


Fury cursed loudly. After hanging up the phone, Fury threw the headset to the ground.

This was the first time in his life that he got so angry.

He shouted angrily:"Are all the people above shit eaters! ?"

"Didn't you see that the angel has already appeared? Can't you control this?!"

"The president clearly wants to get rid of the angels as well!......."

"Director Fury!" Before Fury could finish his sentence,

Hill beside him interrupted Fury who was still furious.

Hill pulled Fury's arm and signaled the agents around with his eyes.

Fury reacted.


There are spies planted by the government here.

And even they don't know and can't completely control it.

So some words can't be said casually.

There will be problems.

But Fury, who was so angry, still slammed the table with a bang!

He really couldn't stand this anger!

The angels have already gone! But the higher-ups still want to drop nuclear bombs!

Are they trying to get rid of the aliens?

They obviously want to get rid of the angels together!

They just see that the angel civilization is gradually taking control of the American people!

So they want to eliminate the angels in this way!

But is it necessary? They don't look down on themselves at all! The higher-ups are still self-righteous and think that the angels will threaten their authority!

What the hell are you threatening!

In this way!

I wonder what will happen to the higher-ups after this war is over!


Fury is angry.

Fury is now gloating.

The higher-ups are doing this.

The angels will not let them go.

They just wait to be finished!!!.....

The scene turns back to the Cosmic Cube area of Harmanton.

At this time, Alan and Keira have just launched another bombing.

So the Chitauri army who just wanted to rush forward to replenish were bombed out of another gap!

It's a bit of a waste for two angels to guard here.

So Alan looked at Keira's mask and said:

"Kayla, I leave this to you. I'll go take care of the monsters and the soldiers in the city."

"Well, don't worry, leave it to me."

Kayla nodded:"Thank you for your hard work"


After saying that,

Alan flapped his wings and disappeared in an instant.

Then, as a long flying track passed through the air, a giant beast in the sky above New York City let out a terrible roar.


He was just randomly bumping around in the buildings when a golden track instantly crossed over him.

Then a cutting mark several meters long appeared on his head downwards!

This was the flame cutting used by Alan!

Different from the attack method that Luo Hua originally remembered, the flame series attack invented by Kaisha this time was very different from the original one.

Why do you say that?

The original attack first required a flame-level weapon: the Flame Sword.

Then the Flame Sword absorbed the energy emitted by the Perseverance to assist the Flame Sword attack.

So strictly speaking.

The Flame Sword's flame cutting and bombing not only absorbs energy, but also needs to input energy.

So the whole process is very slow.

And it can't be faster.

If you want to attack faster.

Then the attack power will be greatly reduced!

Finally, if you compare it this way.

In fact, the flame attack series developed by Kaisha this time is much stronger than before!


As a giant beast fell, dust instantly rose from the ground on the streets of New York.

This giant beast weighing hundreds of tons fell down at once.

The effect was no less than the collapse of a building.

Looking at the dust, one would be confused.

Alan waved his wings.

Instantly, the dust around was blown away.

The Chitauri army saw that their war beasts had been killed.

They all opened their masks and roared at Alan.



Alan snorted disdainfully.

What's the use of the roar of the trash?

Are you going to rely on these sounds to defeat me?

He casually swung the Vibranium Sword several times in a row.

At the speed of the blazing flames, another dozen Chitauri soldiers died in an instant.

Alan said that this was meaningless.

So he vibrated his wings to fly high in the sky and began to overlook the city., there are still five war beasts.


At this time, there was another explosion in the distance.

Alan looked over.

It turned out that Keira had also started bombing to create a vacuum zone. Now, as long as a legion rushed up or appeared in Keira's sight, she would directly launch a flame bombing.

"Good job, Kayla.

Alan praised him.

"Alan, are you teasing me?"

Kayla replied with a smile:"You still praise me for such a simple thing, I think you are doing it on purpose"


Alan evaded.

"Okay, I won't say any more. I'm going to deal with those big bugs."

"Then we can communicate with the king"


Kaila's mood became obviously high after hearing about the king.


Alan activated the wings of time and space directly.

