla got even angrier and tried to tickle her.

Alan dodged quickly and said,"Okay, okay, we're still outside. Let's talk about it when we get back."

Alan said that.

Kayla also remembered that she was outside.

She put away her hand and waited for Alan.

"Then you wait patiently. I won't let you go when we get back. You actually deceived me this time and didn't bring my sisters to share a share!"

Alan knew he was in the wrong and didn't know what to say. On the other hand, Luo Hua found that the aircraft could communicate and breathe normally within a radius of 50 meters after flying into the universe. It turned out that it had this function. But at the same time, as soon as they arrived in the universe, the Chitauri army, which was a drop in the bucket compared to the earth, was waiting here. At least hundreds of thousands of troops and thousands of war beasts.

"" Yo." Luo Hua laughed when he saw this:"See, there are so many of you."

Seeing the angels suddenly coming out of the portal, the Chitauri army quickly broadcast the video to the civilized base in the rear in real time.

But so what.

They don't know what angels are.

However, the Chitauri army was also confused.

It is obvious that we are the only ones who can attack.

Why did you come out!

At the same time, they all shouted.

But unfortunately......

The universe is a vacuum. Luo Hua only saw them opening their mouths but didn't hear any sound.

It's like the dancers turning off the BGM.

It's quite funny.


Since they were making Luo Hua laugh, he decided to solve the problem in a decent and quick way.


Of course, the word of this sound is just a meaning.

Because Luo Hua, Kaisha, Liang Bing, and He Xi can only see the golden energy light shining in the universe, but can't hear any sound.

Because of the vacuum.

But correspondingly, the range of this brightness and the explosion area are compared with Alan.......

If we consider that Alan can blow up a village in one go,

Luo Hua's fire bombing can destroy several provinces.

Because he only needs to increase the explosion area.

At the same time, the power set���Need to increase continuously.

Under the same power, Luo Hua set his attack range at this time, that is, the explosion range, to increase.

This is a kind of control effect and quantity of energy.

Although control is important, quantity is the most important.

The energy he output this time is countless times stronger than Alan!




With a few more flame bombardments, the universe on the other side of the portal is now basically clean......Of course, except for the corpses and debris floating everywhere.

Luo Hua meant that compared with when the army was there, it was much cleaner now.

Then the next target was the huge Chitauri flagship that was tens of kilometers away.

If it wasn't for him,

Luo Hua might have directly closed the magic cube portal.

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