
Kayla exclaimed in delight.

She immediately gave up the flame bombardment she was about to launch.

Then she used the function of [decomposing metal] of her vibranium armor.

All of a sudden, the Chitauri army that had been rushing out of the portal disappeared like water.

As long as it was metal, whether it was a weapon or an aircraft, whether it was armor or a body, as long as it rushed out of the portal, it would be decomposed by Kayla's ability.

In an instant, it was like a rain of corpses over the entire Stark Building.

Pah~! Pah Pah Pah~!!!

This was the sound of the bodies of the Chitauri soldiers falling.

Boom~!! Boom~!!

This was the sound of the war beast crashing.

At this time, Natasha had been brought to the roof of Stark Building by Tony.

She looked at the rain of corpses in the sky for a long time and couldn't calm down.

Goddess, or God of War.

The gap is really too big.

At this time, an old voice that had just woken up came

"If you want to shut down this device, you must find an element with the same phase to destroy it."

"I remember Loki's scepter was one of the insurances."

"Just take Loki's scepter and insert it, and the device can be destroyed."

It turned out that Dr. Eric woke up.

He was just talking about how to stop the device.

Natasha looked around.

Where is Loki's scepter?

At this time,

Thor also flew here.

Tony looked at Thor and explained:"If you want to shut down this device, you must have Loki's scepter."

Thor's eyes widened.

"What are we waiting for! Let's go find Loki, he's on one of the flying machines!"

Tony closed his mask without saying anything, and went directly to find Loki with Thor.

Natasha waited here first.

However, while waiting, she chose to look up at the figure of Kayla in the sky and began to be dazed.

They were both women.

How could she become like the other?

Thinking that this might be her only chance to be so close to the angel,

Natasha looked around and shouted directly to Kayla:

"Angels! How can I become you!"

To be honest, if it was an ordinary day,

Natasha would feel that it would be too embarrassing to shout this sentence.

If there were people around, she would be socially dead.

And at this time, Keira in the sky, of course she heard this sentence.

Because now all the Chitauri army are afraid of Keira's metal decomposition and dare not come in.

So now they are piled up opposite the door.

Looking at the portal where no one comes in,

Keira smiled, gently flapped her wings, and instantly came to the roof of Stark Building.

Patting the non-existent dust on her body,

Keira took advantage of her long legs and leaned on the fence.

And this position, is the position of Natasha's waist, which is very embarrassing.

Natasha looked at the angel who was only a few meters away from her. He hesitated because of the different hairstyle and no pendant on her ears.

So Natasha asked:"You are not the angel Alan, then may I ask who you are?......"

"Oh, you also know Alan."

Keira asked with interest wearing a mask:"I am the angel Keira, you asked how to become our pair, right?"

Although she said it was right.

But Keira didn't have any doubt in her tone.

Natasha nodded seriously.

Then compare.

She has a vibranium sword and armor, gorgeous wings on her back, majestic armor, and golden hair fluttering in the breeze.

Even if her figure and face are covered.

Natasha also knows that the face hidden behind is definitely a peerless face.

And the only one who can appreciate and taste them.

It is probably their king.

And what about herself?

Forget it, she is too lazy to say it.

Because there is nothing to say

"You are perfect both in appearance and in reality."

"As a woman, I don't think......"

Suddenly ,

Kayla, who was leaning against the fence, swung the Vibranium Sword.


Suddenly, an explosion sounded above Natasha's head again.

It turned out that the Chitauri army wanted to come in again.

But they were blown away by Keira's sword and flame bombardment.

Knowing that she was a little slack, Keira stood up.

She opened the Eye of Insight and looked at Natasha.

Then she closed it and walked past her.

"Forget about it little girl, your soul quality is not up to par"

"Although your physical defects can be treated perfectly after becoming an angel, strictly speaking, you are reborn in the form of an angel."

"But the most important thing is that there are many people in the universe who are more qualified to be angels than you."

"Do you think you can be one of the few in the entire universe?"

After saying that, without estimating Natasha's reaction,

Keira flapped her wings and flew towards the portal.

She thought the Chitauri army would not come in just now. Unexpectedly, they overcame their fear and came in again.

If Alan muttered that she was lazy,

Keira would be socially dead in front of the king.

Keira couldn't stand thinking about that scene.

If one day the king didn't even have the mood to look at her straight in the eye,

Keira felt that she might as well die.

