After everyone was calm for a long time,

Luo Hua was about to take action.


Dada Dada Dada~~~~

There were fierce gunfire and explosions coming from the cave in the distance.

The mercenaries outside the field immediately turned their heads to look at the cave where the smoke was coming out.

They looked at each other.

One of the commanders shouted, and the crowd immediately ran towards the cave with guns in hand......

Looking at the empty field around him,

Luo Hua didn't know what to say.

Just ignore the person who suddenly landed?

Even if you don't know if it's an invader, it's not a good idea to just ignore it.


After the group of people left, the sound of explosions came from the cave again.

After thinking about it,

Luo Hua also walked towards the cave where the explosion sounded.

What else can the explosions and gunshots in the cave mean now?

Of course, Tony is ready to rush out.

Along the way,

Luo Hua saw a lot of weapons and ammunition.

Among them, there are heavy firearms that can pose a threat to his current first-generation angel body.

For example, the Stark Industrial missile smuggled by Obadiah.

That thing is still a bit threatening to Luo Hua.

But Luo Hua must be blown up on the spot.

Otherwise, the missile can't catch up with him at that flying speed.

As he walked, the gunshots got closer and more frequent.

Da da da da da da~~!!!

Just a few dozen meters away from the cave, Luo Hua could see the flames of the fire snakes in the cave.

There was a box of nuts on the table on the left.

Luo Hua walked up and grabbed a handful.

Then he prepared to go into the cave.

As for nuts, they could be used as marbles, but his hand strength might be a bit too strong.

It is not impossible that brain matter would be ejected.

He came to the outskirts of the cave.

There were still a few mercenaries squatting at the door.

They stuck to the wall outside the cave, and then stretched their heads to observe with guns in their hands.

They were so focused that they didn't notice that a winged angel was standing a few dozen meters behind them.

One of the mercenaries suddenly raised his gun above his head and kept firing inside.

But then.

A fire snake several dozen meters long immediately swallowed them up.

This was obviously the flamethrower system of Tony's first suit of armor.

Other weapons don't have this firepower.


The swaying fire snakes echoed in the valley along with the screams of the mercenaries.

After a while, a"robot" that looked like it was made of scrap metal came out clumsily.

But unlike the original plot, the mercenaries outside were attracted there.

This time, after Tony came out, there were only a few defenders outside.

However, Tony's Mark I was obviously more damaged than the original plot because of this.

There were even sparks coming out of the joints of one of the legs.

As the charred bodies around were still burning,

Tony, in his exhausted state, also saw an angel with white wings and a much more handsome appearance than himself standing outside the cave.


Tony asked himself doubtfully.

But just when he was thinking about whether to roast the angel together,

Luo Hua took out a few nuts from his left hand.

Then he flicked them at the mercenaries on the periphery.



Puff! Puff! Puff!

It was like piercing tofu.

Several people who were flicked with nuts by Luo Hua fell to the ground, leaving a pool of blood on the ground.

After dealing with these people,

Luo Hua threw away the other extra nuts in his hand, and clapped his hands.

But just when he looked at Tony,

Tony reflexively stumbled back two steps.

He was really afraid that his steel armor could not block that thing.

But seeing that Luo Hua had thrown away the nuts, Tony was relieved and joked:

""Hey handsome angel, did you come down from the sky to save me?"

Luo Hua curled his lips helplessly after hearing this.

Since Tony was fine and he had shown his face, there was no need for any extra conversation.

Finally, he clapped his hands.

Luo Hua flapped his wings without saying a word and flew into the sky.

Tony looked at the angel who ignored him and flew away. He wanted to scratch his nose awkwardly.

But because he was wearing armor, he could only think about it.

Looking at the empty valley.

When Tony was considering leaving, he suddenly discovered something.

He lifted the leg of Mark I and limped over.

Tony suddenly lifted the cloth covering some boxes.

The obvious logo of Stark Industries was directly exposed.

Looking at the missile weapons in the distance, all of them were... It is a product of Stark Industries.

In other words, someone sold the weapons to them without his approval.

Tony was so angry that he wanted to smash the box.

But the problem now is to destroy all these things.

No one can find out that Stark sold these things here.

Therefore, blowing up the entire valley is the best option.

Luo Hua was floating above Tony's head and watching.

With a rumbling sound, the whole valley shook.

And a figure flew out of the valley at the right time.

And it happened to fly to the same height as Luo Hua.

Tony looked at the angel in the sky.

He roared in surprise.~~~Suddenly

, before he could be happy that he had escaped, the leg that was originally emitting sparks was directly disintegrated by the force of the flames.

As the power disappeared, Tony's Mark I was still suspended in the sky for a moment.

Then it fell down suddenly.

At that moment, Luo Hua saw Tony's confused expression.

Tony: I knock!!!........................................

(Please give me flowers and votes, this is very important to me.)

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