Watching Tony go from suspended in the air to falling.~~~

Luo Hua sighed, then flew down, holding the armor parts on Tony's back and slowly descended.

If he fell directly from a height of several hundred meters, even if Tony was lucky, he would die.

He recovered from his panic until his feet stepped on the soft desert.

Tony's legs softened and he knelt directly on the sand.

After a while,

Tony took off the remaining Mark I parts on his body.

Then he said breathlessly:"Thank you, angel, what's your name? I'll treat you to my favorite hamburger some other time.".....

Who saved you for a hamburger?

After a while, Tony changed his kneeling position to sitting.

Then he swallowed twice thirstily and looked at Luo Hua standing beside him and said:

"How come you are so handsome? Are all angels so beautiful?"

Flattery never wears out.

Hearing Tony speak the truth,

Luo Hua looked at Tony and nodded slightly,"That's right, no one can compare to an angel." Tony nodded in agreement after hearing this. Then he suddenly asked,"Do you have any water? I'm dying of thirst. Although I have some in my bladder, I don't recommend using it directly."


Hearing Tony's Tony-style words,

Luo Hua looked in a distant direction and said,"The transport helicopter will be here in a few minutes. The military must know about such a big explosion."

Hearing that someone came to rescue him in the vast desert,

Tony immediately looked in the direction Luo Hua looked.

But because of his eyesight, he couldn't see anything.

Covering his head with the scorching sun, Tony decided to wait without saying a word.

He still wanted to believe what the angel said.

A few minutes later, a transport helicopter really came.~~~~

After confirming that it was Tony's military friend Colonel Rody ,

""Okay, I'm leaving too. See you in the United States."

Luo Hua threw down a sentence and flew away.

Pah! Pah~Pah~

He spit out a few mouthfuls of sand brought up by Luo Hua's wings.

Tony looked at Luo Hua who had already flown away and shouted:"Where are we meeting! ? You haven't told me where you live yet! ?"

Where to live? If Luo Hua heard what he said, he would ask himself.

He doesn't even have a home.

Where can he live?

But Luo Hua has already made preparations.

The Eye of Insight can have other uses.

For example, the Eye of Insight's ability to collect information + the invincible learning ability of his body and brain.

That is like a computer, no, a learning ability that is stronger than a computer.

One scan, one record, one learning.

What can't be learned in modern technology.

Tony's side.

When the carrier helicopter slowly landed in front of Tony.

Colonel Rody ran out the moment the hatch opened and half-knelt in front of Tony to check the situation

"How are you? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, Rody." Tony put one hand on Rody's shoulder and said ,"An angel saved me, otherwise you would have seen a pool of meat."

Tony pointed to the sky and compared the posture of a plane crash with his hand. He also compared the posture of a plane crash with his mouth.~~~Rody frowned and reached out to touch Tony's head.

Is this kid stupid?


Rody's hand was slapped away.

Tony got up and said with a serious look,"It's time to go back. There are still many things to deal with."

Feeling Tony's seriousness,

Rody also confirmed that his brain was fine.

"Let’s go, do you still want to ride in your own Jeep in the future?"


The scene returned to Luo Hua.

Half an hour later.

Luo Hua had already flown from Afghanistan to New York.

Then he folded his wings, found a large library and walked in.

After picking up a few books at random.

Luo Hua found a seat and sat down.

Although he didn't need books, he could collect all the books and materials here with the Eye of Insight.

But after all, it takes time to learn everything, so he still needs to pretend.

A few hours passed.

More and more people came to this large library.

Luo Hua also found that other seats were occupied, but only his table of 6 people was empty. Did they not want to sit with him?

No, not really.

They all felt that they were not worthy of sitting with Luo Hua.

If it was on the street, someone would have come up to chat with them.

But in this library, it was obvious that people here were still polite and knew not to bother others.

Closing the books in his hand,

Luo Hua returned the books.

Now all the information in the entire library has been collected by his Eye of Insight.

If he hadn't learned too slowly, the Eye of Insight would have analyzed the information in an instant.

There was no need to analyze and learn at the same time.

Maybe we can create a database of angel civilization in the future.

This will be much more convenient.

But if others knew what Luo Hua was thinking now, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood.

I finished learning a library in a few hours, what else do you want!! ? ?

At this time, Tony had already returned to his home.

And announced that a press conference would be held at Stark Tower in 2 days.

This was already very urgent, and some of his wounds had not healed yet.........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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