2-3 days later,

Luo Hua, who had already finished studying the information, had already started preparing for a fixed address.

After all, as an angel king, he couldn't not even have a normal home.

The Suborbital Angel City must be built.

But not now.

If possible, Luo Hua first planned to create the only thing in normal human society that would come into contact with normal people.

That is......: Angel investment.

(I will pay attention to the style and status, and it will only be like this in the early stage. You can rest assured that the character setting will be improved in the future, and the combat power will also be improved.)

This is the only contact between angels and people in society.

The company only recruits people who believe in angels.

As a king of angel civilization, he cannot contact mortals casually, and other angels cannot do so.

But angels cannot have no contact with normal society.

Therefore, a proper angel investment is very good.

In ancient times, it was called the Angel Kingdom.

In modern times, it is called angel investment.

In the universe, it is called angel civilization.

That's about it, and the temporary plan is also like this.

But there is something worth talking about these days.

That is the time when Luo Hua appeared in Dubai.

The clearest video on the YouTube video website has reached tens of millions of views.

And it will soon exceed hundreds of millions.

If it were normal, this video would have been popular all over the world.

The reason why it has only tens of millions of views now is that many people think that Luo Hua is a 3D synthesized character.

The comments are all saying that such an angel is too perfect.

Such videos are so real that they are unreal.

But even so.

The tens of millions of views still brought Luo Hua a lot of energy reserves.

He didn't need to save money on opening the [Eye of Insight] during those days. At 9:37 in the morning, the entrance of Stark Building was crowded with reporters from various companies. Usually, those who were invited to enter would enter, and those who were not invited would be fine. But Tony's press conference

......It's different. Tony got out of the back seat of the Rolls-Royce.

Tony had a gauntlet on his right hand.

Then he took the burger from his good friend, the bodyguard Happy.

"You, you, you, and you, plus these two can all go in." Tony casually pointed to a few reporters he liked.

He walked into Stark Tower with his people.

Yes, this is Tony.

He is the only one who made such a casual decision.

At the same time.

In a luxury top hotel in New York.

Luo Hua was also casually manipulating several data on the notebook in front of him.

If you look closely, everyone will know what it is.

Yes, it is stocks.

With Tony announcing the closure of the weapons manufacturing department later.

The stock of Stark Group will inevitably plummet.

In other words, you can make a lot of money by simply shorting the stock market.

It is different from the usual way of going long, that is, making money when the stock rises.

This way of shorting makes money when the stock falls..

But I won't go into details, anyway, it's just to"borrow" some money from the stocks that Stark is bound to lose.

After all, it will take money to build the Angel Investment Building, and some miscellaneous necessities will also require money.

Although Luo Hua doesn't care about the balance in the account or how much money he can make.

But this thing is also necessary.

Even if it is the reward for saving Tony, at most he can just give Tony some technology that he can't use in the future.

Technology that God can't use is considered top technology here.


Stark's press conference continued.

Tony sat casually on the steps, holding a hamburger in his left hand and took a bite.

Chewing food in his mouth.

Then he was suddenly stunned, as if he remembered something

"I seem to remember that I said, I want to treat an angel to a piece of my favorite burger."

As soon as Tony finished speaking, a reporter at the scene immediately asked loudly:"Is it the angel from Dubai! ?"

"The angel in Dubai?"Tony asked in confusion.

The reporter immediately took out his phone.

Then he opened the video of the flock of birds surrounding Luo Hua and handed it to Tony.

Tony leaned forward slightly until he finished watching the video.

He turned around and looked at the reporters in front of him and asked,"Does anyone know where he lives?"


Faced with this question, everyone shook their heads in unison.

It is still unknown whether it is true or not, who knows where he lives.

When even Obadiah didn't know what Tony was thinking.

The reporter who showed Tony the video immediately turned his eyes and asked:

"Mr. Stark, do you know this angel? I think you just mentioned inviting an angel to dinner....Hamburger."

Tony's face turned serious at this time.

He looked at the reporters underground and said,"Yes, his name is Luo Hua, he is the angel who saved me once in Afghanistan."

"If you know where he is, I really want to treat him to my favorite burger."

The audience knew Tony was serious, after all, he had shared his favorite things.

But they still couldn't help but laugh.

Treating an angel to a burger, only Tony could think of that.

"We don't know where he is, but in the video Mr. Angel appeared in a tower in Dubai before saving you."

"After that, he has never been found again in the world."

After Luo Hua came to the United States, he folded his wings in places where there were people.

Although he didn't like to fold his wings, he preferred the feeling of spreading them, but for the sake of unnecessary trouble, he folded them first.

So before the popularity of the angel really rises, he can still walk outside.

Hearing the answers from the reporters, Tony nodded and said,"Then I hope I can see Mr. Angel again."

After saying this,

Tony stood up.

He walked behind the podium and looked at everyone with a serious face.

Then after a moment of silence, Tony officially began to review the various treatments he had received in Afghanistan.

Until the end, he looked at the crowd and said slowly:"Now I declare that Stark Weapons Division will be closed forever until it has meaning to appear again."

At the same time, the Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, also known as S.H.I.E.L.D., was also discussing the same thing as Tony had just said.

That is: Angel..............................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, please, this is very important to me.)

(Today's plot may be a bit bland, because I need to lay the groundwork a little bit, and the rest will not be too close to the plot, and I will directly write the highlights.)

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