The whole of New York was in chaos.

There were explosions everywhere in the center of Manhattan.

Burning cars.

Overturned roads.

Damaged buildings.

Screaming crowds.

Tragedy was happening everywhere.

But the Chitauri would not stop.

Instead, they became even more ruthless.

Because all of the above were the seasonings that made them even more excited!

It was as if they were cheering for their rampage!

At this time, a flying vehicle arrived late.

They were Hawkeye, Natasha and Captain America who came late.

But looking at the Chitauri army all over the sky, they couldn't help but feel despair.

How can they destroy so many armies?

Hawkeye only had dozens of arrows. Natasha only had dozens of bullets. Captain America will also run out of energy. Tony will also have a day when his armor is damaged and his energy is exhausted. And the most important thing is that they can't clear all these aliens even if they risk their lives. So, how can they fight? Captain America looked at the flying vehicles flying overhead. He frowned and said,"Let's go to the most critical place under the Stark Tower to block it.


"This way we can eliminate as many of them as possible."


Natasha looked at the portal in the sky.

"How many more are there, do we know?"

"I don't know." Hawkeye rarely gave straightforward answers.

Then, he flicked the bow and arrow away. He took out the arrow from his back and put it on the bow and added:

"But maybe this is our last mission."

The implication is that they will all die here, and they can't retreat.

There is no way.

The first problem they have to solve is the current problem.

Hawkeye raised his head and chose a building.

"I'll find a high point to help you watch, you guys go to the main road."

Natasha and Captain America nodded.

They ran from one side of the viaduct to the Stark Tower. Along the way

, even though many Chitauri soldiers came forward to block them, they were all killed with difficulty.

However, seeing that more and more troops were surrounding them,

Captain America and Natasha were also helpless.

Without a group attack, the number of enemies was still so huge.

What should they do?

Tony was entangled by a bunch of aircraft and couldn't get away.

There would be more and more soldiers.


Suddenly, a roar was heard from afar.

A large green man was seen jumping between the buildings.

"It's Hulk!"

Natasha was delighted.

If Hulk joined in, they would be much more relaxed.

Along the way,

Hulk smashed from one building to another.

A leap in the air destroyed several aircraft.

For a while, only Hulk's effect was significant.

However, even if Hulk destroyed so many, it was only a small part of the overwhelming Chitauri army. Not even one thousandth or one ten-thousandth! But in terms of the effect of inspiring people, this did help. At this time, Thor was also fighting with Loki. He knocked Loki out with a hammer and cursed:

"Do you know where you started this war? This is Earth! This is Midgard!"

"This is where the angel civilization is currently located! They are nearby!"

"Why are you still doing this?"

Luo Hua climbed up with the scepter in his hand.

"Don't you like fighting? Why are you afraid now!?"

"How many Zetatian soldiers can one angel kill?"

"Do you know how many soldiers they have?"

Boom boom~!

There was a bombing sound nearby.

Thor took a look and saw that the damage was still increasing.

The portal above his head was getting bigger and bigger.

Moreover, more and more soldiers were pouring out!

A quick battle was necessary!

Thor clenched his hammer and rushed forward again.

Loki would not fight him head-on. He dodged.

Loki looked at his brother and said sarcastically:

"What if an angel comes this time?"

"Can they handle so many soldiers?"

"You guys keep saying they are awesome, but I can't see anything!"

Sol's attack was dodged.

He started to summon lightning to attack Sol.

"I am oblivious!"

"If you have to see the truth before you know it, then it will be too late!"

"It’s no use for you to regret!"

"I'm telling you for the last time! Hurry up and close the portal!"

Thor raised the Thor's hammer shining with lightning.

If Loki didn't want to close it, then Thor would just electrocute him!

But Loki, who was standing on the roof, smiled.

A confident smile appeared on his lips.

"The facts will tell us the answer."

After saying that, he fell backwards and fell directly down.

Thor hurried to check.

But he saw Loki who had left in a flying vehicle.

He was sitting in the back seat of the aircraft, laughing and shouting to Thor:

"I am the king hahahaha~~~~"

Thor was so angry that he clenched his hammer.

He almost wore a mask of pain.

However, even if he wore the mask of pain, it would be useless.

