Looking at the nuclear bombs speeding over the sea,

Alan spoke up for Luo Hua in the communication channel:

"King~! The government of this country is so hateful!"

They were here to clean up the invading army.

Unexpectedly, the government directly dropped a nuclear bomb!

At present, Alan and Keira are still second-generation angel bodies.

So they can't withstand nuclear bombs for the time being.

Although they have a solution, and it is very simple, but this is not the problem.

What is the reason for Alan's anger?

Of course, she is angry about the ungratefulness of the upper echelons of the US government!

""King, they really went too far."

At this time, Kayla also said in the channel.

In the Sky City,

Luo Hua listened to the aggrieved voices of Alan and Kayla.

He couldn't help but get angry.

It's okay for anyone to bully anyone, but no one can bully the angels in my family!

"Don't worry, no one can bully my angel." Luo Hua said this in a terrifyingly calm tone. He stood up from the recliner.

At this time,

Kaisha, Liang Bing, and He Xi behind him felt their hair stand on end.

And just looking at Luo Hua's calm back, their hearts were beating wildly out of control. The three women looked at each other.

They were silent.

Click, click.

Luo Hua took a few steps forward. He opened the [Eye of Insight] and aimed his right palm at the flying nuclear bomb.

He cast [Teleportation Magic]】

{Locating the direction of the nuclear bomb}

{Transfer the space-time path}

Then Luo Hua aimed in a certain direction

{Target: White Palace}

{Restricted explosion area, radius: 5 kilometers.}

After doing this,

Luo Hua calmly returned to the recliner and replied calmly in the communication channel:

"OK, you guys continue with your mission."

Kayla, Alan:"Yes~!"

At the same time,

Tony just received an urgent notice from Fury.

"Stark! There's a nuclear bomb heading your way!"


Tony was shocked:"What's going on!? Isn't the angel here already!?"

"I can't explain this!" Fury hurriedly said anxiously:"Do you have a way to solve it!" After a moment of silence,

Tony replied:"I'll try!"

But what he didn't expect was that

Tony had just positioned the nuclear bomb.

The nuclear bomb suddenly disappeared!

Jarvis:"Sir, this...Science can't explain it."

It turned out that when the nuclear bomb was still flying fast, a portal suddenly appeared in its flight path.

This portal formed a vertical angle with the ground. (丄)

So the nuclear bomb disappeared while flying.

But in another part of the country, another portal parallel to the ground opened. (二)

So accordingly, this"baby" flew out directly

BOOM~~~~~~!!!!!!!! boom~~~~!!!!!!!!

The sky-high explosion sounded.

The blinding white light covered the entire United States.

However, apart from the white palace, the outside world was fine.

There was no need to worry about the aftermath, the bright light, or anything else.

Because apart from the source of the explosion, everything else was fine.

After all, innocent people should not be hurt.

At this time in the Sky City,

Luo Hua turned over when he heard the explosion that could be heard at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

And at this time in New York,

Alan was floating in the air with her wings shaking.

She looked at the blinding white light that suddenly appeared in the distance and said helplessly:

"Why did your baby shoot himself? How careless!"

"Okay, Alan, stop talking nonsense."

Kayla said in the communication channel:

"That's the king pampering us, and by the way, he solved your complaints."

"Solve the matter quickly and wait for the king to come."

"Who is wronged?~!"When Alan heard the truth from Kayla, she felt a little embarrassed.

Although she felt a little wronged when she reported to Wang just now.

After all, she was helping here, but they even blew her up.

How could she not feel wronged?

And when she communicated with Luo Hua, she was like a child who had found her parents.

For a moment, her tone was so aggrieved that it couldn't be more aggrieved.

So Luo Hua was also very angry at that time.

You wronged my child?

Are you tired of living!

""Okay, okay, you're not wronged, you're not wronged."

Kayla comforted Alan like a sister.

"Then I will continue to clear the portal."


As soon as the voice fell,

Keira threw another flame bombardment at the portal.

And Alan, she took a last look at the explosion origin that was still emitting dazzling white light, and then went to deal with the remaining three war beasts.

The scene turned back to Natasha.

Looking at the white light flashing in the distance,

Natasha was shocked for a long time.

Of course she knew what it meant to catch the white light.

At the same time,

Captain America also frowned at the white light and the explosion there.

He turned around, looked at Natasha and asked,"Is it that explosion?"

Natasha nodded.

"But I don't know why it's there."

Captain America got the confirmation.

He immediately wanted to rescue the disaster area.

