As the big hole exploded,

Banner fell directly to the negative first floor beside the experiment!


Tony shouted after seeing it.

Then he wanted to see Captain America:"Will he get bigger?"

Captain America thought about it and shook his head:"I don't know"

"Then I'd better put on the armor first."

Tony said and ran to the armor immediately.

At this time, Banner, who fell to the negative first floor, was not actually furious.

He patted the dust on his body.

Then he climbed up and looked at the surrounding scene.

Banner sniffed fiercely with his nose, and then walked towards Loki.

No matter what,

Loki must be the culprit of all this.

So there must be nothing wrong in looking for Loki now.

Banner said and walked away.

While walking, he shook his neck and moved his wrists.

At this time, Loki in the green can laughed after hearing the explosion.

But he There was no sound of Hulk's roar.

This made him feel a little strange. With such a big noise and excitement.

How could Banner not turn into Hulk?

However, with the disruption of the aerospace carrier.

Luo Hua was also watching the show leisurely in the sky city.

Anyway, he really regarded it as a rewatch of the movie.

But it was just a little different from before.

For example, Hulk was the biggest difference.

The current Hulk could control his temper very well.

He was not angry even though he fell from the explosion.

Instead, he went directly to find Loki very calmly.

Loki was bound to be beaten.


A few minutes later, the plot changed.

Coulson, who was supposed to die, was fine because of Hulk's arrival.

And Thor, who was supposed to be tricked by Loki into the green can, has now become Hulk! ?

It's still the same trick.

But it's Banner who rushed in.

Because Banner was too anxious to beat Loki, he was tricked into going in.


Loki waved at Banner.


In an instant, Banner immediately turned into Hulk and raised his fist to hit the shield.

Loki's face changed.

He immediately pressed the release button.

After a whoosh~!

Hulk successfully fell down.


Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

If Hulk rushed out, he would be finished.


Loki looked at Coulson who was standing aside.

He was just about to take action.

At this time, an agent came to support him.

Loki's face changed. He immediately chose to escape.

He couldn't fight now.

Because Dr. Eric was going to build a portal in Stark Tower.

So his goal now was to leave immediately.......

The scene turned back.

Luo Hua was basking in the warm midday sun on a reclining chair in the courtyard. Of the three reclining chairs next to him, only one was occupied.

That was Liang Bing.

Currently, Kaisha and He Xi were still discussing things in the pavilion. Luo Hua put his hands behind his head. He squinted his eyes. Then he looked at Liang Bing who was lying on the reclining chair with her eyes looking at him.

"Are you basking in the sun or looking at me?"

"Look at you." Liang Bing admitted directly.

Luo Hua slowly opened his eyes.

Then he glared at Liang Bing.

Then Luo Hua bit his lower lip lightly with his upper teeth.

Sure enough.

Liang Bing reacted and turned back to lie down facing the sun.

Because Luo Hua did this to her last time.

If it wasn't daytime and He Xi and the others came,

Luo Hua would let her limp back.

After Liang Bing lay down.

Luo Hua looked at Liang Bing, whose skin was crystal clear due to the sun.

Liang Bing noticed it and turned her head and asked,"White, right?"

Luo Hua nodded, then shook his head.

Then he turned to the side and looked at He Xi's legs.

""No, He Xi is not good."

Liang Bing:!?

The moment Luo Hua said this,

He Xi, who was talking to Kaisha in the pavilion, immediately showed an unconcealed smile.

It turned out that even if they were talking, they were listening here. Kaisha looked at He Xi, who was just talking to her and turned into this in an instant. She couldn't help but tap He Xi's head with her finger.

"Can you care about me?"

He Xi rubbed his head:"Isn't that talking to you?"

Kaisha sighed.

In her heart, she said that she valued love over friendship.

Her attention was all on Luo Hua.

How could she talk to herself?

At most, it was like multitasking.

In fact, little did she know that Kaisha herself was the same.

They were just the same. She continued to bask in the warm sun.

But after a while.

Oh well~~~~

Luo Hua yawned while lying on the recliner.

He was so sleepy from the sun.

But he couldn't sleep now. He could watch a movie soon.

Luo Hua turned his head to look at Harmanton in New York City.

At this time, Eric had already set up the Cosmic Cube Activator on the roof of the Stark Building.

In other words, the Chitauri army will be here soon.

How can he sleep then!