Then, she instantly appeared in the sky above the war beast.

She swung her sword.

A golden energy instantly gathered on her sword.

The total gathering time was less than a second.

Then Alan swung it out.

With a"Puff!" sound, the war beast did not even make a wailing sound.

It paused, and its body, which had just been flying in the sky and dropping soldiers, fell down with a diameter of 3-5 meters without listening to the command.


As the head fell, the rest of its body also slowly crashed towards the ground.


If you look at the incision now, you can see that the place where the war beast was cut off is extremely smooth.

Both the metal and bones inside are completely separated.

Those who don't know would think it was swept by a laser.

And it must be an ultra-high-energy laser.

The second one.

There are four left.

Alan flapped his wings and flew into the sky again.

He aimed directly at the next war beast.

Wings of time and space.

With a flash of golden light.

Alan's figure disappeared in an instant.

Then she appeared again above the beast's head.

Flame cutting!


Another sound of passing by in an instant.

Another huge head fell.

Another huge body disappeared.

This is the third one.

There are three left.

Continue to fly into the sky.

Alan looked at the war beast in the distance.

If he was not afraid of using too much force and damaging the buildings and people on the ground,

Alan could just swing over here with all his strength and cut it with a flame cut.

But the corresponding buildings and humans behind the war beast would also be cut together.

So they can only be solved one by one.


Another huge explosion sounded.

The sky was once again filled with brilliant golden light.

It turned out that Keira had launched another fire bombing.

At this time, under the Stark Building,

Captain America and Natasha were shocked to see the peerless figure in the sky. They were both women.

The one over there was peerless and independent.

But she was covered in dust and panting.

Her clothes were now torn and covered with dust.

And what about the two female warrior angels?

Silver and gold armor.

Gorgeous swords.

Golden long hair.

Luxurious masks.

White and slender legs under metal boots.

What beauty do they not have?

They have occupied all the beauty.

Natasha would feel inferior whenever she saw them.

Because they were perfect.

And she was incomplete. On the other hand

, what about Captain America now?

He also smiled a little breathlessly,"It seems that we can be much more relaxed."

Natasha glanced at him and nodded.

Then she added,"But we still have to find a way"

"As long as the gate in heaven is not closed, they will continue to come in."

"Who knows how many soldiers there are?"

Captain America looked around and asked,"What do you want to do?"

Natasha looked at the launch source on the roof of Stark Tower.

"Go check it out first, the problem must be there".....

Next, Tony was entangled by a large number of aircraft and couldn't get away.

Moreover, he could only destroy a few aircraft when he found a chance to counterattack.

This was a drop in the bucket for the army of aircraft behind him.

But as the golden energy light wave lit up behind him,

Tony also complained to Jarvis in the armor:"I will also have a large-scale lethal weapon by then."

Jarvis:"Actually, this is not allowed."

"Large weapons all rely on equivalent stacking, and the inventory of the armor does not meet the requirements at all"


Unless you can research more effective and violent explosion elements.~~....

Tony sighed in the armor.

Compared to the armor, he now sees the difference between his own strength and external strength.

This is too far.��

At this time, after seeing the angel, Hulk immediately jumped towards the angel without caring about anything.

But Alan's speed was too fast.

When Alan killed the third war monster,

Banner just jumped to the foot of the building where Alan was.

Alan looked down.

It was the big doll Hulk again.

She thought for a moment, pointed her sword at Hulk, and then pointed her sword at the scattered fish walking on the ground and climbing on the wall in the distance and said:

"Go and clean up those rotten fish and shrimps."

Hulk heard that there was something to do.

He immediately shouted~~~With a roar , he rushed directly towards the Chitauri soldiers in the distance.


Roar~~! Roar~!

With the roars coming one after another.

Hulk was chasing the scum madly.

Alan put away her sword.

She looked at the second war beast and prepared to deal with it.

But the next moment.

She suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of the sea.

At the same time, a wave of anger surged in her heart.


The nuclear bomb is coming.

(The next chapter may be posted at 9-10 pm. I have something to do at home and I will be back soon. I will definitely not delay it. If I delay it, I will cut myself)

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