But at this time, a battle armor with many scars on his body stopped in front of them.

Tony opened the mask and said:

"You don't have to worry about that, through the webcam"

"The explosion was limited to within 5 kilometers of the origin, which means that people outside were not hurt."

"Moreover, the sound we heard here and the dazzling white light we saw were exactly the same at the scene."

"So for ordinary people, there is nothing going on there."

After hearing Tony's explanation,

Captain America and Natasha breathed a sigh of relief.

But then they asked:

"Why did it explode there?"

Tony shrugged and spread his hands.

"To be honest, I don't know. I originally planned to carry the nuclear bomb to the other side of the portal."

"But suddenly it disappeared"

"Then it exploded there again, and I was also confused, what happened."

Captain America and Natasha shook their heads.

They couldn't understand it either.

But next, they must solve the problem at hand first.

Natasha looked at Tony and said,"Please send me to the source of the launch."

"The problem must be there. If it is not closed, these soldiers will continue to invade."

"Even if the angels stay there, it won't last forever."

After listening to what Natasha said,

Tony and Captain America looked at each other.

Then they successfully reached an idea.

Captain America turned sideways and said to Natasha:

"Don't you think the angels are waiting for something?"

"One of them is blocking the door, and the other is cleaning up. They must have some plan."

Natasha thought about it and decided:"Then we also need to finish this thing immediately"

"At least we should have a plan in place.

Tony nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, I'll take you up."......

Next, let's look at Hulk.

With the excitement of smashing and smashing along the way,

Hulk has killed countless soldiers.

At least one or two hundred Zetauri soldiers.

And he doesn't know how to get tired.

He is getting more and more excited.

Even the explosion and the dazzling white light just now did not interrupt his actions.

It can be said that Hulk carried out the angel's order to the end. On the other hand, by turning the screen,

Fury also saw the nuclear bomb with an explosion range of only 5,000 meters.

He opened his mouth wide and didn't know what to say for a long time.

At the same time, Hill was also.

By turning around, the dazzling white light had lasted for a long time.

At the same time, she was also surprised for a long time.

Fury and Hill looked at each other.

They began to define the angel civilization in their hearts at the same time.

This is not retribution, what is it?

Although Fury thought that the upper echelons of the United States would definitely have retribution, he never thought that the retribution would be this!


All gone!

Everything is gone!

This word.

Most of the space above can be vacant.

To put it bluntly.

Fury is eager to try now.


To run for president! We are short of people now!

Since I can be the king of agents and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., then I can also try to run for president.

The important thing is to participate, the important thing is to participate.

When he thought of this,

Fury began to feel uneasy.

He had forgotten the shocking explosion just now.


Because they deserved it. They deserved it!

And they were absolutely right!

The scene turned back to the angel.

Alan raised his sword.

With a flaming cut, another giant beast was killed here!

The fourth one was solved.


Alan flashed the wings of time and space.

Flaming cut!

The fifth one!

Activate the wings of time and space again.

Flaming cut again!

The sixth one!

In just a few minutes,

Alan solved all the huge war beasts flying in the sky in succession!

These beasts really have no attack power.

But they can only cause destruction.

And they will continuously send troops!

At this time, suddenly several blue energy cannons shot at Alan.

It turned out to be the Zetauri soldiers with flying machines.

Alan pointed his sword.

Bang~bang~bang~bang~bang~bang~bang~bang~ followed by the muffled sound of several consecutive energy collisions.

All the attacks disappeared in the arc pointed by the sword tip.

But in fact, this is not disappearance.

Instead, all the energy strikes were diluted by the vibranium armor.

If it was a powerful attack.

Then outsiders could still see the energy circle that wrapped Alan's entire body when it hit.

But these attacks were too weak.

Not even enough to make the ripples splashed when they hit.


Looking at the dozens of small fry on these flying machines.

Alan suddenly remembered the abilities of the armor on them.

【Stimulate energy and decompose surrounding metal molecules.

Alan smiled and directly mobilized the energy in his body to flow into the armor!

In an instant, the entire armor emitted a silver light.

Then the Chitauri army found that the weapons, masks, and aircraft in their hands, including the metal components in their bodies, instantly turned into water and diluted!

At the same time, the Chitauri army seemed to be missing something in their bodies.

They all fell down in an instant.

Alan, who discovered this use, immediately communicated with Keira:

"Keira, use the vibranium armor's ability to decompose metal!"

"These fish should have important metal components in their bodies, and they will die directly after decomposition!"

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