But what should he do now that he is lazy and listless?

Luo Hua turned his head to look at Liang Bing.

Liang Bing felt that Luo Hua was looking at her, so she turned her head to look at him.

Luo Hua looked at her.

Then he stretched out his hand and put his elbow on the armrest.

Liang Bing looked confused.

What does the king want?


Liang Bing gestured to food.

Luo Hua shook his head.

Then Liang Bing thought about it again and slowly tried to reach out her hand.

But she didn't expect Luo Hua to have any objection.

Liang Bing immediately put her hand on Luo Hua's palm.

Then she saw Luo Hua turned his head back.

But his hand was rubbing her hand.

That's right.

Luo Hua was just bored.

Then he wanted to find something to pinch.

But what could be more fun than an angel's hand?

And isn't there something ready-made around?

Rubbing Liang Bing's hands.

Luo Hua's squinting eyes made his mind more alert.

Now it's better to move his hands than to be lazy and not move.

And Liang Bing.

Her expression was as if her feet were being pressed.

Every time Luo Hua's fingers intersected with hers, her expression would change.

People who didn't know would think that hands were her sensitive parts.

At this time.

Liang Bing, Kaisha and He Xi looked towards Luo Hua at the same time.


In fact, they were looking in the direction of Luo Hua.

That is, the Stark Tower.

Du Weng~~~~

At the same time, a huge muffled sound spread throughout New York.

It turned out that Eric had already activated the Cosmic Cube.

But the angels' space-time detection technology is faster.

So the instability of space-time was discovered before the Cosmic Cube was officially activated.

But this is not the most important thing.

The previous second, Kaisha and Hexi were still looking in the direction of the Stark Building next to Luo Hua.

But the next second they all looked at Luo Hua's right hand.

To be precise, it was Luo Hua's right hand and Liang Bing's left hand.

They focused their attention on Liang Bing's hand held by Luo Hua.

At this time, Luo Hua turned his head slightly to look at the Stark Building.

When Liang Bing noticed their gaze, she turned her head and blinked.

Then she turned back pretending to be innocent.

This is not my initiative, right?

It was the king who wanted to hold my hand.

What can you do to me?


This is what Liang Bing is thinking in her heart now.


At this time, two footsteps were heard outside the courtyard.

It was Alan and Kayla.

They came to the door, then saluted Luo Hua and walked in.

"King, the portal is open, when will we set out?"

Luo Hua closed his eyes and heard what Alan and Keira said.

He let go of Liang Bing's hand and sat up.


He stretched himself and yawned.

You know what, squeezing Liang Bing's hand really made him feel more energetic.

He turned his head and looked at the portal in the center of New York City.

Luo Hua could only sigh that New York was really miserable.

The streets where the Destroyers rioted last time have not been repaired yet.

And they have only been repaired a little bit.

As a result, it is going to be destroyed again, and it is even more severe.

In short, New York will never be well.

"You can go out when they have a disgusting fat bug."

Fat bug.

Alan and Kayla remembered the fat bug.

Then they went to the pavilion and sat down to wait.

Then Luo Hua lay down again and thought about it.

Then he added again:"After we eliminate some of the Chitauri soldiers sent by New York City,"

"Remember not to close the portal immediately, remember to contact me"

"Their portals have large battleships deep in the universe."

"Remember to keep that thing, you can go to the universe and exchange it for something ready-made"

""Yes." Keira and Alan nodded.

Apart from other things, the Chitauri warship is still worth a little money.

The value here does not mean that it is worth money to the angel civilization. It is valuable to other civilizations in the universe.

When the time comes, it can be used to exchange for some ready-made metal resources.

This can also be regarded as expressing a message to the universe that the Chitauri are garbage.


As the portal was slowly opened��


Soon, the overwhelming Chitauri army came out of the portal.

They flew from top to bottom, passing by the Stark Building frantically.

Then, when they were close to the ground, countless aircraft began to bombard continuously.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

In an instant, those deceived citizens finally knew what they were here for.

This was an alien invasion!!!

"Ah ah ah~~!!!!"

Crying, shouting, yelling.

The whole of New York was caught in such an environment.

Bombing, explosions, screams!

The whole scene was in chaos.

Even the red and yellow armor that just flew out of the building was being chased and beaten by the endless Chitauri army.

If he dared to stop for a second, then dozens of bombs would hit his face!

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