Of course, this is just the kind of daily overthinking of angels.

After all, Alan would also think about it when he had nothing to do.

The scene turned back to Alan.

After getting rid of the war beast and discovering special attack methods,

Alan had a sudden idea.

If he used this ability to walk around the city, wouldn't all the Chitauri army be killed?

And with Alan's flying speed, she could take the entire Hamadon battlefield It only takes a few minutes to clear every place on the field!

Just go.

Alan activated her ability [Metal Decomposition] and then her whole body radiated silver light, like an elf flying through the city.

Of course,

Alan did not fly in the streets and alleys.

She only needed to fly over the buildings.

Because the range of the ability to decompose metal is quite large.

So, as long as people stopped to look at the sky above the city, they could see a silver"elf" figure flying over Harmanton with a streak of light.

Wherever she said, the entire Chitauri army would die.

Of course, because this ability is not easy to control, the metal on some buildings was also decomposed together.

But it was not a big problem.

A few minutes later, the citizens of the entire Harmanton discovered that the soldiers of the Chitauri army were gone! ?

"Woohoo! Woohoo!~~~~Why~?"

The people who were really crying found out that all the Chitauri soldiers around were dead.

No more gunshots could be heard. No more living soldiers could be seen.

There were only piles of corpses on the ground, as well as potholes on the road and burning cars.

Everyone slowly walked out of the buildings and alleys.

They gathered together in groups.

Some of the timid ones looked at the situation outside.

Soldiers were dead, guns were gone, weapons were gone, and aircraft were gone.

Even the giant beast had several dead bodies lying there.

What happened?

""It's an angel! It's an angel!"

Suddenly, someone shouted in the crowd.

Everyone reacted immediately.

That's right.

The angel had already appeared!

They didn't notice it in their panic.

Thinking of this, some of them even slapped themselves.

Why didn't they think of this?

""Look there!"

Suddenly, another person pointed to a certain place in the sky and shouted.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed.

It turned out that he was pointing to the direction of Kayla.

At this time, Kayla was still in the endless blockade of the portal.

So no monsters were allowed in from the other side of the portal!

The rain of corpses that was originally falling also stopped not long ago.

People are not stupid.

They understand when they are almost sent.

This gap in strength cannot be made up.

I said before that when it comes to the second generation, the human wave tactics no longer exist in the angel civilization!

No matter how many people you have!

As long as the energy of my angels is not exhausted, there will never be a day when they are exhausted to death.

And the energy of the angels comes from Luo Hua.

Therefore, unless the angels are mentally exhausted, they cannot be killed by the human wave tactics!

Besides Even if I am tired, you can't catch up.

Can I take a rest for a while and then come to find you?

So this is a crushing victory.

At this time, everyone saw Keira.

Starting from the first person kneeling down.

Suddenly everyone knelt down.


As if it was spreading endlessly.

Starting from the first group kneeling down.

The entire Hamadon began to kneel down in batches!

What kind of scene is this! ?

Others are worshipped by thousands of dynasties, but this is the kneeling of countless people!

Alan has cleared all the Chitauri troops at this time.

She was suspended in the air.

Looking at these sincere people on the ground, she nodded and was very satisfied.

That's right.

Without your prayers, the angels will not come to save you.

Of course.

The king's mission and interests are the most important.

Alan flapped his wings and flew to Keira's side.

"Kayla, the Chitauri army in the city has been completely wiped out, we can contact the king now."

Kayla looked at the city below her feet.

Except for the broken buildings and confusing smoke everywhere, the invasion war has subsided.

She nodded and agreed:"Okay, I will contact the king."

"Let me do it." Alan wanted to talk to Luo Hua.

"Let me do it, Alan, you are so tired."Kayla knew it was not easy to talk to Wang.

"What's so tiring about this?"Alan said nonchalantly,"I'll do it."


, while they were discussing who would communicate, the desperate Loki had been caught by Thor and Tony.

They took Loki's scepter to the roof of Stark Building.

Natasha took the scepter absentmindedly.

She still hadn't recovered from Keira's words.

Then, under the gaze of Thor, Tony, Hawkeye, and Captain America,

Natasha took the Mind Scepter and pointed the tip at the Cosmic Cube Activator.

The next moment,

Natasha was ready to destroy it.



With a golden slash!

The front end of the Mind Scepter was directly cut off and fell to the ground.

"who is it"

"You are allowed to do this."

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