Boom~! Boom boom boom!!!

There were explosions everywhere.

There were cries everywhere.

Thor couldn't imagine how crazy he would be if he was in Asgard.

But even though this was Earth, he still began to get a little impatient!

What should he do?

At this time, near the Stark Building, in a church that was temporarily bought not long ago, a group of people who were praying were surrounded by the Chitauri army.

They pointed their thin-barreled semi-energy weapons at dozens of people here.

There were men, old people, women, and children here.

But there was only one reason why they gathered together at this time.

That was to pray for angels.

Because this is the church of angels!

The church here was also bought by everyone's collective funds!

This is because they needed a place to gather.

Today they came to pray for angels as usual.

But unexpectedly, outside���However, there were explosions.

Soon after, they were blocked by the group of aliens and pointed weapons at them.

Fortunately, they did not shoot. Instead , they gathered people here.

Now they are huddled in a corner.

Some people closed their eyes and kept repeating the word"angel" in their hearts.

It seemed that when faced with a crisis, only these two words could give her psychological comfort.

But while repeating these two words, she accidentally made a little sound.

It was as if the sound of falling started again.

The people around followed suit at once.

One person may not make much sound.

But dozens of people chanting together become a sincere and majestic warning.

The surrounding Chitauri soldiers were startled.

They all raised their weapons and pointed them at them.


Suddenly, a roar came from outside that was not from the Hulk.

This time, the Zetauri soldiers turned their heads to look.

It turned out that their war monster appeared on the field.


All the Zetawi soldiers began to cheer.

They cheered that the real war had begun.

As long as the behemoths began to drop soldiers!

You will have countless soldiers and units landing.

By then, both the land and the air will be occupied by them.

The scene will fall directly.

Looking back, these Zetawi soldiers raised their weapons again and pointed them at the crowd again.

And this time, they slowly wanted to pull the trigger.......

But the voices of the crowd chanting angels were getting louder and louder.

When they saw the enemy about to pull the trigger, they immediately shouted some unknown blessing and rushed forward.

But it was obvious that if the Zetauri soldiers pulled the trigger, they would die.

At the same time,

Luo Hua, who had seen all this in the Sky City, waved his hand.

"Let them go first."


Alan and Keira nodded together.

They put on the silver mask.

Then they opened their wings and disappeared in an instant.

Only the golden light remained.

This is the mobility of the Wings of Time and Space.



At the moment when the crowd rushed forward and the Chitauri were about to pull the trigger, several golden arcs suddenly swung in from outside the church.

Then, the Chitauri soldiers were cut in two.

Their upper bodies slowly fell diagonally to the ground.

And then they died.

The crowd that rushed forward paused.

Through the tiny gap, they vaguely saw that it was an angel.


Plop plop plop plop~~~

All of a sudden.

From the first kneeling sound, one after another kneeled on the ground.

After a while, dozens of people in the church knelt down.

At this time, Keira and Alan in the sky outside the church looked at each other.

They nodded together and flew to the sky above Stark Building in an instant.

Alan swung the vibranium sword.

A golden arc several meters long instantly flew to the door of the portal opened by the space gem.


Then a huge explosion sounded.

The huge energy wave expanded directly to the point of���Hundreds of meters!

If it weren't for the people on the ground,

Alan and Keira could now launch a bombardment with an explosion diameter of hundreds of meters!

And this bombing directly brought down the endless Chitauri army and created a gap.

"Oh My God~~~~~......."

The huge noise at this time made Natasha, Captain America, Hawkeye and Tony all see the explosion.

The huge golden energy engulfed all the Chitauri troops near the portal.

All of them were completely destroyed.

They all stood there in shock.

They didn't react until the Chitauri soldiers rushed up.

At this time, the aerospace carrier was injured. All the agents, including Fury, Hill, and Coulson, watched the broadcast on the monitor with their mouths wide open.

This bombing with a diameter of 100 meters was just a casual attack by that angel! ?

And this time, two angels were dispatched at once! ?

Then this!

Isn't it stable?

At this time.

Suddenly, a call came to Fury's headset. After Fury answered it, he shouted out in a short while.

"What!? You're still going to drop a nuclear bomb!? Didn't you see the angels have already appeared!? Are you crazy!?"


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